Atec 27000 User Manual

Series 27000
• Key component of all Biddle partial discharge detection systems
• Includes multiple interference control features
• Five built-in types of data readout
• RS-232C interface for control and data export
Partial Discharge (Corona) Detector
ASTM defines a partial discharge as a type of localized discharge that results from transient gaseous ionization in an insulation system when the voltage stress exceeds a critical value. The ionization is localized over only a por­tion of the distance between the electrodes of the system. The result­ant partial discharge signals appear as very small magnitude, fast-rise pulses with irregular waveshapes superim­posed on the high voltage at the terminals of the test sample. Partial discharges cause deterioration of in­sulation materials and are a primary cause of insulation failure at moderate and high voltages.
The accepted unit for measurement of partial discharge magnitude is the picocoulomb. The picocoulomb, a unit of charge, is columbs x 10 preferred to voltage as a unit of mea­sure because it is proportional to the destructive energy released at the discharge site. Pulse voltage is unde­sirable because it is dependent on partial discharge pulse waveshape which is irregular at best.
Partial discharge pulse waveshape is dependent on the location of the dis­charge site and changes as the pulse propagates through the circuit. The charge, proportional to the number of ions formed at the discharge site, is represented by the area under the
. Charge is
partial discharge pulse waveshape. This area remains constant, indepen­dent of discharge site location. The energy released is proportional to the product of the number of ions formed and the critical voltage at the dis­charge site. It is therefore apparent that the response from a properly de­signed partial discharge detection system must be proportional to the area under the partial discharge pulse.
The Biddle tion System integrates the area under any partial discharge signals detected and displays an output pulse-signal on the oscilloscope which is proportional in height to the integrated area. The ratio of proportionality, in pico­coulombs per unit of deflection, is established by using the built-in cali­bration equipment.
The Biddle charge (Corona) Detector is composed of four functional units: the amplifier, display, calibrator and evaluation unit.
The amplifier provides low-noise gain and bandwidth limiting of the partial discharge signals. The gain is continu­ously variable over four decade ranges and is determined by front-panel con­trols. The input of the amplifier is galvanically isolated from the source of the signal to minimize grounding
Partial Discharge Detec-
Series 27000 Partial Dis-
problems and to provide protection against common mode transients that often occur during routine testing. Dif­ferent partial discharge tests may require amplifiers with different band­width limiting. In these cases, the detector can be equipped with two amplifiers.
The display circuitry includes partial discharge pulse rectification and brightening circuits, a display time base and an electrostatic CRT display. Pulse rectification is used to enhance the clarity of the display and to make the pulse polarity appear independent of the phase of the test voltage.
The display time base provides a CRT baseline upon which the partial dis­charge pulses may be superimposed. This baseline is phase-locked to either the test voltage or detector line voltage, providing a phase reference which is essential for ac partial discharge pattern recognition. The detector circuitry will dynamically choose between these two reference signals to see which provides the more suitable phase refer­ence. Front-panel indicators show which phase reference signal is being used.
Three different baselines are available: elliptical, linear and sinusoidal. Each of the baselines is synthesized from phase-locked-loop circuitry so that test-voltage harmonics are completely suppressed and do not appear on the
CRT display. The rotation of the ellip­tical time base may be altered from the factory-set conventions to suit user requirements.
Two phase-reference markers may be manually activated by pressing a pushbutton switch on the detector front panel. These markers appear as pulses on the display time base. One marker indicates the 0° phase position and the other indicates the 270° phase position of the display time base. They may be used to assist the user in determining the phase angle of partial discharge sig­nals and to remind the user of the elliptical display conventions.
The calibrator provides a precision signal that is used to calibrate the desired readout in units of pico­coulombs. The output of the calibrator is continuously variable from 0.1 to 999 pC via a digital control. A digital display with automatic decimal point indicates the actual output level. Cali­bration can be either direct or indirect (in accordance with IEC 270, ASTM D­1868, method 3 or ASTM D-1868, method 4, respectively).
Evaluation Unit
The evaluation unit is used to measure, process and display several variables pertaining to the partial discharge sig­nal. The variables measured are peak partial discharge in picocoulombs, average partial discharge in microam­peres and apparent partial discharge power loss in milliwatts. A front-panel liquid crystal display as well as rear­panel terminal block outputs are used to convey the measurements to the user. These outputs may be used to drive strip chart or X-Y graphic record­ers when this capability is required. The evaluation unit also provides the following two important functions:
• Overlimit trip function: The overlimit trip function monitors the detector’s peak partial discharge signal and indi­cates when that signal exceeds the overlimit level via a front-panel con­trol. If the partial discharge exceeds this level, then a trip will occur. A trip is indicated by a front-panel LED and relay contacts which are accessible on a rear-panel terminal block.
Since partial discharge is often masked by noise, internal digital filters may be used to minimize false trips, and to vary the sensitivity of the overlimit detector.
• Window-gating function: The win- dow-gating function allows the user to define a window period during which partial discharge is measured. Any in­terference signals occurring outside of this window will be ignored by the sig­nal measurement and display circuitry. This feature may be used to blank spuri­ous signals that would normally interfere with the precision partial dis­charge measurement or to isolate signals of interest.
Additional Capabilities
• Partial discharge signal level graph­ing: Some power cable testing spe­cifications require a graph of the par­tial discharge level as a function of test voltage. This capability is pro­vided by using the picocoulomb channel analog output for one axis and the Biddle kilovoltmeter analog output for the second axis. The scale of the plot may be calibrated to repre­sent any picocoulomb value.
The Biddle Series 27000 Partial Dis­charge Detector with RS-232 port permits creation of a computerized test report. Microsoft
Windows-based software that will generate a one-page test report is optionally available. Two test report formats are available by menu selection. One format is for rou­tine testing of power cable; the other format is for general-purpose use. The test report includes an X-Y graph of partial discharge level versus test volt­age. Menu-driven software permits the operator to enter descriptive informa­tion, calibrate the system and initiate data collection.
Upon completion of the test, the opera­tor can view the test data on the monitor to check for compliance with the test requirements before printing or saving.
Interference control: Window gating, overlimit trip functions and digital fil­tering all serve to minimize or eliminate the effects of unwanted continuous and sporadic signals. Additional shielding and filtering techniques are optionally available to augment this capability and ensure accurate measurement of par­tial discharge.
As an example, common interference from single-phase SCR noise occurs as a pulse on every half-cycle of the test voltage. If the pulse is stationary with respect to the phase of the test voltage, its effects may be completely eliminated by setting the window phase angles so that the pulse is excluded from any measurements. Of­ten, however, the SCR pulse is not stationary. In these cases, the interfer­ence is suppressed simply by selecting, via front-panel controls, the criterion of a specified number of pulse repetitions per half-cycle. Suit­able settings for various types of interference conditions must be deter­mined on an individual basis.
Multiple passbands: The Biddle Series 27000 detector includes the capability to operate with different passbands. Some test specifications/ applications define the passband needed for the detector system. Some­times the interference to be expected with a certain application will dictate the pass-band requirement. Biddle provides superior noise rejection by designing specific passband amplifiers with integrated filtering circuits for op­timum noise suppression. Three standard passband amplifiers are available: one for cable testing, one for general purpose use and one for trans­former testing at test frequencies from 180 to 400 Hertz. Any two of the three can be installed in the Series 27000 detector.
System Requirements
The Biddle Series 27000 detector is the keystone of any partial discharge de­tection system. A fully operational system requires, in addition to the de­tector, a power separation filter, a bushing tap coupler or a bridge cou­pling unit to couple the detector to a test circuit. A properly rated noise-free test voltage source is also required for a complete system.
To graph any of the output channels as a function of test voltage and to op­erate the apparent power loss readout channel, an optional Biddle kilovolt­meter with recording output is needed.
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