Atec AEMC-6472, AEMC-6474 User Manual

Models 6472 & 6474
Reliable, accurate and quick for comprehensive
Reliable, accurate and quick for comprehensive
earth testing
earth testing
Earth and
All types of earth resistance measurements:
and earth measurement on pylons (C.A. 6474 option)
Resistivity (Wenner and Schlumberger methods)
Earth coupling
Ground potential measurement
Continuity / resistance
Possibility of analysing the frequency behaviour
of earthing systems (41 Hz to 5 kHz)
Wide measurement range for optimum resolution
Rejection of interference voltages up to 60 Vpeak
Automatic calculation of the earth coupling coefficient
and ground resistivity
Measurement and analysis of pylon earthing
Recording of results
resistivity tester
Adapter for
pylon earth
A versatile instrument
The Model 6472 earth and resistivity tester can be used for quick, comprehensive testing of all earthing systems by gathering all the earth measurement functions in a single instrument. When used with the Model 6474, it also offers pylon earth measurements, making it an essential tool for diagnosing and maintaining the earthing systems of all types of pylons.
2 operating modes for easy learning
New measurement concept
Unlike traditional earth testers, the Model 6472 offers the possibility of analysing the frequency behaviour of earthing systems thanks to its particularly extensive measurement frequency range (from 41 to 5,078 Hz). The use of a high-frequency measurement signal makes it possible to assess the behaviour of an earthing system in the event of lightning.
Automatic mode:
A single key for simple handling:
- function selection by rotary switch
- press on START / STOP button
- reading of the result
In this mode, the instrument carries out a default measurement at 128 Hz and chooses the most appropriate frequency in the event of interference voltages.
Do not connect the black cable if using the 3P method
Expert mode:
Users can choose the required measurement parameters (specific measurement frequency, frequency scan, measurement voltage between H and S, etc.) and can access additional measurement results for more accurate interpretation.
Automatic recognition of input connections:
the connections are displayed and flash if incorrect or absent.
The 3P method is the traditional method using rods to measure the resistance of an existing earth connection. The Model 6472 can also be used to measure the resistances of the auxiliary rods RS and RH, as well as any interference voltages, thus allowing more accurate interpretation of the measurement.
Suitable for all types of measurement environments,
even the most difficult, it guarantees measurement of auxiliary rod resistances up to 100 kø and interference voltages up to 60 Vpeak.
The 4P measurement method is particularly well-suited to measuring very low earth resistance values. In the event of several resistances set up in parallel, it is possible to combine this method with a clamp-on ammeter in order to carry out selective measurements. This "4P selective" method saves considerable time as it is no longer necessary to disconnect the earth resistance to be measured. Indeed, the clamp enables measurement of the current through the earth connection to be tested, thus avoiding the influence of the parallel earth connections.
In the event of a system with parallel earth connections, the Model 6472 is capable of accurately measuring an earth resistance using clamps only. The principle of this method involves placing 2 clamps around the earth conductor to be tested and connecting them each to the instrument. One clamp injects a known signal ( 32 V / 1367 Hz) while the other clamp measures the current circulating in the loop. This method saves considerable time when earth testing because it is no longer necessary to set up auxiliary rods or to disconnect the earth connections.
The operator performs 3 successive measurements (2 traditional earth measurements using the 3P method – R1 & R2 – and 1 earth measurement using the 2P method – R
1-2). The Model 6472 then automatically calculates the coupling resistance: Rc = (R1 + R2 – R1-2) / 2.
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