Atec 8003 User Manual

Technical Datasheet
Scalar Network Analyzer
Model 8003 - 10 MHz to 40 GHz
The Giga-tronics Model 8003 Precision Scalar Network Analyzer combines a 90 dB wide dynamic range with the accuracy and linearity of a power meter in a signal instrument.
35142Rev.A / US032012
8003 Precision Scalar Network Analyzer
Wide Dynamic Range
The Model 8003 Precision Scalar Network Analyzer can make accurate, single sensor power measurements over a frequency range of 10 MHz to 40 GHz with a dynamic range of –70 to +20 dBm.
This wide dynamic range results from our unique use of switched linear gain stages, with a maximum gain of more than 100 dB,
rather than the log ampliers typically used in other scalar analyzers. In addion to wide dynamic range, our approach also
delivers extremely accurate low level measurements all the way down to –70 dBm.
Power Meter Linearity
The Model 8003 also incorporates a unique, built-in power sweep calibrator that linearizes the sensor’s diode response in
the non-square-law region, from –30 to +20 dBm. The calibraon
system uses the inherent linearity and stability of an ovenized thermistor to accurately calibrate the high-speed diode sensors
from 0°C to 50°C. The result is a linearity specicaon of ± 0.02 dB (0.5%) over any 20 dB span and ± 0.04 dB (1%) over the enre 90 dB dynamic range to ensure accurate rao or relave
Absolute Power Measurements
The same built-in calibrator that linearizes the sensor provides a
1 mW signal accurate to within ±0.7%, stable over temperature and me, and traceable to NIST. Each Giga tronics power sensor contains an EEPROM programmed with the frequency calibraon
factors measured at the factory, or in your Cal Lab. When you key in the frequency at which power is being measured, the
meter automacally applies the correct calibraon factor from the sensor EEPROM.
The combinaon of an accurate, traceable calibraon reference
and an accurate frequency response curve for each power sensor ensures absolute power measurements with power meter accuracy.
Power Sensors to meet your Applicaon
Giga-tronics oers an extensive line of power sensors for
the Model 8003 to address a variety of power measurement
The Model 8003 incorporates a unique, built-in power sweep calibrator.
The 80340 Series triggerable pulse sensors let you display the response from a pulsed source.
applicaons. This includes standard CW power sensors, low
VSWR CW power sensors, true RMS sensors, and our unique triggerable pulse sensors.
The 80340 Series triggerable pulse sensors let you display the response from a pulsed source. You can choose between
two modes of operaon - measure with either a pulsed xed
frequency (CW mode), or with a pulsed swept frequency (start/ stop mode) signal from a sweeper (swept signal generator). The sensors can also be used to display the response of devices with
no pulse modulaon on the signal generator.
35142-Rev.A/ US032012
8003 Technical Specications
System Specicaons
Specicaons describe the instrument’s warranted performance,
and apply when using 80300A Series Power Sensors and 80500A Series Bridges.
Frequency Range: 10 MHz to 40 GHz in coax using the Giga­tronics 80300 Series power sensors and 80500 Series bridges.
Readout Modes: dBm: single channel power measurement.
dB: relave power measurement Lin: nW, μW, mW and Was: signal channel measurement.
%: dual channel measurement.
% Rel: dual channel measurement relave to a reference.
Power Range: +30 to -70 dBm, see power sensor specicaons.
System Dynamic Range:
CW Measurements: 90 dB
Peak Measurements: 40 dB
Swept Measurements: AC Mode 90 dB, DC Mode 80 dB
Inputs: Three idencal inputs, A, B and C, accept detected
outputs from the Giga-tronics power sensors and bridges.
Screen: Full color display. Each channel can be assigned a
dierent color. Gracule color is selectable (default green). Menus for so keys use color.
Display resoluon: 608 X 430 points.
Channels: Four channels can be used to select and simultaneously display inputs from A, B and C sensors in single
channel or rao mode.
Display Modes
Graph/Readout: Graph mode displays swept frequency response
on screen. Readout mode displays power level at cursor frequency or CW power levels in digital format on screen.
Graph Modes:
dBm: single channel power measurement.
dB: relave power measurement (rao or relave to trace
Display Mode Display Scale
dBm/dB 0.1 dB/div to 20
dB/div (1, 2, 5 sequence)
Display Range Vercal
-99.99 to +99.99 0.01
Channel Oset: -90 dB to +90 dB in .01 dB increments.
Autoscale: Automacally sets the scale factor, reference level and reference posion to provide opmum display of acve
Averaging: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256 successive traces
(swept) or readings (CW) can be averaged to reduce eects of
noise on measurement.
Smoothing: Provides a linear moving average of adjacent data
points. The smoothing aperture denes the trace width (number
of data points) to be averaged. The smoothing aperture can be set from 0.1% to 20% of the trace width.
Trace Memory: Ten traces can be individually labeled and stored
in non-volale memory and recalled. Stored traces can be displayed, and trace dierences from any measurement can be
Adapve Path Calibraon (Normalizaon): Traces are stored in
non-volale memory and normalized with the highest resoluon, independent of display scale/division or oset. Up to 4,096
points for each trace are stored over the full frequency range of
the sweeper or any user selected frequency range. Normalizaon data is automacally interpolated for ranges within the original
normalized range.
Sengs Store/Recall: Allows up to nine front panel setups, plus a power down last instrument state, to be stored and recalled
from non-volale memory.
Limit Lines: Horizontal, sloped, and/or single point lines for each trace can be set as go/no-go data limits. Limit lines are stored in
non-volale memory. Complex limit lines can be entered through
the front panel or via GPIB interface.
35142-Rev.A/ US032012
8003 Precision Scalar Network Analyzer
Cursors and Markers
Cursor: The cursor can be posioned with the tuning knob or via the numeric keypad. The frequency and amplitude test data at the
cursor on all acve channels is digitally displayed.
Cursor Delta: Displays dierences in dB and frequency between the reference cursor and the main cursor.
Cursor Min/Max: Automacally moves the cursor to the minimum or maximum value of test data.
Cursor “x” dB: Automacally moves the cursor to the point on the trace equal to the value of “x” in dB or dBm.
Cursor “x” Bandwidth: Automacally displays cursors right and le of the cursor at the frequencies where the test data is equal to
the value of “x” dB, and displays the bandwidth between the cursors.
Ref to Cursor: Automacally changes the Ref Level to the level at the cursor.
Markers: Displays up to 10 markers generated by the 8003. The cursor can be moved directly to any marker or moved sequenally
through the markers.
Transmission Loss or Gain Measurement: Transmission loss or gain measurements are made relave to a 0 dB reference point established during calibraon. Therefore, frequency response errors of the source, sensors, and signal spling device are removed.
The remaining elements of uncertainty are mismatch error, instrument linearity (Fig. 1) and noise uncertainty given in the absolute
power accuracy secon.
35142-Rev.A/ US032012
Transmission Accuracy = Instrument Accuracy + Mismatch Uncertainty
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