Fresh Seafood Merchandise
Non-Refrigerated Curved Glass Unit
Shown with optional front clam bar
51” D x 40” H
12’ unit shown with optional
clam bar on front
Available with following options:
• Air overflow refrigeration
• Retarder coil refrigeration
• Clam bar on front
• Additional scale stands
• Additional waterproof duplex receptacles
• Inside mirrored end panels
• Diamond plate end panels
Part #
FSM14443-CB-CS 12’ Fresh Seafood Merchandiser
FSM16843-CB-CS 14’ Fresh Seafood Merchandiser
FSM19243-CB-CS 16’ Fresh Seafood Merchandiser
FSM21643-CB-CS 18’ Fresh Seafood Merchandiser
FSM24043-CB-CS 20’ Fresh Seafood Merchandiser
Custom Description Dimensions Electrical Drains
12’-0” L x 51” D x 40” H
14’-0” L x 51” D x 40” H
16’-0” L x 51” D x 40” H
18’-0” L x 51” D x 40” H
20’-0” L x 51” D x 40” H
1 each 120V 20 Amp waterproof
duplex receptacle for scale
1 each 120V 20 Amp waterproof
duplex receptacle for scale
1 each 120V 20 Amp waterproof
duplex receptacle for scale
1 each 120V 20 Amp waterproof
duplex receptacle for scale
1 each 120V 20 Amp waterproof
duplex receptacle for scale
1 ea. 1-½”
1 ea. 1-½”
1 ea. 1-½”
1 ea. 1-½”
1 ea. 1-½”
tlantic Food Bars
Toll Free 888-632-5765