Atec PMM-9010, PMM-9030, PMM-9060 User Manual

PMM 9010 PMM 9030 PMM 9060
Fully CISPR-Compliant
Digital EMC/EMI receivers
10 Hz – 6 GHz
PMM 9010 PMM 9030 PMM 9060
Traditional Receiver
Innovative Digital Receiver
Main features at a glance
• The state-of-the-art full compliance 30 MHz EMI Digital Receiver is the platform of the system. Based on direct Analog to Digital conversion and sophisticated computation, it offers calibration-free operation on almost all of its key components, i.e. RBW filters, detectors, demodulation… while the RF front-end is self-calibrated by the internal, precise RF signal generator.
• All the units are uniquely compact and lightweight: the low frequency unit (PMM 9010) is about 4,1 kg and the high frequency extensions are about 2 kg. All are battery operated.
• Hardware and Firmware are designed around the current EMC standards, and ready to upgrade to future changes in the same.
• Powerful digital Click Analyzer is fully compliant with the latest CISPR specifications, 1 (internal option) or 4 (external option) channels.
Performance characteristics highlights
• Frequency ranges from 10 Hz to 30 MHz; 3 GHz; 6 GHz.
• Full compliance with the latest edition of CISPR 16-1-1 standard, including RMS-AVG detector, APD function, click measurements, etc.
• Commercial and military standards met within the frequency range
• CISPR and MIL-STD RBW filters.
• Integrated preamplifier (all units) and pulse limiter (only PMM 9010).
• Mostly maintenance and calibration free; service done in minutes.
• Excellent RF characteristics.
• Built-in tracking signal generator up to 30 MHz (PMM 9010).
• Multimode functions: sweep, spectrum analyzer, scalar network analyzer,manual receiver.
• Smart Detector: a “productivity booster” feature specifically designed to dramatically improve test speed.
Precise, accurate, fast and easy-to-use full compliance EMI/EMC tests to civilian and military standards
• Flexible, easy to use for any kind of measurement in stand-alone, integrated in systems or driven by PC.
• Optical link between main and high frequency units.
• No need for a coaxial cable to connect the antenna to the receiver.
• No aging of critical receiver parts (RBW filters, detectors, mixers, local oscillators, etc.) that cause degradation of the measurement accuracy.
• Easily and quickly serviced by swapping factory calibrated modules.
• Cost-effective.
The latest design effort of Narda STS has produced a fully digital EMC receiver up to 30 MHz. The advantages of the digital techniques extended up to several GHz,thus creating outstanding equipment perfectly fitting the need of any designer and test engineer. The new EMI/EMC receivers PMM 9010,PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 are fully compliant with CISPR16-1-1 requirements and meet all commercial and military standards for EMC measurements, including the latest revisions. They exhibit an outstanding precision and are practically free of calibration; they are as small as possible, lightweight and battery operated; they are easy-to-use and easy-to­interface with a regular PC, and they are to a wide extent flexible and programmable, both locally and remotely. Servicing is as easy as to plugging a card into a computer and can be done simply by swapping with pre-calibrated RF modules. These new concepts make the Narda STS receivers cost-effective and easy to update simply by downloading new firmware versions to cover all the future revisions of the relevant international standards.
• Internal memory for limits and correction values: antenna factors, cable loss, probe factors etc.
• Built-in manual, semiautomatic and fully automatic test routines.
• All calculations required by the newest standards (e.g. Click,APD, RMS-AVG, etc.) automatic and built-in.
• Battery powered.
• Extremely fast in all measurements.
PMM 9010: the new fully digital receiver that outperforms competition is here
Once more Narda STS is anticipating the market and competition by introducing the first Fully Digital EMC Receiver and Analyzer that meets all the requirements of the latest civilian and military standards (CISPR-16-1-1 & MIL-STD-461F). Every circuit in the receiver is digital now, with the only exception of the attenuator and the preselector that – physically – shall put a limit to the RF energy entering the equipment.
This architecture, carefully designed to deliver outstanding performances in a very small volume, is the latest development of Narda STS R&D Labs, well known all around the world with the former name “PMM” for their original and effective technical solutions. Add the usual “Easy-to-Use” Narda STS software - always acknowledged for offering the best equipment control with a simple and intuitive user interface - and the picture
The PMM 9010 features several useful functions: as an example, pictures above show the automatic highest peaks finder and the intuitive way to observe the selected peak in Analyzer mode: from measurement to debugging at users’ fingertips!
Practically maintenance-free and exceptionally stable, the PMM 9010 EMI Receiver is the ideal solution for reliable measurements day after day, month after month,year after
year. Moreover, the outstanding feature that service can be easily done by simply replacing plug-in pre-calibrated subassemblies, represents a highly valued advantage in case, for example, of damage to the RF front-end.
Indeed, even when an excess of energy or a too high signal would burn the input stage, the Customer can be back in operation and continue his work in the shortest possible time, being sure that his receiver is still perfectly calibrated. The Narda STS Sales Network is highly qualified and will be your consultant for every measurement problem: ask the experts and make your job easier with PMM 9010, the guiding star in the EMC market.
of the new PMM 9010 is almost complete. PMM 9010: the new fully digital receiver that outperforms competition is here. Continuing the tradition of offering innovative technical solutions for easy and practical measurements applications, the PMM 9010 - a fully digital receiver in the 10 Hz to 30 MHz range - is the first cornerstone of a system which grows together with the users’ needs: all EMC conducted measurements will be possible by simply
upgrading the PMM 9010 with specific options, e.g. Click Meter, MIL-STD filters, and accessories - LISNs and probes - providing a full compliance with almost all international standard or proprietary specifications. Moreover, the modular construction, based on pre-calibrated subassemblies, offers the fastest and most convenient recalibration and service ever!
PMM 9030 and PMM 9060: PMM 9010 companion products for testing up to 3 or 6 GHz
Until now,technology has not allowed a fully digital receiver up to the GHz range, Narda STS has conceived the best possible solution designing these extensions for PMM 9010, enabling the whole test system to go up to 3 or 6 GHz taking all the benefits from the digital approach. The PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 are therefore the ultra-fast 30 MHz - 3 GHz or 6 GHz receivers extending the measurement frequency range of the PMM 9010 up to the field of Radiated Emissions, thanks to a dedicated RF module. A fast and safe connection with PMM 9010 is guaranteed by a High Speed Digital Optical Link, providing the most immune way to transfer data: only the real measurement data received at the antenna reaches the detectors! This dedicated digital Front End perfectly matches with the PMM 9010, to create a compact-size, up-to-date digital receiver up to 3 or 6 GHz. PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 are basically a highly sophisticated auxiliary equipment, which converts the RF input into a digital signal sent to PMM 9010 through a Fiber Optic Cable. The transfer rate is higher than
2.5 GB/s and a huge amount of information is handled by the proprietary protocol. Very limited dimensions and lightweight construction allow the PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 to be connected directly to the antenna, making the dream of many test engineers come true. Benefits are really many, as RF coaxial cables for antenna to receiver connection may significantly affect measurements due to intrinsic cable loss and impedance mismatch.
Moreover, cables may pick up unwanted RF signals along the path from the antenna to the receiver. The PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 overcome all those error sources through the optical link, thus providing more accurate and reliable measurements. In order to allow complete galvanic separation, PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 are battery powered by the same Li-Ion plug-in rechargeable battery used for the 9010 unit, thus providing interchangeability and noise­free performances for up to four hours of continuous operation. Replacing the plug-in battery is just a matter of seconds. The PMM software can drive the coupled 9010-9030 or 9010-9060 to easily perform any measurement foreseen by the commercial and military standards, even stand-alone or, whenever required, with the necessary auxiliary equipment. The APD (Amplitude Probability Distribution) function is another example of how well the new PMM receivers can respond to the evolving requests of upcoming standards. The APD is a statistical characterization of signals recently introduced for testing above 1 GHz, that requires scanning of selected spans and measurements on several frequencies using Peak detector and Max Hold function, then sorting frequencies that show highest disturbance levels and comparing them with the limits for a given “Probability”.
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