Atec A8860, A8862, A8864 User Manual

RF Safety
Test Solutions
Personal and Area Monitors
Nardalert XT Personal Monitor
100 kHz to 100 GHz
Shaped Frequency Response
Matched to Your Standard Data Logger Records Continuously
– more than 30,000 data points Five High-Intensity LED Level Indicators
Tri-Sensor Handles All Types of Fields
Two Adjustable Audio Alarms
Adjustable Vibrator Alarm
Long Battery Life
Patented Design
The Nardalert XT family of RF personal monitors is de­signed to satisfy the needs of virtually all individuals who use an RF personal monitor.
· Models are available that closely conform to all major worldwide standards.
· The adjustable alarm feature allows one alarm to be set at a level equal to the upper tier of two-tier stan­dards, such as “Occupational” or “Controlled” limits, while the second alarm can be set to the lower tier, such as the “Uncontrolled” or “General Population" limits.
The ultra-broadband sensors cover almost the entire usable RF spectrum in a single monitor.
The unique tri-sensor design handles every possible signal format, from complex multi-signal communica tion environments to military platforms with both com munications and radar signals.
The five flashing high-intensity LED level indicators can be seen while wearing the monitor, even out doors in the sun.
There are four different ways to wear the monitor – pocket clip, belt clip, soft case with belt clip (optional) and soft case for climber’s harness (optional).
The audio alarm has two distinct sounds that are as sociated with the two different alarm thresholds. Both alarm thresholds can be adjusted using the optional Interface Kit.
· The user can select an audio alarm, a vibrator alarm, both audio and vibrator, or an optional remote vibra­tor. The remote vibrator can be used in areas with high ambient noise when the user is wearing heavy clothing that would prevent the detection of the inter­nal vibrator.
· The data logger is always on. The logging interval can be adjusted using the optional Interface Kit. At the default setting, the average field strength is logged every five seconds with the data logger retain­ing more than 40 hours of information before it starts to write over the oldest data.
Either one or both of the two LEDs that indicate the lowest levels (10% of Standard and 20% of Standard) can be deactivated using the optional Interface Kit for applications where it is desirable to indicate only higher field strengths.
Nardalert XTs are usable over their entire rated frequency range when worn on the body as an RF personal monitor. The patented sensor design detects the electric field over an extremely broad frequency band regardless of signal format or polarization.
The low frequency sensor is a low impedance, sur face-area sensor designed to detect the radial fields that are characteristic of low-frequency communica tion systems. The compensated diode detector yields accurate results even in highly complex, multisignal environments.
50 Years of
US Patents 6,154,178 5,600,307 5,168,265 International Patent 1008856
Safety Test Solutions
USA TEL: (1) 631 231-1700 • FAX: (1) 631 231-1711 • E-MAIL: •
GERMANY TEL: 49-7121-9732-777 • FAX: 49-7121-9732-790 • E-MAIL: •
RF Safety
Test Solutions
50 Years of
The diode-dipole design complements the low
frequency sensor in the UHF region by detecting vertically polarized fields. The combination of the two sensors detects all polarizations.
The microwave band sensor uses thermocouple
detectors. Thermocouple arrays function primarily as dipole antennas up to about 10 GHz. At higher frequencies, the sensor increasingly functions in the traveling-wave mode of detection. This enhances the sensor’s sensitivity and allows it to function accurately up to 100 GHz and beyond. Thermocouple detectors are always true RMS detectors and yield ac curate results even with extremely narrow radar pulses.
The 8861 Series is specifically designed for use in strong ELF fields, such as where wireless antennas are mounted on towers that carry high voltage 50/60 Hz utility power. The 8860 and8862 Series NardalertXT models arenot de signed for this environment and false alarms may occur.
The 8864 Series is specificallydesigned tobe wornon the outside of RF protective suits since monitors do not func­tion properly when worn underneath these suits. RF pro­tective suits generally provide a minimum of 10 dB (10:1) protection. The 8864 Series monitorssound an alarm at high field levels to warn the wearer that they are in an area where the RF protective suits may not be sufficient protection.
Personal and Area Monitors
The pocket clip supplied with the monitor allows you to wear the monitor in side your shirt pocket while maintaining the top of the monitor near the top of the pocket, regardless of pocket size. This allows you to view the LED level-indicators.
The belt clip supplied with
the monitor snaps on the monitor case in place of the pocket clip. It has a strong spring and retain ing hook that makes an ac cidental detachment from your belt unlikely.
Model 8865 Interface Kit
The Model8865 Interface Kit, although not required, allows Nardalert XT users to perform two important functions:
Adjust several monitor parameters, such as alarm-threshold settings and data-logging rate
Download and analyze logged data
The Nardalert XT is ready to use upon receipt. If you want to take advantageof these additional features all you need is one Interface Kit per location. For example, if your New York office has 30 Nardalert XTs, all you need is one Inter face Kit. Of course, if you also have monitors in another city, then you will probably want a kit for every city.
The Model 8865 Interface Kit is comprised of:
A small electronic module that connects the Nardalert XT to any Windows
The Nardalert XT User’s Software (CD)
A cable to connect the module and the PC (RS-232)
A cable to connect the module and the monitor
A plastic storage box
compatible personal computer
The User’s Software is very easy to use. Although a com plete manual is included on the CD and is available from the help menu, fewusers ever needto referto the manual. A “tool tip” appears for every control and window when you pause the cursor near the control. Anyone familiar with Windows programs has seen the words “Cut” or “Paste” appear in other programs.
USA TEL: (1) 631 231-1700 • FAX: (1) 631 231-1711 • E-MAIL: • GERMANY TEL: 49-7121-9732-777 • FAX: 49-7121-9732-790 • E-MAIL: •
Safety Test Solutions
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