ATI Electronics BTDF111 Users Manual

User's Manual
CK2 1
Bluetooth Speakerphone
About CK21 Bluetooth speakerphone .........................................................................1
About Bluetooth technology ................ 1.........................................................................
2Getting Started.....................................................................................................................
How to replace the battery ..................... 3........................................................................
.................................................................. 4Installation - Sun Visor .................................... .
Battery information 5.............................................................................................................
Turning On/Off the CK21........................... 6........................................................................
........................................ 6Pairing............................................... ...............................................
.................................................... 8Make Connection/Link to Mobile phone ................
.................................................... 8Disconnect from Mobile phone ...............................
Using the CK21 ............................................................................................................... 9.....
Reset the paired device(s) list and the last/default user 11......................................
LED I ndica tion ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..12... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..
..................................................................................13Safety and general information
.................................................................................................. 14Trouble Shooting .............
EU ................................................................................... 15.......................................................... .
............................... .....................................................................16Product Specifications
Abo ut CK21 Blu etooth Sp eakerphone
Thi s versatil e Bluetoot h speak erpho ne is por table and s pecia lly des igned for th e user
to en joy conv enien ce and freed om of wirele ss comm unica tion. D ual cap acity o f use on
des k-top like a c onference Spe akerp hone an d in-car li ke a Hand s-Free c ar kit.
CK2 1 built a dvanc ed DSP techn ology for Ec ho Cancell ation & N oise Su ppressio n,
provid es you excellen t full du plex so und qua lity.
Abo ut Bluetooth Technolo gy
Blu etoot h is a shor t-ran ge wire less co mmuni cation tec hnolo gy. The Blu etooth wir eless
tec hnolo gy make s it poss ible to conn ect any c ompatibl e portabl e and sta tiona ry
com munic ations dev ice wit hout us ing cab les. The tech nolog y is base d on a radio lin k
tha t offers fas t and reliab le tran smiss ion of voice a nd data i nformati on. Blu etoot h
refers to a wor ldwid e stand ard design ed to operat e in the inter natio nally reco gnized
ISM ( Indus trial Sci entific an d Medic al) fre quenc y band. Wi thin th e ISM ban d (2.4G Hz~
2.4 85GHz), Blue tooth t ransmiss ions ho p betwe en 79 sep arate freq uenci es 1.60 0 times
eve ry seco nd, and w ith a com munic ation rang e of abou t 10 mete rs. Your han dset mu st
sup port Blue tooth .
Get ting St arted
To use yo ur Blue tooth s peake rphon e, please fo llow these s imple s teps: a) Ch arge your sp eaker phone. Bef ore using th e speak erpho ne, it is reco mmend ed to ch arge the bat tery full y for the firs t time. Norm ally ch arge th e battery full y need tak e approx 3 hou rs. b) Put the s peake rphon e close t o a Bluet ooth- enabl ed mobi le phon e less th an1 met er dis tance for pa iring o perat ion. c) En sure your sp eaker phone a nd hand set is wi thin 10 m eters B luetooth c onnec tion dis tance.
1. Sp eaker
2. Mu te Button
3. Ch arging Soc ket (5- pin min i-USB )
4. LE D indic ators
5. Volume I ncrease ( V+)
6. Volume D ecrease ( V-)
7. MF B (Mult i-Func tion Button)
8. Microph one
How to replace the battery
3 4
Installation - Sun Visor
+ 13 hidden pages