Atec 2001RP User Manual

Value / Power
Programmable Power, Low Cost
Cost effective solution for wide range of AC power tests
2000 VA Output Power
Capable of handling most single phase applications
Commercial, Military and Avionics applications
High Peak Current Capability
Drives a wide variety of non-linear loads
Precision Measurements
Accurately measures TRMS Volt, TRMS Current, Peak Current, Crest Factor, Real Power and Power Factor
Remote Control
IEEE-488 and RS232C Interface for automated test applications. Includes Windows™ operating software
Affordable AC
Power Solutions
Model 2001RP
Model 2001RP
Compact AC Power
Offering simple rotary front panel controls, the 2001RP program­mable AC power source is ideally suited for a wide range of applica­tions.
Selectable input voltage ranges allow this product to be used any­where in the world to provide a con­venient source of variable utility power for the testing and evalua­tion of domestic and commercial equipment. All common line voltage and frequency combinations are covered.
In addition, the frequency range extends to 5000 Hz, making these products ideal for commercial and defense avionics applications.
Accurate measurement functions are available as an option to elimi­nate the need for external test equipment in many test setups. Voltage, current, peak current, power, and power factor can be read directly on the large LCD dis­play or over the bus. Overload pro­tection is provided standard using a programmable current limit func­tion
Easy To Use Controls
Front panel digital rotary encod­ers are used to set voltage and fre­quency. These controls have an analog feel, with the precision and reliability of digital circuits. Settings and measurements are read di­rectly on the large, high contrast LCD displays.
Dual output voltage ranges of 150 Vrms L-N and 300 Vrms L-N, pro­vide maximum current at the re­quired voltage.
The output frequency can be var­ied from 16 Hz up to 5000 Hz to cover commercial, avionics and defense power applications.
Product Development
The precise voltage regulation and wide frequency range of the 2001RP, combined with its easy to use front panel, make it a great gen­eral purpose Lab AC source. Built in measurements may be added (option -OP1) to extend the units usefulness for design applications of AC powered products.
Quality Control
For product quality test applica­tions, the 2001RP can be used to simulate line conditions found any­where in the world. This ensures products destined for export will op­erate as designed.
Avionics Applications
As an affordable and reliable source of 400 Hz AC power, the 2001RP is well suited for commer­cial and defense avionics applica­tions. A special Avionics version (-AV option) is available which of­fers reduced weight and increased output current at 115 V
Functional Design
The small form factor and low weight of the 2001RP make it con­venient to use in a variety of loca­tions. Removable rubber feet pro­tect the work surface if the unit is used in a bench top mode. The 5.25 inch height saves valuable rack space when used in a rack and stack system.
2001RP - For Easy Transient Programming
Drop transient causes output voltage to drop to zero for a user specified period
Voltage Surge transient causes output voltage to surge.
Extensive Transient Control
With the addition of the remote control interface option, RP Series units are capable of producing transients with a high degree of user programmability. Setting up transient programs is facilitated by a Win­dows™ Graphical User Interface program that allows amplitude, fre­quency and event duration to be programmed from a PC. Time resolu­tion is 1 ms (0.001 sec) with a minimum time interval ranging from 1 to 40 ms, depending on the transient type. Maximum transient time inter­vals are 9999 seconds. Transient programming allows the effects of common line disturbances such as voltage surges, sags, drop-outs and frequency fluctuations on the unit under test to be evaluated.
Precision Measurements
For bench or automated test equipment (ATE) applications, the 2001RP can be ordered with the -OP1 option, offering both IEEE-488 and RS232C remote control interfaces as well as extended measure­ments. These measurements are available from the front panel and over the bus. The 2001RP uses closed case calibration for both output and measurement calibration, lowering cost of ownership.
SCPI Protocol Programming Commands
All functions of the 2001RP are programmable over the available IEEE­488 or RS232C interface. For example, the following tasks can be per­formed over the bus:
Set voltage to any level
Change frequency
Generate voltage dropouts, sags or surges
Measure TRMS current, peak current, crest factor, TRMS voltage,
true power, apparent power and power factor
Recall eight complete instrument setups from non-volatile memory
Adjust current limit value
Lock the front panel to prevent operator interference
Switch between high and low voltage range
Drop output voltage at specific phase angles for specified dura-
Application Software
Windows™ application software is included with the -OP1 option pack­age. This easy to use graphical interface program provides complete
Frequency Sweep transient causes the output frequency to change at a user specified rate.
Voltage Sweep transient causes output voltage to change at a programmed rate.
Note 1: Voltage drop out transients can be programmed at random phase angles or at 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees.
control over all instrument func­tions using the RS232C or IEEE-488 inter­face. With en­hanced capa­bilities such as output sequenc­ing, data logging and transient generation, many applica­tions can be ad­dressed without the need to write software.
Free Windows™ Graphical User Interface software included with option package OP1.
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