Ativa AT-36 Owner's Manual

Gen era l Gu ide
n Tu rni ng on o r of f
To turn t he cal culato r on, p ress [ ON ] ; To tu rn the calcul ator of f, pres s [ 2nd ] [ OFF ].
n Ba tt ery re pla ce me nt
AT-36 is dual power system whic h is powere d by one alkaline bat­tery (GP76A) and a solar cell. If the display becomes dim and difficul t to re ad (esp ecially when li ghting i s dim ) , the bat teries should be replace d as soon as possib le.
1) Remo ve the screw s and the back cover.
2) Repla ce the old ba tteries and instal l new ones w ith polar ity in co rrect direct ions, t hen se cure th e scre ws in p lace a nd press [ ON ] to t urn the p ower on .
n Au to pow er- off fun ct io n
This cal culator au tomati cally turns it off when no t operate d for ap­proxim ately 9~15 minute s. It can be re activated by pressin g [ ON ] key and th e display, memor y, settin gs are reta ined.
n Re se t op era ti on
If the ca lculato r is on but yo u get une xpected res ults, pr ess [ 2nd ] [ RESET ] in sequence. A message appears on the display to confirm whethe r you want to reset the calculato r and clea r memo ry contents .
Move the cursor to “ Y ” by [4], then press [
] to clear all variables, progr ams, pe nding ope rations , statist ical dat a, answe rs, all pre vi­ous entrie s, and memory; To abort the reset op eration with out clear­ing th e calcula tor, pl ease cho ose “ N ” .
If the ca lcul ator is lo ck and fur the r ke y o pera tion s b eco mes imposs ible, please press [ 0 ] [ DMS ] at the same time to release the condi tion. It wi ll return all setti ngs to def ault sett ings.
n C on tr as t a dj us tm en t
Press ing the [6 ] or [5 ] follo wing [ MO DE ] key can ma ke the con ­tras t of the scree n light er or d arker. Holdi ng eith er key do wn w ill make the disp lay becom e respec tively lig hter or d arker.
n Di spl ay r ea dou t
The displ ay comprise s the entr y line, the res ult line, and indi cators.
Entry lin e AT-36 displays an entry of up to 76 digits . Entrie s be-
gin on t he left ; th ose wit h more than 11 digits scr oll to the left . Press [4] or [3] to move the cursor thr ough an entry. Pre ss [ 2nd ] [3] or [ 2nd ] [4] to mo ve the cursor imm ediately to th e beginnin g or end of the ent ry.
Resu lt li neIt displays a result of up to 10 digits, as well as a decimal,
a negat ive sign, a “ x10 ” indica tor, and a 2- digits pos i­tive or nega tive exponent. Results that exce ed the digit limi t are displ ayed in sc ientific notation .
Indic ators The foll owing indicat ors appe ar on the d isplay to indi-
cate you the curren t status of the calcu lator.
Indi cato r Mean ing M Indepe ndent memor y Resul t is negat ive 2nd 2nd set of functio n keys is act ive. MODE Mode s electio n is active MAIN Main mode i s active STAT Stati stics m ode is ac tive Base-n Base- n mode is active VLE Variable linear equ ation mo de is active QE Quadr atic equa tion mode is acti ve CPLX Comple x number m ode is ac tive DEGRAD An gle m ode : DE Grees, GRADs, o r RADs ENGSCI EN Gineerin g or SCIent ific notati on. TAB Number of decimal plac es displayed is fixed HYP Hyperbol ic-trig functio n will be calcula ted BUSY Whi le an operati on is executin g
ç è The re are di gits to th e left o r right of the disp lay é
There are earl ier or l ater re sults th at can b e displa yed
B ef ore s tar ting cal culat ion
n Ch an gi ng a mo de
Press ing [ MODE ] c an enter mod e menus . You can cho ose one of six ope rating modes , incl uding “ 0)MAIN ”, “ 1)STAT ”, “ 2)Base- n ”, “ 3)CPL X ”, “ 4)VLE ”, “ 5)QE ”.
Give2 )Base- nas an e xample : Method 1 : Scrol l through the menu s using [3 ] or [4] unt il
2)Base- n ” is show n, then enter the desired mode by press ing [
Method 2 : Key in directly the numb er of the mode, [ 2 ] , to enter the
desir ed mode i mmedia tely.
n Se le cti ng a n ite m fr om di sp lay m en us
Many function s and settings are available on men us. A menu is a list of opti ons displ ayed across the entry lin e.
GivePres sing [ DRG ] k ey disp lays t he me nu for choos ing the angle setting under MAIN mode as an example :
Metho d : P ress [ DRG ] to disp lay the me nu, and t hen move th e
cursor [3] or [4] to an item you want. Press [
] while
the ite m is underli ned.
For menu ite ms f ollow ed b y an a rgum ent va lue, you c an pr ess [
] while the item is underlin ed or enter direc tly the correspon d-
ing argu ment value .
n Us ing “ 2n d ” ke ys
To execute the func tions mar ked in yellow , please press [ 2nd ] and then the cor respondin g key. When you press [ 2nd ], the “ 2nd ” indi­cator sho wn in the display is to tell you that you will be sel ecting the seco nd funct ion of the next k ey you pre ss. If yo u press [ 2nd ] by mist ake, simp ly press [ 2nd ] again to remove the “ 2nd ” indica tor.
n C ur so r
Press ing [3] or [4 ] key can m ove the cursor to the left or th e right. Hold do wn any of t hose keys to m ove the cur sor at hi gh speed.
Press ing [5 ] or [6 ] can scr oll the display up or down while th ere are previou s entr ies h idden the d isplay. You can reu se or edit a previo us entr y when it is on th e entry li ne.
n M aki ng c orr ect io ns d uri ng inp ut
To delete a ch aracter at the cur sor, make th e charac ter under lined by usi ng [3] or [4] t o move t he curs or, and t hen pre ss [ DEL ] to delet e the charact er.
To replace a charac ter, make the ch aracter und erlined by usi ng [3] or [4] to m ove the cursor, and then enter a new entry to replace the charac ter.
To insert a charac ter, move the cursor to the po sition of the charac­ter w here yo u want to ins ert, it will b e inse rted in the fro nt of t he charac ter after press ing [ 2nd ] [ INS ] and ente ring a new charac ter.
(Not e) :Th e blinking cu rsor “3” means the calculator is in insert
mode On the con trary, the blinki ng cursor is displ ayed as “_” and it m eans the c alculat or is in overw rite m ode.
To clear all ch aracter s, cle ar all i nput c haracter by [ CL ] k ey.
n Re pla y fun cti on
• This functio n stores the latest op eration executed . After execution is com plete d, press ing [6] or [5] key w ill dis play the op eration from the begi nning or the end. You can continue moving the curso r by [ 4] or [3] t o edi t it. To del ete a digit , pres s [ DEL ]. ( o r, in overwri te mode, ju st type over the digi t). See Example 1.
• The repla y function can keep input dig its up to 254 char acters for AT-36. After executi on is completed or duri ng entering, you can pres s eithe r [5] o r [6] to disp lay previo us inpu t steps and edit values or comm ands for subseque nt execution. See Example 2.
(Not e) :The replay function isn’t cleared even when [ CL ] is pressed
or pow er is tu rned off , so con tents can be recal led even after [ CL ] is pressed . However, replay fun ction is cleared when mode is switc hed.
n Er ror p osi tio n dis pla y fun cti on
• W hen a mathem atically ill egal calcula tion is perfor med, error po­sition display funct ion will te ll you with the cursor wher e the error is. Pre ss [4] or [3] to m ove the curs or and then gi ve it a correc t entry. You can also cle ar an erro r by pres sing [ CL ] an d then re ­enter ed the values and expres sion fro m the beg inning . See Ex­ample 3.
n M emo ry c al cu lat ion
• Pr ess [ M+ ] to a dd a resul t to r unnin g me mory. Pres s [ 2 nd ] [ M – ] to sub tract t he value from r unning memo ry. To rec all the value in running memory, press [ MRC ]. To clear running me mory, press [ MRC ] twice. Se e Example 4.
• The calcu lator has ten memory variables for repeated use : A, B, C,
X, Y , M, X1, X 2,
PROG1 and
. You can stor e a real n umber in
variabl es A, B, C, X, Y, M, X1, X2 and tw o expression s in
. See Example 5.
* [ P /V RCL ] recal ls all variable s. * [ S AVE ] lets you store val ues to varia bles. * [ 2 nd ] [ REC ALL ] reca lls the value of vari able. * [ 2 nd ] [ CL- VAR ] cle ars all var iables exc ept
* [ 2 nd ] [ CL- PROG ] cl ears the conten ts of
(Note ) : Besid es press ing [ SAVE ] key to sto re a value, you can
als o assi gn valu es t o me mory variabl e M by [ M+ ] or [ 2nd ] [ M – ]. However, anything currentl y store d in vari­able M will b e deleted and replac ed it wit h the new ly as­signe d value.
n Or de r o f o pe ra ti on s
Each cal culatio n is perform ed in the foll owing orde r of precede nce :
1) Expres sion inside parent heses.
2) Coord inates tran sformat ion, and Type B function s which are req uire d p ress ing the fun ctio n ke y be for e en teri ng, for example, sin, cos, tan, sin –1, cos –1, tan –1, sinh, cosh, tanh, sinh –1, cosh –1, tanh –1, log, ln , 10 X , e X, , NEG, NOT, X ’( ), Y ’( ).
3) Type A fun ctions w hich are required entering values befo re press ing the fun ction ke y, for example , x 2, ° ′ ′′, !, x –1, %, r, g.
4) Expone ntiati on ( ∧),
5) Fra ctions
6) Abbr eviated mu ltiplic ation form at in front of varia bles, π , RAN DM, R ANDM I.
7) ( – )
8) Abb reviated multip lication for mat in front of Type B function s , Alog2, etc.
9) nPr , nCr
10) x ,
11) +, –
12) AND, N AND
13) OR, XOR , XNO R
14) Conversi on (A b/c
34d/e, F34D, 4 DMS)
• When functions wi th the same pri ority are used in se ries, execut ion is per form ed from right to l eft.
e X ln1 20e X { ln (120 ) }
othe rwise , executi on is fr om lef t to rig ht.
• Comp ound fun ctions a re execute d from r ight to le ft.
• Anything conta ined within paren theses recei ves the high ­est p riori ty.
n Ac cur ac y and Cap acit y
Outpu t digit s : Up to 10 digit s. Calc ulatin g digi ts : Up t o 24 dig its In genera l, every reasonable cal culation is displayed up to 10 digit s
manti ssa, or 10-d igits mant issa plus 2- digits expone nt up to 10
± 99
Number s used as input must be within the range of the given function as fol low :
Functions Input range
sin x, cos x, tan x Deg| x | < 4.5 x 10
Rad| x | < 2.5 x 10
π rad
Grad| x | < 5 x 10
however, for tan x Deg| x | 90 (2n+1) Rad| x | (2n+1) Grad| x | ≠100 (2n+1) ( n is an integer)
sin -1 x, cos -1 x | x |≤1 tan -1 x | x | < 1 x 10
sinh x, cosh x | x | ≤230.2585092 tanh x | x | < 1 x 10
sinh -1 x | x | < 5 x 10
cosh -1 x 1≤x < 5 x 10
tanh -1 x | x | < 1 log x, ln x 1 x 10
- 99
x < 1 x 10
-1 x 10
x < 100
-1 x 10
0≤x < 1 x 10
| x | < 1 x 10
| x | < 1 x 10
, X0
x ! 0≤x≤69 , x is an integer. P ( x, y )
y x +
< 1 x 10
R (r,θ) 0≤r < 1 x 10
Deg|θ | < 4.5 x 10
Rad| θ| < 2.5 x 10
π rad
Grad| θ| < 5 x 10
grad, however, for tan x
Deg| θ| 90 (2n+1) Rad| θ| (2n+1) Grad| θ| 100 (2n+1) (n is an integer)
4DMS | DD | , MM, SS.SS < 1 x 10
0≤MM, SS.SS , | x | < 10
x > 0 : – 1 x 10
y log x < 100
x = 0 :y > 0 x < 0 : y = n, 1/(2n+1), n is an integer.
but -1 x 10
log | x | <100
y > 0 : x0, –1 x 10
log y <100
y = 0x > 0 y < 0x = 2n+1, I/n, n is an integer.(n0)
but – 1 x 10
log | y | <100
nPr, nCr 0≤r≤n, n < 10
, n, r are integers.
STAT | x | < 1x10
,| y | < 1x10
1 -VAR : n≤40, 2 -VAR : n≤40 FREQ. = n, 0≤n < 10
: n is a n inte ger in 1-
VAR mode.
_ _
σx,σy, x, y, a, b, r : n0 Sx, Sy :n0,1
Base-n DEC : – 2147483648≤x≤214748364 7
1111111111111111111111111111111111 (for nega tive) 0 ≤x≤0111111111111111111111111111111111 (for zero, po sitive)
20000000000≤x≤37777777777 (for negati ve) 0≤x≤177777 77777 (for zero or posi tive) HEX : 80000 000≤x≤FFFFF FFF(fo r negat ive) 0≤x≤7FFF FFFF (f or zero or positi ve)
n Er ro r co ndi ti on s
Error m essage will appea r on the display and furth er calculatio n be­comes impos sible when any of the follow ing conditi ons occur.
(1) When specifyi ng an argument to a functi on
outsi de the valid rang e.
value ( i n 1-VAR stat s) < 0 or no n-inte ger.
(3) When USL value < LSL value
You attempted to divide by 0.
Whe n result of functi on calculat ions exceeds the range specified .
When in MAIN,CPLX,VLE,or QE mode, press [ DATA ] or [ STATVAR ].
(1) Inp ut err ors are made. (2 )W he n i mp ro pe r a rg um ent s are us ed in commands or functions that require arguments.
There is no solution or infini te to the simu ltaneou s
equatio n under VLE mode.
There is no real solutio n to quadratic equatio n under QE mode.
An entr y exceeds 84 digits af ter imp lied mult iplica tion with auto-co rrectio n.
You inpu t a nega tive CPU or CPL value , where
To release the abo ve error s, pleas e press [ CL ] key.
Mo de 0 - MAIN
n Ar ith me ti c ca lc ul at ion
• Ar ithmet ic opera tions ar e perfor med by pre ssing th e keys in the same sequence as in the expression . See Example 6.
• Fo r negat ive values, press [ (–) ] be fore en tering the value. See Example 7.
• Fo r mixed ar ithme tic oper ations , multi plicat ion and d ivision ar e given pri ority over ad dition and subtr action. See Example 8.
• Re sults great er than 10
or less tha n 10
– 9
are displ ayed in expo-
nential form . See Example 9.
n Di spl ay f orm at s
• De cimal places formats are sele cted by pressi ng [ 2nd ] [ TAB ] to disp lay the menu. To set decim al plac es to n ( F01234 56789 ), ente r a n valu e dir ectl y or p ress [
] ke y wh ile th e ite m is
underli ned. (The default setting is floating point nota tion F and the n value is • ). See Exampl e 10.
• Even if the num ber of decim al places is specifie d, interna l calcu­lation for a mantiss a is perform ed up to 24 dig its, and the di splay value is stor ed in 10 digits . To round off tho se values to the spec i­fied num ber of decimal place s, press [ 2nd ] [ RND ]. See Example 11~12.
74 – 8 ÷ 7
Indicato r
Entry line
Result li ne
Indicato r
empowering technology
AT-3 6
For Ativa™ tech support:
Scientific Calculator Owner’s Manual
Calculatrice Scientifique Manuel de Propriétaires
Calculadora Científica Manual de Dueños
Avoid dropping the calculator and otherwise subjecting it to severe impact. Never bend or twist the calculator. Never try to take the calculator apart. Wipe the calculator with a sofe, dry cloth to clean it.
Power Supply
The dual power system of this calculator uses a solar cell, in addition to one button cell (LR44 or A76 or L1154) battery (battery included). Note that a dead battery can leak and damage the calculator if left in the battery compartment for long periods. Battery Contains Mercury. Do not Put in Trash. Recycle or Manages as Hazardous Waste. Do not dispose of batteries in fire, batteries may explode or leak.
Printed in china HDD019S1E08 XXX
n Ot he r f un ct io ns ( x–1, ,
,x 2, ∧ )
• Th e ca lcula tor a lso provid es re cipro cal ( [ x –1] ) , sq uare root ( [ ] ), univers al root [
], squa re ( [ x 2 ] ) and exponent ia-
tion ( [ ∧] ) functi ons. See Example 47~50.
n Un it Co nv er sio n
• Th e calculato rs has a built- in unit conversi on feature that en ables you to convert numbers from metr ic to English units and vice versa. See Exampl e 51.
1. Ente r the numb er you want to convert.
2. Pre ss [ 2nd ] [ C ONV ] to disp lay th e me nu. There are 7 menus, covering distance, area, temperature, capacity, weight, energ y, and pressu re.
3. Use the [6] [5] to scroll thro ugh the list of units until a appro­priate un its menu is shown , then [
4. Pres sing [4] or [3] can convert the number to another uni t.
n Ph ys ics co nst ant s
• You can use a number physics constant s in your calculatio ns. With the fol lowing con stants :
Symbo l Meanin g Value
c Speed of light 2 99792458 m / s g Acc elerat ion of gra vity 9 .80665 m.s
– 2
G Gravitati onal constan t 6.6725985 x 10
– 11
N.m 2 kg
Vm m olar volume of ideal gas 0.0 224141 m 3 mol
– 1
NAAvagadr o’s number 6.0221 36736 x 10
– 1
e Elem entary char ge 1.60 217733 5 x 10
e Elec tron mas s 9.109 389754 x 10
p Prot on mass 1.672 62311 x 10
h Plank ’s constant 6.626 07554 x 10
k Boltzm ann’s consta nt 1.3806 5812 x 10
R Gas constant 8 .314510 7 J / mol • k F Farad ay constant 96485.3092 9
C / mol
mn Neutro n constan t 1.67492861 x 10
µ At omic mass const ant 1.6605402 1 x 10
Diel ectr ic per mit tivity 8.8541 87818 x 10
F / m
Magn etic pe rmitt ivity 0.00000 1257 H / m
Flux quantu m 2.06783 4616 x 10
Bohr radius 5.291 7724924 x 10
µB B ohr magneton 9.274 015431 x 10
A • m
µN Neutron magnetic moment 5.05078 6617 x 10
J / T
To insert a constant at the cursor positi on ( See Example 52. ) :
1. Pres s [ CONST ] to displ ay the physics co nstants m enu.
2. Press [4] until the constant you want is underlined.
3. Press [
Mo de 1 - STAT
Ther e ar e thr ee m enu o pera tion in st atis tics menu :
1 -VAR
( fo r
analyzing da ta in a single datase t),
2 - VAR
( for analyzing paired data
from two d ataset s ) an d
( for clear ing al l datas ets).
n Si ngle -Var iab le / Two-v ari able s tati sti cs
Step :
1. From the stat istics menu, ch oose
1 -VAR
2 - VAR
and press
2. Pres s [ DATA ] and there a re three me nu :
SET, DISTR. Please choose
and pr ess [
3. Ente r an x - value and press [6 ].
4. Enter the frequ ency (
) of the x - value (in
1 -VAR
or th e corre spondi ng y - valu e ( in
2 - VAR
mode ) and pre ss
5. To enter m ore data, repeat fr om ste p 3.
6. Pres s [ STATVAR ] and scr oll throu gh the st atistic al result s menu by [4] or [3] to find out statistical variabl es you want. (See tab le below )
Variab le Mean ing
n Numbe r of th e x values or x-y pairs enter ed.
_ _
x or y Me an of th e x values or y values Xmax
Maxim um of t he x value s or y valu es
Mini mum o f the x value s or y valu es
Sx or Sy Samp le stan dard devia tion of x valu es or y
σx orσ y
Popu lation stand ard devia tion o f x values o r y values
Σ x or Σ y Sum o f all x valu es or y val ues Σx 2 or Σy
2Sum of a ll x 2 values or y 2 values
Σ x y Su m of (x x y) for a ll x-y p airs
n Pr oce ss cap abi li ty
Step : (See Example 53 ~54)
1. Pres s [ DATA ] and ther e are thr ee menu :
. Ple ase choos e
and p ress [
2. Ente r a uppe r spec. l imit val ue (
), then press
3. Ente r a low er spe c. limi t value (
), then press
4. Ente r the datasets you want under
5. Pres s [ STATVAR ] and scr oll throu gh the st atistic al result s menu by [4] or [3] to find out process capabilit y variables you want. (See table below )
Variab le Mean ing
Cax or Cay Capabil ity accuracy of the x values or y values
Cpx or Cp y Potential capability precision of the x values or y values,
Cpk x or Cpk yMini mum (CPU, CPL) of the x va lues o r y
values , wher e CPU is upp er spec . limit of capab ility pr ecisi on and CPL is low er spec. limi t of capa bility pr ecision C
= Min (C
, C
) = Cpx(1– Cax)
= M in (C
, C
) = Cpy(1– Cay)
(Not e): Wh en calc ulating proces s capabil ity in
2 - VAR
mode ,
the x n and y n are ind ependen t with eac h other.
n Pr oba bil it y di st ri but ion
Step : (Se e Example 55)
1. Based on the datasets in 1-VAR mod e, pres s [ DATA ] and ther e ar e thr ee me nu :
. Please
choos e
and press [
2. Ente r a a x value, then p ress [
3. Pres s [ STATVAR ] and scr oll throu gh the st atistic al result s men u by [4] or [3] t o find o ut prob ability distrib ution var i­ables you want. (See table below)
Variable Mean ing
t Test value
P(t ) Repres ent the cu mulat ive fract ion of th e stan-
dard norm al di stri bution that is le ss th an th e value t
R( t) R eprese nt the cu mulat ive fract ion of th e stan-
dard norma l distr ibuti on that l ies bet ween the value t and 0.
R(t )=1– P(t)
Q( t) Re presen t the cum ulative fractio n of the s tan-
dard nor mal dist ributio n that is greate r than the value t Q(t )=| 0 .5–R (t) |
n L in ea r r eg re ss io n
Step : (Se e Example 56)
1. Based on the dataset s in
2 - VAR
mode, press [ STATVAR ] and scro ll thro ugh the statis tical results m enu by [4] or [ 3] to find out a, b, or r.
2. To predict a value for x (or y) given a value for y (or x), select the x ’ (or y ’) variable, press [
], enter the given value, and
press [
] again. (See table belo w)
Variable Mean ing
a Linear regress ion y-in tercep t
∑ ∑
b Linear re gressio n slope
∑ ∑ ∑
r Cor relati on coeffi cient
∑ ∑ ∑
x ’ Pred icted x values given a, b, and y vales
'x =
y ’ Pred icted y val ue given a, b, and x value .
bxa'y +=
n Co rr ec tin g da ta
Step : (Se e Example 57)
1. Pre ss [ DATA ].
2. To change x - values or the frequency of the x - value in
1 - VAR
mode ( or the corre sponding y - value in
2 - VAR
mode ), please
cho ose
. To ch ange up per sp ec. li mit va lue, o r
lowe r spec. l imit value , please ch oose
. To change
ax, ple ase choose
3. Pres s [6] to scro ll through the data you have ent ered.
4. To change an entry, display it and enter the new data. The new dat a you ent er over wri tes th e o ld ent ry. Pre ss [6] o r [
] to save the change.
(Not e) :Even you exit STAT mode, all data in 1 - VAR and 2 - VAR mode
are sti ll retaine d unless you cl ear all dat a by selectin g D-
CL mode.
M ode 2 - Bas e- n
n Ba ses co nv ers io ns
• The num ber system (10 , 16, 2 , 8 ) is set by pressing [ 2nd ] [ dhbo] to displa y the menu , making one of the ite ms underlined fol lowed [
]. A corre spondi ng symbo l - “d ”, “h ”, “b”, “o” appear s on
the display. (The defaul t setting is d : decimal base). See Example
(Not e) :The total range of numbe rs handled in this mode is 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, /A, IB, IC, ID, IE, IF. If values not valid for the par ticula r number sys tem are use d, attach th e corre­spondi ng designa tor (d, h, b, o), or an error message will
appear. Bina ry base ( b ) : 0, 1 Octal base ( o ) : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Decim al base ( d ) : 0, 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Hexadec imal base ( h ) : 0, 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, /A , IB, IC,
• Pre ssing [ ] can use block func tion to display a result in octal or bina ry base w hich exce eds 8 d igits. The syst em is d esigne d to displa y up to 4 blocks. See Example 59.
n Ne ga tiv e e xp re ss ion s
• In bina ry, octal, and hexadecim al bases, the calcul ator represen ts negative number s using complemen t notation. The comple ment is the r esult of subtr acting that num ber fr om 100 000000 00 in th at number ’s base by pressing [ NEG ] key in non-dec imal bases. See Example 60.
n Ba sic a ri thm et ic o per at ion s for b ase s
• The unit enables you to calculate in number base other than decimal. The calculato r can add, subtract, mult iply, and divide binary, octal, and hexadecimal num bers. See Example 61.
n Lo gi ca l op er ati on
• Lo gical operatio ns are perform ed through logica l products (AND) , nega tive lo gical (NAN D), lo gical sums (OR), exclu sive log ical sums (XOR), negati on (NOT), and nega tion of exclusive l ogical sums (XNOR). See Exampl e 62.
Mo de 3 - CPLX
• Co mplex mode enables you to add, subtract, multiply, and divide comp lex numbers. See Example 63. The res ults of a compl ex op­eratio n are displa yed as follow :
Re Real value Im Imagin ary value ab Ab solute value ar Argume nt value
Mo de 4 - VLE
Variable linear equatio ns (VLE ) mode can so lve a set of simultan eous equations with two unknow ns as follows :
a x + b y = c d x + e y = f, where x and y are unknow n.
• In VLE mode , you just enter each coeffic ient ( a, b, c, d, e, f ) in the correct order, and the calculator automatic ally solves for x, y. See Example 64.
Mo de 5 - QE
Quadr atic equ ations ( QE) mode can solve a equ ations as follo ws :
a x 2 + b x + c = 0, wher e x is unknown .
• In QE mo de, you just enter each coef ficient ( a, b, c ) in the correct order, and the calculator autom atically solves for all x values. See Example 65.
• Nu mber displa y forma ts are select ed by p ressin g [ 2nd ] [ SCI/ ENG ] to display t he menu . The it ems on t he menu are FL O (for floa ting p oint) , SC I (for scien tific) , and E NG (f or engi neeri ng). Press [3] or [4] until the desired form ats is underl ined, and then press [
]. See Example 13.
(Not e) :The engineeri ng format is similar to the scienti fic format ,
except the mantissa ca n have up to three dig its left of the decima l, instead of only one, and the exponent is alwa ys a multi ple of three. It is usefu l for enginee rs to convert units based on multipl es of 10 3.
• You can ent er a number in mantissa and exponent form by [EXP ] key. Se e Example 14.
n Pa re nth es es c al cul at ion s
• Op eration insi de parenthese s are always execute d first. AT-36 can u se up t o 13 leve ls of c onsec utive par enthe ses in a singl e calcul ation. See Example 15.
• Clo sed parentheses occurrin g immed iately before operation of the [
] key may be omitted, no matte r how many are required. See
Example 16.
• A m ultipl ication s ign “ x ” occu rring im media tely befo re an ope n paren thesis can omitted. See Example 17.
(Not e) :The calcu lator c an auto -corre ct abbr eviated multi plica-
tion in fro nt of all functio ns, except mem ory variables, left parent hesis, type B fun ctions.
• He nceforth, abbreviated typ e will not be used in this ma nual. See Exampl e 18.
• The correct result cannot be derived by en tering [ ( ] 2 [ + ] 3 [ ) ] [ EXP ] 2. Be sure to enter [ x ] 1 bet ween the [ ) ] and [ EXP ] in the bel ow exampl e. See Exampl e 19.
n Pe rc ent age c al cul ati on
• [ 2nd ] [ % ] divides the number in th e display by 100. You can use this key seq uence to cal culate per centages , add-ons, di scounts, and perc entages ratios . See Example 20~2 1.
n Co nti nu ou s ca lcu lat ion f un ct ion
• The calcul ator enables you to repeat the last operation executed by press ing [
] key for furt her calc ulation. See Example 22.
• Even if calculati ons are conclu ded with the [
] key, the resul t
obtain ed can be used for fu rther calc ulation. See Example 23 .
n An sw er fu nct io n
• An swer f unctio n stores the most recent ly calcul ated res ult. It is retain ed even after the power is tu rned off. Onc e a numeric value or numer ic expression is ent ered and [
] is pressed, the res ult
is store d by this funct ion. See Example 24.
(Not e) :E ven if execu tion of a ca lcul ation resu lts in a n er ror,
however , Answer me mory retains its current value.
n L og ar it hm s a nd Ant ilo ga rit hm s
• The calcu lator can calcu late comm on and natural logari thms and anti -logar ithms using [ LOG ] , [ LN ], [ 2 nd ] [ 1 0 x ], an d [ 2n d ] [ e x ]. See Exam ple 25~ 27.
n Fr act ion ca lcu lat io n
Fracti on value displ ay is as follow :
• To ent er a m ixed nu mber, enter the in teger part, press [ A b/c ], enter th e numerato r, press [ A b/c ], and enter the den ominator ; To enter an imp roper fraction , enter the numera tor, press [ A b/c ], and enter the denom inator. See Examp le 28.
• Du ring a frac tion calcu lation, if the figur e is reduci ble, a figu re is reduced to the lowest terms after pressing a function comm and key ( [ + ], [ – ], [ x ] or [ ] ) or the [
] key. By pre ssing [ 2nd ]
[ A b/c34
d/e ], the displayed value will be converte d to the improper
fractio n and vice versa. See Example 29.
• To convert betwee n a decima l and fract ional res ult, pres s [ 2nd ] [ F 34
D ] and [ ]. Se e Example 3 0.
• Ca lculat ions co ntaini ng both f ractio ns and d ecima ls are ca lcu­lated in decim al forma t. See Exampl e 31.
n An gl e u ni ts con ve rs ion
• The angle uni ts (DEG, RAD , GRAD) is set by pressing [ DRG ] to displa y the angle menu . The relation am ong the three angle units is :
180 ° =πrad = 200 grad
Angle conversions ( See Example 32. ) :
1. Chang e the default angle setti ngs to the uni ts you want to conver t to.
2. Enter th e value of the unit to convert.
3. Press [ DMS ] to di splay the m enu. The unit s you can sele ct are ° (deg rees), ′ (mi nutes) , ′′ (sec onds), r (rad ians), g (gra dians ) or 4 DM S (Deg ree-M inute s­Seconds ).
4. Choos e the units you are converting fr om.
5. Press [
] twice.
• To convert an angle to DMS notat ion, select 4DMS ”, which con­verts an e ntry to DMS no tations , i.e., wh ere 1O 30 I 0
repres ents
1 degree s, 30 minute s, 0 seconds. See Example 33.
• To c onvert a D MS notat ion to d ecima l, sele ct ° (d egre es),
(min utes), ′′ (second s). See Example 34.
n Tr igo no me tr ic / I nv ers e- Tr i. f un ct io ns
AT-36 pr ovides st andard t rigonom etric functio ns and in verse trigon ometric fun ctions - sin, cos, ta n, sin –1, cos –1 and tan –1. See Example 35~37.
(Not e) :W hen using those keys, make sure the calcu lator is set for
the angl e unit you want.
n Hy pe rbo lic / I nve rs e- Hyp . fun cti ons
AT-36 uses [ 2nd ] [ HYP ] to cal culate the hype rbolic func tions and inver se- hyper boli c fun ctio ns - sin h, c osh, t anh, sin h –1, cosh –1 and tanh –1. See Example 38 ~39.
(Not e) :W hen using those keys, make sure the calcu lator is set for
the angl e unit you want.
n C oo rd ina te s tr an sfo rm at io n
• Pr essing [ 2n d ] [ R34P ] displa ys a menu to co nvert rectan gular coor dina tes t o pol ar coo rdin ates o r vice versa . See Examp le 40~41.
Recta ngular Coor dinate s Pol ar Coordi nates
x + y i= r (cosθ + i sinθ)
(Not e) :W hen using thos e key, make sure the ca lculator is set for
the angle uni t you want.
n Pr oba bil ity
• Press ing [ PRB ] displays the pr obability menu. See Example 42~46. Wit h the followi ng function s :
nP r
Calculat es the number of possible permu tations of n item taken r at a tim e.
nC r
Calculates the number of possible combinations of n items taken r at a tim e.
! Calcu lates the factoria l of a speci fied posi tive integer n
, wh ere n69.
Generat es a random numb er between 0 and 1.
Generat es a random integer value betwe en two specified intege rs, A and B, where A random valueB .
/12 Display of
/ 12 Display of 56
• P( x, y )
• P( r, θ)