Atec 68369ANV User Manual

Microwave/Millimeterwave Synthesizers
68C/69B Family
0.1 Hz to 110 GHz
The Smart Choice for Any Application
68369A/NV is equivalent to the 68347C and includes the following options as standard: Opt. 2B :10dB/step step attenuator Opt. 11: 0.1Hz frequency resolution
Your microwave signal generation requirements have never been tougher, and yet your capital equipment budget has never been tighter. You need the most value you can get in a synthesizer, but you can’t compromise performance. You need a synthesizer that meets today’s needs yet can be upgraded at a reasonable cost to satisfy future requirements without shattering your test equipment budget. Anritsu’s 68C/69B series of synthesizers deliver the highest performance and the highest value available today. Match your application to one of these source types:
High Performance Signal Generators
The ultimate in full-function signal generation. They provide all the features of the other families along with comprehensive, high-performance modulation for signal simulation applications. Additional features in these units include:
Internal pulse generator with swept delay capability for moving target simulation
Flexible pulse triggering including free-run, delayed, gated, and composite
0 to 90% AM, log or linear, over DC to 100 kHz rates
Four FM modes for up to 10 MHz at 8 MHz rates or 100 MHz deviation at 100 Hz rates
Optional phase modulation (ΦM) up to 400 radians at 1 MHz rates
Internal AM, FM, and ΦM generators, each with 7 modulating waveforms
Optional user-defined, downloaded complex modulation
Optional AM SCAN modulator with 60 dB modulation depth
Anritsu Synthesized Signal Generators
All the features of the CW generators plus analog sweep and external modulation for network analysis and A.T.E. applications.
Fast analog sweep
External FM, locked or unlocked
External AM, log or linear
Anritsu Synthesized CW Generators
These basic signal sources provide accurate outputs over a wide frequency and power range for Local Oscillator duty and other CW applications.
Broad frequency coverage including 0.1 Hz to 65 GHz in a single coax output
Ultra-low SSB phase noise and spurious
+17 dBm guaranteed leveled power to 20 GHz
0.1 Hz optional frequency resolution
<5 ms switching time for <100 MHz sweep steps
Digital frequency sweep and digital power sweep
Wide dynamic range with accurate output levels
Intuitive, menu-driven front panel
42 Models
Provide the precise capability your application needs.
Function Keys
Group instrument functions for simple operation. Configure GPIB interface and input/output connectors. Initiate security mode and self-test diagnostics. Save and recall up to 10 front panel instrument states.
Easy to Read
Backlit LCD display presents instrument status and measurement setup menus.
Softkey Menus
lead you step-by-step to the desired instrument setup. Intuitive menu flow virtually eliminates opening the operating manual! (Open it anyway, there’s other good information in it.)
Comprehensive Modulation
for complex signal simulation. Internal modulation sources provide seven modulating waveforms plus user-defined modulation.
Conveniently Enter and Edit Parameters
with the numeric keypad, cursor/increment-decrement key, or rotary data knob.
At 13.3 cm High
You get maximum performance in the minimum A.T.E. rack space.
Set Frequency from 0.1 Hz to 65 GHz in 0.1 Hz Steps.
Set power levels from +17 to -120 dBm in 0.01 dB steps.
In local oscillator and other basic-signal applications, you need high output power, low phase noise, excellent frequency stability and low spurious signal levels. The 69017B provides +17 dBm output power while ultra-low SSB phase noise and spurious signals below –60 dBc preserve signal fidelity. Oven-stabilized internal reference oscillators with <5x10
per day frequency stability keep you on channel. When you need to add broader frequency coverage, modulation, or frequency and power sweep, simply upgrade to the performance you need.
Anritsu’s 69397B synthesized signal generator provides the broadest frequency coverage and lowest phase noise today, 0.1 Hz to 65 GHz in a single instrument! If even 65 GHz is not sufficient, Anritsu millimeter wave source modules can extend your frequency range to 110 GHz with greater than 0 dBm output power. Of course, not everyone needs 65 GHz which is why we also offer models to 8.4, 20, 40, 50 and 60 GHz. And every model is upgradeable with our economical upgrades.
High output power, power sweep analog and digital frequency sweep, the most comprehensive internal modulation, the broadest frequency coverage and the lowest phase noise on the planet make the 69397B the signal source of choice in your most stringent applications.
The 68C/69B’s common, configurable platform allows Anritsu to configure a synthesizer that matches your requirements. Whether you need a basic synthesized CW generator for local oscillator use, or a full-featured configured 65 GHz signal generator with analog sweep and user-defined modulation, or anything in between. Anritsu has a synthesizer that matches your needs. Every model is easily upgraded to higher performance if your requirements change. You can’t go wrong! Select the synthesizer that is right for your applications today. Economical upgrades ensure that your 68C/69B synthesizer will continue to satisfy your changing test requirements.
The IVI standard defines a standard instrument driver model that enables instrument interchangeability and interoperability without software changes. Anritsus IVI-driver supported synthesizer minimizes instrument development and maintanence cost through the use of IVI-standard interfaces as well as instrument-specific interfaces for unique instrument features. The IVI standard provides a single driver that supports the common application development environments such as Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Labview. The flexible I/O model supports new communication technologies such as USB and Firewire.
Anritsu Corporation leads the way with IVI technology, having released the first COM-based IVI driver supporting the Signal Generator instrument class, and includes the driver with every 68C and 69B series synthesizer. As an active member of the IVI Foundation, Anritsu supports the Foundations drive toward instrument driver standardization as a powerful means of delivering interchangeable ATE instrumentation solutions.
Anritsus 69000B series utilize state-of-the-art technology to deliver extremely low SSB phase noise. These units are ideal as low-jitter clocks, references for LASER and other optical applications, and in high-bit-rate digital modulation systems where low phase noise is a critical specification.
Automatic Test Equipment
The Anritsu 68C/69B series are your best choice for A.T.E. applications. They pack the highest performance available in a single 13.3 cm package to minimize rack space. High output power assures adequate signal strength to the device under test even after A.T.E. switching and cabling losses. Accurately leveled output power to –120 dBm in 0.01 dB steps facilitates receiver sensitivity measurements. Fast 5 ms switching time maximizes system throughput. Internal list mode frees the A.T.E. controller to perform measurement analysis tasks. Optional SCPI programmability and free application drivers, including the IVI­COM driver and National Instruments LabView
drivers, save
you time and money in code generation and maintenance.
One-box, Ultra-clean RF and Microwave Signal Solutions
The Anritsu El Toro synthesizers are now available with the new ultra-low phase noise Digital Downconverter. The new DDC offers ultra-low SSB phase noise in the 10 MHz to 2.2 GHz frequency range, where the highly congested communication bands require extra clean signals. The DDC phase noise performance is typically 30-50 dB better than other microwave synthesizers and comparable to the best RF synthesizers in the market.
The Digital Downconverter produces 10 MHz to 2.2 GHz signals by successive binary division of the synthesizers microwave drive signal, so the DDC does not introduce non-harmonic spurious, which is a problem in mixer-based downconverters. Also, phase perturbations of the carrier are reduced with each successive frequency division, so phase noise decreases as the output frequency is decreased.
Now with the new DDC, Anritsu synthesizers are true one-box solutions for ultra-clean RF and microwave signal generation, offering outstanding performance in applications that previously required a separate RF synthesizer.
dBc / Hz
-120 10 100
Offset from Carrier (Hz)
SSB Phase Noise at 10 GHz
10000 100000
Competitor A
Competitor B
Competitor C
Competitor D
Competitor E
Competitor F
Perfect for Component Test
The 68100C series are your ideal component test signal sources. Analyze key communications, electronic warfare and RADAR components at baseband, IF and carrier frequencies to 65 GHz. Analyze extremely high-Q components with the optional 0.1 Hz frequency resolution. Step sweep mode delivers synthesized frequency accuracy, or choose analog sweep for the fastest possible sweep times.
With <–60 dBc specified spurious levels, network analysis and power measurement errors are eliminated. Compression measurements are simple with the 0.01 dB resolution available in power sweep mode.
Sophisticated master/slave capability permits two synthesizers to sweep synchronously for mixer or frequency converter measurements. Up, down, harmonically related, and many other inter-dependent sweeps can be configured with the digitally-controlled master/slave capability.
Superior Signal Simulation Aids Receiver Testing
AM, FM, phase modulation, pulse modulation, scan modulation and user-defined modulation make the Anritsu 69300B series perfect for signal simulation.
Internal modulation generators offer 7 modulating waveforms plus optional user-defined modulation waveforms. Internal Gaussian and uniform noise capabilities provide controlled clock jitter for digital receiver testing.
Advanced internal pulse modulation generates single and multiple pulses, for the ultimate in radar blind spot and recovery time testing. In addition, Anritsus unique pulse generator provides moving target simulation, radar and fading simulation.
User-defined modulation capability enables generation of custom modulated waveforms. Two internal arbitrary waveform generators simulate ASK, PSK, or FSK waveforms as well as antenna scan patterns, IFF patterns and TACAN waveforms without the need for external modulation sources.
CW Mode
Output: Twenty independent, presettable CW frequencies
(F0 – F9 and M0 – M9).
Accuracy: Same as internal or external 10 MHz time base.
Internal Time Base Stability:
with aging: < 2 x 10-8/day (<5 x 10
/day with Option 16)
with temperature: < 2 x 10
/°C over 0°C to 55°C
(<2 x 10
/°C with Option 16)
Resolution: 1 kHz (0.1 Hz with Option 11)
External 10 MHz Reference Input: Accepts external 10 MHz
±100 Hz, –10 to +20 dBm time base signal. Automatically disconnects the internal high-stability time-base option, if installed BNC, rear panel, 50 impedance.
10 MHz Reference Output: 0 dBm into 50 , AC coupled, from
rear panel BNC connector.
Switching Time (typical maximum):
Units with maximum frequency 20 GHz: <40 ms to be within
1 kHz of final frequency
Units with maximum frequency of 8.4 GHz: <15 ms to within
1 kHz of final frequency
Analog Sweep Mode
(681XXC, 683XXC, 691XXB and 693XXB only)
Sweep Width:
Independently selected from 1 MHz to full
frequency range.
The lesser of: ±30 MHz or (±2 MHz + 0.25% of sweep width) for
sweep speeds of 50 MHz/ms
Sweep Time Range: 30 ms to 99 seconds
Phase-Locked Step Sweep Mode
Sweep Width: Independently selected, 1 kHz (0.1 Hz with
Option 11) to full range.
Accuracy: Same as internal or external 10 MHz time base.
Resolution (Minimum Step Size): 1 kHz (0.1 Hz with Option 11) Number of Steps: Variable from 1 to 10,000
Step Size: 1 kHz (0.1 Hz with Option 11) to the full frequency range
of the instrument. (If the step size does not divide into the selected frequency range, the last step is truncated.)
Step Time:
Step Sweep: Variable from 1 ms/step to 99 seconds/step.
Dwell time begins after phase lock.
Fixed Rate Step Sweep: Variable from 20 ms/step to
99 seconds/step. Dwell time includes phase lock time.
Switching Time (typical maximum):
Units having a high-end frequency of 20 GHz:
<15 ms + 1 ms/GHz step size or <40 ms, whichever is less.
Units having a high-end frequency of 8.4 GHz: <7 ms
Alternate Sweep Mode
Sweeps alternately between any two sweep ranges. Each sweep range may be associated with a different power level.
Manual Sweep Mode
Provides stepped, phase-locked adjustment of frequency between sweep limits. User-selectable number of steps or step size.
List Sweep Mode
Under GPIB control or via the front panel, up to 4 tables with 2000 non-sequential frequency/power sets can be stored and then addressed as a phase-locked step sweep. One table of 2000 points is stored in non-volatile memory, all other tables are stored in volatile memory.
Switching Time (typical maximum):
Units having a high-end frequency of 20 GHz: <25 ms to be
within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Units having a high-end frequency of 8.4 GHz: <5 ms to be
within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Programmable Frequency Agility
Under GPIB control, up to 3202 non-sequential frequency/ power sets can be stored and then addressed as a phase­locked step sweep. Data is stored in volatile memory.
Up to 20 independent, settable markers (F0 – F9 and M0 – M9).
Video Markers:
+5V or –5V marker output, selectable from system
menus. AUX I/O connector, rear panel.
Intensity Markers (Available in analog sweeps of
<1 second sweep time):
Produces an intensified dot on trace,
obtained by momentary dwell in RF sweep.
Marker Accuracy: Same as sweep frequency accuracy.
Marker Resolution :
Analog Sweep: 1 MHz or Sweep Width/4096,
whichever is greater.
Step Sweep: 1 kHz (0.1 Hz with Option 11)
Sweep Triggering
Sweep triggering is provided for Analog Frequency Sweep if applicable, Step Frequency Sweep, List Frequency Sweep, and CW Power Sweep.
Auto: Triggers sweep automatically.
External: Accepts a TTL low to high transition at AUX I/O connector
on rear panel to trigger a sweep.
Single: Triggers, aborts, and resets a single sweep. Reset sweep
may be selected to be at the top or bottom of the sweep. The 68100C/300C and 69100B/300B pen lift will activate at sweep times 1 second.
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