Oscilloscopes for
field applications
Powerful ScopeMeter® test capabilities:
From 20 to 200 MHz bandwidth and up to 2.5 GS/s real-time sampling
Up to seven hours operating time
Now with FFT Analysis, advanced triggering and 3k memory length
ScopeMeter® 190C and 190B Series:
Speed, performance and analysis power
For the more demanding applications, the ScopeMeter 190 Series highperformance oscilloscopes offer specifications usually found on top-end bench
instruments. With up to 200 MHz bandwidth, 2.5 GS/s real-time sampling and
a deep memory of 27,500 points per input, they’re ideal for engineers who
need the full capabilities of a high-performance oscilloscope in a handheld,
battery powered instrument.
Dual-input – 200, 100 or 60 MHz
Up to 2.5 GS/s real-time sampling
per input
Choice between a high-resolution
color display (190C Series) or blackand-white display (190B Series)
Connect-and-View™ automatic trig-
gering and a full range of manual
trigger modes
Digital Persistence mode for analyz-
ing complex dynamic waveforms
like on an analog scope
Fast display update rate for seeing
dynamic behavior instantaneously
Automatic capture and replay of
100 screens
27,500 points per input record
length using ScopeRecord™ mode
TrendPlot™ paperless chart recorder
for trend analysis up to 22 days
Waveform reference for visual
comparisons and automatic pass/fail
testing of waveforms
function for motor drive and
frequency inverter applications
Up to 1000 V independently
floating isolated inputs for
1000 V CAT II and 600 V CAT III
safety certification
Four hours rechargeable NiMH
battery pack
See an on-line demonstration,
go to www.fluke.com/scopemeter
All this power in your hand
See dynamic signal behavior
The Digital Persistence mode (Fluke
190C) helps to find anomalies and to
analyze complex dynamic signals by
showing the waveforms amplitude
distribution over time. Digital Persistence uses multiple intensity levels and
user selectable decay time—it’s as
if you’re looking at the display of an
analog, real-time oscilloscope! The
fast display update rate that’s standard
on all models reveals signal changes
instantaneously, useful for instance
when making adjustments to a system
under test.
Frequency Spectrum shows an overview of
frequencies contained in a signal.
Frequency spectrum analysis
All 190C color ScopeMeter models now
include Frequency Spectrum Analysis functionality based on Fast Fourier
Transformation (FFT) analysis as a
standard feature. This enables you
to identify the individual frequency
components contained in a signal.
The spectrum analysis function is
also handy for revealing the effects
of vibration, signal interference or
crosstalk. An automatic window
function assures optimal windowing, although you may manually
select your preferred time window.
High sampling rates give you the required
resolution for detailed signal analysis.
See what’s really happening
With a maximum real-time sampling
rate of 2.5 GS/s per input, you can
see what really happens, with 400 ps
resolution. Both inputs have their own
digitizer, so you can simultaneously
acquire two waveforms and analyze
them with the highest resolution
and detail. If an anomaly flashes
by on the screen, just press the Replay
button to see it again. And thanks to
the wider screen, you will always see a
12 divisions time window giving a far
better overview of what’s happening
both before and after the trigger event!
Thanks to the deeper memory, very small parts
of the waveform can be studied in full detail
using “zoom”.
Deeper waveform
acquisition memory
The waveform memory of all oscilloscopes in both the 190B and 190C
Series has been enlarged to allow as
many as 3000 samples per channel to
be acquired. You can use the ZOOM
function to find tiny details in a long
waveform, for example, the color burst
in a video signal or a single impulse in
a complex data-stream. All models also
allow the high-resolution waveforms to
be transferred to a PC for later detailed
analysis using FlukeView® ScopeMeter
Easier identification of
traces, everywhere
The full-color display makes identification of individual waveforms easier,
particularly when displaying large
amplitude or multiple overlapping waveforms on screen. On-screen color labels,
measurements and warnings are clearly
linked to specific waveforms.
Digital Persistence mode gives analog scopelike display of complex and modulated signals.
Dual-slope triggering used to capture the
eye-pattern on a digital datastream.
Advanced trigger modes
The ScopeMeter 190 Series simplifies
triggering with Connect-and-View™
automatic triggering. Two new modes
—“n-cycle triggering” and “dual-slope
triggering”—have been added to the
Fluke 190C Series to help you isolate
the phenomena of interest. N-cycle
triggering ensures you get a stable
live image of a signal, for example,
in-frequency dividers and clocked
(synchronous) digital systems, or
to synchronize on bursts of pulses.
Dual-slope triggering enables the oscilloscopes to trigger on both rising and
falling edges alike. This means that any
edge in the signal will act as a trigger event and initiate a new waveform
acquisition, a most useful capability when making eye-patterns from
digital data-streams, or in conjunction
with single-shot phenomena. Manual
modes include edge, delay, video and
pulse width triggering. A fully isolated
external trigger input is included for
troubleshooting time relationships
between two input signals synchronized to a third signal.