Atec 6310A User Manual

Th e Ch roma 6310A se r ies Pro g ramma b le
DC Electronic Load is ideal for the test and
evalu a t i o n of multi-o u t p u t AC /DC po w er
supplies, D C/D C conve rte rs, charg ers and
power electronic components. It is designed
for applications in research and development,
pr oduct ion, and in c omin g inspe ction. Th e
system is configured by plug gin g the user
se l e c t a ble load modules into the system
main frame. The u ser inter faces includ e an
ergonomically designed user friendly keypad
on the front panel and the following computer
interfaces: RS-232, USB or GPIB.
The 6310A series offers 8 different modules
with power ratings fro m 100 watt s to 1,200
watts, c urr ent rat ing s from 0.5mA to 240A,
and voltage ratings from 0.5mV to 500V. The
loads can b e operat ed i n consta nt c urren t,
constant voltage, constant power and constant
resistance and may be placed in parallel for
programmable parameters include: slew rate,
load level, duration and conducting voltage. In
addition, up to 100 sets of system operating
status can be stored in EEPROM and recalled
instantly for automated testing applications.
Rea l ti m e me asur e m e nt of vol t a g e an d
current are integrated into each 6310A load
module using a 16-bit precision measurement
circuit. The user can perform on line voltage
measurements and adjustments or simulate
short circuit test using the user friendly keypad
on the fron t pan el. A ddit ion all y, the 6310A
series offers an optional remote controller for
automated production lines.
The 6310A series has a self-diagnosis routines
to maintain instrument performance. It also
provides OP, OC, OV, OT, and reverse polarity
protection to guarantee quality and reliability
for even in the most demanding engineering
testing and ATE applications.
Programmable DC Electronic Load
Key Features:
Max Power: 200W, 100W×2(Dual),
30W & 250W, 300W, 600W, 1200W
Wide range 0~500V operating voltage
Compatibility between 6310 and 6310A
Up to eight channels in one mainframe,
for testing multiple output SMPS
Parallel load modules up to 1200W for
high current and power applications
Synchronization with multiple loads
Flexible CC, CR, CP and CV operation
Dynamic loading with speeds up to 20kHz
Fast response of 0.32mA/µs ~ 10A/µs
slew rate
Minimum input resistance allows the load
to sink high current at low voltages
Real time power supply load transient
response simulation and output
User programmable 100 sequences. Front
panel input status for user-friendly operation
High/Low limits of testing parameters to
test GO/NG
Digital I/O control
Over current protection (OCP) testing
16-bit precision voltage and current
measurement with dual-range
Remote sensing capability
Short circuit test
Self-test at power-on
Full Protection: OV, OC, OP, OT and
reverse protection
USB, GPIB & RS-232 interfaces
The 6310A series can simulate a wide range of
dynamic loading applications. The waveforms
Series Interface
Series Interface
Series Interface
Series Interface
Series Interface
Series Interface
Series Interface
Series Interface
Series Interface
Versatile system Configuration
Chro ma 6310A Progr ammable Electr onic Load integrates
mi c ropr o c esso r ca pabil i ties int o each loa d m o d ule and
mainframe to provide simple and accurate parallel operation to
optimize the speed and control among multiple load modules.
All load modules may be configured to work synchronously, to
test multiple outputs simultaneously, thus simulating real life
6310A System Block Diagram
multiple output switching power supplies and multiple DC-DC converters.
There are also higher wattage modules that may be mixed and matched
for an even more versatile system. Additionally, the GO/NG output port
is useful for UUT's pass/fail testing on an automated production line. All
modules on the 6314A/6312A mainframe share a common GPIB address
to synchronize and speed up the control of the load modules and the read-
back of data.
Compatibility WitH 6310 series
The 6310A series load modules will be compatible with the
6310 series mainframes (6312/6314). In addition, the remote
control commands will be compatible between the 6310 and
the 6310A series without needing to r e-writ in g any remote
control programs.
module load design
The Chroma 6314A 1200W and 6312A 600W electronic load
mainfram es a ccept the user-ins tallabl e 6310A series load
modules for easy system configuration and will mount in a
19" instrument rack. The 6314A holds up to four 63102A load
modules, which will result in an 8-channel 100W/channel load
with standard front-panel inputs. This makes it ideal for testing
appliCation of speCifiC load simulation
The 6310A load modules operate in constant current, constant voltage,
constant power or const ant r esistance to satisfy a wide range of test
requirements. For example, the test of a battery charger can be simulated
easily by setting the load to operate in constant voltage.
Constant Current Mode
Constant Resistance Mode
Constant Voltage Mode
Ea ch lo ad mo dul e is de sig ned with st ate-of-the-art t echn olo gy and
connects all the power MOSFET devices in parallel to insure high accuracy
load c ont rol with a mini mum d rift of les s than 0.1%+0.1%F.S. of the
current setting. Chroma's use of FET technology provides minimum input
resistance and enables the load to sink high current even at very low
voltages. For example, the model 63103A is capable of sinking 60A at 1V,
and well-suited for testing the new 3.3V low voltage power supplies. Low
voltage operation, down to zero volts, is possible at reduced current levels.
The 6310A load module uses a photo coupler for isolation between the
Constant Power Mode
output and control sections, thus each load is isolated and floating.
The user can use multiple load modules independently to test
multi-output power supplies, or parallel them for high power testing
Model 63103A Input Characteristics
3.75A 10A 20A 30A 40A 60A50A
parallel Control
The 6310A provides parallel control, which enables high power
testing when a single module cannot meet the requirement of high
power applications. Two or more load modules can be paralleled
together to achieve the desired loading. The 6310A comes with
RS-232 as standard for remote contr ol and automated testing
appl ica tions. T he U SB and GPIB inter fac es are availa ble as
In addition, the 6310A, through its synchronized controls, provides
an efficient solution for testing single output AC to DC or DC to DC
converters by controlling multiple loads. The 6310A provides the
capability to test up to 8 UUTs at a time.
poWerful measurements
Low Voltage Characteristics (Typical)
Model 63101A/63102A/63103A/63106A/63112A
0 0.2V 0.4V 0.6V 0.8V 1.0V 1.2V
Note: All specifications are measured at load input terminals. (Ambient Temperature of +25°C)
dynamiC loading and Control
Modern electronic devices operate at very high speeds and require
fast dynamic operation of their power providing components. To
satisfy these testing applications, the 6310A loads offer high speed,
programmable dynamic load simulation and control capability. The
figure below shows the programmable parameters of the 6310A
Ea ch 6310A load m odul e has an int egra ted 16-b it precis ion
A/D conve rte r for voltage measu rem ent wit h an a ccu rac y of
0.025%+0.025% of full scale. The built-in resistive load current
sensing circuit is capable of measuring current with an accuracy
of 0.05%+0.05% of full scale. Also, short circuit can be simulated.
All measurements are done using remote sensing to eliminate
any error due to voltage drops along the measurement path. The
user can also select from a complete set of voltage and current
oCp test
Modern switching power supplies are designed with over current
protection (OCP) circuitry; therefore, it is important to test the
OCP circuitry to make sure it is functioning within its designed
specifications. The 6310A series provides an easy and fast solution
for this testing.
By simply choosing the channel and setting the OCP parameters
(start current, end current, step current and dwell time) from the
front panel, the 6310A series provides a fast and easy OCP testing
soluti on. T he 6310A serie s will automat icall y dete ct t he O CP
point, making it an ideal solution for design verification as well as
production line testing.
Load 1
rise rate fall rate
Load 2
The programmable slew rate makes the simulation of transient
loa d change demanded by real life applications possible. Th e
6310A intern al waveform gen er ator is cap ab le of p roducing a
maximum slew rate at 10A/µs, and dynamic cycling up to 20kHz.
It's dedicated remote load sense and control circuit guarantee
minimum waveform distortion during continuous load changes.
Start Current
UUT Output Voltage
Loading Current
Dwell TimeStep Current
End Current
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