Atec PULSAR User Manual

Universal Protective Relay Test System
Complete three-phase test system in one unit
Modular design for system customization
Transient testing via DFR replay and EMTP/ATP simulation
Capable of GPS satellite synchronized testing
Universal Protective Relay Test System
Universal Protective Relay Test System represents the next generation in protective relay testing. This one-unit, modular system lets you select the testing capabilities you need now and expand as your requirements change.
The PULSAR base unit includes the chassis, back plane, and input power and control module.
Current and Voltage Amplifier Modules
The system is customized by adding a timer module and the number of current and voltage amplifier modules needed for specific testing applications.
For example, adding the timer, one current amplifier module and one voltage amplifier module to the base unit provides a variable ac/dc current and voltage output, adjustable phase angle and frequency settings, and comprehensive control, timing and monitoring circuits. This
configuration tests single­phase relays.
Add up to three current and three voltage amplifier modules to create a full, three­phase relay test system in one portable unit.
High-Current Output Units and Interface Module
For high-current applications, PULSAR can be connected to the Multi-Amp EPOCH-20‚ and EPOCH-II‚ High-Current Output Units. The Multi-Amp High-Current Interface Module provides the control interface between PULSAR and the EPOCH-20 or EPOCH-II to provide high-current, high­volt/ampere output for single-, three- or six-phase testing. For specifications on the Interface Module, the EPOCH-20 and EPOCH-II, refer to catalog entries for these models.
Designed for Convenience
PULSAR is small and lightweight enough to be carried to job sites by one technician. For durability, the unit is housed in a rugged field enclosure for use at substations and power plants. PULSAR is designed for easy setup and operation. A standard wall outlet is the only power source needed.
High-intensity LEDs display all outputs throughout the test, and PULSAR automatically changes output ranges to reduce testing time.
Manual or Computerized Control
PULSAR can be operated manually by simple, front-panel controls or combined with any IBM
or compatible PC and
the Megger AVTS
software package for automated
steady-state, dynamic and transient testing.
Modules slide out easily so you can configure the system to meet your applications.
PULSAR performs computerized tests with IBM‚ or compatible PCs, even notebooks.
Complete, three-phase test system: PULSAR can be configured to provide complete three-phase variable current, voltage, frequency, phase angle, dc voltage, dc current, control, timing and monitoring functions.
Unique, modular design: PULSAR modules plug in and slide out easily for system configuration. You can purchase any number of modules for configuration using one or more PULSAR units. This feature also allows for prompt replacement of modules during
Simple, manual control: With the system's multiple­channel outputs, you can easily change amplitude, phase angle or frequency settings by pushing the ramp up-and-down keys.
Totally automated testing: PULSAR, combined with the advanced software capabilities of AVTS, automates steady-state and dynamic testing, and performs transient testing via DFR replay or EMTP/ATP simulation.
Steady-state and dynamic testing capability, including dc offset: Either manually through front-panel controls or via computer control, the operator can test virtually any relay.
Performs transient tests: Acceptance tests or troubleshooting can be accomplished by replaying digitally recorded faults or EMTP simulations in the IEEE COMTRADE Standard C 37.111.
Performs end-to-end tests: When combined with AVTS software and a portable GPS satellite receiver, PULSAR performs satellite-synchronized, end-to-end dynamic or transient tests for troubleshooting complex protection schemes.
Continuous LED displays: Large, high-intensity LEDs remain active even when the test set is under computer control so the operator can see all outputs all the time. Amplitudes, phase angle and frequency of all current and voltage outputs are displayed continuously and simultaneously .
Automatic range changing: PULSAR automatically performs range changes under load to reduce testing time.
Universal Protective Relay Test System
PULSAR is designed to test virtually any relay, from simple overcurrent relays to complex three-phase, microprocessor-based relays requiring phase-shifting capability. This table lists relays by IEEE device number and matches them with the required combination of current and voltage amplifier modules.
Device Relay Types Select Modules (Qty)
Number Based on Relay Type
2Time-Delay Starting Relay Pulsar Base Unit plus: 21 Distance (1φ)1 Voltage Amplifier 24 Volts/Hertz 1 Current Amplifier
27/59 AC/DC Under/Overvoltage Relay 1 Timer, Monitor and Battery
Simulator Module
32 Directional Power (1φ)
37/76 DC Under/Overcurrent Relay
40 Loss of Field 50 Instantaneous Overcurrent (up to 30 A)* 51 Overcurrent (up to 30 A at 150 VA)* 67 Directional Overcurrent
67N Ground Directional Overcurrent
81 Frequency 82 DC Reclosing Relay 85 Carrier or Pilot Wire Relay 86 Lock-out Relay 94 Tripping Relay
All the above relays plus: Pulsar Base Unit plus:
21 Distance (open-delta) 2 Voltage Amplifiers
21G Distance, Ground 2 Current Amplifiers
25/25A Synchronizing/Auto-Synch 1 Timer, Monitor and Battery
Simulator Module 32 Directional Power (open-delta) 46 Phase Balance Current 47 Phase Sequence Voltage (open-delta) 79 AC Reclosing Relay 87 Differential
50/51 Instantaneous (up to 60 A at 300 VA)*
67 Directional Overcurrent
All the above relays plus: Pulsar Base Unit plus:
21 Distance (3φ wye) Voltage and Current. 3 Voltage Amplifiers 32 Directional Power (3φ)3 Current Amplifiers
46N Negative Sequence Overcurrent 1 Timer, Monitor and Battery
Simulator Module
50/51 Instantaneous (up to 90 A at 450 VA)*
67 Directional Overcurrent
* For higher currents or volt-amperes, refer to catalog entries on these models.
Add to the base unit the Timer, Monitor and Battery Simulator Module
Add one, two, or three Current Amplifier Modules
Add one, two, or three Voltage Amplifier Modules
Base unit includes Input Power and Control Module
Under manual control, you can easily change settings with the ramp up-and-down keys.
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