Atec Recovery-7280 User Manual

Model 7280
Wide Bandwidth DSP Lock-in Amplifier
0.5 Hz to 2 MHz operation
Voltage and current mode
Direct digital demodulation
without down-conversion
1 µs to 100 ks output time
Quartz crystal stabilized
internal oscillator
Harmonic measurements to
Dual reference, Dual
Harmonic and Virtual Reference modes
Spectral display mode
Scanned probe microscopy
Optical measurements
Audio studies
AC impedance studies
Atomic force microscopy
The model 7280 DSP Lock-in Amplifier is an exceptionally versatile instrument with outstanding performance. With direct digital demodulation over an operating frequency extending up to 2.0 MHz, output filter time constants down to 1 µs and a main ADC sampling rate of 7.5 MHz it is ideal for recovering fast changing signals. But unlike some other high frequency lock-ins, it also works in the traditional audio frequency band.
In addition to its excellent technical specifications, it is also very easy to use. The front panel is dominated by a large electroluminescent display panel, used both to show the instrument's outputs and for adjusting its controls via a series of menus. Controls are set by a combination of the use of the keys surrounding the display and the numeric keypad, while four cursor-movement keys simplify use of the graphic display menus.
Users of the SIGNAL RECOVERY models 7260 and 7265 will find switching to the 7280 very easy, since we've designed it with a similar menu structure. The only significant changes are in some of the control menus, where the better resolution of the display allows both the controls and the instrument outputs to be shown simultaneously, for even faster feedback on the effects of control adjustments.
Naturally, the instrument includes the extended operating modes like dual reference, dual harmonic and virtual reference made popular by the 7260 and 7265, as well as the spectral display mode used to aid reference frequency selection. It also includes GPIB and RS232 interfaces for remote computer control and a range of auxiliary analog and digital inputs and outputs. Compatible software is available in the form of a LabVIEW
driver supporting all instrument functions, and the Acquire lock-in amplifier applications software. The driver and a free demonstration version of the software, DemoAcquire, are available for download from our website at
In summary, if you need a lock-in capable of working beyond the traditional audio frequency band but still want the drift-free performance that only digital demodulation
Auto Functions Menu
brings, then look no further - you have found it in the SIGNAL RECOVERY Model
Main Display
Lock-in Amplifiers
Dual-phase DSP lock-in amplifier operating over a reference frequency range of 0.5 Hz to
2.0 MHz. Direct digital demodulation using a main ADC sampling rate of 7.5 MHz.
Wide range of extended measuring modes and auxiliary inputs and outputs. User-upgradeable firmware.
Measurement Modes
The instrument can simultaneously show any four of these outputs on the front panel display:
X In-phase Y Quadrature R Magnitude θ Phase Angle Noise
Harmonic nF, n 32 Dual Harmonic
Simultaneously measures the signal at two different harmonics F1 and F2 of the reference frequency
Dual Reference
Simultaneously measures the signal at two different reference frequencies, F1 and F2 where F1 is the external and F
the internal reference Frequency Ranges for Dual Harmonic and Dual Reference Modes:
Standard Unit F1 and F2≤ 20 kHz
With option -/99 F1 and F2 800 kHz
With option -/98 F1 and F2 2.0 MHz Virtual Reference
Locks to and detects a signal without a
reference (100 Hz ≤ F ≤ 2.0 MHz) Noise
Measures noise in a given bandwidth
centered at the reference frequency F Spectral Display
Gives a visual indication of the spectral
power distribution of the input signal in a
user-selected frequency range lying
between 1 Hz and 2.0 MHz. Note that
although the display is calibrated in terms
of frequency, it is not calibrated for
amplitude. Hence it is only intended to
assist in choosing the optimum reference
320 × 240 pixel (¼ VGA)
electroluminescent panel giving digital,
analog bar-graph and graphical indication
of measured signals. Menu system with
dynamic key function allocation. On-
screen context sensitive help
Signal Channel
Voltage Input Modes A only, -B only or
Differential (A-B)
Full-scale Sensitivity
0.5 Hz F 250 kHz 10 nV to 1 V in a
1-2-5 sequence
250 kHz < F 2.0 MHz 100 nV to 1 V in a
1-2-5 sequence
Max. Dynamic Reserve > 100 dB Impedance 100 M // 25 pF Maximum Safe Input 20 V pk-pk
Voltage Noise 5 nV/Hz @ 1 kHz C.M.R.R. > 100 dB @ 1 kHz Frequency Response 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Gain Accuracy ±0.3% typ, ±0.6%
max. (full bandwidth)
Distortion -90 dB THD (60 dB
AC gain, 1 kHz)
Line Filter attenuates 50, 60,
100, 120 Hz
Grounding BNC shields can be
grounded or floated via 1 k to ground
Current Input Mode Low Noise, Normal or
Wide Bandwidth
Full-scale Sensitivity
Low Noise 10 fA to 10 nA in a
1-2-5 sequence
Normal 10 fA to 1 µA in a
1-2-5 sequence
Wide Bandwidth F 250 kHz 1 pA to 100 µA in a
1-2-5 sequence
F > 250 kHz 10 pA to 100 µA in a
1-2-5 sequence Max. Dynamic Reserve > 100 dB Frequency Response (-3 dB)
Low Noise 500 Hz Normal ≥ 50 kHz Wide Bandwidth ≥ 1 MHz
Low Noise < 2.5 k@ 100 Hz Normal < 250 @ 1 kHz Wide Bandwidth < 25 @ 10 kHz
Low Noise 13 fA/Hz @ 500 Hz Normal 130 fA/Hz @ 1 kHz Wide Bandwidth 1.3 pA/Hz @ 1 kHz
Gain Accuracy ± 0.6% typ, midband Line Filter attenuates 50, 60,
100, 120 Hz Grounding BNC shield can be
grounded or floated
via 1 k to ground
Reference Channel
TTL Input (rear panel)
Frequency Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz
Analog Input (front panel)
Impedance 1 M // 30 pF Sinusoidal Input Level 1.0 V rms* Frequency Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Squarewave Input Level 250 mV rms* Frequency Range 2 Hz to 2 MHz
*Note: Lower levels can be used with the analog input at the expense of increased phase errors
Phase Set Resolution 0.001° increments Phase Noise at 100 ms TC, 12 dB/octave slope
Internal Reference < 0.0001° rms External Reference < 0.01° rms @ 1 kHz
Orthogonality 90° ±0.0001° Acquisition Time
Internal Reference instantaneous
External Reference 2 cycles + 50 ms
Reference Frequency Meter Resolution
1 ppm or 1 mHz, whichever is the greater
Demodulator and Output Processing
Output Zero Stability
Digital Outputs No zero drift on all
Displays No zero drift on all
Analog Outputs < 5 ppm/°C
Harmonic Rejection -90 dB Output Filters X, Y and R outputs only
Time Constant 1 µs to 1 ms in a 1-2-5
sequence, and 4 ms
Slope (roll-off) 6 and 12 dB/octave
All outputs
Time Constant 5 ms to 100 ks in a
1-2-5 sequence
Slope 6, 12, 18 and 24 dB/
Synchronous Filter Available for
F < 20 Hz
Offset Auto and Manual on X
and/or Y: ±300% full­scale
Absolute Phase Measurement Accuracy
Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Setting Resolution 1 mHz Absolute Accuracy ± 50 ppm
Distortion (THD) -80 dB @ 1 kHz and
100 mV rms
Amplitude (rms)
Range 1 mV to 1 V Setting Resolution 1 mV Accuracy ±0.2% Stability 50 ppm/°C
Output Impedance 50 Sweep Amplitude Sweep
Output Range 0.000 to 1.000 V rms Law Linear Step Rate 20 Hz maximum
(50 ms/step)
Frequency Sweep
Output Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Law Linear or Logarithmic Step Rate 20 Hz maximum
(50 ms/step)
Auxiliary Inputs
ADC 1, 2, 3 and 4
Maximum Input ±10 V Resolution 1 mV Accuracy ±20 mV Input Impedance 1 M // 30 pF Sample Rate ADC 1 only 40 kHz max. ADC 1 and 2 17.8 kHz max. Trigger Mode Internal, External or
Trigger Input TTL compatible CatIss7Web:0710UK
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