Atec 4165 User Manual

Valhalla Scientific Inc
4100 Series Digital u-Ohmmeter Specifications
4100ATC | 4150ATC | 4165 | 4165-1344
The specifications for the 4100 Series of Ohmmeters are listed in the following paragraphs. In all cases the specifications are valid for full Kelvin Four-Terminal measurements using connections having less than 20 milliohms of lead resistance per wire.
effects of line voltage variations within the allowed range.
Model 4100ATC
Range Maximum Input Resolution Test Current Accuracy
.2 .19999 Ω 10µΩ 1 A ±0.02% of rdg ±2 digits
2 1.9999 Ω 100µΩ 100 mA ±0.02% of rdg ±2 digits
20 19.999 Ω 1mΩ 10 mA ±0.02% of rdg ±2 digits
200 199.99 Ω 10mΩ 1 mA ±0.02% of rdg ±2 digits
2k 1.9999 k 100m 100 µA ±0.02% of rdg ±2 digits
20k 19.999 kΩ 1 10 µA ±0.02% of rdg ±2 digits
Full Scale Test Voltage: 200mV
Model 4150ATC
Range Maximum Input Resolution Test Current Accuracy 20m 19.999 m 1 A ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
200m 199.99 m 10µ 100 mA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
2 1.9999 Ω 100µΩ 10 mA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
20 19.999 Ω 1mΩ 1 mA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
200 199.99 Ω 10mΩ 100 µA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
2K 1.9999 k 100m 10µA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
Full Scale Test Voltage: 20mV
Model 4165
Range Maximum Input Resolution Test Current
.2 .19999 Ω 10µΩ 100 mA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
2 1.9999 Ω 100µΩ 10 mA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
20 19.999 Ω 1mΩ 1 mA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
200 199.99 Ω 10mΩ 100 µA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
2k 1.9999 k 100m 10 µA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
20k 19.999 kΩ 1 1 µA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
Full Scale Test Voltage: 20mV
[1] The Model 4165 uses reduced test currents and incorporates a user-selectable clamp on the current source for making "dry" measurements. The clamp may be set to 50mV or 2V.
Model 4165-1344
Range Maximum Input
Resolution Test Current
.2 .19999 Ω 10µΩ 100 mA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
2 1.9999 Ω 100µΩ 10 mA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
20 19.999 Ω 1mΩ 1 mA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
200 199.99 Ω 10mΩ 100 µA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
2k 1.9999 k 100m 10 µA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
20k 19.999 kΩ 1 1 µA ±0.03% of rdg ±3 digits
Full Scale Test Voltage: 20mV
[1] The Model 4165-1344 uses reduced test currents and incorporates a user-selectable clamp on the current source for making "dry" measurements. The clamp may be set to 20mV or 2V. The 4165-1344 also has a reverse current mode that may be used to ensure a dry, true-ohms measurement.
[2] If the clamp is set to "20mV", the Maximum Input specification is changed to: 20% of range for the .2 range or 50% of range for all other ranges.
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