Atec 8800 User Manual

Personal and Area Monitors
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2 MHz to 100 GHz Detection
Audible, Visible, Remote Alarms
Continuous, Automatic Monitoring
Requires No Operator
Indoor and Outdoor Models
Narda’s SMARTS family of area monitors provides con­tinuous detection of RF radiation within a specific area. Models are available to cover any frequency between 2 MHz and 100 GHz. These monitors represent a major advance in safety monitoring programs for non-ionizing radiation. In the past, a safety program was limited to per­forming periodic surveys of a particular system or area, which meant anacute failure could go undetected until the next survey was performed. And since all major interna­tional safety standards set limits for average exposure level over a few minutes, the use of survey instruments alone meant a hazardous condition could exist for days, weeks, or even months. With the SMARTS, potentially hazardous areas can be continuously monitored to help insure a hazard-free environment as well as compliance with industry and government standards.
Four models cover wide frequency bands from 2 MHz to 100 GHz. Model 8810 covers the 2 to 30 MHz HF band, Model 8815 operates from10 to 500 MHz,and Model 8820 monitors frequencies between 500 MHz and 18 GHz. The ultra broadband Model 8825B covers 500 MHz to 100 GHz.
Each model features a unique design for accurate detec­tion in a specific environment. At low frequencies, such as
those around HF antennas and metallic shelters, the elec­tric field component is typically greatly distorted. There­fore, the Model 8810 (2 to 30 MHz) monitors the magnetic field which is more consistent in these environments. The standards from Australia, Germany, the U.K. and the U.S. all vary permissible exposure levels by 20 dB over these frequencies. The Model 8810’s frequency curve has a shape very similar to these standards. Its alarm threshold is set to approximately one tenth of the exposure limits to provide coverage over an area of several square meters.
The Model 8815 (10 to 500 MHz) utilizes what has been termed “transitional” monitoring. At frequencies below ap­proximately 200 MHz, it responds to the magnetic field component and it transitions to electric field detection at frequencies above 200 MHz.
Model 8820 (500 MHz to 18 GHz) and Model 8825B (500 MHz to 100 GHz) use broadband thermocouple detectors to monitor the electric field. Both models sound an alarm only when the average power level is ex­ceeded and are ideal for use with microwave systems where pulse modulation is normally employed.
SMARTS monitors are available in a totally nonmetallic, weatherproof enclosure for outdoor mounting. This en­closure will protect the SMARTS from dust, rain, or heavy seas.
435 MORELAND ROAD HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788 USA TEL: 516 231-1700 INTL TEL: (1) 516 231-1390 FAX (1) 516 231-1711 E-MAIL:
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Personal and Area Monitors
Outdoor SMARTS
SMARTS monitors operate like common household smoke detectors. When operating normally, the alarm LED will flash approximately every 40 seconds. If the main battery needs to be replaced, the flash will be accompa­nied by a “chirp.” When the SMARTS detects radiation at its preset alarm threshold or higher, a continuous audible and visual alarm is generated. During this alarm period an electronic signal is provided at theSTATUS jack (J1) to ac­tivate various user-supplied remote circuitry. If the main battery drops below critical levels, or if the detection ele­ments should fail, the system will remain in the alarm mode until the problem is corrected. If the main battery should fail completely there will still be a voltage at the J1 produced by a backup battery circuit.
Operation can be verified at any time by depressing the TEST button which activates a full system test. In situa­tions where standard operating procedure produces RF or microwave power in excess of the threshold and expo­sure to people is possible (e.g., inan anechoic chamber or on the deck of a ship), the Model 8808 Personnel Sensor can be used. This sensor will disable the SMARTS alarm (via the J2 ENABLE jack) unless personnel and high power radiation are both present.
Since standard visual and audio signals would be masked by the weatherproof enclosure, outdoor SMARTS models supply information to a remote location via a weather­proof, multi-pin, MIL-type connector (J101). Normal or alarm STATUS information iscontinuously available at this remote location. Also operated by remote control are the ENABLE jack (J2) and the TEST function. Outdoor SMARTS models operate from an external low voltage, very low current supply brought in through the same con­nector. This separate DC source allows operation over a broader temperature range.
The comprehensive SMARTS family of area monitors should be part of every safety program involved with high power RF or microwave energy. Other options or configu­rations, such as different alarm thresholds or calibration frequencies, can be provided. Consultthe factory for details.
USA TEL: 516 231-1700 INTL TEL: (1) 516 231-1390 FAX (1) 516 231-1711
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