Charge the battery
1. Connect the charger t o the correct outle t.
2. Whi le the ch arger i s connected, the red i ndicator
lig ht disp laying during charging. If char ging do es
not s tart, disco nnect the cha rger, plug it in again,
and retry. C hargi ng the batter y fully may tak e up
to 2 ho urs.
3. Whe n the bat tery is fully c harge d, the red indic ator li ght tur n blue.
Dis conne ct the ch arger f rom the headset and th e wall ou tlet.
The f ully ch arged batter y has power for up to 3 hours of tal k-time or up to 80 hours
of st andby t ime. However, the talk a nd stan dby tim es may vary whe n used wi th
dif ferent mobil e phone s or othe r compa tible Bluetooth devices, usage settings ,
usa ge styles, and envir onments.
Whe n battery power is low, t he head set wil l remin d you by beeps eve ry 20 seconds ,
and t he red indicator lig ht star ts to flash.
1. For first t ime use, please char ge the he adset f ully. If you cannot see the ind icato r
lig ht when c harging, ple ase leave the he adset o n the cha rging for a while
(Approx 15 -35 Min utes) , then th e indic ator light will be on.
2. If after a f ull cha rge, you canno t turn th e heads et on, pl ease re -plug the headset
to th e charger for a few second to act ivate i t.
Battery information
Thi s device has a built-i n rechargeable bat tery. Do not att empt to remove t he battery
from the device as y ou may damage t he devi ce.
l Your d evice i s powered by a built-in charg eable b atter y. The full performance o f a
new b atter y is achieved o nly after two or three complete ch arge and discharge
cycles. The batte ry can be charg ed and di schar ged hun dreds of times.
l Unplug the ch arger f rom the vehicle and the devi ce when n ot in use.
Do no t leave a fully charge d battery connected to a charger, since overcha rging
may s hort en its li fetime. If left unused, a fully charged b atter y will lose its c harge
over time. I f the headset w ill go un used for a long time, please charge f ully an d
tur n off the h eadse t.
l To pre vent ove r disch arge en dange ring th e batte ry, you a re recommend ed to
cha rge the h eadset fully each m onth.