Atec EB500 User Manual

Monitoring Receiver
High-performance radiomonitoring
from 9kHz to 6 GHz
Product Brochure | 03.01
Radiomonitoring & Radiolocation
R&S®EB500 Monitoring Receiver
The receiver can be operated with diverse antennas such as broadband omnidirectional antennas and directional antennas. To limit overloading when used with omni­directional antennas, the R&S®EB500 is equipped with a preselection stage (as recommended by ITU) that avoids intermodulation and overloading.
At a glance
The R&S®EB500 monitoring receiver is designed to meet the demanding requirements of ITU-compliant
radiomonitoring tasks in stationary and mobile
environments. The receiver is the ideal choice for
these tasks because it is capable of operation via
the front panel or remote control software, performs high-speed signal searches in the spectrum,
and gathers information by means of wideband demodulation. In addition, the R&S®EB500 can be used for a variety of other applications.
The R&S®EB500 monitoring receiver has an outstanding feature set for monitoring transmissions, detecting inter­ference, locating unlicensed transmitters in the frequency spectrum, or even functioning as a search receiver. In ad­dition, it is exceptionally compact and consumes relatively little power. The R&S®EB500 is the optimum solution for systems that need a high- specification receiver but only have limited available space. When combined with analy­sis software (such as R&S®GX430, for example), it provides users with a compact receiving and analysis system cover­ing a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 6 GHz.
Due to its compact size and excellent balance between performance and power consumption, the R&S®EB500 is designed not just for stationary operation but also for installation in vehicles, in aircraft (as payload) or in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).
Key facts
❙ Fast panorama scan with up to 12 GHz/s across the
entire frequency range from 9 kHz to 6 GHz
❙ 1 kHz to 20 MHz IF spectrum and parallel demodulation
with bandwidths from 100 Hz to 20 MHz
❙ Spectrum and spectrogram (waterfall) display on receiver
(model .03) or on PC via the R&S®EB500-Control software
(model .02) ❙ Can be expanded into a direction nder ❙ Polychrome IF spectrum for reliable detection of pulsed
signals ❙ 1 Gbit LAN interface for remote control and data output ❙ Comparatively low power consumption for efcient
DCoperation, e.g. on a vehicle battery
❙ Space-saving system integration due to ½ 19" width and
three height units ❙ Classication and analysis of signals up to 5 MHz
bandwidth (analog and digital modulation) through
evaluation of the I/Q data stream using the R&S®GX430IS
software (in ofine mode), for example
❙ Multichannel digital downconversion (DDC) within
realtime bandwidth
Front panel without control elements,
remote control via LAN interface.
R&S®EB500 Monitoring Receiver
Interference detection and location in professional radio networks
❙ Reliable detection of radio interference caused, for
example, by defective electronic equipment
❙ Fast and effective identication of interference sources,
e.g. at airports
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Comprehensive spectrum analysis with polychrome display
❙ Polychrome display for detection and analysis of short-
duration signals
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Monitoring of user-specific radio services
❙ Monitoring of a large number of radio services with
different scan modes
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Multichannel digital downconversion (DDC)
❙ Parallel monitoring of one plus three signals ❙ All DDC channels user-selectably distributed within
realtime bandwidth
❙ Independent demodulation, level measurement and
recording of each channel
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Nationwide monitoring system for regulatory authorities
❙ ITU-compliant spectrum monitoring using the
R&S®ARGUS system software
When combined with the R&S®ARGUS spectrum monitoring software, the receiver reliably and
efciently performs all key measurements listed in
the ITU spectrum monitoring handbook and related recommendations
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Handoff receiver in networked systems
❙ Parallel demodulation of multiple narrowband signals and
simultaneous broadband spectrum scanning
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Rohde & Schwarz R&S®EB500 Monitoring Receiver 3
R&S®EB500 Monitoring Receiver
Key features
High receiver sensitivity, high signal resolution
❙ State-of-the-art FFT-based digital signal processing for
high receiver sensitivity and detection of extremely weak signals without any loss in processing speed
❙ Signicantly superior receiver sensitivity and signal
resolution (compared with conventional analog broadband receivers)
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Retrieval of information through demodulation and signal analysis in a compact system
❙ Online LAN transfer from an R&S®EB500 to a PC and the
R&S®GX430 analysis software, for example, for operating
an efcient small system for signal reception and analysis
❙ Online analysis or recording of captured data using
R&S®GX430, provision of data for documentation, replay or subsequent additional evaluation
❙ ITU-compliant signal analysis in line with ITU-R SM.1600
using R&S®GX430 and R&S®GX430IS, optimum tool for single-channel analysis and measurement of analog and digitally modulated signals in accordance with
Efficient operation via remote control
❙ Remote control of all receiver functions via LAN interface
(SCPI command set) ❙ LAN interface for providing the maximum measured
data rate during receiver operation; efcient remote
operation in unattended monitoring stations (interface
essential, especially for systems integrators who need
to incorporate the receiver into existing software
Convenient remote control with R&S®EB500-Control software
❙ Short learning curve due to straightforward menu
structure and simple operation ❙ Alignment of displayed signals (depending on task),
optimum display on screen ❙ Remote control of receiver via PC, recording of measured
data on hard disk and replay of data on PC for analysis
purposes ❙ Expansion of remote control software functionality
through options and add-ons from the R&S®RAMON
software suite
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Precise direction finding of emissions (with
❙ Fast, reliable direction nding due to high DFaccuracy ❙ Direction nding up to 6 GHz
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Future-ready investment
❙ Wide frequency range and outstanding performance ❙ Capable of receiving, demodulating and processing
signals of current and future radio services
Interference detection and location in
Reliable detection of radio interference caused, for example, by defective electronic equipment
To master these tasks, the receiver includes special func­tions such as selectable measurement time and continu­ous or periodic level output. Since these functions are also effective in the panorama scan spectrum, even non­periodic interferers can be easily detected. Such interferers are otherwise very difficult to detect due to their irregular appearance in a quickly changing spectrum.
professional radio
Its high performance and wide range of special
functions make the R&S®EB500 an ideal choice for detecting all types of radio interference efficiently.
Fast and effective identification of interference sources, e.g. at airports
The simultaneous use of the R&S®GX430 analysis software allows efficient differentiation between wanted signals and possible interference signals. Fast differentiation is espe­cially important in security-critical radio scenarios (e.g. air traffic control, ATC) as it prevents high failure costs for the service provider. The combination of a fast panorama scan to acquire an overview of the situation with subsequent scanning and analysis in fixed-frequency mode based on I/Q data is particularly well suited to such applications.
In the panorama scan mode, the frequency range of interest is scanned in steps of max. 20 MHz, and an FFT of suitable width is calculated for each step. The step width for the fast panorama scan can be selected to match the channel spacing used by a wide variety of radio services. The panorama scan provides high scan rates at narrow resolution bandwidths, yielding high sensitivity and signal resolution.
Interference in radiocommunications, e.g. at airports, not only impedes operation – it may even pose a threat to
Rohde & Schwarz R&S®EB500 Monitoring Receiver 5
spectrum analysis with polychrome display
Polychrome display for detection and analysis of short-duration signals
The polychrome IF spectrum color-codes the duration of a signal in the spectrum using multiple colors. Signals with a very short duration are displayed in blue while continu­ous signals appear in red. Overlapping short-duration and continuous signals in the spectrum can thus still be dis­tinguished and displayed when this is no longer possible with conventional display modes such as max. hold and average.
Polychrome IF spectrum: even signals with a low frequency of appearance
are visible.
Overlapping signals with the same frequency and timing are made visible
using the polychrome spectrum.
Monitoring of user-specific radio services
The frequency scan mode is mainly intended for
monitoring radio services that use fixed channel
spacing as compared to memory scan that is used for variable channel spacing.
Monitoring of a large number of radio services with different scan modes
In the frequency scan mode, a user-defined frequency range is scanned using fixed channel spacing. The receiver steps through the frequency range of interest and checks every channel for occupancy. If a signal is detected with a level exceeding the predefined threshold, the receiver dwells at the corresponding frequency for the set hold time, allowing for the signal to be demodulated and pro­cessed. In the case of analog modulation, the demodu­lated signal can be monitored via the headphones or loudspeaker.
In the memory scan mode, predefined channels stored in memory locations are consecutively scanned and analyzed to see if any signals are present. The R&S®EB500 offers 10 000 user-definable memory locations. Receive param­eters can be assigned separately to each memory location.
The memory scan mode is particularly useful for scanning individual frequencies that do not have a fixed channel spacing or that use different demodulation modes and bandwidths. The memory scan mode offers users a greater degree of freedom than the frequency scan mode in similar applications.
Smooth operation of an organization’s own radio network is vital to ensure
operational readiness — not only for government operators.
Rohde & Schwarz R&S®EB500 Monitoring Receiver 7
+ 15 hidden pages