Atec WT500 User Manual

WT500 Specifications
Item Input terminal type
Input type
Measurement range
Instrument loss (input impedance)
Instantaneous maximum allowable input (20 m second or less)
Instantaneous maximum allowed input (1 second or less)
Continuous maximum allowed input
Continuous maximum common mode voltage (50/60 Hz)
Influence from common mode voltage
Line filter Frequency filter A/D converter
Range switching Auto range functions
Display Total number of pixels*
Waveform display resolution
Display update rate
* Up to 0.02% of the pixels on the LCD may be defective.
Specification Voltage Plug-in terminal (safety terminal) Current
• Direct input: Large binding post
7.5 V, 15 V, 30 V, 50 V, 75 V, 150 V, 300 V, 500 V (for crest factor 6) Current
• Direct input 500 mA, 1 A, 2 A, 5 A, 10 A, 20 A, 40 A (for crest factor 3) 250 mA, 500 mA, 1 A, 2.5 A, 5 A, 10 A, 20 A (for crest factor 6)
• External sensor input
50 mV, 100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V, 10 V (for crest factor 3) 25 mV, 50 mV, 100 mV, 250 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2.5 V, 5 V (for crest factor 6)
Voltage Approximately 2 M, 13 pF Current
• Direct input: Approximately 5 m + approximately 0.1 µH
• External sensor input: Approximately 100 k
Voltage Peak voltage of 2.8 kV or RMS of 2 kV, whichever is lower Current
• Direct input: Peak current of 450 A or RMS of 300 A, whichever is lower
• External sensor input: Peak not to exceeded 10 times the range
Voltage Peak voltage of 2 kV or RMS of 1.5 kV, whichever is lower Current
• Direct input: Peak current of 150 A or RMS of 45 A, whichever is lower
• External sensor input: Peak not to exceed 10 times the range
Voltage Peak voltage of 1.5 kV or RMS of 1 kV, whichever is lower Current
• Direct input: Peak current of 100 A or RMS of 45 A, whichever is lower
• External sensor input: Peak not to exceed 5 times the range
1000 Vrms
Apply 1000 Vrms with the voltage input terminals shorted and the current input terminals open.
• 50/60 Hz: ±0.01% of range or less
• Reference value up to 100 kHz
± (max. range/range)* 0.001 * f% of range or less. However, 0.01% or more. The units of f are kHz. Current Sensor Input is 10 times of above equations. The maximum rated range within equations is 1000 V or 40 A or 10V. Select OFF, 500 Hz, 5.5 kHz. Select OFF, or ON (Cut off frequency: 500 Hz) Simultaneous voltage and current conversion and 16-bit resolution. Conversion speed (sampling rate): Approximately 10 µs. See harmonic measurement items for harmonic display. Can be set for each input element. Increasing range value
• When the measured values of U rms and I rms exceed 110% of the
range rating
• When the peak value exceeds approximately 330% of the range
rating (or approximately 660% for crest factor 6)
Decreasing range value
• When the measured values of U rms and I rms fall to 30% or less of
the range rating, and Upk and Ipk are 300% or less of the lower range value (or 600% for crest factor 6)
5.7-inch color TFT LCD monitor
640 (horiz.) 480 (vert.) dots
501 (horiz.) 432 (vert.) dots Same as the data update rate. Exceptions are listed below.
• The display update interval of numeric display (4, 8, and 16 items) is
200 ms when the data update rate is 100 ms.
• The display update interval of numeric display (ALL, Single List, and
Dual List) is 500 ms when the data update rate is 100 ms or 200 ms.
• The display update rate of the trend display, bar graph display, and
vector display is 1 s when the data update rate is 100 ms to 500 ms.
• The display update interval of the waveform display is approximately
1 s when the data update rate is 100 ms to 1 s. However, it may be longer depending on the trigger setting.
• At the setting of SLAVE mode, display update rate depends on the
External clock. However it is adopted under faster external condition than data update rate.
Calculation Functions
Measurement functions WP [Wh]
UΣ [V] IΣ [A] PΣ [W] SΣ [VA]
QΣ [var]
WPΣ [Wh] WP+Σ [Wh]
WP–Σ [Wh]
qΣ [Ah] q+Σ [Ah] q–Σ [Ah] WQΣ [varh]
ØΣ [˚]
Note1) The instrument’s apparent power (S), reactive power (Q), power factor (l), and phase angle (Ø) are calculated using measured values of voltage, current, and active power. (However, reactive power is calculated directly from sampled data when TYPE3 is selected.) Therefore, when distorted waveforms are input, these values may be different from those of other measuring instruments based on different measuring principals. Note 2) The value of Q in the QS calculation is calculated with a preceding minus sign (-) when the current input leads the voltage input, and a plus sign when it lags the voltage input, so the value of QS may be negative.
η [%]
User-defined functions F1–F8
Equations Power integration
N: sampling times during the elapsed period Time: unit is h WPTYPE: CHARGE/DISCHARGE WP+ is summation of product of u (n) i(n) equation which is only positive value WP- is summation of product of u (n) i (n) equation which is only negative value WP is sum of WP+ and WP­WPTYPE: BOUGHT/SOLD WP+ is summation of average P which is only positive value WP- is summation of average P which is only negative value WP is sum of WP+ and WP-
Single-phase, 3 wire (U1+U2)/2 (I1+I2)/2 P1+P2 S1+S2
Q1+Q2 WP1 CHARGE/DISCHARGE setting WP When WPTYPE is set to SOLD/BOUGHT, only positive WPΣ value is added CHARGE/DISCHARGE setting WP–1 When WPTYPE is set to SOLD/BOUGHT, only negative WPΣ value is added q1+q2 q
1 N
QΣ(n) is the nth reactive power Σ function , and N is the number of data updates. Unit of Time is h.
1 N
Set a efficiency calculation up to 2
Create equations combining measurement function symbols, and calculate up to eight numerical data.
3 phase, 3 wire
(S1+S2) (S1+S2+S3)
| QΣ(n) | ×Time
) is the nth apparent power Σ function, and N is the number of data updates. Unit of Time is h.
( )
3 phase, 3 wire
(3 voltage 3 current) (U1+U2+U3)/3 (I1+I2+I3)/3
Q1+Q2+Q3 WP1
q1+q2+q3 q
3 phase, 4 wire
[Conditions] Temperature: 23±5°C, Humidity: 30 to 75%RH, Input waveform: Sine wave, Common mode voltage: 0 V, Crest factor: 3, Line filter: OFF, Frequency filter: 440 Hz ON, λ (power factor): 1, After warm-up. After zero level compensation or range value change while wired. f is frequency, 6-month * These conditions are all accuracy condition in this section.
Accuracy ±(reading error + measurement range error) (for crest factor 3)
Frequency Voltage Current Power
0.5 Hzf45 Hz
45 Hzf66 Hz
66 Hzf1 kHz
1 kHzf10 kHz
10 kHzf50 kHz
50 kHzf100 kHz
• Unit of f of reading error is kHz External Sensor Input, add 50 µV to DC Current accuracy and add (50 µV / external sensor input rated range) 100% of range to DC power accuracy Direct current Input, add 500 µA to DC Current accuracy and add (500 µA / direct current input rated range) 100% of range to DC power accuracy
• Accuracy of waveform display data, Upk and Ipk (reference value) Voltage: Add 1.5 Current: Direct-add 3
• Influenced by changes in temperature after zero level correction or range value changes. Add 0.02% of range/°C to the voltage DC accuracy, 500 µA/°C to the current DC accuracy, 50 µV/°C to the external current DC accuracy, and influence of voltage times influence of current to the power DC accuracy.
• Influence of self heating due to current input When the input signal is current, for AC add 0.00013  I
0.004  I influence of self-heating is present until the shunt resistance temperature drops, even when the current input value is small.
• Additions to accuracy according to the data update rate Add 0.05% of rdg when it is 100 ms.
• Range of guaranteed accuracy by frequency, voltage, and current All accuracies between 0.5 Hz and 10 Hz are reference values. If the voltage exceeds 750 V at 30 kHz–100 kHz, the voltage and power values are reference values. If the current exceeds 20 A at DC, 10 Hz–45 Hz, or 400 Hz–100 kHz; the current and power accuracies are reference values.
• Accuracy for crest factor 6: Range accuracy of crest factor 3 for two times range of crest factor 6.
• Influence of self heating due to voltage input When the input signal is voltage, for AC add 0.0000001  u of reading + 0.0000001  u heating is present until the resistance temparature drops, ever when the voltage input value is small.
0.1% of reading
0.1% of reading
0.1% of reading
0.1% of reading
0.1 + 0.05
0.5 + 0.04
0.5 + 0.04
External input-add 3 Effective input range is within ±300% (within ±600% for crest factor 6)
mA to the current and power accuracy. I is the reading value of current (A). Please note that the
+ 0.1% of range
+ 0.2% of range
+ 0.1% of range
+ 0.2% of range
f-1)}% of reading
+ 0.2% of range
f-10)}% of reading
+ 0.3% of range
f-10)}% of reading
+0.3% of range
15/range rated % of range
0.5/range rated % of range + 5 mA
0.05/range rated % of range + 2 mV.
% of range. u is the reading value of voltage. Please note that the influence of self
0.1% of reading
0.1% of reading
0.1% of reading
0.1% of reading
0.1  f)% of reading
1 + 0.08
1 + 0.08
+ 0.1% of range
+ 0.2% of range
+ 0.1% of range
+ 0.2% of range
+ 0.2% of range
f-10)}% of reading
+ 0.3% of range
f-10)}% of reading
+ 0.3% of range
% of rdg, and for DC add 0.00013  I2% of rdg +
% of reading, and for DC add 0.0000001  u2%
0.1% of reading
0.3% of reading
0.1% of reading
0.2% of reading
0.2 + 0.1
0.2 + 0.1
5.1 + 0.18
+ 0.1% of range
+ 0.2% of range
+ 0.1% of range
+ 0.2% of range
f-1)}% of reading
+ 0.2% of range
f-1)}% of reading
+ 0.3% of range
f-50)}% of reading
+ 0.3% of range
Tot a l power error with respect to the range for an arbitrary power factor λ (exclude λ = 1)
Influence of line filter
Lead/Lag Detection (d (LEAD) /G (LAG) of the phase angle and symbols for the reactive power Q calculation) * The s symbol shows the lead/lag of each element, and "-" indicates leading. Temperature coefficient
Effective input range
Max. display
Min. display
Measurement lower limit frequency
Accuracy of apparent power S Accuracy of reactive power Q Accuracy of power factor
Accuracy of phase difference Ø
One-year accuracy
When cutoff frequency is 500 Hz "45 to 66 Hz: Add 0.2% of reading Under 45 Hz: Add 0.5% of reading" When cutoff frequency is 5.5 kHz "66 Hz or less: Add 0.2% of reading 66 to 500 Hz: Add 0.5% of reading" The phase lead and lag are detected correctly when the voltage and current signals are both sine waves, the lead/lag is 50% of the range rating (or 100% for crest factor 6), the frequency is between 20 Hz and 2 kHz, and the phase angle is ±(5° to 175°) or more.
± 0.03% of reading/°C at 5–18° or 28–40 °C. Udc and Idc are 0 to ±110% of the measurement range Urms and Irms are 1 to 110%* of the measurement range (or 2%–220% for crest factor 6) Umn and Imn are 10 to ±110% of the measurement range Urmn and Irmn are 10 to ±110%* of the measurement range Power is 0 to ±110%* for DC measurement, 1 to 110%* of the voltage and current range for AC measurement, and up to ±110%* of the power range. However, the synchronization source level falls below the input signal of frequency measurement. 110% of the voltage range rating. 140% of the voltage and current range rating Urms, Irms, Uac and Iac are up to 0.5% relative to the measurement range (or up to 1% for a crest factor of 6). Umn, Urmn, Imn, and Irmn are up to 2% (or 4% for a crest factor of 6). Below that, zero suppress. Current integration value q also depends on the current value. Data update rate Measurement lower limit frequency Voltage accuracy + current accuracy
Accuracy of apparent power + ( (1.0004 – λ ±[ (λ λ/1.0002) + |cosØ – cos {Ø + sin when λ = 0%/100) } | ] ±1digit when voltage and current is at rated input of the measurement range. Ø is the phase difference of voltage and current.
±[ |Ø – cos λ=0%) /100 } ] deg ±1digit when voltage and current is at rated input of the
measurement range Add the accuracy of reading error (Six-month) 0.5 to the accuracy six-month
100 ms 200 ms 500 ms 1 s 2 s 5 s
25 Hz 12.5 Hz 5 Hz 2.5 Hz 1.25 Hz 0.5 Hz
) – (1 – λ2) )  100% of range
(λ/1.0002) | + sin-1 { (influence of power factor of power when
When λ = 0 Apparent power reading 0.2% in the 45 to 66 Hz range All other frequencies are as follows (however, these are only reference values): Apparent power reading (0.2 + 0.2  f (kHz))% 0 < λ < 1 (Power reading) [(Power reading Error (%)) + (power range error (%) (Power range/Apparent power reading)+power reading  {tanØ  (influence when λ = 0%)] Ø is the phase difference of voltage and current When cutoff frequency is 500 Hz "45 to 66 Hz: Add 0.3% of reading Under 45 Hz: Add 1% of reading" When cutoff frequency is 5.5 kHz "66 Hz or less: Add 0.4% of reading 66 to 500 Hz: Add 1.2% of reading"
(influence of power factor of power
Measurement method Crest factor
Measurement period
Input filter Averaging
Data update rate Response time
Digital multiplication method 3 or 6 (when inputting rated values of the measurement range), and 300 relative to the minimum valid input. Interval for determining the measurement function and performing calculations. Period used to determine and compute the measurement function.
• The measurement period is set by the zero crossing of the reference signal (synchronization source) (excluding watt hour WP as well as ampere hour q during DC mode).
• For harmonic measurement (/G5 option), the measurement period is from the beginning of the data update interval to 1024 points at the harmonic sampling frequency.
You can select one of the following five wiring settings. 1P2W (single phase, two-wire), 1P3W (single phase, 3 wire), 3P3W (3 phase, 3 wire), 3P4W (3 phase, 4 wire), 3P3W(3V3A) (3 phase, 3 wire, 3 volt/3 amp measurement). However, the number of available wiring settings varies depending on the number of installed input elements. Up to four, or only one, two, or three wiring settings may be available. When inputting output from external current sensors, VT, or CT, set the current sensor conversion ratio, VT ratio, CT ratio, and power coefficient in the range from 0.0001 to
Line filter or frequency filter settings can be entered.
• The average calculations below are performed on the normal measurement parameters of voltage U, current I, power P, apparent power S, reactive power Q. Power factor λ and phase angle Ø are determined by calculating the average of P and S. Select exponential or moving averaging.
• Exponential average Select an attenuation constant of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64.
• Moving average Select the number of averages from 8, 16, 32, or 64.
• The average calculations below are performed on the harmonic display items of voltage U, current I, power P, apparent power S, reactive power Q. Power factor λ is determined by calculating the average of P and Q.
Only exponential averaging is performed. Select an attenuation constant of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64 Select 100 ms, 200 ms, 500 ms, 1 s, 2 s, or 5 s. At maximum, two times the data update rate (only during numerical display)
Hold Single Zero level compensation/Null
Holds the data display. Executes a single measurement during measurement hold. Compensates the zero level. the range: ±10% of range
Count over
Time accuracy
Select a mode of Manual, Standard, Continuous (repeat), Real Time Control Standard, or Real Time Control Continuous (Repeat). Integration can be stopped automatically using the integration timer setting. 0000 h 00 m 00 s~10000 h 00 m 00 s If the count over integration time reaches the maximum integration time (10000 hours), or if the integration value reaches max/min display integration value (±999999 MWh or ±999999 Mah), the elapsed time and value is saved and the operation is stopped. Powe r: ±(power accuracy + 0.02% of WS) Current: ±(current accuracy + 0.02 elapsed time (h) % of
range) (when select dc) ±(current accuracy + 0.02% of reading) (when selected others) It does not sample for approximately 70µs at each data update. The period is compensated.
±0.02% of reading
• Numerical display function
Display resolution Number of display items
• Waveform display items
No. of display rasters Display format Time axis
Sample rate Tr iggers
Tr igger Type Tr igger Mode
Tr igger Source
Tr igger Slope Tr igger Level
Ver tical axis Zoom
Format Interpolation Graticule Other display ON/OFF Cursor measurements
Zoom function * Since the sampling frequency is approximately 100 kHz, waveforms that can be accurately
reproduced are those of about 5 kHz.
• Vector Display/Bar Graph Display (/G5 option is required)
Vector display
Bar graph display
• Trend display
Number of measurement channels Up to 8 parameters
• Simultaneous display
60000 Select 4, 8, 16 matrix, all, single list, or dual list.
501 Peak-peak compressed data Range from 1 ms – 500 ms/div. However, it must be 1/10 th of the data update rate. Approximately 100 ks/s
Edge type Select Auto or Normal. Triggers are turned OFF automatically during integration. Select voltage, current, or external clock for the input to each input element. Select (Rising), (Falling), or (Rising/Falling). When the trigger source is the voltage or current input to the input elements. Set in the range from the center of the screen to ±100% (top/bottom edge of the screen). Setting resolution:
0.1% When the trigger source is Ext Clk, TTL level. Voltage and current input to the waveform vertical axis zoom input element can be zoomed along the vertical axis. Set in the range of 0.1 to 100 times. ON/OFF can be set for each voltage and current input to the input element. You can select 1, 2, 3 or 4 splits for the waveform display. Select dot or linear interpolation. Select graticule or cross-grid display. Upper/lower limit (scale value), and waveform label ON/OFF. When you place the cursor on the waveform, the value of that point is measured.
No time axis zoom function
Vector display of the phase difference in the fundamental waves of voltage and current. Displays the size of each harmonic in a bar graph.
Displays trends (transitions) in numerical data of the measurement functions in a sequential line graph. Two windows can be selected (from numerical display, Not available
• Saving and Loading Data
Settings, waveform display data, numerical data, and screen image data can be saved to media*. Saved settings can be loaded from a media*.
*USB memory
Store function
Internal memory size Approximately 20 MB Store interval (waveform OFF) Maximum 100 msec to 99 hour 59 minutes 59 seconds. Guideline for Storage Time (Waveform Display OFF, Integration Function OFF)
Number of
1 ch 1 ch 3 ch 3 ch
Note: Depending on the user-defined math, integration, and other settings, the actual measurement time may be shorter than stated above. Store interval to memory depends on number of stored data and kind og the media
Measured Items
(Per CH)
3 10 10 20
Storage Interval
100 ms
1 sec
100 ms
1 sec
Storable Amnt. of Data
Approx. 40 hr Approx. 120 hr Approx. 4 hr Approx. 20 hr
Added Frequency Measurement (/FQ Optional)
Device under measurement
Select up to two frequencies of the voltage or current input to the input elements for measurement. If the frequency option (/
+ 2 hidden pages