Atec 35660A User Manual

Dual-Channel, Dynamic Signal Analyzer 244 pHz to 102.4
Model 35660A
Network and spectrum analysis
. 102.4
. 51.2
dual channel measurements
. 401 line resolution
dynamic range
amplitude accuracy
1.0 degree channel match
. Frequency accuracy of
30 ppm
HP 35660A Dual-channel Dynamic Signal Analyzer
The HP 35660A Dynamic Signal Analyzer is an FFT-based instru-
ment that provides spectrum and network measurements in electron-
mechanical test, acoustics, and other low frequency application
ics, areas. The analyzer also offers built-in test and automation features,
traditionally available only with a computer. These features include an internal programming language (HP 35680A Instrument BA­SIC), a built in disc drive, limit testing and data tables. With automa­tion built in, the HP 35660A can save you both time and money.
The HP 35660A performs spectrum analysis from 488
provides 401 lines of resolution in both one- and two-channel modes. Complete alias protection and digital zoom ensure high resolution mea­surements with warranted accuracy. Measurements include linear spec-
trum, power spectrum, frequency response, gain/phase, group delay,
me history, and power spectral density. A built-in 3.5 inch disc drive,
ti compatible with HP Series 200/300 workstations, stores traces, tables,
states, and application programs.
and network analysis from 244AIIz
to 51.2 kHz. The FFT
Electrical Spectrum Analysis
The HP 35660A is typically 10 to 100 times faster than swept spec-
trum analyzers for equivalent measurements, and provides higher res-
0.5 dB and
speed and resolution contribute to the quality of HP 35660A tests for distortion, spur level, frequency drift, intermodulation, and other sig­nal parameters. Amplitude accuracy of
racy of
headsets, modems, telephone components, speakers, transducers, and
electrical motors.
throughout the
30 ppm guarantee precision in tests of such devices as
range). This
Electrical Network Analysis
With two input channels and a built-in source, the HP 35660A can quickly measure the response of low-frequency filters and networks. Source signals provided are random noise, periodic chirp, and fixed sine. Periodic chirp is useful for testing non-linear responses such as output clipping of amplifiers. Random noise is ideal to get a linear approximation of a non-linear network. Fixed sine lets you test re-
sponse at a specific frequency.
The HP 35660A is also a good choice for low-frequency transmis­sion measurements in telecommunications and other areas. To ensure highly accurate magnitude and phase measurements, the HP 35660A offerst0.4 dB gain and
custom analysis of these measurements, the HP 35660A provides waveform math, including conjugation, FFT, inverse FFT, square
root, and frequency domain integration and differentiation.
Machinery Vibration
The HP 35660A is an excellent fit for applications that require vi-
bration monitoring at full load. With the analyzer's built-in limit ta­bles, users can implement vibration and health monitoring of engines,
machine tools, and other equipment, without an external computer and without programming. The analyzer's internal disc drive makes it
easy to record, store, and recall limits for production or maintenance testing.
1.0 degree input channel phase match. For
Structural Analysis
The HP 35660A uses force and exponential windows to perform
frequency response testing of mechanical devices and structures. Using HP Instrument BASIC, the analyzer can simplify data collec-
tion for your modal surveys. Fot complete modal analysis, you can
choose from several third party modal packages.
Another major application area for the HP 35660A is acoustics
and noise measurements. This includes testing for room and device
responses, noise identification and level, and underwater acoustic tests such as sono-buoy and sonar transducer testing. Acoustic inten-
measurements are available with third party software.
Limit and Data tables for fast, consistent results
Spectrum and network analyzers are frequently used to test signals
and device response against certain specifications. The HP 35660A
mproves this process by providing built-in limit testing. A limit line
defines acceptable minimum and maximum values at specific X-axis
points (in both time and frequency domains). Users can specify an upper and lower limit for every point in the trace, as well as specifying
acceptable bands and slopes. During a test, the HP 35660A checks
the trace level against the limit lines, then displays PASS or FAIL on the screen. Limit testing is especially powerful when used with HP Instrument BASIC. For example, a program can quickly pull limit linesofdisc and use them as a reference against a series of traces.
HP 35680A Instrument BASIC
To simplify automation and test analysis, the HP 35660A includes a powerful new feature: a subset of HP Series 200/300 BASIC run­ning inside the analyzer. HP 35680A Instrument BASIC adds deci­sion-making, branching, I/O including control of other instruments, and custom user interfaces. IIP Instrument BASIC is fully syntax­compatible with HP BASIC, so current IIP workstation owners can
easily merge the HP 35660A and HP Instrument BASIC into their test systems.
Data tables are another key feature of the HP 35660A. A data table eliminates the need to move markers along a trace to read multi­ple values. This is particularly useful for such applications as noise level
monitoring at multiple frequencies. Enter up to 400 X-axis loca-
tions in a data table, and the HP 35660A fills in the table with a Y­axis value for each X entry. You can display, print, or store a complet-
ed table. For repeated measurements, you can create a unique table
for each test and quickly recall each table from disc.
In addition to data tables and limit testing, the analyzer includes
extensive markers to highlight harmonics and sidebands and to search
minimum, maximum, and target values.
System Control
When used with HP Instrument BASIC, the HP 35660A can serve as a test system controller. A system might include peripherals such as hard discs, printers and plotters, as well as other instruments such as switch matrices, voltmeters and signal generators. You can auto­mate smaller systems without the cost of an external computer, while conserving rack or bench space.
A Language for Programmers and Non-Programmers
With over 150 BASIC commands, HP Instrument BASIC is a powerful tool for programmers. But it also includes a feature that makes it easy for non-programmers to automate analyzer functions. Keystroke recording automatically creates a program as the user makes measurements from the front panel. An entire test sequence can be recorded and saved with no programming required.
HP Instrument BASIC programs can be developed on an HP 9000 Series 200/300 BASIC workstation and then transferred to the ana­lyzer via a 3.5 inch floppy disc (files must be saved in LIE format). Programs developed on the HP 35660A will also run on a worksta­tion. If desired, the analyzer portion of a computer-aided test (CAT) can be created with keystroke recording, then merged with the main program written on an external computer. The HP 35660A is also fully IIP-IB programmable from an external computer, using any
language you choose.
Custom solutions with the HP 35660A
Applications that involve long and repetitive testing can benefit sig-
nificantly from custom solutions available with the HP 35660A. For example, in a production environment, HP Instrument BASIC pro­grams can automatically recall test setups and prompt a technician
for date, time, and other important information. Limit testing can quickly indicate the presence of spurs or undesired harmonics. Opera­tor interaction is further reduced with routines that automatically catalog results to a printer/plotter or to disc.
The HP 35681A Analysis Pack provides examples of how to cus­tomize the HP 35660A for specific applications. The Analysis Pack is a set of network and spectrum application programsthat
power of the HP 35660A analyzer.
Written in IIP Instrument BASIC, the Analysis Pack provides sev-
eral ready-to-use application tests, including distortion testing, filter
parameter testing, and modulation and peak analysis. The Analysis
Pack shows how easy it is to customize tests and provides a set of tested, documented routines you can re-use in your own custom appli­cations.
enhance the
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