ATEN Technology IOGEAR RXGME652UR, MSGME652UR Users Manual

1, Changes or modifications not expressly appro ve d by the par ty responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to op erat e the equipment
2 NOTE: This equipment has been teste d an d found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 1 5 of the F CC Rules . These limits are designed to p rovide r easonable protection ag ainst harmful inter ference in a resident ial installation. Th is equipm ent generates, uses an d can radiate radio f requenc y energ y and, if n ot i nstalle d an d us ed i n ac co rdanc e with the instructions, may cause harmfu communications. Howeve r, there is no guarantee that inter ference will not occur i n a pa rticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful inter ference to r adio or television re ception, whic h can be det by turning the equipment off a nd o n, the user i s encouraged to tr y to correct the interference by one or more of the following m easures:
-- Reorient o r relocate the rec eiving an te nna.
-- Increase the se paration betw een the equipment and rec eive r.
-- Connect the equipment into a n outlet on a circuit differ ent fro m that t o wh
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio /TV technician for h elp.
l inter ference t o radio
ich the rec eive r is connect ed.
DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD PRODUCT Your product is designed and manufactured with high quality materials and components, which can be recycled and reused.
To prevent any potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, please act according to your local rules regarding the disposal of this device. This marking or statement shall include the following or similar text
Thi s device co mp li es w it h In du stry Can ada licen ce -e xe mp t RS S st andar d( s) . Op er at io n is s ubjec t to t he f ol lo wi ng two c ondit ions: ( 1) this d evice m ay n ot c au se i nt er fe ren ce, and ( 2) this d evice mus t accep t an y in te rf er en ce , inclu di ng i nt er fe re nc e that ma y ca us e un de si re d ope ratio n of the de vice
Le pr ésent a ppare il est co nform e aux CNR d'I ndust rie Can ada app licab les aux a ppare ils radio e xe mp ts d e li ce nc e. L'e xploi tatio n est aut orisé e aux deu x conditi on s su iv an te s : (1 ) l' app areil ne do it pas p rodui re de bro uillage , et ( 2) l 'u ti li sa teur de l 'a pp a bro uillage r ad io él ec tr iq ue s ubi, mê me s i le b ro ui ll ag e es t susce pt ib le d 'e n com promett re l e fo nc ti on ne ment.
When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to a product, it means the product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC.
rei l doit ac cepte r tout
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.