Ativa P75234 User Manual

Ativa Tech Support
US: 1-866-91-ATIVA (1-866-912-8482)
© 2006 Ativa. All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed. Apple, AirPort, Mac, Mac OS, and AppleTalk are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Windows, NT, and Microsoft are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Wireless G
User Manual
Table of Contents
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Benefits of a Home Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Advantages of a Wireless Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Product Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3. Knowing your Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Package Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
System Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Easy Install Wizard Software System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4. Connecting and Configuring your Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5. Alternate Setup Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6. Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Changing LAN Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Viewing the DHCP Client List Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Configuring the Wireless Network Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Securing your Wi-Fi Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
WEP Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
WPA Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Setting WPA/WPA2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Using the Access Point Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Configuring the Firewall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Setting MAC Address Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Restarting the Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Updating the Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
7. Manually Configuring Network Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
8. Recommended Web Browser Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
9. Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
10. Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Thank you for purchasing the Ativa Wireless G Router (the Router). The following two short sections discuss the benefits of home networking and outline best practices for maximizing your wireless home network range and performance. Please be sure to read through this User Manual completely, and pay special attention to the section entitled “Placement of your Router for Optimal Performance” on page 2.
Benefits of a Hom e N etwork
Share one high -speed Internet connection with all the computers in your home
Share resou rces , such as fil es and hard drives among all the connected computers i n your home
Share a single prin ter with the ent ire fam ily
Share docum ents, music , vide o, a nd digital pict ures
Store, retrieve, and copy files from one computer to another
Simultaneo usly play ga mes online , check Interne t e mail, and chat
Advan tages of a Wireless Network
Mobility – you’ll no lon ge r need a dedicated “computer room”—now you can work on a netw orked lapt op or desktop co mputer anywhere within your wireless range
Easy ins tallati on – The Ativa Easy Installation Wizard makes setup simple
Flexi bility – set up and access printers, c omputers, and other networking devices fro m a nywh ere i n your home
Easy expan sion – the wide range of Ativa network ing products le ts you expand you r n etwork to inc lude devices such as printers a nd gaming cons oles
No cabling required – you can spare the expense and hassle of retrofitting Ethernet cabling throu ghout the hom e o r office
Widespread industry acceptanc e – choose from a wide range of interope rabl e n etworki ng products
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Placement of your Router for Optimal Performance
Important Factors for Placement and Setup
Your wireless connection will be stronger the closer your co mputer is to your Router. Typical indoor operating range for wireless de vices is betw een 100 and 200 feet.
In the same way, your wireles s c onnecti on and performance will degrade somewhat as the distance between your Rout er and connec ted device s increase s. This may or may not be notic eable to you. As you move far ther from your Router, connec tion speed may dec re ase. Fac tors that can weak en signals simply by get ting in the way of your ne twork’s radio waves are metal appliances or obstruc tions, an d walls .
If you have concern s a bout your network’s perfor mance that mi ght be related to ran ge or ob struction fact ors, try moving the computer to a position between five a nd 10 fe et away from the Router in order to see if distance is the problem . If difficulties persist even at clo se range, please contact Ativa Technical Support .
Note: Whi le some of the items listed below can affect network performance, they will not prohibit your wirele ss network from functioning; if you are concerned that your netw ork is not operating at its maximum effective ness, this checklist may hel p.
1. Wireless Router Placement
Place your Route r, the ce ntral connection point of your network , as close as possible to the center of your wi re less netwo rk devices .
To achie ve the best wireless network cove rage for your “ wireless clients”
(i.e., c omputers ena bled by Ativa Wireless Notebook Network Cards, Wireless Desktop Network Card s, and Wireless USB Adapters):
Ensure that yo ur Ro uter’s networking antennas are parallel to each
other, and are positioned vertically (toward the ceili ng). If your Router itself is positioned vertically, poin t t he antenna s a s much as possible in an upward direct ion.
In multistory homes, pl ace the Router on a floo r t hat is as close
to the center of the ho me as possibl e. This may mean pla cing the Router on an upper floor.
Try not to place the Ro uter near a cordless phone.
2. Avoid Obstacles and Interference
Avoid pl acing your Router near devices that may e mit radio “no ise,” such as microwave ovens . Dense obje cts that can inh ibit wireless communic ation incl ude:
• Refrigerators
• Washers and /or drye rs
• Met al cabinet s
• Large aquari ums
• Met allic-based , UV-tinte d w indows
If your wireless sig nal seems wea k i n s ome spots, make sure that ob jects
such as these are not blocking the signal ’s path (b etween your computers and Router).
3. Cordless Phones
If the performance of your wireles s n etwork is imp aired after att ending to the above issu es, and you have a cordless ph one:
• Try mo ving cordless phones away from the Rout er and your wireless -enabled computers.
• Unp lug and remove the ba ttery from any cordless phone that operate s on the 2.4GHz band (check the manufacturer’s in fo rmation ). If this fixes the proble m, your phon e m ay be interfering.
• If you r p hone suppo rts ch annel selection, change the chan nel on the phone to the far thest channel from your wireless network. For example, change the phone to chann el 1 a nd move your Router to channel 11. See your pho ne’s user ma nu al fo r d etailed in struction s.
• If nec essary, conside r s witching to a 900MHz cordles s p hone.
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4. Choose the “Quietest” Channel for your Wireless Network
In locations where home s o r offices are close together, suc h a s a partm ent buildings or office complexes, there may be wirele ss network s n earby that can conflict with yours.
Use the Site Su rvey capabil ities found in the wi re less utili ty of your
wireless ad apter or card to locate any oth er wireless net works that are avail able (see your wireless adapter’s o r c ard’s user manual), and move your Router and com puters to a chan nel as far away from other networks as possible.
• Experiment with more than one of the available channels in order to find the clearest connection and avoid interference from neighboring cordless phones or other wireless devices.
• For Ativa wireless networking products, use the detailed Site Survey and wireless channel information included with your Wireless Network Card or Adapter. See your Network Card’s user guide for more information.
These guidelines should allow yo u t o c over the maximu m p ossible area
with your Router.
5. Secure Connections, VPNs, and AOL
Secure conn ections ty pically require a user name and password , and are used where securit y i s i mportant . Secure con nection s i nclude:
• Virtual Privat e N etwork (VPN) connections, often used to connect remotely to an office ne twork
• The “Bring Your Own Access” progra m f ro m America Online (AO L), which lets you us e AOL throu gh broadband provided by anoth er cable or DSL service
• Mos t o nline bank ing websit es
• Many com mercial websites that require a user name and password to access your account
Se cure connect ions can be inte rrupted by a compu ter’s power
management setting , which causes it to “go to sleep.” The simpl est solution to avoid this is to simp ly reco nnect by rerunnin g t he VP N or AOL software, or by re-logging into the secure websi te.
A sec ond alternative is to chan ge your co mputer’s power management
settings so it does not go to sleep; however, this may not be appro priate for portable computers. To ch ange your power manage ment setti ng under Windows, see the “Power Opt ions” item in the Control Panel.
If you continue to have diffic ulty with Secure Connec tions, VPNs , and
AOL, p lease review th e s teps above to be sure you have add ressed these issues.
For more information regarding our networking products, visit our website at
www.ati vasu pport .com or call Ativa Technical Support at:
US: 1-866-91-ATIVA (1-866-912-8482)
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Product Overview
Product Features
In minutes you will be able to share your Inte rnet conne ction and net work your comput ers. The following is a list of features that ma ke your new Ativa Wireless G Router an ideal soluti on fo r your home or small office network.
Works with Both PCs and Mac® Computers
The Router supports a variety of networking environments including Mac OS® X v 10.x, Apple Talk®, Linux®, Windows® 98, Me, NT®, 2000, an d XP, and others. All that is needed is an Internet browse r a nd a n etwork ada pter that suppor ts TCP/ IP (the stand ard language of the Inter net).
Front-Panel LED Display
Lighted LEDs on the front of the Router ind icate whic h f unction s a re in operation. You’ll know at-a-gla nce whether your Router is connected to the Internet. This feature elim inates the ne ed fo r a dvan ced software and status-monitori ng procedures.
Web-Based Advanced User Interface
You can set up the Rout er’s advanced functions easily throu gh your web browser, without having to insta ll additio nal software onto the computer. There are no disks to ins tall or keep track of an d, best of all, you can make changes and pe rform setup fun ctions from any comp uter on the netw ork quickly and easily.
NAT IP Address Sharing
Your Router em ploys Network Address Translatio n ( NAT) to share the single IP address ass igned to you by your Internet Service Provider whil e s av ing the cost of adding IP ad dresses to your In ternet ser vice account.
SPI Firewall
Your Router is eq uipped wit h a fi rewall that will protect yo ur network from a wide array of common hac ker attacks includ ing IP Spoofing, L and Attack, Ping of D eath (PoD), De nial of Service (DoS), IP with ze ro length, Smu rf Attac k, TCP Null Scan, SY N f lood, UDP flooding, Tear Drop Attack , ICMP defect, RIP defec t, and fragment flo oding .
Product Overview
Integrated 10/100 4-Port Switch
The Router has a built-in, 4-port network switch to allow yo ur wired computers t o s hare printers, data and MP3 files, digital photos, and muc h more. The swi tch features automatic dete ction so it will adjust to the spee d of connected devices. The switc h will transfer data be tween comp uters and the Internet simultaneou sly without interrupting or consuming re sources.
Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) Compatibility
UPnP (Unive rsal Plug-and-Play) is a tec hnology th at offers se amless ope rati on of v oice messa ging, v ideo messa gi ng, games, and other applications that are UPnP-compliant.
Support for VPN Pass-Through
If you connect to yo ur office network from home using a VPN connection, your Router will al low your VPN-equipped computer to pass through the Router and to your offic e n etwork.
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Built-In Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Built-In Dyna mic Host Configurati on Protocol (DH CP) on-boa rd makes for the easiest possible connection of a net work. Th e D HCP server will assign IP addresse s t o e ach computer automatically so there is no need for a complicated networking setup.
Easy Install Wizard
The Easy Insta ll Wi zard takes the guesswork out of sett ing up your Router. This automatic soft ware dete rmines you r network settings for you and sets up the Router for connection to your Int ernet Serv ice Provider (I SP). In a matter of m inutes, you r Wireless Router will be up and running on the In ternet.
NOTE: Easy Install Wizard software is compa tible with Wind ows 98SE, Me, 2000, an d XP; and Mac OS X. If you are using an other operatin g s ystem, the Wireless Router can be set up using the Alternate Setup Method describe d i n this User Manu al (see page 22).
Product Overview
Integrated 802.11g Wireless Access Point
802.11g is an exc iting new wirel ess tech nology tha t a chieves da ta rates up to 54Mbps, nearly five times fa ster than 802 .11b.
MAC Address Filtering
For ad ded security, you can set up a list of MAC address es (unique cl ient identifiers) that are allo wed access to your ne twork . Every co mputer has it s own MAC address. S imply enter the se MAC addresses int o a li st using the Web-B ased Advan ced User Inte rface and you can con trol access to your networ k .
Knowing your Router
Package Contents
Ativa Wireless G Router
Quick Installation Guide
Ativa Easy Install Wizard Software CD with User Manua l
Ativa RJ45 Ethernet Networking Cab le
Pow er Supply
System Requirements
Broadban d I nternet co nnectio n s uch as a cable or DSL modem with RJ45 (Ethernet) connection
At least one computer with an installed network in terface adapter
TCP/IP networking protocol ins talled on eac h computer
RJ45 Ethernet networking cable
Internet browser
Easy Install Wizard Software System Requirements
A PC running Wi ndows 98SE , Me, 2000, o r XP; or a Mac com puter running Mac OS X
Minimum 64M B R AM
Internet browser
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Knowing your Router
The Router has been designed to be placed on a desktop. All of the cables exit from the rear of the Router for better organiz ation and utility. The LED indicators are easily visible on the front of the Router to provide you with info rmation ab out network activity and status.
(5) (4)
1. Power/Ready LED
When you apply power to the Router or restart it, a short peri od of time elapses whi le the Router boot s u p. D uring this time, the Power/Ready LED blinks. When the Router ha s c omplete ly booted up, the Power/ Re ady LED becomes a SO LID light, indi cating the Rout er is re ady for us e.
OFF Router is OFF
Blinking Blue Router is Booting Up
Solid Blue Router is Ready
2. Wireless Network LED
OFF Wireless Network is OFF
Blue Wirel ess Networ k i s Rea dy
Blinking Blue Indicates Wireless Activit y
(1) (2)
3. Wired Computer Status LEDs
These LEDs are labeled 1–4 and correspond to the numbered ports on the rear of the Router. When a computer is properly connected to one of the wired computer ports on the rear of the Router, the LED will light. BLUE means a 10/100Base-T device is connected. When information is being sent over the port, the LED blinks rapidly.
OFF No Device is Lin ked to the Port
Blue 10/100Bas e-T Dev ice Conn ected
Blinking Blue Port Activity
Knowing your Router
4. Modem Status LED
This LED lights in BLUE to indic ate that your mo dem is connec ted properly to the Route r. It bli nks rap idly when information is being sent over the por t between the Router and the modem.
Solid Blue Good WAN Link
Blinking Blue WAN Acti vity
5. Internet LED
This unique LED shows you when the Router i s c onnecte d t o t he Internet. When the light is O FF, the Router is NOT co nnected to th e Internet. When the light is blinking, th e Rou ter is attemp ting to conne ct to the Internet. When the ligh t i s s olid BLUE, the Router is co nnected to the Internet. When using th e “Disconnect after x minutes” feature, this LED becomes extreme ly us eful in monit oring the statu s o f your Router ’s connec tion.
OFF Router is not Connecte d t o t he Interne t
Blinking Blue
Solid Blue Router is Co nnected to th e I nternet
Router is Atte mpting to Connect to the Internet
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Knowing your Router
Res et butt on i s loc ated on the side of the unit .
6. Power Jack
Conne ct the includ ed 5V DC power supp ly to this jack.
7. Connections to Computers (Wired Computer Ports)
Conne ct your wired (non -wireless ) c omputers to the se ports. These po rts are RJ45, 10/ 100 auto-n egotiatio n, auto-u plinkin g p orts for stan dard UT P category 5 or 6 Ethernet cable. The port s a re la beled 1 through 4. These por ts correspo nd to the numbered LEDs on th e f ront of the Router.
8. Connection to Modem (Modem Port)
This port is for con nection to your ca ble or DSL modem. Use the cable that was provided wi th the modem to con nect the mode m t o t his port . Use of a cable other than the cable supplied with the cable modem may not work properly.
Knowing your Router
9. Reset Button
The “Rese t” button is used in rare case s whe n t he Ro uter may functi on improper ly. Resetting the Router will restore th e Rou ter’s n ormal operation while ma intaini ng the programmed sett ings. You can als o restore the factor y d efault setti ngs by using the “Reset” butto n. Use the restore opti on in instanc es wh ere you may h ave forgotten your custom password.
a. Resetting the Router
Push and relea se the “Reset ” button. The lights on the Router will momentarily flash. The Po wer/Ready ligh t w ill begin to blink. When the Power/Ready lig ht becomes solid again, t he reset is compl ete.
b. Restoring the Factory Defaults
Press and hold th e “Reset” button fo r a t l east 10 secon ds, then release it. The lig hts on the Router wil l m omentarily flash. The Pow er/Ready light wi ll begin to blink. When the Power/Ready light becomes s olid again, the restore is compl ete.
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Connecting and Configuring your Router
Verify the contents of your box. You should have the following:
Ativa Wireless G Router
Quick Installation Guide
Ativa Easy Install Wizard Software CD with User Manua l
RJ45 Ethernet Networking Cable (for co nnectio n of the Router to the computer)
Pow er Supply
Wireless Securi ty Setup Guide
Modem Requirements
Your cabl e o r D SL modem must be equi pped with an RJ4 5 E thernet po rt. Many modems have both an RJ45 Ethernet port and a USB connection. If you have a modem with both Ethernet and USB, and are usin g t he USB connec tion at this time, you w ill be instructed to use the RJ45 Ethernet port during the installation proce dure. If your mod em has only a USB port , you can req uest a different type of modem from yo ur ISP, or you can , in some cas es, purchas e a modem that has an RJ45 Ethernet port on it .
Ethernet USB
Easy Install Wizard
Ativa has provided our Easy Install Wi zard software to make insta lling your Router a simple and easy task. You can use it to get your Rout er up and running in minut es. The Easy Install Wizard requires that yo ur Windows 98SE, Me, 2000 , or XP; or Mac OS X v10.1.x co mputer be con nected direc tly to your cable or DSL modem and that the Internet connection is active and workin g at the time of insta llation . If it is not , you must use the “Alternate Setup Method” se ction of this User Manual to configure your Router. Add itional ly, if you are using an operati ng system oth er than Windows 98 SE, Me, 2000, or XP, you must set up the Router using the “Alternate Setup Method” sectio n of this User Manual .
Connecting and Configuring your Router
IMPORTANT: Run the Easy Install Wizard software from the computer that
is directly connected to the cable or DSL modem. DO NOT CONNECT THE ROUTER AT THIS TIME.
Step 1 Run the Easy Install Wizard Software
1.1 Shut down any progra ms that are running on you r c omputer at th is time.
1.2 Mak e sure you have th e fol lowing ite ms at the comput er that is now
directly conn ected to the cab le or DSL modem. D O NOT CONNECT TH E ROUTER AT THIS TIME.
• Quick Ins tallati on Guide
• The Easy Instal l Wizard S oftware CD with User Manual
• The Router
• The Router ’s Power Supply
• RJ45 Ethernet Networking Cable
1.3 Turn off any firewall or Inter net-connection-sha ring software
on your comput er.
1.4 Ins ert the Easy Ins tall Wizard software CD into yo ur CD-ROM drive.
The Easy Insta llation Wiza rd scre en will automatically app ear on your screen with in 15 seconds . If it does not , selec t your CD-ROM drive from “My Com puter ” and double -clic k on the file nam ed “EasyInstall.exe” on the CD-ROM.
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Connecting and Configuring your Router
Welcome Screen
After you ins ert the CD in to your CD-ROM drive, the Wi zard ’s welcom e s creen will appear. Make su re you have not co nnected the Router at this point. If you have connected your Router, please reco nnect your computer directly to the mode m. Click “Run the Easy Insta ll Wi zard” wh en you are re ady t o move on.
Progress Screen
The Easy Insta ll Wi zard will show you a progress screen each time a step in the set up has been completed. Eac h time you see the progress screen, click “Next” when you are ready to move to the next step.
Examining Settings
The Wizard will now exam ine your comp uter’s network settings and gather informatio n needed to complete the Router’s co nnectio n to the Internet. When the Wizard is fini shed examining your comput er, cl ick “N ext” to continue .
Multiple Network Adapters Found Screen
If you have more than one netw ork adapte r installed in your comput er, th is screen will appear. If you have more than one ne twork adapter installed in you r c omputer, you must design ate for the Wizard which adapt er is connected to your modem. To do this, select it from th e l ist and click “Next ”. If you are not sure which adapter to choose, select the adapter at the top of the li st. If you mistake nly choose th e w rong adapter now, you wil l b e a ble to choose a differe nt one later.
Connecting and Configuring your Router
Step 2 Set up the Hardware
The Wizard will walk you through connecting your Router to your computer and modem. Follow the steps on the screen using the pictures as a guide.
2.1 This step instructs you to locat e
the cable connected between your modem and the networking port on your comput er. Un plug this cab le from the compu ter and plug it int o the modem port on the Router. Click “Next” to con tinue.
2.2 This step instructs you to locat e
the BLUE cable that is included with your Router. Plug on e e nd of t his cable int o AN Y o ne of the wired-co mputer por ts on your Router. Plug the other end of t he cable into the networking port on your comput er. C lick “ Next” to continue .
2.3 This step ins tructs you to locate the
power supply t hat is includ ed with your Router. Plug the pow er supply’s small connector into the power port on the Router. Plug the powe r s upply into an empty power outlet. Click “Next” to con tinue.
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Connecting and Configuring your Router
2.4 This step instructs you to look at the
lights on the fro nt of yo ur Ro uter. Make sure the appropria te lights are ON. Refer to the Easy Insta ll Wi zard software on your comput er’s screen for more detail s. Click “Next” to con tinue.
Note : The Easy Install Wiza rd may ask
you to reboot your com puter. If it does, reboot your computer and proceed with the installation.
Step 3 Check the Connection
3.1 Onc e you have co mpleted co nnectin g
the Router, the Wizard will ch eck the connection to the Router and then go on to determine what type of Intern et connection you have.
3.2 User Name and Password N eeded
If you have a c onnecti on type that requires a user nam e a nd a p assword, the Wizard w ill ask you to type in your us er name and password. If your conn ection type does not req uire a u ser name and password, yo u w ill not see this sc re en.
Your user name and password is provided
to you by your Internet Service Provider. If you have to type in a user name an d password to conn ect to the Inter net, then type that same user name and password in here. Your us er name looks something like “jsmith @myi” or simply “j smith”. The service name is optional and is very rarely req uired by your ISP. If you don’t kn ow your service name, le ave this blank. When you have entered your infor mation, click “Next” to move on.
Connecting and Configuring your Router
Step 4 Secure your Network
3.3 Wir eless Setu p
This step is op ti onal. Click “Next” if you want to skip it .
Using thi s s tep, you can cust omize your
wireless ne twork sett ings if you want to. Follow the steps on the screen to complete this step. Click “N ext” to continue .
4.1 After connection has been established,
you will be prompted by t he Ea sy Install Wiz ard to select your desi re d security le vel.
4.2 WEP an d WPA are the two securit y
options. If you do not want security or would prefer to install at a later time, click the radi o b utton next to “NONE” and click “Next .”
4.3 The Wi-Fi Protected Acc ess (WPA)
security op tion features a two- password setup. You can select one password that provid es COM PLETE NETWOR K access and ano ther passw ord for GUE ST (Internet only) access only. Clic k “Next”.
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4.4 Sec urity setup is now co mplete. Click
“Next” to con figure.
Connecting and Configuring your Router
Configure the Router
Step 5
The Wizard will now transfer all of the configuration information to the Router. This will take approximately one minute. During this time, do not turn off the Router or computer. The Router will restart itself at the end of this step.
5.1 Checking Internet
The Wizard will now ch eck for an Internet connection. Thi s c an take a few minutes. The Wizard may n ot detect a conn ection right away. If not, it wil l ret ry a number of t imes. The “Connected” l ight on the front panel of the Router will flash during this ti me. Pleas e b e p atient through thi s p ro cess.
5.2 Finished
When the Internet connection is complete, the Wizard will tell yo u t hat you are finished. The “Conne cted” LED on the front of the Router will be solid BLUE, in dicatin g t hat the Router is now connected to the Internet.
Your Rou ter is now con nected to the Interne t. Now you can begin surfin g the I nternet by opening your browser and going to your favorite web page.
Connecting and Configuring your Router
Congratulations. You have finished installing your new Ativa Router. You
are ready to set up the ot her com puters in your h ome. You can also add computers to your Router any time yo u wa nt.
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Alternate Setup Method
The We b-Based Advanced User Interface is a web- based tool th at you can use to set up the Router if you don’t want to use the Eas y I nstall Wizard. You can also use it to manage a dvan ced functi ons of the Router. From th e Web-B ased Advan ced User Inte rface, you can perform the fo llowing ta sks:
View the Rout er’s cu rrent settings and status
Confi gure the Router to connect to your ISP wit h t he setting s t hat they provided you
Change the current network settings suc h as the Internal IP address, t he IP address poo l, DHCP settings, and more
Set the Router ’s firewall to work wi th specifi c a pplicat ions (por t forwardin g)
Set up securit y features such as client restricti ons, MAC address fi ltering , WEP, and WPA
Enable the DMZ feature for a single comput er on your netwo rk
Change the Router’s int ernal pass word
Enable /Disab le UPnP (Univ ersal Plug-a nd-Play)
Reset the Router
Back up your co nfiguration settings
Reset the Router ’s default settings
Update the Router’s f irmware
Connect your Router
Step 1
1.1 Turn off the pow er to your modem by unpl ugging the po wer supply from
the modem.
1.2 Loc ate the network cable that is connected between your mode m a nd
your comput er and unplug it from yo ur compute r, leavi ng the other end connected to your modem.
1.3 Plug the loose end of the cable you just unplu gged into the po rt on the
back of the Route r l abeled “Modem”.
1.4 Connect a new network cable (not included) from the bac k of the
computer to one of t he wired computer ports labeled “1–4”. N ote: It does not matter which numbe re d p ort you choose.
Alternate Setup Method
1.5 Turn you r c able or DSL mode m o n by rec onnecti ng the power sup ply
to the modem.
Mac or PC computer that was originally connected
to the cable or DSL modem
Network cable
(to computer)
To power adapter
Existing networking cable
(came with modem)
Note : Your Router may have ports in different locations than depicted
in the illustrat ion above.
1.6 Before plu gging the pow er cord in to the Router, plug the cord into the
wall, then plug the cord into the Router’s pow er jack.
1.7 Verify th at your modem is connected to the Router by c hecking the
lights on the front of the Router. The BLUE light labeled “Modem” should be ON if you r m odem is conne cted correct ly to the Router. I f i t is not, rechec k your connections.
1.8 Verify th at your computer is connected properly to the Route r by
chec king the ligh ts labeled “1–4”. The light th at corresponds to the numbered port connect ed to your compu ter should be ON if you r computer is connected properly. If it is not, recheck your connections.
sectio n
Alternate Setup Method
Step 2
Set up your Computer’s Network Settings to
Work with a DHCP Server
See the section in this User Manu al called “ Manually Configurin g N etwork Settings” fo r d irections .
Step 3
Configure the Router Using the Web-Based
Advanced User Interface
Using your Int ernet browser, you ca n a ccess the Router’s Web-Bas ed Advanced User Interface. In your brow ser, type “192 .168.2. 1” (you do not need to type in anything else such as “http://” or “www” ). Then press the “Ente r” key.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have difficulty accessing th e Rou ter ’s Web-Based Advan ced User Inte rface, go to the secti on entitle d “Manually Config uring Network Settings”.
Logging into the Router
You will see th e Rou ter’s home page in your browse r w indow. The home page is visible to any user who wants to see it. To make any changes to the Router’s settings, you have to log in. Clicking the “Login” button or clicking on any one of t he links on the hom e p age w ill take you to the login scree n. The Router ships with no password entered. In the logi n s creen, leave the password blank and click the “Sub mit” button to log in.
Alternate Setup Method
Logging out of the Router
One computer at a time can log into the Router for the purp oses of making changes to the se ttings of the Router. Once a us er has logged in to make changes, there are two ways that th e c omputer ca n b e l og ged out. Clicking the “Logout” butto n w ill log the comput er out . The second method is automatic. The login will time out after a specified period of time. The default login time -out is 10 minutes . This can be ch anged from 1 to 99 minutes. For more information, see the section in this manu al entitle d “Changin g t he Logi n Time-Out Se tting”.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
The home page is the first page you wi ll see when you access the Web-Based Advan ced User Inte rface (UI). The home page shows you a qui ck view of the Router ’s status an d s ettings . A ll adva nced setup pa ges can be reached from this page.
(10) (2) (5) (4) (3)
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1. Quick-Navigation Links
You can go directly to any of the Router ’s UI pages by clicking directly on these links. The link s a re di vided into logica l c ategories and grouped by t abs to make find ing a particular setting easier to find. Clicking on the purple heade r of each tab will show you a s hort des cription of the tab’s function.
+ 78 hidden pages