ATI Technologies QC-210 Product Manual

Robotic Tool Changer
(Application-specific Drawing Available upon Request)
Product Manual
Includes: Part Number Description
9121-210AM-0-0-0-0 Tool ChangerMaster 9121-210CT-0-0-0-0 Tool ChangerTool 9121-Jxx-M Air Adapter (incl JA2-M,JA3-M,JB2-M,JB3-M,
JB4-M,JB8-M,JP2-M,JP3-M) 9121-SA2/SA3-M/T Control & Signal ModuleMaster & Tool 9121-JJ43-M/T Mounting Adapter ModuleMaster & Tool 9121-AH2-M/AHx-T Air ModuleMaster & Tool 9121-ED15-M/T Servo ModuleMaster & Tool 9120-REP6-M/T Servo ModuleMaster & Tool 9120-RF8-M/T Electrical ModuleMaster & Tool 9121-UAA-T Protective Cover ModuleTool
Some 3-D Model Downloads are available on our website. Contact your Account Representative for more information.
Manual #: 9610-20-3474
Engineered Products for Robotic Productivity
Pinnacle Park 1031 Goodworth Drive  Apex, NC 27539  Tel: 919.772.0115  Fax: 919.772.8259   Email:
Quick Change Installation and Operation Manual
Document #9620-20-A-General TOC and Introduction-08
Table of Contents
A. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................A-2
1. Glossary of Terms ..................................................................................................................... A-3
2. Safety .......................................................................................................................................... A-6
2.1 ExplanationofNotications .............................................................................................A-6
2.2 General Safety Guidelines ..............................................................................................A-6
2.3 SafetyPrecautions ..........................................................................................................A-7
3. Product Overview ...................................................................................................................... A-8
3.1 Tool Changers .................................................................................................................A-8
3.1.1 ManuallyActuatedToolChangers ...................................................................A-8
3.1.2 Quick-Change(RoundBodystyle) ..................................................................A-8
3.1.3 Heavy Automation ............................................................................................A-8
3.2 Utility Couplers ................................................................................................................A-8
4. Terms and Conditions of Sale .................................................................................................. A-9
B. Base Tool Changer or Utility Coupler C. Control/Signal Module and Air/Valve Adapters D. Pneumatic and Fluid Modules E. Electrical Modules F. High Current Modules G. Interface Plates H. Other
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Quick Change Installation and Operation Manual
Document #9620-20-A-General TOC and Introduction-08
A. Introduction
Please contact ATI Industrial Automation with any questions concerning your particular model.
CAUTION: Thismanualdescribesthefunction,application,andsafetyconsiderationsofthis
product.Thismanualmustbereadandunderstoodbeforeanyattemptismadetoinstallor operatetheproduct,otherwisedamagetotheproductorunsafeconditionsmayoccur.
Information contained in this document is the property of ATI Industrial Automation, Inc. (ATI) and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written approval of ATI. The information herein is subject to change
without notice. This manual is periodically revised to reect and incorporate changes made to the product.
The information contained herein is condential and reserved exclusively for the customers and authorized agents
of ATI Industrial Automation and may not be divulged to any third party without prior written consent from ATI.
No warranty including implied warranties is made with regard to accuracy of this document or tness of this device
for a particular application. ATI Industrial Automation shall not be liable for any errors contained in this document or for any incidental or consequential damages caused thereby. ATI Industrial Automation also reserves the right to make changes to this manual at any time without prior notice.
ATI assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document. Users’ critical evaluation of this document is welcomed.
Copyright by ATI Industrial Automation. All rights reserved.
How to Reach Us
Sale, Service and Information about ATI products:
A TI Industrial Automation 1031 Goodworth Drive Apex, NC 27539 USA
Tel: 919.772.0115 Fax: 919.772.8259
Technical support and questions:
Application Engineering
Tel: 919.772.0115, Option 2, Option 2 Fax: 919.772.8259
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Quick Change Installation and Operation Manual
Document #9620-20-A-General TOC and Introduction-08
1. Glossary of Terms
More specic terms pertaining to the Control and Signal modules can be found in the Control and Signal Module
section of this manual.
Table 1.1—Tool Changer/Utility Coupler and Module Glossary
Term Denition
Arcingisthedischargeofcurrentwhenastrongcurrentjumpsgapina circuitorbetweentwoelectrodes.Arcingcandamageandshortenthelifeof theelectricalpowercontacts.ATI’sexclusiveArcPreventionfeaturemakes
Cover Plate
End-Effector Toolusedbytherobottoperformaparticularoperationorfunction.
Fluid Module
itpossibletocouple/uncouple“modules”withoutswitchingoffelectrical powercontacts.Thisextendsthelifeofallelectricalpowercontactsby eliminatingarcingcausedbyinductiveloadsandhighinrushcurrentduring couplingandupcouplingoftheToolChanger.
AsteelringintheToolplatethatisengagedbythelockingballsduringthe couplingoftheToolChangerorUtilityCoupler.
Amultitaperedslidingcylinderattachedtothepistonthatforcesthelocking ballsoutwardduringthelockingprocess.
Awidevarietyofmodulesthatpassautomationprotocolsthroughthe MasterandToolmodulestotheend-effector.Somecontrolmodulesalso providetheabilitytocontroltheToolChangerbyproviding“Latch”and “Unlatch”signalstoanintegratedvalvethatlocksandunlockstheTool
ThephysicalactionofthelockingtheMasterandToolplatestogether.See Lock
AprotectiveclosureplateonstandardQuick-ChangeMasterassemblies whichclosesthepneumaticchamber.
Threaded targettoactuatetheLock/Unlocksensors.
Aeldbuscommunicationnetworkusedmostlybydevicesinindustrial environment,whichcommunicatesusingacontrollerareanetwork(CAN). DeviceNetisatrademarkofODVA.
Anyofawidevarietyofutilitymodulesthatpasselectricalpowerand signalsthroughtheMasterandToolmodulestotheend-effector.
EtherNet/IP(EthernetIndustrialProtocol)isaeldbuscommunication network,usedmostlybydevicesinindustrialenvironment,that communicatesusingEthernet.EtherNet/IPisatrademarkofControlNet InternationalLtd.usedunderlicensebyODVA.
AnEthernetnetworkcomponentconnectingmultiplecommunication partnerswitheachother.
Agenerictermreferringtoanyoneofanumberofindustrialcomputer networkingstandards.Examplesinclude:CAN,Modbus,andPROFINET.
AnyofawidevarietyofutilitymodulesthatpassuidsthroughtheMaster andToolmodulestotheend-effector.
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Quick Change Installation and Operation Manual
Document #9620-20-A-General TOC and Introduction-08
Table 1.1—Tool Changer/Utility Coupler and Module Glossary
Term Denition
arateofagigabitpersecondasdenedbytheIEEE802.3-2008standard generallywithRJ45,X-codedM12,orA-codedM12connectorsoverCAT6 cabling.Typicallyusedinvisionapplications(GigEVision).
High Current Module
Anyofawidevarietyofutilitymodulesthatpasselectricalpowerthrough theMasterandToolmodulestotheend-effector.
OptionalcustomizedcomponentusedtoadaptaToolChangerorUtility Couplertotheuser’srobotortooling.
forcingthecamtopressthelockingballsagainstthebearingrace.This lockstheMasterandToolPlatestogether.
PneumaticportontheMasterplatethroughwhichairpressureissuppliedto LocktheMasterplatetotheToolplate.
Aproximitysensorthatdetectsthepositionofthepneumaticallyactuated pistonwhenitisinthelockedormissedtoolposition.
Anoutputsignalprovidedbyaproximitysensor,indicatingthatthecoupling mechanismisintheLockedposition.
the Master and Tool plates together.
Manual,pneumaticorelectricaldrivendevicethatdrawstheMasterand Toolplatestogethersecuringtheminafail-safelockedconditionuntilthe
mechanismisunlocked.Thelockingmechanismconsistsoflockingballs, cam,ballcage,bearingrace,andeitheranlever,pneumaticcylinderoran electricmotor.
Master Plate
ThehalfoftheToolChangerthatismountedtoarobot.TheMasterplate containsthelockingmechanism.
Moment Theappliedforcemultipliedbythedistanceitisfromapoint.
applications.MultibusIisaIEEE-79616-bitstandard,andMultibusIIisa IEEE-129632-bit/10MHzbus,at40Mbyte/sstandard.
DesignfeatureofallATIToolChangerproductsthatallowscouplingthe MasterplateandToolplatewithoutphysicalcontactpriortolocking.
Piston CylinderlocatedintheMasterplatethatactuatesthelockingmechanism.
Anyofawidevarietyofutilitymodulesthatpassairorvacuumthroughthe Master
the Master and Tool together.
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Quick Change Installation and Operation Manual
Document #9620-20-A-General TOC and Introduction-08
Table 1.1—Tool Changer/Utility Coupler and Module Glossary
Term Denition
there is no Tool present.
Sensor Plate
CoverplateforthebacksideoftheMasterplate,sealsthepneumatic chamberandprovidesmountingpointsfortheLock/Unlockswitches.
Servo Module
signalsthroughtheMasterandToolmodulestotheend-effectorequipped withaservomotor.
Sensor InterfacePlate used to adapt the Tool Changer Master to the
customer-suppliedrobot.TheSIPisessentiallyaRobotInterfacePlatethat containssensorsthatdeterminethestate(Locked/Unlocked/NoTool)ofthe
Master plate.
Soft Start
largecurrentspikesthatwouldotherwiseoccurduringthecouplingofthe MasterandTool.Thisresultsinaseriesofmuchsmallercurrentspikesand preventssignicantvoltagedropsonthenetworkpower.
Adeviceusedduringtheset-upandintegrationoftherobottooverridethe TSIcircuit.
ToolmodulethatprovidesanuniqueidenticationnumberforeachTool whenusingmultipleTools.The
Tool Plate
Tool Stand StandthatholdsToolsnotbeingusedbytherobot. Tool Present
Trip Dog
Ahard-connectinput(sourcedfromtheTool)indicatingtheMasterandTool areelectricallyconnectedtoeachother.
Aphysicaldeviceusedtoactivateamechanicalswitch,useintheTool StandInterlockcircuit.
designedtoonlyallowToolChangerreleasewhileinthestandorstorage location.
Uncoupling ThephysicalactionoftheunlockingtheMasterandToolPlates.SeeUnlock
Unlatch TheoutputsuppliedtotheATIMastermoduletouncoupletheToolChanger.
forcingthecamtoreleasethelockingballsfromthebearingrace.Allowing theMasterandToolPlatestobeseparated.
Anoutputsignalprovidedbyaproximitysensor,indicatingthatthecoupling mechanismisintheUnlockedposition.
PneumaticportontheMasterplatethroughwhichairpressureissuppliedto UnlocktheMasterplatefromtheToolplate.
Aproximitysensorthatdetectsthepositionofthepneumaticallyactuated pistonwhenitisintheunlockedposition.
VLAN VirtualLocalAreaNetwork
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Quick Change Installation and Operation Manual
Document #9620-20-A-General TOC and Introduction-08
2. Safety
The safety section describes general safety guidelines to be followed with this product, explanation of the notication found in this manual, and safety precaution that apply to the product. More specic notication are
imbedded within the sections of the manual where they apply.
2.1 Explanation of Notications
The notications included here are specic to the product(s) covered by this manual. It is expected that the user heed all notications from the robot manufacturer and/or the manufacturers of other components used
in the installation.
deathorseriousinjury.Thenoticationprovidesinformationaboutthenatureofthe hazardoussituation,theconsequencesofnotavoidingthehazard,andthemethodfor
avoiding the situation.
indeathorseriousinjury.Thenoticationprovidesinformationaboutthenatureofthe hazardoussituation,theconsequencesofnotavoidingthehazard,andthemethodfor
avoiding the situation.
CAUTION: Noticationofinformationorinstructionsthatifnotfollowedcouldresult
inmoderateinjuryorwillcausedamagetoequipment.Thenoticationprovides informationaboutthenatureofthehazardoussituation,theconsequencesofnot avoidingthehazard,andthemethodforavoidingthesituation.
ATTENTION, NOTE, or NOTICE: Noticationofspecicinformationorinstructionsabout
maintaining,operating,installation,orsetupoftheproductthatifnotfollowedcouldresultin damagetoequipment.Thenoticationcanemphasizebutisnotlimitedtospecicgreasetypes, goodoperatingpractices,ormaintenancetips.
2.2 General Safety Guidelines
Prior to purchase and installation, the customer should verify that the Tool Changer selected is rated for the
maximum loads and moments expected during operation. Refer to product specications section in each
module of this manual or contact ATI for assistance. Particular attention should be paid to dynamic loads caused by robot acceleration and deceleration. These forces can be many times the value of static forces in high acceleration or deceleration situations.
The customer is responsible for ensuring that the area between the Master and Tool sides is clear of foreign objects during mating and subsequent coupling. Failure to do so may result in serious injury to personnel.
shouldbepreventedfromplacinganypartoftheirbodyorclothinginthegap, especiallyduringactuationofthelockingmechanism.
The customer is responsible for understanding the function of the Tool Changer and implementing the
proper fasteners and/or software to operate the Tool Changer safely. The Tool Changer should be controlled such that there is no chance of locking or unlocking in a position that would endanger personnel and/or equipment. If the Tool Changer is specied with Lock/Unlock (L/U) and Ready-to-Lock (RTL) sensing
capability, the status should be monitored and proper interlocks applied to prevent injury to personnel and equipment.
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Quick Change Installation and Operation Manual
Document #9620-20-A-General TOC and Introduction-08
All pneumatic and uid components (i.e. ttings, tubing) must be capable of withstanding the repetitive motions of the application without failing. The routing of electrical, uid, and pneumatic lines must minimize the possibility of stress/strain, kinking, rupture, etc. Failure of critical electrical, uid, or
pneumatic lines to function properly may result in injury to personnel and equipment.
All electrical power, pneumatic and uid circuits should be disconnected during servicing.
2.3 Safety Precautions
WARNING: Removealltemporaryprotectivematerials(caps,plugs,tape,etc.)on
lockingfaceofToolChangerandmodulespriortooperation.Failuretodosowillresult indamagetoToolChangers,modules,andend-of-armtoolingandcouldcauseinjury
to personnel.
WARNING: DonotperformmaintenanceorrepaironToolChangerormodulesunless
theToolissafelysupportedordockedinthetoolstand,allenergizedcircuits(e.g. electrical,air,water,etc.)areturnedoff,pressurizedconnectionspurgedandpower dischargedfromcircuitsinaccordancewiththecustomer’ssafetypracticesand policies.InjuryorequipmentdamagecanoccurwithToolnotdockedandenergized circuitson.DocktheToolsafelyinthetoolstand,turnoffanddischargeallenergized circuits,purgeallpressurizedconnections,verifyallenergizedcircuitsarede-energized beforeperformingmaintenanceorrepaironToolChangerormodules.
WARNING: Duringoperation,theareabetweentheMasterandToolmustbekept
WARNING: TheToolChangerisonlytobeusedforintendedapplicationsand
applicationsapprovedbythemanufacturer.UsingtheToolChangerinapplications otherthanintendedwillresultindamagetoToolChanger,modules,orend-of-arm toolingandcouldcauseinjurytopersonnel.
mountedtotherobotinterfaceplate.DamagetotheCoverplateandO-ringmayresult. AlwaysattachtheMasterplatetotherobotinterfaceplatepriortoattemptingany
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Quick Change Installation and Operation Manual
Document #9620-20-A-General TOC and Introduction-08
3. Product Overview
3.1 Tool Changers
There are many different types of Tool Changers, Manual, Heavy Automation, Rail, Hollow Wrist, etc, which are specically suited for the application they are designed for. A Tool Changer enhances the exibility and reliability of a robotic cell. Robotic Tool Changers are used in automated Tool change applications as well as manual Tool change operations. Robotic Tool Changers also provide a method for
quick Tool change for maintenance purposes.
Automatic Tool Changers provide added exibility to robot applications by allowing one robot to change
end-effectors, such as grippers and vacuum tooling. The Quick-Change products are pneumatically or electrically operated devices consisting of a Master Plate and Tool Plate using a patented stainless steel locking mechanism. Add-on utility modules provide electrical pass-through of, DeviceNet™, Ethernet,
PROFINET™ or PROFIBUS™ bus network signals, high current and servo signals, as well as air, vacuum, and uid pass-through.
Tool Changers can be equipped with sensors to detect when the Tool Changer is in the locked/unlocked
positions and if the Tool plate is present. Some models require an optional Sensor Interface Plate (SIP) plate to mount the lock and unlock sensors. If required, the use of a SIP is highly recommended for achieving the highest level of safety and reliability.
The ATI Tool Changer has been designed to provide extremely long life with little maintenance.
3.1.1 Manually Actuated
ATI’s Manual Tool Changers provide a cost effective solution for quickly changing tools by hand.
They feature a unique design that combines high strength, excellent repeatability and a lever or
screw-cam locking mechanism with multiple fail-safe features, which resists vibration and prevents loosening. The Manual Tool Changers also feature quick-action locking for manual operation.
These robust and compact Manual Tool Changers can handle payloads up to 80 pounds (36 kg) as
well as pass pneumatics and electrical signals.
3.1.2 Quick-Change (Round Body style)
The Quick-Change robotic Tool Changer has been designed to incorporate high strength in a small, low-weight package. The Tool change system consists of two primary parts: the Master plate and the Tool plate. The Master plate is mounted to a robot while the customer supplied end-effector is typically attached to the Tool plate. The Master plate is typically mounted to the robot with an optional interface plate. Many models have integrated pass-through air ports.
3.1.3 Heavy Automation
The Heavy Automation Robotic Tool Changer line has been developed for resistance welding and medium-duty to heavy-duty material handling. Because a Tool Changer uses specic modules to pass utilities such as uids, electrical, and pneumatics, it can be custom congured to handle
numerous applications.
3.2 Utility Couplers
The Utility Coupler from ATI was developed for heavy-duty, automated industrial applications where there is a need to change tools that pass utilities such as air and electrical signals. Unlike other traditional manual
methods of connecting multiple lines, the ATI Utility Coupler is especially congured for coupling lines and
restoring operations more quickly. The modular body design is capable of mounting any of ATI’s standard
add-on utility modules and is designed to improve cycle time as well as add exibility to any production
cell. The Master-side connection can feature an unique compliance mechanism that allows for large tooling misalignments. The Utility Coupler can be provided with an ATI locking mechanism or a drive cylinder.
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Quick Change Installation and Operation Manual
Document #9620-20-A-General TOC and Introduction-08
4. Terms and Conditions of Sale
The following Terms and Conditions are a supplement to and include a portion of ATI’s Standard Terms and
Conditions, which are on le at ATI and available upon request.
ATI warrants to Purchaser that robotic Tool Changer products purchased hereunder will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of three (3) years from the date of shipment. This warranty does not cover components subject to wear and tear under normal usage or those requiring periodic replacement. ATI will have no liability under this warranty unless: (a) ATI is given written notice of the claimed defect and a description thereof within thirty (30) days after Purchaser discovers the defect and in any event not later than the last day of the warranty period; and (b) the defective item is received by ATI not later ten (10) days after the last day of the warranty period. ATI’s entire liability and Purchaser’s sole remedy under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement, at ATI’s election, of the defective part or item or, at ATI’s election, refund of the price paid for the item. The foregoing warranty does not apply to any defect or failure resulting from improper installation, operation, maintenance or repair by anyone other than ATI.
ATI will in no event be liable for incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind, even if ATI has been
advised of the possibility of such damages. ATI’s aggregate liability will in no event exceed the amount paid by
purchaser for the item which is the subject of claim or dispute. ATI will have no liability of any kind for failure of any equipment or other items not supplied by ATI.
No action against ATI, regardless of form, arising out of or in any way connected with products or services supplied hereunder may be brought more than one (1) year after the cause of action accrued.
No representation or agreement varying or extending the warranty and limitation of remedy provisions contained herein is authorized by ATI, and may not be relied upon as having been authorized by ATI, unless in writing and signed by an executive ofcer of ATI.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ATI, all designs, drawings, data, inventions, software and other technology made or developed by ATI in the course of providing products and services hereunder, and all rights therein under any patent, copyright or other law protecting intellectual property, shall be and remain ATI’s property. The sale of
products or services hereunder does not convey any express or implied license under any patent, copyright or other
intellectual property right owned or controlled by ATI, whether relating to the products sold or any other matter
except for the license expressly granted below.
In the course of supplying products and services hereunder, ATI may provide or disclose to Purchaser condential
and proprietary information of ATI relating to the design, operation or other aspects of ATI’s products. As between ATI and Purchaser, ownership of such information, including without limitation any computer software provided to Purchaser by ATI, shall remain in ATI and such information is licensed to Purchaser only for Purchaser’s use in operating the products supplied by ATI hereunder in Purchaser’s internal business operations.
Without ATI’s prior written permission, Purchaser will not use such information for any other purpose or provide or
otherwise make such information available to any third party. Purchaser agrees to take all reasonable precautions to
prevent any unauthorized use or disclosure of such information.
Purchaser will not be liable hereunder with respect to disclosure or use of information which: (a) is in the public domain when received from ATI; (b) is thereafter published or otherwise enters the public domain through no fault of Purchaser; (c) is in Purchaser’s possession prior to receipt from ATI; (d) is lawfully obtained by Purchaser from a third party entitled to disclose it; or (f) is required to be disclosed by judicial order or other governmental authority, provided that, with respect to such required disclosures, Purchaser gives ATI prior notice thereof and uses all legally
available means to maintain the condentiality of such information.
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210 Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
Table of Contents
B. Base Tool Changer ..................................................................................................................B-3
QC-210 Series—Robotic Tool Changer
1. Product Overview ..................................................................................................................B-3
1.1 Master Plate Assembly ............................................................................................................. B-4
1.2 T ool Plate Assembly .................................................................................................................. B-5
1.3 Optional Modules ......................................................................................................................B-5
2. Installation .............................................................................................................................B-6
2.1 Master Interface .........................................................................................................................B-7
2.2 Master Plate Installation ...........................................................................................................B-8
2.3 Master Plate Removal ...............................................................................................................B-8
2.4 Tool Interface .............................................................................................................................B-9
2.5 Tool Plate Installation (includes Bolt-Down Plate) ...............................................................B-10
2.6 Tool Plate Removal (includes Bolt-Down Plate) ....................................................................B-11
2.7 Pneumatic Requirements .......................................................................................................B-12
2.7.1 Valve Requirements for Air Adapter Modules ................................................................B-12
2.8 Electrical Connections ............................................................................................................B-13
2.8.1 PNP Type Lock, Unlock and RTL Sensors (-SM, -SR, -SL, -ST sensor designations) .B-13
2.8.2 NPN Type Lock, Unlock and RTL Sensors (-SP, -SE, -SU sensor designations) ..........B-13
3. Operation .............................................................................................................................B-14
3.1 Conditions for Coupling .........................................................................................................B-15
3.2 Fail-Safe Operation .................................................................................................................B-16
3.3 Conditions for Uncoupling .....................................................................................................B-17
3.4 ToolIdentication ....................................................................................................................B-17
3.5 Tool Storage Considerations .................................................................................................B-18
4. Maintenance .........................................................................................................................B-19
4.1 Preventive Maintenance .........................................................................................................B-19
4.2 Cleaning and Lubrication of the Locking Mechanism and Alignment Pins ....................... B-20
4.3 Pin Block Inspection and Cleaning .......................................................................................B-22
5. Troubleshooting and Service Procedures ........................................................................B-23
5.1 Troubleshooting Procedures .................................................................................................B-23
5.2 Service Procedures .................................................................................................................B-24
5.2.1 Sensor Replacement Procedures .................................................................................B-24
5.2.2 V-ring Seal Replacement ...............................................................................................B-34
5.2.3 Alignment Pin Replacement ..........................................................................................B-35
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210 Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
6. Serviceable Parts ................................................................................................................B-36
6.1 Models 9121-210xM-0-0-0-0-S0 ..............................................................................................B-36
6.2 Models 9121-210xM-0-0-0-0-SL and 9121-210xM-0-0-0-0-SE ...............................................B-37
6.3 Models 9121-210xM-0-0-0-0-SM, 9121-210xM-0-0-0-0-SP and 9121-210xM-0-0-0-0-SR .....B-38
6.4 Models 9121-210xM-0-0-0-0-ST and 9121-210xM-0-0-0-0-SU ...............................................B-39
6.5 Standard Tool Plate ................................................................................................................B-40
6.6 Bolt-Down Tool Plate .............................................................................................................B-41
7. Specications ......................................................................................................................B-42
8. Drawings ..............................................................................................................................B-43
8.1 QC-210 Tool Changer ..............................................................................................................B-43
8.2 Bolt-Down Tool Plate .............................................................................................................B-46
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210 Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
B. Base Tool Changer QC-210 Series—Robotic Tool Changer
1. Product Overview
The Tool Changer provides exibility to robot applications by that allow the robot to change customer tooling (e.g., grippers, vacuum cup tooling, pneumatic and electric motors, weld guns, etc.) automatically. The Tool Changer consists of a Master plate and a Tool plate. The Master plate is attached to a robot, while end-effectors such as grippers, material handlers, etc. are attached to one or more Tool plates.
The Master plate locks to the Tool plate with a pneumatically driven locking mechanism. This locking mechanism uses a patented, multi-tapered cam with ball locking technology and a patented fail-safe mechanism.
The robot can be programmed to select the desired customer tooling by coupling the Master plate to the Tool plate attached to the tooling. Electrical signals, pneumatic power, and uids can be transferred to the customer tooling through the Master plate and Tool plate by optional modules. See the respective manuals for these options for more details.
For the most current product information and specications on the QC-210 Series of Tool Changers, please click
the following link:
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210 Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
1.1 Master Plate Assembly
The Master plate assembly includes the following features:
• An anodized aluminum body.
• A hardened stainless steel locking mechanism (a cam, male coupling, and chrome steel ball bearings).
• Hardened steel alignment pins that mate with bushings on the Tool plate.
• (4) ats for mounting optional modules. Flat an is dedicated for mounting an air adapter or a valve
adapter and control/signal module combination. Flats B, C, and D are for optional modules.
• Proximity sensor assemblies used to verify the lock/unlock position of the piston and cam.
• Proximity sensors used to verify Tool plate presence when coupled.
• A mounting pattern for a robot arm or an interface plate.
• Routing channels for the RTL, Lock, and Unlock sensor cables.
Extreme pressure grease is applied to the cam, male coupling, ball bearings, and pins to enhance performance and maximize the life of the Master plate.
Figure 1.1—Master Plate Assembly
RTL (R1) Proximity Sensor
Lock/Unlock Air supplied through Air/Valve Adapter mounted to Flat A
(12) Ball Bearing
Male Coupling
(2) Alignment pin
RTL (R2) Proximity Sensor
Cable Retaining Tab
Common Ledge Feature for Module mounted to Flat B, C, and D
Internal Proximity Sensors (Lock/Unlock) [Not Visible]
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210 Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
1.2 T ool Plate Assembly
The Tool plate assembly includes the following features:
• An anodized aluminum body.
• A hardened stainless steel bearing race.
• Alignment bushings that mate with pins on the Master plate.
• (4) ats for mounting optional modules. Flat A requires a tool adapter assembly that is compatible with
the air or valve adapter used on the Master Plate. Flats B, C, and D are for optional modules.
• Ferrous metal proximity sensor targets.
• A mounting pattern for customer tooling or a tooling interface plate.
Figure 1.2—T ool Plate Assembly
Common Ledge Feature for Module mounted to Flat A, B, C, and D
(2) Alignment Pin
Bearing Race
Proximity Sensor
Assembly Target (RTL)
Proximity Sensor Assembly Target (RTL)
1.3 Optional Modules
The optional modules are mounted to the Master and Tool plate using a common ledge mounting feature and pass utilities to customer tooling.
For assistance in the choosing the right modules for your particular application, visit our website (http:// to see what is available or contact an ATI sales
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210 Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
2. Installation
All fasteners used to mount the Tool Changer to the robot and to customer’s tooling should be tightened to a
torque value as indicated. Refer to Table 2.1. Furthermore, removable (blue) Loctite 242 must be used on these
fasteners. Table 2.1 contains recommended values based on the engineering standards.
WARNING: Do not perform maintenance or repair(s) on the Tool Changer or modules unless the Tool is safely supported or placed in the tool stand, all energized circuits (e.g. electrical, air, water, etc.) are turned off, pressurized connections are purged and power is discharged from the circuits in accordance with the customer’s safety practices and policies. Injury or equipment damage can occur with the Tool not placed and energized circuits on. Place the Tool in the tool stand, turn off and discharge all energized circuits, purge all pressurized connections, and verify all circuits are de-energized before performing maintenance or repair(s) on the Tool Changer or modules.
WARNING: Do not use lock washers under the head of the mounting fasteners or allow the mounting fasteners to protrude above the mating surfaces of the Master and Tool plates. That allow fasteners to protrude above the mating surface will create a gap between the Master and Tool plates and not allow the locking mechanism to fully engage, this can cause damage
to equipment or personal injury. The mounting fasteners must be ush or below the mating
surfaces of the Master and Tool plates.
Mating Surface
Head of Mounting Fastener Must Be Flush or
Below Mating Surface. (Do Not Use Lock
Washer under Head of Mounting Fastener.)
CAUTION: Do not use fasteners with pre-applied adhesive more than once. Fasteners might become loose and cause equipment damage. Always apply new thread locker when reusing fasteners.
CAUTION: Do not use fasteners that exceed the thread depth in the Tool Changer. Refer to
Section 8—Drawings for details on the mounting hole thread depth. Secure the Tool Changer
with the proper length fasteners. This is true for both robot and tool interfaces.
Table 2.1—FastenerSize,Class,andTorqueSpecications
Mounting Conditions
Master plate to Interface plate and Interface plate to Robot (6061-T6 aluminum) Minimum thread engagement of 0.59” (15 mm) [1.5X fastener Ø].
Conrm available engagement with Robot Manufacturer
Interface plate to Robot (steel; USS ≥ 90KSI)
Minimum thread engagement of 0.39” (10 mm) [1.0X fastener Ø].
Conrm available engagement with Robot Manufacturer
Tool plate (aluminum) to Tool interface plate (aluminum) Minimum thread engagement of 0.47” (12 mm) [1.5X fastener Ø].
Tool interface plate (aluminum) to Tool plate (aluminum) Minimum thread engagement of 0.59” (15 mm) [1.5X fastener Ø].
Tool interface plate (aluminum) to Tool plate (aluminum) Minimum thread engagement of 0.71” (18 mm) [1.5X fastener Ø].
Fastener Size
and Property
Class 12.9
Class 12.9
Class 12.9
Class 12.9
Class 12.9
38 ft-lbs (52 Nm)
55 ft-lbs (75 Nm)
20 ft-lbs (27 Nm)
38 ft-lbs (52 Nm)
70 ft-lbs (94 Nm)
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210
A boss and two dowel pins can
Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
2.1 Master Interface
The Master plate is typically attached to the robot arm. An interface plate can adapt the Master plate to a specic robot arm. Alignment features (dowel holes and bosses) accurately position and bolt holes secure the Master plate to the robot arm or an interface plate. Custom interface plates are available from ATI upon request. (Refer to the Drawing Section for technical information on the mounting features.)
CAUTION: Do not use more than two alignment features when that secure a Master plate to an interface plate. Using more than two alignment features can cause damage to equipment. Use either two dowel pins or a single dowel pin along with a boss/recess feature to align the Master plate with the interface plate.
CAUTION: Do not use dowel pins that are too long or do not allow the interface plate
and Master body to mate ush. Using dowel pins that are too long will cause a gap
between the interface plate and Master body and damage to the equipment. Use dowel pins that will not extend further than allowed by the Master body.
Incorrect Mounting of Master Plate
be difficult to align and can
cause damage to equipment.
Interface Plate
Optional Boss
Correct Mounting of Master Plate
(or a single dowel
used as alignment features.
Two dowel pins
with a boss/recess)
pin along
Interface Plate
Dowel pins that are
too long can cause a
gap between interface
plate and Master Plate.
Master Plate
Correct size dowel
pins allow the interface
plate and Master
plate to mount flush.
Master Plate
If the customer chooses to design and build an interface plate, consider the following points:
• The interface plate should include bolt holes for mounting and either two dowel pins or a dowel pin and a boss for accurate positioning on the robot and Master plate. The dowel and boss features prevent unwanted rotation. Refer to the robot manual for robot mounting features.
• The thickness of the interface plate must be sufcient to provide the necessary thread engagement for the mounting bolts.
• Dowel pins must not extend out from the surface of the interface plate farther than the depth of the dowel holes in the Master plate.
• If a boss is used on the Master plate, a recess of proper depth and diameter must be machined into the interface plate to correspond with the boss on the Master plate.
• Mounting bolts that are too long can create a gap between the interface plate and the Master plate, which can damage equipment.
• The interface plate must provide rigid mounting to the Master plate.
• The interface plate design must account for clearances required for Tool Changer module attachments
and accessories.
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210 Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
2.2 Master Plate Installation
Tools required: 8 mm Allen® wrench (hex key), torque wrench Supplies required: Clean rag, Loctite® 242
1. Clean the mounting surfaces.
2. If required, install the interface plate to the robot arm, align using the boss or dowel pins and secure with customer supplied fasteners.
3. Align the dowel pins to the corresponding holes in the Master plate and secure the Master plate to the robot arm or interface plate with customer supplied (10) M10-1.5 socket head cap screws using an 8 mm
Allen wrench. Refer to Section 8—Drawings for mounting pattern. Apply Loctite 242 to threads (see
Table 2.1 for proper fasteners and torque).
NOTICE: If an ATI interface plate is used, fasteners to mount the Master plate is supplied with the interface plate.
4. Connect utilities to the appropriate module and Master plate connections. For pneumatic lock and unlock
connection refer to Section 2.7—Pneumatic Requirements.
5. After the procedure is complete, resume normal operation.
Figure 2.1—Typical Master Plate Installation
Robot Arm
Dowel Pin (Customer Supplied)
Socket Head Cap Screw
(Customer Supplied)
(10) M10-1.5 Socket Head Cap Screw
(Refer to Table 2.1)
(Customer Supplied)
2.3 Master Plate Removal
Tools required: 8 mm Allen wrench (hex key)
1. Place the Tool in a secure location.
2. Uncouple the Master and Tool plates.
3. Turn off and de-energize all energized circuits (e.g. electrical, air, water, etc.).
4. Disconnect all utilities (e.g. electrical, air, water, etc.).
Robot Interface Plate (Customer Supplied) (If required, custom RIP’s are available from ATI.)
Dowel Pin (Customer Supplied)
Master Plate
NOTICE: Support the Master plate while removing the fasteners.
5. Remove the (10) M10 socket head cap screws connecting the Master plate to the robot arm or interface plate using an 8 mm Allen wrench.
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210
Correct Mounting of Tool Plate
Interface Plate
Incorrect Mounting of Tool Plate
Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
2.4 Tool Interface
The Tool plate is attached to the customer’s tooling. An interface plate can adapt the Tool plate to customer tooling. Alignment features (dowel holes and a recess) accurately position and bolt holes secure the Tool plate to customer tooling. Custom interface plates can be supplied by ATI (Refer to the application drawing).
CAUTION: Do not use more than two alignment features when that secure a Tool plate to an interface plate. Using more than two alignment features can cause damage to equipment. Use either two dowel pins or a single dowel pin along with a boss/recess feature to align the Tool plate with the interface plate.
CAUTION: Do not use dowel pins that are too long or do not allow the interface plate
and Tool body to mate ush. Using dowel pins that are too long will cause a gap
between the interface plate and Tool body and damage to the equipment. Use dowel pins that will not extend further than allowed by the Tool body.
Boss and two dowel pins
as alignment features can be
difficult to align and can
damage equipment.
Dowel pins
are too long and
cause a gap between
interface plate and Tool.
Tool Plate
single dowel pin along with a
proper size allowing
interface plate and Tool
Plate to mount flush.
Two dowel pins (or a
boss/recess) used as
alignment features.
Dowel pins are
Interface Plate
Tool Plate
If the customer chooses to design and build a tool interface plate, consider the following points:
• The interface plate should include bolt holes for mounting and either two dowel pins or a dowel pin and a boss for accurate positioning on the customer tooling and Tool plate. The dowel and boss features prevent unwanted rotation.
• Dowel pins must not extend out from the surface of the interface plate farther than the depth of the dowel holes in the Tool plate.
• The thickness of the interface plate must be sufcient to provide the necessary thread engagement for the mounting bolts. Fasteners should meet minimum recommended engagement lengths while not exceeding the maximum available thread depth. Use of bolts that are too long can cause damage to the tool side changer.
• The plate design must account for clearances required for Tool Changer module attachments and accessories.
• If a boss is to be used on the interface plate, a boss of proper height and diameter must be machined into the interface plate to correspond with the recess in the Tool plate.
• The interface plate must have a hole in its center for manually returning the locking mechanism to the unlocked position under adverse conditions (i.e. unintended loss of power and/or air pressure). The center access hole with a minimum diameter of the 1” (25.4 mm) prevents debris from the contaminating the locking mechanism. Greater protection is provided by leaving the race cover and grommet in place.
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 • • Email:
Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210 Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
2.5 Tool Plate Installation (includes Bolt-Down Plate)
Tools required: 8 mm, 10 mm, or 12 mm Allen wrench (hex key), torque wrench Supplies required: Clean rag, Loctite 242
1. Clean the mounting surfaces.
2. If required, install the tool interface plate to the customer tooling, align using the boss or dowel pins and secure with customer supplied fasteners.
3. Align the dowel pins to the corresponding holes in the Tool plate and secure the Tool plate to the tool
interface plate or customer tooling with customer supplied fasteners. Refer to Section 8—Drawings for mounting pattern. Apply Loctite 242 to threads (see Table 2.1).
NOTICE: If an ATI interface plate is used, fasteners to mount the Tool plate is supplied with the interface plate.
4. Connect utilities to the appropriate module and Tool plate connections.
5. After the procedure is complete, resume normal operation.
Figure 2.2—Standard Tool Plate Installation (210CT Shown)
Tool Plate
Dowel Pin (Customer Supplied)
(6) M10-1.5 Socket Head Cap Screw
Torque to 52 N-m (38 ft-lbs)
(Customer Supplied)
Tool Interface Plate (Customer Supplied)
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Bolt-Down Tool Plate Installation (210CWT Shown)
(12) M8-1.25 Socket Head Cap Screw
(Refer to Table 2.1)
(Customer Supplied)
Dowel Pin
(Customer Supplied)
Tool Plate
Tool Interface Plate (Customer Supplied)
2.6 Tool Plate Removal (includes Bolt-Down Plate)
Tools required: 8 mm, 10 mm, or 12 mm Allen wrench (hex key)
1. Place the Tool in a secure location.
2. Uncouple the Master and Tool plates.
3. Turn off and de-energize all energized circuits (e.g. electrical, air, water, etc.).
4. Disconnect all utilities (e.g. electrical, air, water, etc.).
5. Remove the fasteners connecting the Tool plate to the tooling or tool interface plate.
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2.7 Pneumatic Requirements
Proper operation of the locking mechanism requires a constant supply of the clean, dry, non-lubricated air, with the following conditions:
• Pressure range of the 60 to 100 psi (4.1 - 6.9 bar) Suggested 80 psi.
• Filtered minimum: 40 microns.
To lock or unlock the Tool Changer, a constant supply of the compressed air is required. If there is a loss of air pressure in the locked state, the cam prole prevents the master plate and tool plate from unlocking, and the Tool Changer goes into the fail-safe condition.
CAUTION: Do not use the Tool Changer in a fail-safe condition. Damage to the locking mechanism can occur. Re-establish air pressure and ensure the Tool Changer is in a secure lock position before returning to normal operations.
2.7.1 Valve Requirements for Air Adapter Modules
NOTICE: No valve is required when using a valve adapter module. The valve adapter
module has an integrated solenoid valve and only requires the customer to supply a single air source to the valve adapter.
A customer supplied 2-position 4-way or 5-way valve must be used to actuate the locking mechanism in the Master plate. It is imperative that when air is supplied to the Lock or Unlock Port on the Master plate, that the opposite port be vented to atmosphere (i.e., when air is supplied to the Lock Port, the Unlock Port must be open to the atmosphere.) Failure to vent trapped air or vacuum on the inactive port may inhibit operation of the valve and prevent coupling or uncoupling.
Air Adapter without
integrated valve
CAUTION: The locking mechanism will not function properly when connected to a 3-way valve as this type of valve is incapable of venting trapped air or vacuum from the within the Tool Changer. This could result in damage to the product, attached tooling, or injury to personnel. Connect the Lock and Unlock supply air to a 2-position 4-way or 5-way valve.
Figure 2.3—Lock and Unlock Pneumatic Connections
4 or 5-way Valve
Supply Clean, Dry,
Lock Port
Exhaust Open to Atmosphere
Unlock Port
Non-lubricated Air 60 – 100 psi (4.1 –6.9 Bar)
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Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210
(3) Blue
Brown (1)
(4) Black
Brown (1)
Black (4)
Blue (3)
0 V
NPN (Current Sinking)
Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
2.8 Electrical Connections
The Tool Changer is available with integrated lock/unlock sensors. If the sensors are not used, plugs are provided to seal the locking mechanism. If a control/signal module is to be utilized on Flat ‘A’ when ordered, the sensors will be connected to the module prior to shipping.
2.8.1 PNP Type Lock, Unlock and RTL Sensors (-SM, -SR, -SL, -ST sensor
These sensors are used on the 9121-210AM-0-0-0-0-SM, 9121-210AM-0-0-0-0-SR, 9121-210AM­0-0-0-0-SL and 9121-210AM-0-0-0-0-ST.
Table 2.2—PNP (Current Sourcing)
Description Value
Voltage Supply Range 10-30 VDC Output Circuit PNP make function (NO)
Figure 2.4—PNP Type Lock, Unlock and RTL Sensors
PNP (Current Sourcing)
Brown (1)
Black (4)
Blue (3)
2.8.2 NPN Type Lock, Unlock and RTL Sensors (-SP, -SE, -SU sensor
These sensors are used on the 9121-210AM-0-0-0-0-SP, 9121-210AM-0-0-0-0-SE, and 9121-210AM-0-0-0-0-SU.
Description Value
Voltage Supply Range 10-30 VDC Output Circuit NPN make function (NO)
Figure 2.5—NPN Type Lock, Unlock and RTL Sensors
Brown (1)
0 V
Table 2.3—NPN (Current Sinking)
(4) Black
(3) Blue
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Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210 Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
3. Operation
The Master plate locking mechanism is pneumatically driven to couple and uncouple with the Tool plate bearing race.
CAUTION: Operation of the Tool Changer is dependent on the maintaining an air pressure of 60 to 100 psi (4.1 - 6.9 bar). Damage to the locking mechanism could occur. Robot motion must be halted If the air supply pressure drops below 60 psi (4.1 bar).
NOTICE: All Tool Changers are lubricated prior to shipment. The customer must apply additional lubricant to the locking mechanism components and alignment pins prior to operation. Tubes of lubricant for this purpose are shipped with every Tool Changer. Standard Tool Changers require
MobilGrease XHP222 Special (a NLGI #2 lithium complex grease with molybdenum disulde). For
custom applications, such as food grade or surgical applications, specialized lubricants might be required.
Coupling should occur with the Master plate in the No-Touch™ locking zone. As coupling occurs, the Master plate should pull the Tool plate into the locked position.
Program the robot to minimize misalignment during coupling and uncoupling. Greater offsets can be accommodated by the Master and Tool plates but will increase wear. Misalignments can be caused by improper tool stand design. Refer to Tool Storage Considerations section.
Figure 3.1—OffsetDenitions
Master Plate
Tool Plate
Cocking Offset
(About X and Y)
X, Y, and Z Offset
Table 3.1—Maximum Recommended Offsets Prior to Coupling
No-Touch Zone Z
1. Maximum values shown. Decreasing actual values will minimize wear during coupling/uncoupling.
2. Actual allowable values may be higher in some cases but higher offsets will increase wear during coupling.
Offset (Max)
(2 mm)
X and Y Offset
(2 mm)
Cocking Offset
±0.7° ±1°
Twisting Offset
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3.1 Conditions for Coupling
The following conditions should be considered when operating the Tool Changer. For more details about programming the robot, refer to the Operation section of the Control/Signal Module Manual.
CAUTION: Do not attempt to couple the Tool Changer when in the locked position. The locking mechanism must be in the unlock position when attempting to couple the Tool Changer. Failure to adhere to this condition may result in damage to the unit and/or the robot. Always unlock the Master prior to coupling to a Tool.
1. Unlock the Tool Changer by removing air pressure from the lock port and supplying air pressure to the unlock port (If equipped, the unlock sensor indicates the Tool Changer is unlocked).
NOTICE: For Tool Changers with a control/signal module and air/valve adapters with a double solenoid valve, turn the Unlatch output on and turn the Latch output OFF. For Tool Changers with a control/signal module and air/valve adapters with a single solenoid valve, turn the Unlatch output ON. Some control/signal modules prevent the Tool Changer from being unlocked unless the Master and Tool are coupled and nested properly in the tool stand, a manual override procedure is required to unlock the Tool Changer. Refer to your Control/Signal Module Manual for instructions.
2. Position Master above the Tool and move the Master into ready to lock position. The mating surfaces of the Master and Tool should be parallel and not touching. Make sure that the tapered alignment pins from the Master enter the alignment holes on the Tool. The alignment pins should be relatively concentric with the alignment bushings with no contact between the two.
3. It is recommended that the mating faces of the Master and Tool not be touching but be within the No­Touch distance of each other when coupling to minimize stress and wear on the locking mechanism. The locking mechanism allows the Master to “pull up” the Tool with gaps between the two sides.
CAUTION: Direct contact of the Master and Tool mating surfaces is not suggested or required just prior to coupling. Contact may result in damage to the unit and/or the robot. No-Touch locking technology allows the unit to couple with a separation distance between the Master and Tool.
4. The RTL (Ready-To-Lock) sensor and target that are built into the Tool Changer must be positioned within approximately 0.05” (1.5 mm) of each other for the sensors to detect Tool presence. RTL signals are not required to couple the Tool Changer but are recommended as a conrmation of the coupling prior to removing the Tool from the tool stand.
NOTICE: At this point, communication is initiated with the ATI Tool and downstream nodes. If equipped, Tool-ID and communications become available. Depending on the type of control/
signal module, additional notications such as RTLV, TSRV, TSIV, Tool Present, Unlatch Enabled, and other notications can provide verication of the properly functioning system
5. Couple the Tool Changer by releasing the air pressure from the unlock port and supplying air pressure to the lock port. Air must be maintained on the lock port during operation to assure rigid coupling (If equipped, the lock sensor indicates the Tool Changer is in the locked position).
NOTICE: For Tool Changers with a control/signal module and air/valve adapters with a double solenoid valve, turn the Unlatch output OFF and turn the Latch output ON. For Tool Changers with a control/signal module and air/valve adapters with a single solenoid valve, turn the Unlatch output OFF.
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Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210 Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
6. A sufcient delay must be programmed between locking valve actuation and robot motion so that the locking process is complete before moving the robot. If equipped with Lock and Unlock sensors, the Lock signal should read “ON” (true) and the Unlock signal should read “OFF” (false).
NOTICE: If the locking mechanism has been actuated and both the Lock and Unlock signals are OFF, then a “missed tool” condition has occurred (for example, the Tool is not in the stand or is not positioned properly). in this case an error should be generated and the robot program halted. The situation requires manual inspection to determine the cause of the problem. Some
congurations will require a manual unlock of the Master plate before attempting coupling, refer
to the Control/Signal Module Manual for instructions. NOTICE: The locking mechanism must be in the unlock state before another attempt is made to
couple or damage could occur to the robot and/or the Tool Changer.
3.2 Fail-Safe Operation
A fail-safe condition occurs when there is an unintended loss of lock air pressure to the Master plate. When air pressure is lost, the Tool Changer relaxes and there may be a slight separation between the Master and Tool plates. The lock sensor may indicate that the unit is not locked. ATI’s patented fail-safe feature utilizes a multi-tapered cam to trap the ball bearings and prevent an unintended release of the Tool plate. Positional accuracy of the tooling is not maintained during this fail-safe condition. Do not operate the Tool Changer in the fail-safe condition. If the source air is lost to the unit, movement should be halted until air pressure is restored.
After air pressure is re-established to the Master plate, the locking mechanism will energize and securely lock the Master and Tool plates together. in some cases when the load on the tool changer is signicantly off center, it may be necessary to position load underneath the tool changer or return the tool to the tool storage location to ensure a secure lock condition. If equipped, make sure the lock sensor indicates the Tool Changer is in the locked position before resuming normal operations. Consult your Control/Signal Module Manual for specic error recovery information.
CAUTION: Do not use the Tool Changer in a fail-safe condition. Damage to the locking mechanism could occur. Re-establish air pressure and ensure the Tool Changer is in a secure lock position before returning to normal operations.
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Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210 Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
3.3 Conditions for Uncoupling
Refer to your Air/Valve Adapter and/or Control/Signal Module Manual’s Operation section for operation during coupling/uncoupling.
1. Move the robot to position Tool plate in the tool stand. The position for coupling and uncoupling are the same.
NOTICE: Depending on the type of control/signal module, additional notications such as
TSRV, TSIV, and other notications can provide verication of the properly functioning system
2. Unlock the Tool Changer by releasing the air pressure from the lock port and supplying air pressure to the unlock port. The Tool Changer locking mechanism moves to the unlocked position and the Tool plate releases from the Master plate. (If equipped, the unlock sensor indicates the Tool Changer is unlocked).
NOTICE: For Tool Changers with a control/signal module and air/valve adapters with a double solenoid valve, turn the Unlatch output on and turn the Latch output OFF. For Tool Changers with a control/signal module and air/valve adapters with a single solenoid valve, turn the Unlatch output ON.
CAUTION: This Tool Changer may be equipped with a tool stand Interlock (TSI) feature that physically breaks the Unlatch solenoid circuit. Proper Use of TSI prevents unwanted Unlock software commands from being recognized until the circuit is made. Make sure the Tool Changer is positioned properly to tinterface plate actuate the TSI switch when the Tool is in the tool stand.
3. A sufcient delay must be programmed between unlocking valve actuation and robot motion so that unlocking process is complete before moving the robot. If equipped with lock and unlock sensors,
the Unlock signal should read “on” (true) and the Lock signal should read “off” (false). Any other condition indicates a problem and the robot program should be halted. Once the Lock and Unlock
signals in the proper state, the Master plate may be moved away from the Tool plate in the axial direction.
The robot and Master plate can now proceed to another Tool plate for coupling and subsequent operations.
3.4 ToolIdentication
When using multiple Tools, it is good practice to implement a Tool-ID system that identies each Tool with an unique code. Tool-ID can be used to verify that the robot has picked up the proper Tool. Modules with
Tool-ID are available from ATI, refer to our Web site
changer_modules.aspx for products available or contact ATI for assistance.
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Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-210 Document #9620-20-B-210 Series Base Tool Changer-26
3.5 Tool Storage Considerations
NOTICE: Tool stand design is critical to the operation of the Tool Changer. Improperly designed
tool stands can cause jamming and excessive wear of the Tool Changer components.
Tool plates with customer tooling attached may be stored in a tool stand. ATI provides compatible tool stands designed for durability, longevity, and maximum adaptability to t most customers’ applications. The ATI TSL (Tool Stand Large) system is compatible with ATI Tool Changer sizes QC-150 and larger. The TSL systems can be equipped with horizontal modules, clamp modules, and different types of tool sensing. Visit
the ATI Web Site for products
available or contact ATI for assistance.
If the customer is supplying the tool stand, it must provide a xed, repeatable, level, and stable position for tool pick-up and drop-off. The tool stand must support the weight of the Tool Changer Tool plate, tool interface plate, optional modules, cables, hoses, and customer tooling without that allow deection in the
excess of the offsets specied.
Ideally, the Tool should be hanging vertically in the tool stand so that gravity assists to uncouple the Tool plate from the Master plate during unlocking. It is possible to design tool stands that hold tools in the horizontal position, but the necessary compliance must be provided during coupling and uncoupling. in general, “horizontal-position” tool stands cause more wear on the locking mechanism and locating features of the Tool Changer and tool stand.
A variety of the methods may be used to position Tool in the tool stand. A common method is to use tapered alignment pins and bushings. Robot programming and positional repeatability are vital in the Tool pick-up and drop-off.
A sensor that detects the presence of the Tool in the tool stand is recommended. The sensor may be used prior to coupling to ensure the Tool is seated in the stand. Sensors may also be used as the robot starts to move away after uncoupling. Sensors provide a safety measure If a Tool becomes jammed in the stand or if the Tool fails to release from the robot.
Proximity sensors should be positioned so that the sensing face is vertical to prevent metal shavings, weld spatter, or other debris from the falling on the sensor and creating false readings.
Tool stands debris shields can cover Tools and modules to protect them in the dirty environments, such as grinding or welding. Alternatively, positioning tool stands in the areas shielded from the weld spatter, uids, adhesives, or other debris would eliminate the need for debris shields.
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4. Maintenance
WARNING: Do not perform maintenance or repair(s) on the Tool Changer or modules unless
the Tool is safely supported or placed in the tool stand, all energized circuits (e.g. electrical, air, water, etc.) are turned off, pressurized connections are purged and power is discharged from the circuits in accordance with the customer’s safety practices and policies. Injury or equipment damage can occur with the Tool not placed and energized circuits on. Place the Tool in the tool stand, turn off and discharge all energized circuits, purge all pressurized connections, and verify all circuits are de-energized before performing maintenance or repair(s) on the Tool Changer or modules.
NOTICE: The cleanliness of the work environment strongly inuences the trouble free operation of
the Tool Changer. The dirtier the environment, the greater the need for protection against debris. Protection of the entire EOAT, the Master, the Tool and all of the modules may be necessary. Protective measures include the following:
• Placement of the tool stands away from the debris generators.
• Covers incorporated into the tool stands.
• Guards, deectors, air curtains, and similar devices built into the EOAT and the tool stand.
4.1 Preventive Maintenance
A visual inspection and preventive maintenance schedule is provided in table below. Detailed assembly drawings are provided in Section 8—Drawings of this manual. Refer to module sections for detailed preventive maintenance steps for
all utility modules.
Table 4.1—Maintenance
Application(s) Tool Change Frequency Inspection Schedule
General Usage Material Handling Docking Station
Welding/Servo/Deburring, Foundry Operations (Dirty Environments) All Weekly
Checklist Mounting Fasteners
г Inspect fasteners for proper torque, interferences, and wear. Tighten and correct as required. Refer to Table 2.1
Ball Bearings/Alignment Pins/Bushings/Bearing Race
г Inspect for wear and proper lubrication. MobilGrease XHP222 Special a NLGI #2 lithium complex grease with
molybdenum disulde additive is suggested for locking mechanism and alignment pin lubrication. Over time,
lubricants can become contaminated with debris. Therefore, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the existing grease and replace with new as needed. See Section 4.2—Cleaning and Lubrication of the Locking Mechanism and
Alignment Pins.
г Inspect for excessive alignment pin/bushing wear, may be an indication of the poor robot position during pickup/drop-
off. Adjust robot position as needed. Check tool stand for wear and alignment problems. To replace worn alignment pins, refer to Section 5.2.3—Alignment Pin Replacement.
г Inspect for wear on the ball bearings/bearing race, may be an indication of the excessive loading.
Sensors and Cables
г Inspect sensor cable connectors for tightness, if loose tighten connections. г Inspect sensor cables for any damage, cuts, and abrasion. Replace as necessary. Refer to Section 5.2.1—Sensor
Replacement Procedures.
г Inspect hose connection for tightness and leaks. If the leaking or loose secure hose connection. г Inspect hoses for interferences, abrasions, cuts, and leaks. Replace as required.
Electrical Contacts/Pin Block (Modules)
г Inspect for damage, debris, and stuck/burnt pins. Clean pin blocks as required, refer to Section 4.3—Pin Block
Inspection and Cleaning.
Seals (Modules)
г Inspect for wear, abrasion, and cuts. Refer to Section 5.2.2—V-ring Seal Replacement
> 1 per minute Weekly < 1 per minute Monthly
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4.2 Cleaning and Lubrication of the Locking Mechanism and Alignment Pins
Supplies required: Clean rag, MobilGrease® XHP222 Special Grease
1. Place the Tool in a secure location.
2. Uncouple the Master and Tool plates.
3. Turn off and de-energize all energized circuits (e.g. electrical, air, water, etc.).
4. Use a clean rag to thoroughly remove any lubricant and debris from the ball bearings, male coupling, cam, and alignment pins.
Figure 4.1—Cleaning Ball Bearings and Outer Surfaces of Male Coupling
5. Use a clean rag to thoroughly remove any lubricant and debris from the inner surface of the male coupling and cam.
Figure 4.2—Cleaning Ball Bearings, Cam and Inner Surfaces of Male Coupling
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