Measuring electric fields
from 3 MHz to 18 GHz
using instruments in the NBM-500 family
General public and occupational field
exposure from radio broadcasting, telecoms,
and radar
Isotropic (non-directional) measurement
64 dB dynamic range without changing
measurement range
The probe contains three orthogonally arranged dipoles with detector
diodes. The three voltages, corresponding to the spatial components,
are available individually at the probe output. The NBM basic unit
calculates the resulting isotropic field strength.
The probe detects electric fields from 3 MHz to 18 GHz, covering the
fields generated by broadcasting, telecoms, and radar. The dynamic
range from 0.6 V/m up to 1,000 V/m (64 dB) makes the probe ideal for
measuring exposure in both the general public and the occupational
The probe is designed with mechanical and electrical properties ideal for
field use. The probe head is made of foam material to provide effective
protection for the sensors, while having excellent RF characteristics.
The electric destruction limit of 1,600 V/m for continuous wave signals is
several times higher than any of the human safety limit values.
The probe is calibrated at several frequencies. The correction values are
stored in an EPROM in the probe and are automatically taken into
account by the NBM instrument. Calibrated accuracy is thus obtained
regardless of the combination of probe and instrument.
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Probe EF1891 Electric (E-)Field
Frequency range
Type of frequency response Flat
Measurement range
Dynamic range 64 dB
CW damage level 1600 V/m 700 mW/cm²
Peak damage level
Sensor type Diode based system
Directivity Isotropic (Tri-axial)
Readout mode / spatial assessment 3 separate axes
Flatness of frequency response
Calibration uncertainty not included
Calibration uncertainty
@ 0.2 mW/cm² (27.5 V/m)
Referred to 0.2 mW/cm² (27.5 V/m)
Isotropic response
Temperature response +0.2/ -1.5 dB (±0.025 dB/K @ 10 to 50 °C )
Calibration frequencies
Recommended calibration interval 24 months
Temperature range
Non-operating (transport)
Humidity 5 to 95 % RH @ ≤28 °C ≤26 g/m³ absolute humidity
Size 318 mm x 66 mm Ø
Weight 90 g
Compatibility NBM-500 series meters
Country of origin Germany
(a) Unless otherwise noted specifications apply at reference condition: device in far-field of source, ambient temperature 23±3 °C, relative air humidity 25% to 75%, sinusoidal signal
(b) Cutoff frequency at approx. -3 dB
Pulse length 1µsec, duty cycle 1:100
(d) Frequency response can be compensated for by the use of correction factors stored in the probe memory
Accuracy of the fields generated to calibrate the probes
Uncertainty due to varying polarization (verified by type approval test for meter with probe). Ellipse ratio included and calibrated for each probe
16 kV/m 70 W/cm²
3 MHz to 18 GHz
0.6 to 1000 V/m (CW)
0.6 to 35 V/m (True RMS)
±1 dB (10 MHz to 1.8 GHz)
±2 dB (1.8 to 6 GHz)
100 nW/cm² to 265 mW/cm² (CW)
100 nW/cm² to 325 µW/cm² (True RMS)
±3 dB (> 6 GHz)
±1 dB (<400 MHz)
±1.5 dB (400 MHz to 1.8 GHz)
±1 dB (≥ 1.8 GHz)
±3 dB (0.8 to 1.65 V/m)
±1 dB (1.65 to 3.3 V/m)
±0.5 dB (3.3 to 300 V/m)
±0.8 dB (300 to 1000 V/m)
±1 dB (27 MHz to 1 GHz)
±3 dB (170 to 720 nW/cm²)
±1 dB (720 nW/cm² to 2.9 µW/cm²)
±0.5 dB (2.9 µW/cm² to 24 mW/cm²)
±0.8 dB (24 to 265 mW/cm²)
±2 dB (1 GHz to 18 GHz)
3/ 10/ 27.12/ 100/ 200/ 300/ 500/ 750 MHz
1/ 1.8/ 2.45/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8.2/ 9.3/ 10/ 11/ 18 GHz
0 °C to +50 °C
-40 °C to +70 °C
Probe EF1891, E-Field for NBM, 3 MHz – 18 GHz, Isotropic 2402/02
Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH
Sandwiesenstrasse 7
72793 Pfullingen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 7121-97 32-777
Fax: +49 (0) 7121-97 32-790
E-Mail: support@narda-sts.de
® Names and Logo are registered trademarks of Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH and L3 Communications Holdings, Inc. - Trade names are trademarks of the owners.
NSTS 0312-E0234C-0.0 2 / 2 Subject to change
Narda Safety Test Solutions
435 Moreland Road
Hauppauge, NY 11788, USA
Phone: +1 631 231-1700
Fax: +1 631 231-1711
E-Mail: NardaSTS@L-3COM.com
Narda Safety Test Solutions Srl
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 21/23
20090 Segrate (Milano), Italy
Phone: +39 02 2699871
Fax: +39 02 26998700
E-mail: support@narda-sts.it
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