Atec 8662A, 8663A User Manual

Signal Sources
• 10 kHz to 1280 MHz frequency range
• <–147 dBc/Hz SSB phase noise at 10 kHz offset
• 0.1 Hz frequency resolution
• 100 kHz to 2560 MHz frequency range
• AM/FM/M/pulse in one generator
• Internal variable modulation oscillator
8662A 8663A
8662A/8663A Synthesized Signal Generators 1
Residual SSB Phase Noise (dBc/Hz):
Spectral purity is the key contribution of both the Agilent 8662A and 8663A, making them ideal for many radar, satellite communication, and phase noise measurement applications. Typical absolute phase noise performance of these generators at a 1 kHz offset is as low as –135 dBc/Hz, depending on the band of operation.
The frequency range of the 8662A is 10 kHz to 1280 MHz. It offers versatile AM/FM, using either internal 400 Hz and 1 kHz rates or externally applied modulating signals which can be either ac- or dc-coupled. It also has simultaneous modulation capability.
The 8663A and 8662A provide the U.S. Air Force MATE
10 Hz – 108 – 114 – 112 – 119 – 106 – 113 100 Hz – 121 – 126 – 122 – 129 – 118 – 124 1 kHz – 128 – 133 – 131 – 138 – 127 – 134 3 kHz – 128 – 136 – 131 – 139 – 127 – 135 5 kHz – 129 – 138 – 133 – 141 – 129 – 136 10 kHz – 132 – 137 – 142 – 147 – 136 – 142 100 kHz – 132 – 137 – 142 – 147 – 136 – 142
(Modular Automatic Test Equipment) capability, via Option 700. This option is an external translator that allows the signal generator to be controlled by the MATE language CIIL (Control Interface Intermediate Language).
10 Hz – 100 – 107 – 93 – 101 – 88 – 95
8662A Specifications
Range: 10 kHz to 1280 MHz (1279.9999998 MHz) Resolution: 0.1 Hz (0.2 Hz above 640 MHz) Accuracy and Stability: Same as reference oscillator Internal Reference Oscillator: 10 MHz quartz oscillator. Aging rate
< 5 x 10 operating environment).
Spectral Purity
Front-Panel Absolute SSB Phase Noise (dBc/Hz):
1 Hz – 68 – 78 – 66 – 76 – 60 – 70 10 Hz – 98 – 108 – 96 – 106 – 90 – 100 100 Hz – 116 – 126 – 115 – 125 – 109 – 119 1 kHz – 126 – 132 – 129 – 135 – 124 – 130 3 kHz – 126 – 135 – 129 – 138 – 124 – 133 5 kHz – 128 – 138 – 131 – 141 – 126 – 136 10 kHz – 132 – 138 – 142 – 148 – 136 – 142 100 kHz – 132 – 139 – 142 – 148 – 136 – 142
/day after 10-day warmup (typically 24 hrs. in normal
Frequency range (MHz)
0.01 to 119.9 Spec Typ Spec Typ Spec Typ
Frequency range (MHz) 320 to 639.9
120 to 159.9
640 to 1279.9
160 to 319.9
1280 to 2559.9
100 Hz – 112 – 119 – 105 – 112 – 100 – 106 1 kHz – 121 – 128 – 115 – 122 – 109 – 116 3 kHz – 121 – 129 – 115 – 123 – 109 – 117 5 kHz – 123 – 130 – 117 – 124 – 111 – 118 10 kHz – 131 – 136 – 124 – 130 – 118 – 124 100 kHz – 131 – 136 – 124 – 130 – 118 – 124
8663A band begins at 0.1 MHz; specifications extend up to and including 119.9999999 MHz.
Specifications extend up to and including 0.1 Hz less than the starting frequency of the next band.
Specifications extend up to and including 1279.9999998 MHz.
This band available on 8663A only; specifications extend up to and including
2559.9999996 MHz.
Option 003 Specified SSB Phase Noise for Rear-Panel 640 MHz Output:
1 Hz – 54 –64 10 Hz – 84 –94 100 Hz – 104 –114 1 kHz – 121 –126 3 kHz – 121 –127 5 kHz – 129 –138 10 kHz – 145 –149 100 kHz – 157 – 159
SSB Broadband Noise Floor in 1 Hz BW at 3 MHz Offset From Carrier:
<–146 dBc for fc between 120 and 640 MHz at output levels
above +10 dBm.
Spec Typ Spec Typ Spec Typ
1 Hz – 54 – 64 – 48 – 58 – 42 – 52 10 Hz – 84 – 94 – 78 – 88 – 72 – 82 100 Hz – 103 – 114 – 97 – 108 – 92 – 102 1 kHz – 118 – 125 – 112 – 119 – 106 – 113 3 kHz – 118 – 127 – 112 – 121 – 106 – 115 5 kHz – 120 – 130 – 114 – 124 – 108 – 118 10 kHz – 131 – 136 – 124 – 130 – 118 – 124 100 kHz – 131 – 136 – 124 – 130 – 118 – 124
High-Performance RF Signal Generators (cont.)
Frequency range (MHz)
0.01 to 119.9 Spec Typ Spec Typ Spec Typ
Frequency range (MHz) 320 to 639.9
Spec Typ Spec Typ Spec Typ
120 to 159.9
640 to 1279.9
Spec Typ
160 to 319.9
1.28 to 2559.9
8662A 8663A
Internet URL Product & Order Info See page 604
Signal Sources
8662A 8663A
High-Performance RF Signal Generators (cont.)
Spurious Signals:
Frequency Range (MHz)
0.01 to 120 to 160 to 320 to 640 to 120 160 320 640 1280
Spurious non-harmonically –90 –100 –96 –90 –84
1, 2
related Sub-harmonically related
1 , 3f ,
2 2
Power-line (60 Hz) related or microphonically –90 –85 –80 –75 –70 generated (within 300 Hz)4dBc dBc dBc dBc dBc
Harmonics < –30 dBc
Level Range: +13 to –139.9 dBm (1V to 0.023 µV Resolution: 0.1 dB Absolute Level Accuracy: (+15˚ to +45˚ C): ±1 dB between +13 and
–120 dBm; ± 3 dB between –120 and –130 dBm
SWR: Typically from 1.5 to 1.8, depending on output level and frequency Reverse Power Protection: Typically up to 30 W or ± 8 Vdc
Amplitude Modulation
Depth: 0 to 95% at output levels of +8 dBm and below (+10 dBm in uncor-
rected mode). AM available above these output levels but not specified.
Resolution: 1%, 10 to 95% AM; 0.1%, 0 to 9.9% AM Incidental PM: (at 30% AM): 0.15 to 640 MHz, < 0.12 radian peak;
640 to 1280 MHz, < 0.09 radian peak Incidental FM: (at 30% AM): 0.15 to 640 MHz, < 0.12 x f 640 to 1280 MHz, < 0.09 x f Indicated Accuracy: ± 5% of reading ± 1% AM. Applies for rates given in table below, internal or external mode, for depths ≤90%.
Rates and Distortion with Internal or External Modulating Signal:
AM Distortion
Frequency 0 to 30% 30 to 70% 70 to 90% Range AM Rate AM AM AM
0.15 to 1 MHz dc to 1.5 kHz 2% 4% 5.75% 1 to 10 MHz dc to 5 kHz 2% 4% 5.75% 10 to 1280 MHz dc to 10 kHz 2% 4% 5.75%
Frequency Modulation
FM Rates: (1 dB bandwidth): External ac, 20 Hz to 100 kHz;
external dc, dc to 100 kHz
FM Deviation: 25 to 200 kHz, depending on carrier frequency Indicated FM Accuracy: ± 8% of reading plus 10 Hz (50 Hz to 20 kHz) FM Resolution: 100 Hz for deviations < 10 kHz, 1 kHz for deviations
10 kHz
Incidental AM: (AM sidebands at 1 kHz rate and 20 kHz deviation): < –72 dBc, f
< 640 MHz; < –65 dBc, fc≥ 640 MHz
FM Distortion: < 1.7% for rates < 20 kHz, < 1% for rates < 1 kHz Center Frequency Accuracy and Long-Term Stability in AC Mode:
Same as CW mode
Supplemental Characteristic
Frequency-Switching Speed:5From 420 µs to 12.5 ms, depending on the
programming mode
dBc dBc dBc dBc dBc
none none none none dBc
into 50 Ω)
8663A Specifications
The 8663A signal generator is related to the 8662A in both concept and structure. Like the 8662A, the 8663A is an extremely low phase noise sig­nal source, incorporating signal generator modulation capabilities and output characteristics. The 8663A also offers increased frequency range to 2560 MHz, increased output level to +16 dBm, and the addition of phase and pulse modulation while maintaining high spectral purity. The result is
proven circuitry of the 8662A. Thus, the 8662A and 8663A share many of
a highly flexible and powerful signal generator that uses and extends the
the same specifications.
Range: 100 kHz to 2560 MHz (2559.9999996 MHz) Resolution: 0.1 Hz (f
0.2 Hz (640 MHz to 1280 MHz);
0.4 Hz (f
Accuracy, Stability, and Internal Reference Oscillator:Identical to 8662A
1280 MHz)
<640 MHz);
Spectral Purity
(See 8662A specifications) Spurious Signals: Identical to 8662A, except that for f 1280 and 2560 MHz the spurious non-harmonics are –78 dBc; the sub­harmonically related (f/2, 3f/2, etc.) between 640 and 1280 MHz are –70 dBc and between 1280 and 2560 MHz are –40 dBc; and the power­line (60 Hz) or microphonically generated spurious are –65 dBc. Harmonics: <–30 dBc, ≤+ 13 dBm output; <–25 dBc, + 13 dBm to + 16 dBm output, f
<1280 MHz; <–25 dBc, fc≥1280 MHz
Level Range: + 16 dBm to –129.9 dBm Resolution: 0.1 dB Absolute Level Accuracy: (+ 15˚ C to + 45˚ C): ± 1 dB, + 16 dBm to
–119.9 dBm; ± 3 dB, –120 dBm and below
SWR: <1.5
Amplitude Modulation
Depth: 0 to 95% at levels of + 10 dBm and below Resolution: 0.1% Incidental FM: (at 30% AM): Identical to 8662A except: <0.3 x f
1280 ≤f
<2560 MHz
Indicated Accuracy: ± 6% of reading ± 1% AM (400 Hz and 1 kHz, depth 90%) AM Bandwidth: (1dB): dc to >1.5 kHz, 0.15 MHz f
dc to >5 kHz, 1 MHz ≤ f
10 MHz; dc to >10 kHz, fc>10 MHz:
<1 MHz;
external dc coupling. External ac coupling or internal; low-frequency coupling is 20 Hz. Distortion: (400 Hz and 1 kHz): < 2% (0 to 30% AM); < 3% (30 to 70% AM); < 4% (70 to 90% AM)
Frequency Modulation
FM Rates: (1 dB bandwidth): External ac, 20 Hz to 100 kHz, external dc,
dc to 100 kHz Maximum Allowable Peak Deviation: Identical to 8662A for f 100 kHz and 1280 MHz. Up to 400 kHz for f
between 1280 and 2560 MHz.
Indicated FM Accuracy: (50 Hz to 20 kHz): ± 7% of setting +10 Hz FM Resolution: 100 Hz to 1 kHz, depending on f
and deviation setting
Incidental AM: (AM sidebands at 1 kHz rate and 20 kHz deviation):
<–72 dBc (10 ≤ f
< 2560 MHz)
FM Distortion: <1% (400 Hz and 1 kHz rates); <1.7% (rates less than 20 kHz)
In the remote mode it is possible to have microprocessor clock-related spurious signals
spaced 3 MHz apart at an absolute level of typically less than –145 dBm.
Spurious signals can be up to 3 dB higher in the dc FM mode.
f/2 spurs not specified for carrier frequencies above 850 MHz.
At a 50 Hz line frequency, power-line or microphonically-related spurious signals
may be up to 3 dB higher and appear at offsets as high as 1 kHz from the carrier.
Due to automatic leveling loop bandwidth changes, brief (30 ms) level inaccuracies
may occur when switching through 150 kHz and 1 MHz RF output frequencies.
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