• Full DOCSIS 3.0 performance
testing: up to 8 downstream by
4 upstream bonded carriers
• Legacy testing—DOCSIS 1.X
and 2.0
• QAM-carrier signal quality
analysis and troubleshooting
• Return-path ingress
Key Benefits
To achieve service-dierentiating quality and reliability, network maintenance
requires careful and consistent attention. While the broadband frequency response
test in both the forward path (downstream) and the return path (upstream) is a
core requirement of any cable network maintenance plan, maintaining cable networks requires more than sweep. e DSAM-6300 (Digital Services Analysis Meter)
combines best-in-class video, audio, and data test functions with the extremely
popular SDA sweep system’s downstream forward path and upstream return path
sweep functions in a rugged, multi-technology handheld that performs in the harshest environments.
Because it uses powerful Stealth Sweep technology, the DSAM-6300 works with
existing Stealth Digital Analyzer (SDA) rack-mounted sweep gear (SDA-5500 and
SDA-5510) located at headend and hub sites. Additionally, DSAM-6300 meters
can sweep side-by-side with SDA-5000 meters. erefore, major test infrastructure modications are not required when DSAM-6300s are added to a department’s
meter pool.
• Improve workforce efficiency by letting technicians perform
complete maintenance and quality-verification tests on the
spot—one person with one instrument—including sweep,
digital video, analog video, DOCSIS®, VoIP tests, and more
• Streamline operations by managing and displaying sweep
files via the web and by immediately synchronizing data over
• Minimize capital expenses—sweep is compatible with existing
JDSU Stealth Sweep™ systems, assuring non-interfering
forward- and reverse-sweep operations
• Improve technician competency with the Digital Quality
Index™ (DQI), an easy-to-understand, real-time indicator
that shows up to 90 seconds of digital quality history
• Stand up to rain, cold, heat, bumps, drops, and other
accidental mishaps with a rugged, lightweight design
• Service-quality verication
we bs it e: www.jdsu.com/test
DSAM-6300 DigitAl Service AnAlySiS Meter
Signal Level Meter
e DSAM-6300 features extremely accurate JDSU digiCheck™ digital power
level measurements in addition to traditional signal level measurement (SLM)
test functions for analog video and audio levels. In addition to the standard analog
carrier-to-noise (C/N) measurement, a quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)
ingress option enables viewing noise and ingress within the QAM signal spectrum.
e DSAM-6300 can measure downstream carriers to a full 1 GHz and analyze
64, 128, and 256 QAM including deep interleave (i=128, j=4) modulation. Also
included are modulation error ratio (MER) and pre- and post-FEC bit error rate
(BER), margin, and quality specications.
The level mode on a digital channel measures
the signal level and MER and tracks the BER and
errored seconds.
Miniscan measures signal strength of up to
12 channels simultaneously.
Miniscan and Full Scan Modes
When measuring analog and digital signals, technicians can see high- and lowfrequency channels and verify how much level headroom remains when limits are
activated. In miniscan mode, the DSAM monitors up to 12 channels at a time and in
full scan mode it monitors the entire channel plan—up to 999 channels. e results
of both scans are displayed in either an easy-to-see bar graph or an informative table.
Tilt Mode
Part of the sweep procedure, tilt mode checks forward low- and high-frequency
channel level tilt. Level variances display at the bottom of the DSAM-6300 screen,
and a sampling of carrier levels throughout the spectrum provides a rough indication of frequency-response variation. Based on these results, technicians can choose
an equalizer pad that will provide optimum atness at the end of the line.
MER, BER, and Errored Seconds
When the DSAM 6300 is tuned to a QAM signal in the level mode, it simultaneously
measures MER, BER, and errored and severely errored seconds.
MER is an indicator of transmission quality degradation resulting from noise,
ingress, and composite distortions. An expression of signal-to-noise ratio plus all
other non-transient distortion signals, MER also shows phase and amplitude distortions that may have been passed from the headend. MER is an overall quality
measurement that can be performed on a digital QAM carrier. JDSU has perfected
this valuable measurement by optimizing both custom hardware and proprietary
soware algorithms. e result is accurate readings that far exceed those reported
from customer-premises equipment such as digital set tops.
Tilt mode checks forward low- and high-frequency
channel level tilt.
BER quickly detects impulse noise in the system by revealing when information is lost
or corrupted at the bit layer. e DSAM-6300 measures BER by tracking the number of
errored bits (pre-FEC) and the number of bits that cannot be xed by forward error correction (FEC) (post-BER).
e errored seconds measurement is for troubleshooting connections with intermittent bit errors occurring over a period of time. If an error has occurred during any
second of elapsed time, the errored second eld increments by one. One error or multiple errors in the same second is counted as one errored second. If there is more than
1 in 1 million bit errors occurring in the same second, the severely errored second
register increments by one. e errored seconds elds are conveniently included in
the digital level display.
A constellation graph shows impairments on the
network with patterns in the display. By identifying
the pattern, technicians can gure out the probable
cause of the impairment.
DSAM-6300 DigitAl Service AnAlySiS Meter
Constellation Mode
Various elements in a network can compromise video quality. e DSAM-6300 constellation mode displays patterns of data points on a graph for easy interpretation,
letting technicians detect and quickly diagnose sources of digital video problems.
Digital Quality Index (DQI) Mode
DQI is an indicator of the overall health of a QAM stream. is JDSU exclusive
measurement is extremely eective in tracking intermittent problems. QAM signal
health is represented by an easy to understand index rating from “0” to “10” with
10 being the highest quality. DQI also catches errors sometimes missed by BER and
errored seconds measurements. To help troubleshoot intermittent issues, the index
is plotted on a 180-second graphical history display.
QAM Ingress Mode
Traditionally, detecting the presence of ingress within downstream digital signal
spectrum is nearly impossible without turning o the service. e tightly spaced
QAM carriers hide any visual presence of ingress or intermodulation distortions. An
MER test will indicate that an issue exists, but with the DSAM-6300 and the patented
QAM Ingress mode, technicians can inspect what is actually going on beneath the
digital “haystack” without interrupting service.
DQI displays intermittent, short-duration impairments that MER and BER miss as well as steady-state
issues that MER and BER typically capture.
The QAM Ingress test lets technicians see spectrum
underneath a live digital carrier which is usually not
viewable due to the presence of the “haystack.”
Field View™ Option
Field View provides the communication between JDSU PathTrak™ return-path
monitoring systems and eld meters such as the DSAM-6300. A JDSU HSM-1000
sends spectrum measurements from PathTrak to the eld meter, where the results
are displayed on the DSAM screen. By comparing local spectrum measurements
to those from PathTrak, eld technicians can quickly resolve return-path ingress
The optional Field View capability greatly improves
the success rate and eciency in locating return-path
ingress. Field technicians can view the return spectrum that the JDSU PathTrak Return Path Monitoring
System receives. Both the remote spectrum and the
local spectrum view can be compared on the meter.
The Field View QAM dashboard shows a variety
of measurements for the represented carrier, and
results that are outside of user-designated limits are
indicated by color. From the dashboard, technicians
can select a measurement parameter to view more
closely and switch directly to a full-screen display of
that measurement.
DSAM-6300 DigitAl Service AnAlySiS Meter
Field View QAM™ Option
e unique Field View QAM option lets technicians see upstream impairments that
are invisible to spectrum analyzers and sweep tools. Observing a clean spectrum
with traditional spectrum-analysis tools may indicate a pristine return path;
however, the overall node health reported by the cable modem termination system
(CMTS) and other reporting tools can show a low health score, even aer teams
of technicians have been working on the node cleaning up noise issues for several
weeks. With Field View QAM, technicians can quickly identify micro-reections,
in-band frequency response, and group-delay issues. Armed with the DSAM in
conjunction with MACTrak™ technology in PathTrak, technicians can easily verify
the overall health of return-path carriers.
WiFi Option
e WiFi option enables a USB WiFi adapter to verify WiFi network strength and
connectivity, or to communicate test data to JDSU TechComplete™ Test Productivity
Pack (TPP).
The optical power measurement option enables
connecting a USB power meter (JDSU MP60A or
MP80A) for verifying or troubleshooting node light
Optical Power Meter Option
e optical power meter option enables connecting a USB power meter (JDSU MP-60
or MP-80) for verifying or troubleshooting node light levels.
Innovative advanced JDSU coax probes enable extremely quick, comprehensive
home network qualication, eliminating repeat truck rolls and making troubleshooting less costly and more eective.
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