Atec 3200, SeriesIII User Manual

ElectroForce® 3200 Series III
ElectroForce® 3200 Series III
Test Instrument
Test Instrument
Bose® test instruments incorporate proprietary linear motion technologies and WinTest® controls to provide a revolutionary approach to dynamic mechanical testing. The Bose 3200 Series III family of tests instruments offers new and improved features, providing unparalleled performance and versatility for challenging applications requiring low amplitude testing accuracy.
Innovation in the Material Testing Industry
The Bose High Accuracy Displacement Sensor is the
first use in the material testing industry of a new technology that provides displacement resolution of a nanometer and accuracies in the range of microns.
Low amplitude testing accuracy is a growing need for research and product development applications such as:
Medical devices and components
Compliant biological tissues
Small components
Polymers and elastomers
Films, foils and fibers
Foods and fluids (rheology)
Accuracy – Exceeds ASTM E-2309’s toughest standard, Class A
Resolution – Unparalleled 1 nm resolution Noise – Over 10x improvements in noise Responsiveness – Reduced signal latency
results in significantly improved controls responsiveness Absolute displacement measurement – High resolution and absolute measurement with a single sensor
ElectroForce® 3200 Series III Axial Configuration
Test Types
e design of new materials and products requires a thorough assessment of material properties and complete performance evaluation within the intended end-use service environment. A variety of basic and advanced testing techniques are available in the 3200 to meet this need.
Stress Relaxation
Important Features and Benefits
Proprietary linear motor operates without friction, an important
feature for high resolution, low-force testing
Efficient, direct electromagnetic conversion to force, resulting in
greater acceleration, high frequencies and high velocities
Intuitive software design to simplify test setup and a flexible
hardware platform for changing test needs
Powered from a standard electrical outlet, requiring no additional
infrastructure, air conditioning or water cooling
Air-cooled, clean-room compatible and whisper-quiet operation in
compact, space-saving packages
Energy efficient and environmentally friendly by using pollution-free
and non-toxic technologies
Lifetime Customer Support with free Technical Support and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Series III Features
Ease of Use – Electronic lift mechanism,
lever-action crosshead locks and new amplifier with status/diagnostic read-out
Accuracy – Compensation of acceleration induced force errors
Performance – Increased testing frequency for fatigue (300Hz) and DMA (200Hz)
Laboratory awareness – Highly visible test status indicator lights
Engineered Materials
Bose® ElectroForce® test instruments perform a broad range of materials testing tasks. These requirements range from simple static tests used to acquire tensile, compressive or bending data, to more complex fatigue and fracture mechanics testing applications often found in the following industries and application areas;
Electronics and Microelectronics
Smart Materials
Universities and National Labs
Polymers, Plastics, and Composites
Tire and Rubber
ElectroForce testing systems provide a multi-purpose, high performance, clean and reliable product platform that’s well-suited for use in research activities where mechanical testing is required.
Optional Bose DMA software provides the capability for a Bose ElectroForce materials testing system to do double duty as a DMA/DMTA instrument with much higher force and displacement capability than what traditional DMA instruments offer, allowing larger specimens to be tested for DMA properties.
3200 Series III DMA System with Hot/Cold Chamber
DMA of Elastomers
Electronics Fatigue
Flex Fatigue
Testing of Tire Cord
Thin Film or Filament
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