Minolta/Land Cyclops 52 Infrared Thermometer
Inst # 20001784
• The Minolta-Land Cyclops 52 is a portable thermometer designed for temperature in the
range 600 to 3000° C.
• Temperature is displayed digitally.
• Digital output is available over RS-232 communication.
• Target is viewed simultaneously with the temperature display.
• Wavelength of operation chosen to give maximum freedom from errors due to emissivity.
• Emissivity compensation in range 0.1 to 1.0.
• Three operational modes – Continuous, Peak, and Valley. In the last two the readings
corresponds to the highest and lowest temperature respectively during the period of
• Response time 30 ms (Display 0.6 s).
• Accuracy ±0.5% reading.
• Wavelength of operation eliminates the effects of water vapor and carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere and the effects of sunlight on temperature readings.
• Three calculating modes – Maximum, Mean, or Minimum of a series of readings.
Operation Notes
During operation, the Cyclops 52 displays the temperature in the digital display inside the
viewfinder. When the trigger is pressed the unit attempts a reading, the display will indicate this
by illuminating.
When the temperature is below 500°C the display will illuminate but will not show a number. If
the temperature is between 500-600°C the number will be displayed and the illumination will
blink rapidly alerting the user that this range falls outside the calibration. Between 600-3000°C
the temperature will be indicated and the illumination will be constant. The LCD value is held
for 30s after measurement.
The Cyclops 52 operation is detailed in the Cyclops 52/53 manual.
RS-232 Communication Notes
Measured temperature data is available from the digital output terminal in the form of ASCII
code, TTL level RS-232. The connector is a Hirose HR10-10P-12P. Data output is initiated by
the release of the trigger switch or external measuring request signal.
A patch cable was constructed to interface with a RS-232 port. The following connection
scheme is required to communicate with the device:
Hirose Pin 2 to RS-232 Pin 2 "Receive Data"
Hirose Pin 4 to RS-232 Pin 4 "Data Terminal Ready"
Hirose Pin 7 to RS-232 Pin 5 "Signal Ground"
Table 1 shows the communication parameters to use with the Cyclops 52.
Baud Rate 300 bps
Data Bits 7
Parity Even
Stop Bits 2.0
Flow Control None
Termination Character ASCII CR
Signal Level TTL Level ONLY
Table 1. RS-232 communication parameters.
The data output is in groups of 9 bytes. The first character is non-printing with HEX value “00”.
The second character indicates the mode of the unit. The following two characters are the ASCII
“SP”, followed by four characters that indicate the temperature. In 7-bit data mode, a working
solution for conversion to decimal numbers was accomplished by subtracting the ASCII decimal
value of the output character from 127, giving the ASCII decimal value of the number.
Example data conversion: Suppose a query to the pyrometer gives the string “<__NNLJr”, this
would indicate a value of 1135°C. The ASCII decimal value of “N” is 78, subtracted from 127
gives an ASCII decimal value 49 with corresponding character “1”. The ASCII decimal value
of “L” is 76, subtracted from 127 gives an ASCII decimal value 51 with corresponding character
“3” and so forth.
When the unit is queried and the initial reading is below 500°C, the display will illuminate but
no data is output. When the measured value is between 500-3000°C data is output over the
terminal connector, if the measurement then falls below 500°C the last measurement value over
500°C is output.
A LabVIEW program “Cyclops 52 Program” was constructed to communicate with the
instrument. This program allows for readings to be displayed and data to be saved to a .txt file.
The program also indicates when the readings are out of the calibration range of the Cyclops 52.
In the program, the small grey text display and color indicator to the right of “Degrees
Centigrade” is a status indicator for the program. As the program attempts communication with
the unit by raising and lowering the DTS line it will display “Requesting”. If there is no reading,