CellAdvisor™ RF Analyzer
Spectrum Analyzer: 100 kHz to 4 GHz
Cable and Antenna Analyzer: 5 MHz to 4 GHz
Power Meter: 10 MHz to 4 GHz
Specication Conditions
e JD746A specications apply under these conditions:
• e instrument has been turned on for at least 15 minutes
• e instrument is operating within a valid calibration period
• Data with no tolerance are considered typical values
• Cable and antenna measurements apply aer calibration to the OSL standard
• Typical and nominal values are dened as:
– Typical: expected performance of the instrument operating under 20 to 30°C
aer being at this temperature for 15 minutes
– Nominal: a general, descriptive term or parameter
Spectrum Analyzer (Standard)
Frequency range 100 kHz to 4 GHz
Internal 10 MHz Frequency Reference
Accuracy ±0.05 ppm + aging (0 to 50°C)
Aging ±0.5 ppm/year
Frequency Span
Range 0 Hz (zero span)
10 Hz to 4 GHz
Resolution 1 Hz
Resolution Bandwidth (RBW)
–3 dB bandwidth 1 Hz to 3 MHz 1-3-10 sequence
Accuracy ±10% (nominal)
Video Bandwidth (VBW)
–3 dB bandwidth 1 Hz to 3 MHz 1-3-10 sequence
Accuracy ±10% (nominal)
Single Sideband (SSB) Phase Noise
Fc 1 GHz, RBW 10 kHz, VBW 1 kHz, RMS detector
Carrier oset:
30 kHz
100 kHz
1 MHz
Measurement Range
DANL to +20 dBm
Input attenuator range 0 to 50 dB, 5 dB steps
Maximum Input Level
Average continuous power +20 dBm
DC voltage ±50 VDC
Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL)
1 Hz RBW, 1 Hz VBW, 50 Ω termination, 0 dB attenuation, RMS detector
Preamplier O:
10 MHz to 2.3 GHz
>2.3 GHz to 3 GHz
>3 GHz to 4 GHz
Preamplier On:
10 MHz to 2.3 GHz
>2.3 GHz to 3 GHz
>3 GHz to 4 GHz
<–90 dBc/Hz (typical)
<–95 dBc/Hz (typical)
<–102 dBc/Hz (typical)
–140 dBm (–146 dBm, typical)
–138 dBm (–144 dBm, typical)
–135 dBm (–140 dBm, typical)
–155 dBm (–160 dBm, typical)
–153 dBm (–158 dBm, typical)
–150 dBm (–156 dBm, typical)
WEBSITE: www.jdsu.com/test

Display Range
Log scale and units
(10 divisions displayed)
Linear scale and units
(10 divisions displayed)
Detectors Normal, positive peak, sample, negative peak,
Number of traces 6
Trace functions Clear/write, maximum hold,
1 to 20 dB/division in 1 dB steps
dBm, dBV, dBmV, dBµV
V, mV, mW, W
minimum hold, capture, load
view on/o
Total Absolute Amplitude Accuracy
Preamplier o, power level >–50 dBm, auto-coupled (20 to 30°C)
5 MHz to 4 GHz ±1.25 dB, ±0.5 dB (typical)
±1.55 dB, ±1.0 dB (typical)
Attenuation <40 dB
Attenuation ≥40 dB
Reference Level
Setting range –120 to +100 dBm
Setting resolution
Log scale
Linear scale
0.1 dB
1% of reference level
Marker types Normal, delta, delta pair, noise, frequency count
Number of markers 6
Marker functions Peak, next peak, peak left,
peak right, minimum search
marker to center/start/stop
20 MHz to 4 GHz 1.5:1 (typical)
Second Harmonic Distortion
Mixer level = –25 dBm
10 MHz to 1.3 GHz <–65 dBc (typical)
>1.3 GHz to 4 GHz <–70 dBc (typical)
Dynamic Range
2/3 (TOI-DANL) in 1 Hz RBW >95 dB
Sweep Time
Range 80 ms to 1000 s
24 µs to 200 s
Sweep mode Continuous, single
Span = 0 Hz (zero span)
Gated Sweep
Trigger source External, video, and GPS
Gate length 1 µs to 100 ms
Gate delay 0 to 100 ms
Trigger source Free run, video, external
Trigger delay
0 to 200 s
6 µs
Channel power
Occupied bandwidth
Spectrum emission mask
Adjacent channel power
Spurious emissions
Field strength
AM/FM audio demodulation
Route map
PIM detect
Dual spectrum
* CW signal generator (Option 003) can be set up simultaneously.
Cable and Antenna Analyzer (Standard)
Range 5 MHz to 4 GHz
Resolution 10 kHz
Accuracy ±25 ppm
Third-order Inter-modulation (Third-order Intercept: TOI)
200 MHz to 2 GHz +10 dBm (typical)
>2 GHz to 4 GHz +12 dBm (typical)
Inherent residual response
Input terminated, 0 dB attenuation, preamplier o, RBW at 10 kHz
20 MHz to 3 GHz –90 dBm (nominal)
>3 GHz to 4 GHz –85 dBm (nominal)
Exceptions <–80 dBm @ 311.94 MHz
<–84 dBm @ 415.92 MHz
<–85 dBm @ 519.90, 1599.00, and 2497.80 MHz
Input related spurious <–70 dBc (nominal)
Data Points
126, 251, 501, 1001
Measurement speed 1.65 ms/point (nominal)
Measurement Accuracy
Corrected directivity 40 dB (typical)
Reection uncertainty ±(0.3 + |20log (1+10
EP = directivity – measured return loss
Output Power
High 0 dBm (typical)
Low –30 dBm (typical)
)|) (typical)

Dynamic Range
Reection 60 dB
Maximum Input Level
Average continuous power +25 dBm (nominal)
DC voltage ±50 VDC
Interference immunity
On channel
On frequency
+17 dBm @>1.4 MHz from carrier frequency
0 dBm within ±10 kHz from the carrier frequency (nominal)
Reection (VSWR)
VSWR range
Return loss range
Distance to Fault (DTF)
Vertical VSWR range
Vertical return loss range
Vertical resolution
Horizontal range
Horizontal resolution
Cable Loss (1-port)
1-port Phase
Smith Chart
1 to 65
0 to 60 dB
1 to 65
1 to 60 dB
0 to (# of data points – 1) x Horizontal Resolution
Maximum = 1500 m (4921 ft)
(1.5x108) x (VP) / (delta) x (0.95)
VP = propagation velocity
Delta = stop freq. – start freq. (Hz)
0 to 30 dB
0.01 dB
–180° to +180°
RF Power Meter (Standard)
External RF Power Sensors
Directional Power Sensor JD731B
Frequency range 300 MHz to 3.8 GHz
Dynamic range 0.15 to 150 W (average)
4 to 400 W (peak)
Connector type Type-N female on both ends
Measurement type Forward/reverse average power, forward peak
power, VSWR
Accuracy ±(4% of reading + 0.05 W)
Directional Power Sensor
Frequency range
150 MHz to 3.5 GHz
Dynamic range 0.1 to 50 W (average)
0.1 to 50 W (peak)
Connector type Type-N female on both ends
Measurement type Forward/reverse average power, forward peak
power, VSWR
Accuracy ±(4% of reading + 0.05 W)
Terminating Power Sensor JD732B
Frequency range 20 MHz to 3.8 GHz
Dynamic range –30 to +20 dBm
Connector type Type-N male
Measurement type Average
Accuracy ±7%
Terminating Power Sensor JD734B
Frequency range 20 MHz to 3.8 GHz
Dynamic range –30 to +20 dBm
Connector type Type-N male
Measurement type Peak
Accuracy ±7%
Terminating Power Sensor JD736B
Frequency range 20 MHz to 3.8 GHz
Dynamic range –30 to +20 dBm
Connector type Type-N male
Measurement type Average and Peak
Accuracy ±7%
General Parameters
Display range –100 to +100 dBm
Oset range 0 to 60 dB
Resolution 0.01 dB or 0.1xW (x = m, u, p)
Internal RF Power Sensor
Frequency range 10 MHz to 4 GHz
Span 100 kHz to 100 MHz
Dynamic range –120 to +20 dBm
Maximum power +20 dBm
Accuracy Same as spectrum analyzer
1. CW condition at 25°C ±10°C
2. Forward power
Optical Power Meter (Option 13)
Optical Power Meter
Display range –100 to +100 dBm
Oset range 0 to 60 dB
Resolution 0.01 dB or 0.1 mW