PMM 7010
All-in-one EMI Receiver
Measurements of conducted and radiated disturbances according CISPR, IEC-EN standards.
The new EMI Receiver PMM 7010 matches the legendary operability of all PMM receivers with the most advanced digital technology and with the completeness of the software PMM Emission Suite.
Specifically designed for reliable EMC pre-testing and debugging, the PMM 7010 helps reducing the time-tomarket of new products.
Main characteristics
Frequency range 150 kHz – 1 GHz, single input
Resolution (RBW) 9 kHz, 120 kHz (compliant to CISPR 16-1-1)
3, 10, 30, 100, 300 kHz (- 6 dB)
Demodulation AM-FM, internal loudspeaker
CISPR Detectors Peak, Quasi-Peak, Average, RMS, C-Average, RMS-Average (option)
Time-saving Smart Detector function analyzing critical frequencies only
Power supply Universal AC adapter and 12V DC
LISN (internal) 150 kHz - 30 MHz, 2x16 A 250V, DC ÷ 60 Hz
Software PMM Emission Suite
I/O RS232, USB, automatic control of external LISNs and RF switch (SBRF-4)
The range of accessories includes: LISN up to 300 A, antennas, Large Loop Antenna, voltage probes etc.
Further information can be found in our web pages www.narda-sts.it

PMM 7010
Frequency range
RF input
VSWR @ input attenuator = 10 dB
@ input attenuator = 0 dB
Pulse limiter
Maximum input level (without damage)
Sinusoidal voltage
Pulsed spectral density
IF bandwidth (RBW)
Noise level (Hold time = 1 s) 0.15 ÷ 30 MHz (9 kHz RBW) < 14 dBuV (QP) < 7 dBuV (AVG)
Spurious (Peak det., Hold time = 10 ms) < 20 dBµV
CISPR detectors Simultaneous:
Hold time According to CISPR 16-1-1
PES – PMM Emission Suite PC software
Operating modes Sweep: automatic scanning receiver
Measuring units dBm, dBµV, dBµA, dBpW, dBµV/m, dBµA/m, dBpT
Uncertainty ± 1.0 dB (150 kHz ÷ 1 GHz S/N > 20 dB)
Compliance to CISPR 16-1-1 Full compliance of Quasi-Peak detector for PRF ≥ 20 Hz
Demodulation AM – FM with internal loudspeaker and volume control
I/O RS-232, USB, remote control for other PMM LISN
Operating temperature -5° ÷+ 45°C
Power supply 12 V DC, 0.8A; universal AC adapter
Internal LISN
Frequency range
Rated current
Maximum line voltage
Line frequency
CISPR-equivalent circuit
EUT socket
Dimensions 235x105x335 mm
Weight 5.0 kg
150 kHz ÷ 1 GHz
10 Hz
< 3 ppm
Zin 50 Ω, N fem.
< 1.2
< 1.2; < 1.4 above 30 MHz
0 ÷ 35 dB in 5 dB steps
0 ÷ 50 dB in 2 dB steps above 30 MHz
Internal, active for conducted measurements range (0,15 ÷ 30 MHz)
140 dBµV (2 W)
100 dBµV/MHz
3, 10, 30, 100, 300 kHz: -6 dB
9, 120 kHz: compliant to CISPR 16-1-1
30 ÷ 1000 MHz (120 kHz RBW) < 14 dBuV (QP) < 7 dBuV (AVG)
Peak, Quasi-Peak, Average, C-Average, RMS, RMS-Average
Smart Detector function
0.2 ms ÷ 120 s
Creation of scan tables, limits, factors
Reporting, export/import of measurements and settings
Trace comparison, marker, zoom, peaks finder
Manual: manual tuning receiver
Analyzer: spectrum analyzer mode
Display dynamic: 80 ÷ 200 dB
150 kHz ÷ 30 MHz
250 V AC – 350 V DC
DC ÷ 60 Hz
50 Ω // (5 Ω + 50 uH)
Ordering information
7010 EMI receiver 150 kHz - 1 GHz
- AC adapter mod. 9010/AC
- PC software PMM Emission Suite
- Calibration certificate
- USB, RS-232 cables
- User manual
- 9010/RAV CISPR RMS-AVG detector
- 9010/RMA 19” rack-mounting kit
Narda Safety Test Solutions Srl
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 21/23
20090 Segrate (Milano) - ITALY
Phone.: +39 02 269987-1
Fax: +39 02 269987-00
E-Mail: support@narda-sts.it
Internet: www.narda-sts.it
08/12 Specifications subject to changes without prior notice