Atec 2715 User Manual

Digital and Analog Testing for Hybrid Networks
The 2715 Cable TV Spectrum Analyzer now includes auto­mated tests for both analog and digitally-modulated channels. When you are ready to begin installing digital transmission of video, data or voice, the 2715 is ready to help. After setting up the 2715 with the new, companion Cable TV RF Measurement Software for Windows, the analyzer auto­matically determines the cor­rect measurements for each channel type – analog, digi­tal, FM or pilot.
Dependable, In-service Analog Carrier Measurements at an Affordable Price
Now you can make more proof of performance and other cable system measure­ments without disruption of service to subscribers. And you can minimize the incon­venience of making measure­ments at the output of set-top
converters. The 2715 pro­vides accurate and automated measurement of carrier-to­noise, in-channel response, and coherent distortion sig­nals as well as carrier levels, frequencies, and more…with­out removal of video carriers or modulation. In-service measurement of CTB requires an unoccupied channel adja­cent to the test channel.
Characterize your Digital Channels
Channel averaged power, noise and distortions on digi­tally modulated channels can all be measured by the 2715. It’s important to understand the performance of each of the digital channels in your system as well as their inter­action with your analog channels. Both broadband random noise-like distor­tions, and coherent distor­tions – plus noise – can be measured. They all can degrade the bit-error-rate behavior of your digital signals. The 2715 includes
Copyright © 1999 Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved.
2715 Cable TV Spectrum Analyzer
The 2715 is a complete cable TV RF testing solution.
In-service Measurements Minimize Program Interruption, Reduce Cost of Acquiring Performance Data – Compatible with NTSC and PAL Systems
Digital Channel Measurements Are Ready When You Are – Characterize Averaged Power; Check Noise and Distortions that Can Worsen BER – Applicable to QAM, QPSK, QPR, VSB, and OFDM Signals
Addresses All FCC Proof of Performance Measurements
Cable TV Measurements Enhance Measurement Repeatability and Reduce Technician Training Time
Carrier Level, Carrier Frequency, Carrier-to-noise, Hum/LFD, and Other Key Measurements Execute Automatically from Easy-to-use, On-screen Menu
Unattended and Remote Measurement Modes Reduce Personnel Requirements in the Field
75 Input with Quick-change F and BNC Connectors Reduce Repair Costs and Minimize Down Time
Enhanced Troubleshooting Power with Built-in Preamplifier, Audio and Video Demodulation – All Standard
Frequency Coverage to 2.15 GHz, with Options 50 and 75, Can View Downconverted Satellite Signals (L-Band)
Includes Windows
-compatible PC Software for Programmed Measurement Configuration, Data Collection, Measurement Results Printouts, Limits Checking, Alarming and Control of a Locally or Remotely-located 2715
High Portability, On-board Non­volatile Memory, Four Digital Displays for Spectral Display Storage and Comparison, Plus True Analog, Continuous Gray Scale Display for Detecting Low Level Beats and Spurs Amidst Noise and Active Video
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digital channel averaged power, desired-to-undesired signal power ratio (D/U) and CTB/CSO measurement. You also can verify the spectral occupancy of your digital modulators with an adjacent channel leakage (ACL) mea­surement. The distortion and noise measurements require a brief removal of the digital signal. You get all this capa­bility in a 23.5 lb., compact, easy-to-carry package … at an attractive price. All of the common cable system spec­tral measurements are built in and menu-selectable including those needed to address field FCC proof of performance requirements. An accompanying Microsoft Windows™-compatible PC software package adds mea­surement configuration, data collection, measurement results printouts, limits checking, alarming and more.
What used to be complicated measurement procedures, even for engineering, are now push-button simple. Techni­cians can easily perform extensive cable system analy­sis and data collection in the field, all automatically.
Measurements and data col­lection can also be done remotely under computer control. Or the 2715 can be left unattended to run auto­matic measurements and data collection initiated by the built-in real-time clock. Data collected in the field can be transferred from the 2715’s memory via an RS-232 or GPIB interface to a PC. The 2715’s accompanying Win­dows PC software package includes easy transfer of data to your choice of Windows­compatible spreadsheet or database programs for cus­tomizing analysis or reports.
Quick, Repeatable, Automated Measurements
The 2715 contains the follow­ing measurements and capa­bilities in its cable TV (CATV/APPL) application menu:
Analog Channels:
• Direct channel tuning and automatic positioning of visual and aural carriers
• Visual and aural carrier level and frequency measurement
• Survey of system visual and aural carrier levels and frequencies
• Depth of modulation adjust­ment and measurement
• Aural carrier FM deviation adjustment and measurement
• Visual carrier-to-noise measurement
• In-channel response measurement
• Hum/low-frequency distur­bance measurement
• System frequency response
• View baseband modulation (field and line) and view picture
• Aural carrier demodulation (listen mode)
• Intermodulation distortion measurement (CTB and CSO)
• Cross modulation measurement
Digital Channel Measurements:
(applicable to QAM, QPSK, QPR, 8VSB and OFDM sig­nals)
• Averaged power
• Desired-to-undesired signal power ratio (D/U)
• Adjacent channel leakage (ACL)
• CSO and CTB
• Direct channel tuning and automatic positioning of digital signal
• Survey of system digital channel levels
• System frequency response
Measurements selected from the menu are automatically executed, and the results are displayed on the CRT screen. Not only are complex mea­surements reduced to push­button simplicity for less­experienced spectrum ana­lyzer users, but measurement repeatability is high.
A battery pack option makes 2715 measurements and data collection possible even where AC power isn’t available.
More Troubleshooting Help...
All of these features aid posi­tive channel or program iden­tification in the field. They also aid recognition of many system problems.
...And Maintenance Help
Built-in adjustment modes for audio carrier deviation and video depth of modula­tion assist in day-to-day maintenance of your system. These adjustment modes are conveniently accessible from within the automated FM deviation and depth of modu­lation measurement routines.
Check filters, line amplifiers, cables
The 2715’s 75 External Tracking Generator (Option
05) provides a convenient means of measuring fre­quency response on key sys­tem components. You can also sweep most two-port devices.
The 2715 capitalizes on PC power
The Microsoft Windows-com­patible software package that accompanies the 2715 runs automated cable TV measure­ments via an RS-232 or GPIB interface and collects mea­surement history for tracking system performance.
The software package provides the following capabilities:
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Channel table generator –
You can create your own channel tuning tables in addition to the standard tables provided. Creating
your own custom channel tuning tables is a simple mat­ter of editing one of the stan­dard tables or creating a com­pletely new table by filling in a predefined, on-screen chan­nel-setup form. Your custom tables can then be transferred to the 2715 to be used with its built-in measurement fea­tures. Result: data will be consistently taken on all of your system carriers includ­ing scrambled channels, aero­nautical offsets, and non­standard frequencies.
High-level test sequences –
You can configure automatic test sequences from the 2715’s built-in measure­ments. Creating a test sequence is a simple matter of indicating the desired tests in an on-screen setup matrix
Your test sequences can then be transferred to the 2715 for later execution via front­panel selections, or run from a PC situated at another loca­tion. This capability allows less experienced technicians to easily execute high-level test sequences that have been defined and loaded into the 2715 by a cable TV system engineer or senior technician.
Additionally, a time of day can be specified for auto­matic execution of any test sequence. You can also spec­ify the number of times that a test is to be repeated and the interval of time between test
repetitions. This allows you to leave the 2715 unattended while it automatically per­forms its time initiated test procedures and stores results. For example, you can leave the 2715 at a node site overnight or over the week­end for unattended monitor­ing and data collection.
Labor-saving ancillary features – Detailed or
summary current or historical measurement results can be printed directly from the 2715 PC Software or can be copied into another Microsoft Windows-compatible program for report customization.
You can execute tests from a remotely-located 2715 by using the CATV RF Measure­ments PC Software in con­junction with the Terminal Program that is a standard accessory of the Windows operating system software. You can place the 2715 at a node of another remote site while measurements and data collection are controlled from a centrally located PC. This configuration can signifi­cantly reduce the number of field trips necessary to moni­tor and diagnose system trou­ble spots. The RF Measure­ment Software also includes limits checking, alarming and 271X display transfer functions.
The demodulated video display aids channel or program identifica­tion. It also aids trouble-shooting by showing gross picture anoma­lies, such as the hum bars displayed here.
Measurement conditions and results are clearly displayed on­screen. Text can even be added, to describe measurement location for example.
2715 Characteristics
The following specifications and features apply after a 15 minute warmup period and after all normalizations, including reference normalizations, have been performed. CATV characteristics represent typical perfor­mance and are dependent on general spec­trum analyzer specifications. CATV charac­teristics need not be verified independently providing that all spectrum analyzer specifi­cations are verified.
Channel Selection –
Visual and aural carriers displayed when channel number is entered or front-panel selected. Tune Configuration: STD, HRC, IRC, and custom; configured using 2715 PC software. Channel Range: 0 to 999; configured using 2715 PC software. Frequency Range: 1 MHz to 2.15 GHz; dependent on selected Channel Table.
Visual Carrier Frequency –
Measured with internal counter to 1 Hz
resolution with accuracy of 5x10–7x Carrier Frequency ±10 Hz ±1 Least Significant Digit.
Visual-to-Aural Carrier Frequency –
Aural carrier measured with internal counter relative to visual carrier. Difference Range: 1 MHz to 10 MHz (depending on selected channel table) for an amplitude difference of <30 dB and aural carrier to noise >15 dB (300 kHz RBW). Resolution: 1 Hz. Accuracy: ±15 Hz for visual-to-aural carrier difference <8 MHz.
Visual Carrier Peak Level –
Absolute peak amplitude measured with preamp off. Amplitude Range: –18 dBmV to +58.8 dBmV for visual carrier to noise >30 dB (300 kHz RBW) and total input power <+70 dBmV. Frequency Range: 15 MHz to 1015 MHz. Resolution: 0.1 dB.
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