Atec VM6000 User Manual

Automated Video Measurement Set
VM6000 Data Sheet
Complete 1 GHz Bandwidth, 4-channel DPO Functionality
Large 12.1 in
GPIB Remote Control
LAN Connecti
CD-R/W Drive (DVD Read-only)
0 automates video testing of consumer HDTV and PC graphics
ontrol, and ATE applications.
, optimized video measurement algorithms, test signal les, and
ted with obvious pass or fail results, with signal distortions clearly
Features & Benets
Automates Test of Consumer HDTV Video Devices
Automates VESA Compliance Test for PC Graphics Devices
Automates Testing of Multimedia PC
Fast, Accurate, and Reliable Video Measurements
Comprehensive Component Analog Video Signal Analysis
Picture, Vector, and Waveform Displays
Companion Test Signal Packages
Time-saving Test Utilities
Pass/Fail Limit Testing
Automatic Report Generator
Video Measurement Accessories
Pinpoint™ T
Technology-specic Software Options for Jitter and Timing Measurements, Power Measurements, Serial Data, Ethernet, and USB
2.0 Co m pliance Testing
Design Validation
Standards Compliance Testing
Quality C ontrol
Installation and Troubleshooting
Automated Manufacturing Test
Off-air Video Systems Test
The VM600 devices such as digital set-top boxes, multimedia PCs, graphics cards, and video semiconductors. It a ddresses the needs of engineers developing and deploying the next generation of video devices for the digitally connected home. Unrivalled performance in terms of speed, accuracy, and reliability has made the VM6000 the choice of indust ry leaders for design validation, quality c
Unlike conventional instruments, the VM6000 integrates acquisition hardware accessories into a cohesive test system solution. Product verication activities that previously took hours or days to complete can now be completed in seconds or minutes. Offering near plug-and -play video measurement capability, even unskilled operators can reliably assess video output signal quality. The conformance of signals to specications is repor identied for further analysis.
. XGA Touchscreen Display
Data Sheet
Summary Pa
The VM600
ss/Fail Test Results Display
0 stands alone as the only autom atic video analyzer capable of supporting SD, HDTV, and PC graphics signal formats. Offering a full 1 GHz bandwidth, and 5 GS/s sample rate, the VM6000 is well suited to the demands of mea suring high-resolution HDTV and high-frequency P C graphics video signals. Traditional DTV formats from 480i through 1080p and either RGB or YPbPr color space are supported in Options SD and
on VGA supports common analog RGBHV signal resolutions from
HD. Opti 640×480p though 2048×1536p, and pervasive refresh rates from 60 Hz through 120 Hz.
The ultimate solution for component analog video signal analysis, the VM6000 delivers comprehensive characterization of video d elity, s ignal quality, and standards compliance. With available options, the instrument automatically assesses conformance of video signals to applicable EIA-770.x, SMPTE-274M, 296M, and VESA VSIS standards. Traditional
gnal delity is evaluated utilizing industry-accepted parame ters,
“TV” si making 150 individual measurements automatically in less than 20 seconds. PC graphics signal delity is assessed using comprehensive RGB video and HV Sync measurement parameters madeinaccordancewithVSIStest procedures. Preloaded reference and limit les enable go/no-go evaluation to applicable DMT, C VT, or GTF timing standards.
As an integrated signal analyzer, the VM6000 can be reliably deployed as a standalone QA station in manufacturing. Unlike modular test systems,
ive programming, complicated system debugging, or costly test
extens engineering support is not required with the VM6000. Integrated pass/fail limit testing and documentation utilities link distributed design, supply, and manufacturing o rganizat ions with standardized test capability. Product quality is enhanced because accurate test resu lts can be reliably generated,
mat Conguration Menu (Option SD and HD)
Signal For
easily replicated, and readily communicated across a global engineering, manufacturing, or sales organization.
These unique capabilities enable in-depth signal analysis, speed product development, and ensure new designs comply with applicable standards. Fast, accurate, and objective video measurements enable manufacturers to ensure that HDTV or PC graphics video signal quality is up to the
ge of today’s high-performance displays, as well as providing clear
challen differentiation between input signal and display device impairments.
Easy to Congure and Operate
The VM6000 offers intuitive Windows-based conguratio n and measurement menus for easy operation and minimal training. A 12.1 in. (307 mm) color display provides a bright, clear, and crisp display of waveforms and measurement results. Users can easily navigate through
lly arranged menus and make selections u sing radio buttons with a
logica mouse or touchscreen.
cated instrument setups, algorithm selection, programming, and
Compli other undesirable aspects of making video measurements are elim inated with the VM6000. Conguration is as simple as selecting the auto format function or individually selecting the video format manu ally and then selecting the measurement parameters from an on-screen menu, eliminating complicated instrument setups, tedious manual measurements,
e-consuming results correlation. These test conguration settings
and tim can be readily saved, recalled, or copied, further simplifying test of multiformat video devices. Users wanting to make manual measurements can exit the automated measurement application and then access a full-featured oscilloscope.
Automated Video Measurement Set — VM6000
Supports SD, HDTV, and RGBHV Component Analog Video Formats
The V M6000 can be exibly congured to support any combination of component analog SDTV, HDTV, and RGBHV video formats with the available options. Broad format support enables automated test of digital
Format Support
Note: Sync combiner (012-1664-xx) supports “Separate H&V” operation.
576i 50 Hz X X X X X 480p 576p50HzXXXXX 720p
Other nonstandard HD formats supported
by User-dened Format menu. User-dened Format supports
nonstandard SD formats, if SD is enabled
640×480p 60, 72, 75, 85, 100,
800×600p 60, 72, 75, 85, 100,
1024×768p 60, 72, 75, 85, 100,
1280×1024p 60, 70, 75, 85, 100,
1600×1024p 60, 70, 75, 76, 85,
1920×1080p 50, 60, 75, 85,
1920×1200p 60, 75, 76, 85,
1920×1440p 60, 75, 85 Hz X X 2048×1536p 60, 75, 85 Hz X X 2048×2048p 60 Hz X X
Other progressive RGBHV formats and vertical frequencies supported
by User-dened Format
59.94/60 Hz
59.94/60 Hz
30/50/59.94/60 Hz
50/59.94/60 Hz
24/50/59.94/60 Hz
120 Hz
120 Hz
120 Hz
120 Hz
100 Hz
100 Hz
100 Hz
set-top boxes, video semiconductors, DVD players, PC graphics cards, and other consumer video devices.
User-dened Format allows users to test nonstandard formats by entering custom timing parameters, allowing support of unique formats and future undened formats.
Color Space Sync OptionsOption Signal Format Vertical Refr
Y/G Composite Syn
on CH4
Separate H&V
Bandwidth and Sample Rates Suitable for HDTV an d High-resolution PC Graphics Signals
The VM6000 utilizes a digital phosphor oscilloscope platform a s the basis for signal acquisition and analysis. Utilizing proven, high-speed measurement architecture, Tektronix surpasses the limitations of current video analyzers to address the evolving ne eds of the video industry. The VM6000 offers over 1 GHz of bandwidth and 5 GS/s maximum
real-time sample rates for all 4 measurement channels – easily assessing the frequency response of 60 MHz HDTV signals or transient response of 350 MHz PCF VESA signals. The high sample rates and low noise oor of the instrument enable noise measurement accuracy that was previously impossible on HDTV signals. A typical rise time of 225 ps and superior time-ba se performance are sufcient to make critical sync and rise-time measurements as required by EIA-770 and SMPTE 274 M and VESA. Standard 10 M (4 CH) record length and high sample rates deliver measurement results with minimal time lag. 3
Data Sheet
H Sync Meas
urement Results (Option VGA)
Comprehensive Component Analog Video Signal Analysis
The VM6000 incorporates an extensive set of automated video measurements that deliver com prehe nsive characterization of the delity and conformance of component analog signals. Approximately 150 individual measurements completely characterize video signal amplitudes, timing, and noise distortions into parameter categ ories that are easily
od, facilitating troubleshooting and design optimization. Enabled
understo by such broad and thorough signal analysis, the VM6000 is able to identify relevant video signal impairments, verify compliance with applicable standards, and ensure operability with connected displays.
VM6000 Automated Measurements
Measurement Parameters
TV Signals
Options SD and HD
Color Bars
Levels (1-8 Pedestals)
HV Sync
H Sync Jitter
nnel Timing
Transient Response, K2T Video Transient Response
Frequency Response
*1VESA parameters.
Spatial Distortion
PC Graphics Signals
Option VGA
Color Bars
Luma Levels*
HV Timing*
HV Sync*
H Sync Jitter*
Noise Injection Ratio*
Integral and Differential Linearity,
Channel-Channel Mismatch
Channel-Channel Skew*
— —
Measurement parameters have been appropriately selected for testing TV signals (Options SD and HD) and PC graphics signals (Option VGA). These parameters vary by application because of differences in hardware technology, signal attributes, applicable standards, and historical test methodology. TV test measurements are based on the de facto industry standard VM700T and have been adapted to assess distortions unique to digital devices and HDTV signals. The PC graphics measurement set delivers fully automated VESA compliance testing and video measurements, as well as reporting other parameters c ommo nly utilized to characterize PC graphics device performance.
t Measurement Results Display (Option SD and HD)
Fast, Accurate, and Reliable Automated Video Measurements
The VM6000 is differentiated from conventional oscilloscopes, waveform monitors, or modular instruments by its automated video measurements. Automated measurements deliver benets in terms of speed, accuracy, and repeatability with ease of use that almost obsoletes manual approaches, and even user signal acquisition, and data analysis enables robust and reliable operation, impervious to signal variations. The VM6000 applies optimized video measurement algorithms and extended data processing to deliver accuracy and reliability that outperforms even the most skilled e xpert user.
AutoFormatDetect–Simplies operation by automatically detecting
the format applied to the instrument. Allows multiple formats to be tested automatically in sequence without the need for user intervention.
Auto Co n gu
measurements from the conguration menu, the VM6000 automatically congures gain, offset, and time scale based on the nominal signal values expected. Variations from nominal values are accommodated with auto range capabilities.
-developed programs. Automating signal conguration,
By selecting the applicable format and desired
ration –
Automated Video Measurement Set — VM6000
Auto Range – The auto range feature enhances accuracy and enables
automated measurement of signals that vary from nominal levels. This feature automa conditions when they deviate from nominal, enabling the instrument to consistently present the b est results possible.
Automatic Special Position – The VM6000’s automatic special position
function ensu signal distortions, alternate test signals, and alternate output display modes. Always active, this feature identies appropriate test signal events and sets measurement cursor locations optimally to ensure consistent and meaningful test results. Measurement location se lections made by the VM6000 can be analyzed or documented with the selectable feature included in th
Auto Mode – Auto mode enables users to instruct the instrument to make
one, selected , or all automated video measurements with a single a run command. While functioning in Auto mode, the instrument automatically selects the a congurations and averaging selected by the user, and completes each measurement. Auto mode also includes multiline measurements capability, enabling users to measure selected parameters on many or all lines in a frame with a single run command.
Measurement Cursors (Special Pos ition) – Options SD and HD address
requirement for custom signal analysis by enabling users to input customized measurement locations for the Frequency Response, Levels, and Noise measurement parameters. For frequency response measurements, users can select either timing location input or frequency input to mak video band width utilizing a standard sweep signal. Input locations can be further toggled within YPbPr signals to accommodate either 4:2:2 or 4:4:4 video. This enables detailed analysis of roll-off, frequency distortion, identication of spurs, and aliasing anywhere across the useful frequency spectrum. Cursors for t he Levels parameter e nable exible, automated measuremen as can be found with ARIB signals, MacBeth Charts, or other noncolor bar signals. Noise special position cursors allow temporal windowing for noise measurements, enabling noise measurements on signals such as color bars, staircases, or camera test charts.
tically optimizes g ain and offset based on the signal
res that automated measurements are robust to temporal
e report generator.
ppropriate test signal line, utilizes preset measurement
e response measurements anywhere within the supported
t of 3 channel levels for 1-8 individual pedestals on a line, such 5
Data Sheet
Noise Spectrum Display (Option SD and HD)
Response Measurement Input Selections (Option SD and HD)
Spatial Distortion Display (Option SD and HD)
New M
er and Wander Display (Option SD and HD)
easurements on V3.X –
Options for SD and HD on V3.X offer the three new measurements. The V Sync measurement will support the complete video timing measurement along with the H Sync measurement. The H Sync Jitte r measurement measures the RMS Jitter and Frequency Offset and Frequency Drift Rate for wander measurement that supp ort IEEE 1521-2003. The user-denable demarcation frequency and Probability/Jitter
out help to search for the root cause during debugging. T he spatial
read distortion measurement measures the size of the video image a nd detects if any offset or cropping has occurred to the image. This is useful for design engineers to ensure that their video processing is not deforming the picture. This is also good for verifying video aspect ratio mixes such as letterbox or side-panel modes.
V Sync Display (Option SD and HD)
Automated Video Measurement Set — VM6000
Format Con
guration Menu (Option VGA)
Automated VESA Compliance Testing for Analog RGBHV Signal Formats (Option VGA)
The emergence of IP broadcast video and convergence of traditional “TV” and “PC” video entertainment devices have resulted in PCs evolving into media gateways to the digitally connected home. As a result, assessing the delity and conformance of analog RGBHV signals has become more important to engineers involved in the design and manufacturing of PC graphics emergence of digital interfaces, proliferation of sup ported output modes, and the persistence of analog RGBHV interfaces on PC graphics cards.
Tektronix addresses these industry test requirements with the VM6000 Option VGA, the rst and only “VM” class solution for PC graphics signals and devices. Option VGA automates signal analysis and mandatory VESA standards compliance testing, speeding design validation testing that is typically performed during the release or modica tion of PC graphics hardwar
Option VGA supports pervasive analog RGBHV signal formats typically communi measurement is possible for 10 standard signal resolutions spanning from 640x480p (VGA) through 2048x2048p (QXGA), at selected vertical r efresh frequencies from 60 to 120 Hz. A user-dened format conguration utility enables users to easily create , edit, or recall custom modes and seamlessly access the full test automation of the VM6000 instrument.
Approximately 150 video measurements can be performed for each supported mode, delivering a comprehensive assessment of RGB video delit methods are based on industry standard (VESA) test procedures, enabling
devices. This challenge has been furth er complicated by the
e, software, or integration of complete video systems.
cated through VGA, DVI-I, or DVI-A interfaces. Automated
y, HV Sync quality, and format conformance. Parameters and test
Measurement Selection Menu (Option VGA)
RGB Transient Response Measurement Results (Option VGA)
easy comparison against the requirements of th e Video Signal Standard (VSIS) and applicable DMT, GTF, or CVT timing standards. Convenient
ng and conguration controls deliver the exibility to perform either
averagi speedy or precise measurement in accordance with VESA sampling requirements. A full suite of comprehensive RGBHV video parameters can be measured in less than 5 m inutes. Preloaded signal reference data and tolerance limit les simplify results analysis, eliminating laborious spreadsheet entry and computation. Test results, and even waveform
aptures can be quickly documented with reports that can be
screen c automatically generated, printed, and saved. 7
Data Sheet
An innovative set of PC graphics matrix test signals have been created to enable comprehensive signal characterization for the full range of supported formats. These
signals, working in conjunction with a remote controlled measurement interface unit, enable fully automated testing with a single run command. The included measurement interface unit provides connectivity, signal termination, automated switching, and variable loads for sync voltage tests. Th is approach eliminates the need for expensive FET probes, and delivers optimized accuracy for b oth DC amplitude and high-frequency timing measur
All the necessary elements for compliance or QC testing are integrated into a cohesive sol
ution that delivers easily understood pass or fail test results. Comprehensive paramet ric signal analysis isolates product performance deciencies, enables design optimization, and ensures interoperability of connected display devices. With Opt ion VGA, even unskilled operators can make reliable and repeatable assessments of VESA standards compliance. Extensive video knowledge, oscilloscope skills, complicated programming, or system int
egration skills are no longer required to assess analog RGBHV
signal integrity.
Companion Test Signal Packages
Option SS includes a s pecic companion test signal package to speed and simplify testing of supported signal formats. This package has b een developed to without the inconvenience of switching test signals. The test signal package eliminates potential video measurement set operability issues and minimize uncertainties regarding the quality of the input signal
Because DTV has resulted in a proliferation in video source content and signal formats, test signals are provided in a variety of pervasive formats to enable easy generation a nd extended format testing. Since encoded test
enable comprehensive parametric analysis of signal delity
signals may contain artifacts that detract from measuring the analog signal delity, the matrix test signal is also provided in MPEG-2/H.26 4 encoded Elementary and
ATSC Transport Streams. To ensure the encoded signal is accurate, Tektronix has prequalied the matrix test signal for each native video format.
Option SS Signal Sources Package (020-2769-xx): File and Signal Formats of Test Signal Packages
Parts Number Description Formats
020-2770-xx 020-2771-xx*
Signal Sources DVD
Standard Denition
480i, 576i
480i, 480p, 576i, 576p
Elementary Streams
Advanced Denition
720P, 1080i, 1080p
Elementary Streams
ATSC Transport Streams
480i, 480p, 720P, 1080i,
4, 5, 6
Baseband Test Signals
525i, 525p, 625i, 625p,
720p, 1080i, 1080p,
PC Bitmap Graphics
620×480, 800×600,
1024×768, 1280×1024, 1600×1024, 1600×1200, 1920×1080, 1920×1200, 1920×1440, 2048×1536,
H.264 SD and HD
*2480i, 480p ES stream provided by 704×480, 720×480 resolution.
ATSC Transport Stream provided for 480i, 480p, 720p/30, 720p/60, 1080i/60, 1080p/24, and 1080p/59.94 formats.
Requires TG700 and appropriate module (AVG7, AWVG7, DVG7, and/or HDVG7).
SDI signal generation not supported for 525P, 576p format.
TG700 DNL les not provided for 1080p/50 and 1080p/60 formats.
Includes PC Matrix and Full Field VESA signals.
Main prole / Level 3 for 480i, 580p, 576i, and 576P. Main prole / Level 4 for 720P, 1080i, and 1080P.
480i, 480p, 576i, 576p,
720p, 1080i, 1080p
HDTV Matrix Test Signal in 16x9 Aspect Ratio
HDTV Matrix Test Signal
A specic matrix test signal has been created to enable efcient and comprehensive test of component analog video signal delity. The matrix signal inc testing without the inconvenience of switching full eld signals, and contents have been customized to e xercise the full ban dwidt h capability of each format. One signal can be exibly utilized for both RGB and YPbPr color spaces, thereby minimizing test signal proliferation.
The HDTV matrix test signal is supplied in a variety of le and signal form ats to enable convenient and comprehensive test of set-top boxes and other consumer video devices. High-quality encoded ATSC Transport S tream and compress Tektronix MPEG player such as the RTX100B, RTX130B, or MTX100B.
ludes a range of test signals on different lines to enable video
ed Elementary Stream les are supplied for easy playout on a
PC Graphics Matrix Test Signal
VESA compliance and certication testing requires that several different types of test signals be applied to the device under test. Option VGA
Automated Video Measurement Set — VM6000
PC Graphics Matrix Test Signal (Option VGA)
includes test signal les for these patterns, in both f u ll eld and matrix forms for the full range of s upported image reso lutions. Test signal les are provided in .bmp and .png le formats.
VESA compliance and certication testing requires that several different types of test signals be applied to the device under test. Option VGA includes test signal les for these patterns, in both f u ll eld and matrix forms for the full range of supported image resolutions. Test sign al les
ided in .bmp and .png le formats. The .png les are benecial
are prov because they enable HV timing measurements to be m ade without the border artifacts potentially introduced by bitmap les. 9
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