Appendix A: Specifications
This section provides a complete description of the video measurement set specifications.
a description of the required temperature range and other
pertinent operating conditions.
Terms Used in Specifications
Characteristic — A characteristic refers to a property of the product.
Performance Requirement [REQ] — Performance Requirements
define characteristics that are essential to the intended application of
the product, usually in limit form.
Reference Information [RI] — Reference Information explains the
performance requirements or stipulates conditions under which the
performance requirements are effective. Reference information is not
considered to be a statement of guaranteed performance.
Refer to the Performance Conditions for
Specification — A specification is a document or a section of a
document that lists and describes characteristics and performance
requirements of a product. A specification also may contain
reference information.
Typical — Typical refers to instrument performance that can be
expected but is not guaranteed.
Performance Conditions
The Performance Requirements listed in the Electrical Specifications
apply over an ambient temperature range of 0° C to +50° C. The
rated accuracies are valid over the entire 0° C to 50° C range and
become “typical” for temperatures from –10° C to 0° C. Test
equipment used to verify Performance Requirements must be
calibrated and working within the specified limits.
All specifications (with the exception of Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Measurement Accuracy) apply for Signal-to-Noise Ratio ≥ 52 dB
(weighted). Averaging (AVG) is enabled for all specifications.
VM100 & VM101 User Manual

Appendix A: Specifications
Electrical Specifications
T able A–1: Input signal requirements–VIDEO INPUT
Maximum Operating Voltage REQ: –1.8 V to +2.2 V
Absolute Maximum Input Voltage REQ: –8.5 V to +8.5 V
Minimum Operating Voltage REQ: 1 Vp-p video signal
DC Input Impedance REQ: ≥20 KW
Return Loss REQ: >40 dB to 6 MHz
RI: Typically operates with a 1 Vp-p
input, +1 dB or –6 dB
RI: DC coupling
RI: DC coupling
T able A–2: Input signal requirements–EXT REF
Absolute Maximum Input Voltage REQ: –8.5 V to +8.5 V
Minimum Operating Voltage REQ: 1 Vp-p video signal
DC Input Impedance REQ: ≥20 KW
Return Loss REQ: >40 dB to 6 MHz
Crosstalk REQ: >70 dB to 6 MHz
Loop-through Isolation RI: >70 dB (typical)
RI: Typically operates with a 1 Vp-p
input, +1 dB or –6 dB
VM100 & VM101 User Manual

T able A–3: Measurement accuracy
Appendix A: Specifications
Differential Phase REQ: <1.0°
Differential Gain REQ: <2.0%
Chrominance-to-Luminance Gain REQ: <2%
Chrominance-to-Luminance Delay REQ: <20 ns
RI: Typically <0.5° from 20° C to 30°
C with test signal generator source
RI: Typically <1% from 20° C to 30° C
for nominal 300 mV chrominance
RI: Typically <1% from 20° C to 30° C
with test signal generator source
REQ: <10 ns from 20° C to 30° C with test
signal generator source.
RI: Typically <5 ns from 20°C to 30°
C with test signal generator source
Frequency Response REQ: <0.2 dB
RI: Typically <0.1 dB (1 %) from 20° C
to 30° C with test signal generator
RI: VM100: 50 kHz to 4.2 MHz
VM101: 50 kHz to 5.8 MHz
2T K-Factor REQ: 2 %
RI: Typically <0.5 % from 20° C to 30°
C with test signal generator source
All tests are performed with A VG enabled. Processing time for each
measurement is a function of the signal-to-noise ratio.
VM100 & VM101 User Manual