Atec DL9000 User Manual

Digital Oscilloscopes
Fast acquisition rate
• Up to 25,000 frames/sec/channel in continuous mode (when the Accumulate function is used)
• Up to 2.5 million frames/sec/channel in N Single mode
History Memory function
• With a partitioned large-capacity memory, the DL9000 can automatically accumulate and display up to 2,000 waveform frames.
Bandwidth and Sampling Rate
DL9040/DL9040L DL9140 / DL9140L DL9240 / DL9240L
Analog frequency bandwidth 500 MHz 1.0 GHz 1.5 GHz
Maximum sampling rate 5 GS/s 5 GS/s 10 GS/s
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year warranty
Bulletin 7013-00E
Capture only the desired data for long periods of time. Make full use of the large-capacity memory to increase development efficiency without acquiring useless data.
Efficient Waveform Measurement
Collective measurement with large-capacity memory
6.25 million waveform data points
Waveform comparison using memory partitioned into up to 2,000 areas
2000 frames
Isolate Abnormal Waveforms
The DL9000 series allows you to measure waveforms for long periods of time using its large-capacity memory. In addition, the memory can be partitioned to capture only the necessary waveforms (History Memory function). The History Memory function retains up to 2,000 waveforms in its internal memory while constantly updating them. Now suppose an abnormal signal occurs. You can view it even if some time has elapsed since the occurrence, as long as the signal is included in the previous 2,000 waveforms. This feature is effective in capturing anomalies that may occasionally occur. Fur thermore, you can compare all 2000 waveforms by overlaying them or view them with (different brightness levels) depending on their frequency of occurrence. This feature displays waveforms similar to how they would appear on analog oscilloscopes.
Fast display updates, even when processing mega-words of data
Yo k ogawa’s proprietary signal-processing IC (Advanced Data Stream Engine [ADSE]) has made the History Memory function and display functions far more advanced than those of conventional scopes. High-speed data processing is achieved using this hardware-based computation.
Maximum update rate in math mode:
60 frames/sec 12 frames/sec
Maximum update rate in parameter measurement mode:
60 frames/sec 16 frames/sec
(1 MW, when adding channels) (5 MW, when adding channels)
(1 MW, when measuring a channel’s maximum value) (5 MW, when measuring a channel’s maximum value)
Note: The above rates can vary depending on the oscilloscope settings.
Advanced Data Stream Engine (ADSE)
The History Memory function allows you to call up a maximum of 2,000 previously acquired waveforms and analyze the retained waveform data.
History Replay Function
You can go back to previously-captured waveforms in History Memory and view them one by one, just like browsing address book entries. Furthermore, you can use the new History Replay function to continuously play back, stop, fast-forward, and rewind captured waveforms like a video recording.
Displays waveforms like an analog oscilloscope
The dot density display function varies the brightness of each display pixel, depending on how often waveforms pass through it. The DL9000 can rapidly capture waveforms at an acquisition rate of up to 25,000 waveforms/sec. Thus the oscilloscope can show eye patterns and perform real-time display processing even when capturing repetitive signals. ADSE-driven high-speed signal processing enables the digital oscilloscope to provide analog oscilloscope-like waveform displays.
Overlaid waveforms using dot density display
Single waveform
You can freely change from overlaid
waveforms to any single waveform and
vice versa as the DL9000 retains
up to 2,000 frames of waveform data.
Overlaid waveforms in colors
Single waveform
(full-wave comparison)
Enhanced functions for all signal handling tasks ----- capture, display, search and analysis
Selected z
Create a window w around a selected
Waveform Capture
– Filter functions –
To be able to observe signals after filtering out unnecessary components is extremely useful during circuit design. The DL9000 series is equipped with two types of filters, the input stage filters and filters based on high-speed computation. You can filter out unnecessary signal components during signal capture or apply high-speed filtering afterwards.
Filters in the input stage :
Analog filters: 200 MHz/20 MHz Real-time digital filters: 8 MHz/4 MHz/2 MHz/1 MHz/500 kHz/200 kHz/125 kHz/62.5 kHz/32 kHz/16 kHz/8 kHz
Filters based on computation
Select low pass or high pass filters with variable cutoff frequencies
Display filtered waveforms in real time at up to 60 frames/sec. Simultaneously display both pre-filtered and post-filtered waveforms.
Desired filter setting: The lowpass/highpass filter frequencies and cutoff frequency can be set to values from 0.01 Hz to 1.0 GHz.
Example of input stage filtering
Example of computation filtering: PWM waveform analysis
Yellow: PWM waveform Red: Filtering-based trend display of pulse widths
Waveform Search and Display
– Searching for and displaying selected waveforms from the large-capacity memory –
Dual-window Zoom function simultaneously zooms in on two areas
The DL9000 series allows the zooming magnification and position to be set separately for two different areas of a waveform. Thus you can change the timebase scale and view the two windows simultaneously. The waveform on the right shows a measurement example of the time taken from the point of power-on to the point of gate array oscillation. The DL9000 measures the time length from the rising edge occurring immediately after power-on (cursor 1 of Zoom 1), to the start of oscillation (cursor 2 of Zoom 2).
Auto Scroll function for observing the entire waveform
Use the auto scroll function to automatically move the zoom windows through a long acquisition. Selecting the area to be zoomed-in on can be done easily by scrolling forward, backward, fast forwarding or pausing.
A variety of search functions
The DL9000 series has a variety of waveform search functions, enabling you to detect abnormal signals or find specific serial or parallel data patterns. Data search types include:
• State search (based on high/low states of one or more channels)
• Serial pattern search (I
• Zone search
• Waveform window search
• Waveform parameter search (measured parameters, FFT, etc.)
C/SPI/CAN/general-purpose pattern)
Selected z
Create a windo around a selected wavefefororm
Example: Search for serial pattern A5 (1010 0101)
Auto Scroll
Waveform Capture
The DL9000 series can be triggered using two or more channels in addition to an edge trigger or TV trigger. You can capture only the desired signals by combining various trigger types and thereby predetermining trigger conditions. Effective filtering helps to shorten the time needed to evaluate and troubleshoot a design.
DL9000 Series’ Trigger Functions
Edge/state triggers
Edge Edge (Qualified: conditional) Edge OR State
Examples of Trigger Application
Trigger-based gating – Edge (Qualified): conditional trigger –
The valid/invalid state of an edge trigger or pulse width trigger can be controlled according to the conditions of any other channel’s state (high/low).
Ch. 1 edge trigger
Ch. 2 state input
(Example: Valid at “High”)
Setup and hold time triggers
To derive setup time/hold time conditions, event delay/event sequence triggers are set as shown in the following figure.
Setup time
Hold time
4 5
Valid Valid
Setup time
Tr igger
(condition "Less Than": Triggered if the setup time is shorter than the preset time)
Setup time
– Advanced trigger functions –
Pulse width triggers
Pulse width Pulse width (Qualified) Pulse state (Triggered using the length of period
during which the conditions are true)
Invalid Invalid
Tr igger
(condition "Less Than": Triggered if the setup time is shorter than the preset time)
Enhanced triggers
I SPI CAN Serial pattern
Slew rate trigger
The time taken to pass through the voltage level range specified for the window comparator is used to detect the pulse rise/fall time. With pulse state triggers, it is possible to derive trigger conditions, such as “More Than,” “Less Than” and “Between,” by specifying the ranges of rise time/fall time.
Preset window comparator level
Runt pulse trigger
Runt pulses (pulses with levels lower than those of normal pulses) can also be captured in the same way as explained above. A runt pulse stays too long within the range set by the window comparator, as shown in the following figure. It is therefore possible to capture the runt pulse by setting the trigger conditions to a rise time longer than those of normal pulses.
(define patterns up to 128 bits long)
Event interval triggers
Event cycle Event delay Event sequence
– Window comparator and pulse state –
Tr ue
The pulse state trigger is activated according to the length of the period during which the conditions are true.
Short stay in trigger window
Long stay in trigger window
Tr ue
Display of up to 2,000 Overlaid Waveforms using History Memory
Zone search
Define 1 to 4 zones and search for waveforms that fall inside or outside the zone (s).
Waveform Analysis
– Serial bus analysis I2C/SPI/CAN –
Waveform window search
Select a waveform in History Memory and create a window around the waveform by moving up/down/left/right from the waveform. Search for waveforms that fall inside or outside the window.
Waveform parameter search
Select a waveform parameter and define a range for the parameter. Search for waveforms with parameter values inside or outside the set range.
The DL9000 can perform I2C, SPI and CAN bus analysis with the different available options (/F5, /F7 and /F8). Triggers for these bus types are standard features. These functions make it easy to discriminate between partial software failures and physical-layer waveform problems when troubleshooting systems by observing the physical-layer characteristics of signals.
Real-time bus analysis-up to 15 updates/sec
The DL9000 displays protocol analysis results while concurrently capturing bus signals.
Simultaneous analysis of different buses
With the Dual-window Zoom function, the DL9000 can simultaneously analyze and display the waveform of buses running at different speeds.
Serial data bus trigger functions
A variety of trigger conditions can be set, including triggers based on ID-Data combinations and combinations of a serial bus trigger and a regular edge trigger.
Example of High-speed/Low-speed
CAN Bus Analysis Display
CAN 500kbps CAN 125kbps
Example of I
C Bus Analysis Display
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