Atec 4700 User Manual

High-Current DC Loads
K 120V, 1kW/200A to 36kW/7200A K 18 Voltage, Current, Power and
Timing Measurements
K Complex load profile playback K Air cooling K Touch-panel manual control
4700 LXI Series Electronic Loads are designed for testing applications that require high-power and high-current plus measurement of UUT dynamic performance. The Loads provide exceptional reliability combined with the inherent simplicity and safety of air cooling. The 4700 Loads are controlled through either a manual touch-panel, a LabVIEW soft-panel or an emPower™ Test Executive enabled automatic test station. Typical power conversion products to be tested include higher-power DC supplies, telecom rectifiers, fuel cells and batteries.
The 4700 Loads eliminate the need for separate external instruments and related switching to capture timing and other dynamic measurements during UUT turn-on and turn-off. This is accomplished by incorporating the task-essential features of a DMM, DSO and Transient Generator. With this built-in capability, the 4700 can rapidly generate engineering­characterization-like test information at faster test speeds with the additional benefit of cost savings from fewer measurement instruments, switches and interconnection wiring.
The 4700 contains a unique Auto Mode that provides glitchless automatic switching between CR, CC, CV and CP limits. Previously challenging tests that are now made possible include turn-on into a CR load, confirming the complete V-I curve for Lithium-Ion battery chargers, and preventing device-under-test blowup should a protection circuit fail.
Settle Time
Turn-on Time
Peak Settle
Turn-on voltage & current measurements
Constant Current
Constant Resistance
Constant Voltage
Power supply turn-on voltage & current waveforms in Auto Mode
Just as touch-panels have revolutionized the user interface on mobile phones and GPS navigation devices, they now are about to change electronic power instruments. The old paradigm of controlling electronic loads through knobs, meters and keypads has been lacking for years. There are just too many control & display functions to manage, especially with the latest generation of smart loads that contain digitized measurements for oscilloscope-like waveform displays.
The new NHR PowerTouch panel eliminates those limitations forever. The display is organized through
Monitor Tab
Control tab
6 tabs, each providing a full screen with complete control & display of related information. For instance, a Monitor tab displays actual measurements either in the local or remote-control mode. A Control tab provides for setting voltage, current, resistance and power as well as the CC, CV, CR and CP Operating Modes. The unique Scope tab provides the ability to zoom in on specific areas of interest as well as take basic measurements on waveform captures. Those waveform captures can then be saved on a SD card for later review on a PC. Load user interfaces have never been as comprehensive or easier to use as is now possible with this touch-panel technology.
Scope Tab
Actual Size
+ 2 hidden pages