Atec 1730 User Manual

Section 1 Introduction and Specification
The TEKTRONIX 1730-Series is an 8-1/2-inch wide by 5-1/4-inch high waveform monitor, weighing approximately 8 pounds. The 1730 (System M, NTSC) and the 1731 (System I, B, etc., PAL, PAL-M), and the 1735 (dual-stan­dard) versions can be powered from an ac source or, with the addition of a field upgrade kit (1700F10), 12 Vdc. The CRT occupies approximately two-thirds of the front-panel area, with the control panel taking up the remainder of the space. Operation is controlled by a microprocessor that polls the front-panel switches and remote ground closures. Front-panel switches are of the momentary touch type with lighted functional indicators. Most of the switches are also used to select special functions, which are accessed by holding the switches in until the microprocessor recognizes the request.
The signal is displayed on a bright CRT capable of displaying one line per frame. It is of the mesh type, for better geometry, and uses an internal graticule to reduce parallax. Variable graticule scale illumination provides even lighting to improve measurement accuracy and the quality of waveform pictures. Option 74 provides a P4 (white) phosphor tube.
The Channel A and B Composite Video Inputs and the External Reference Signal Input are high impedance bridging loop-throughs, in order to protect the integrity of the signal paths. The input switching allows for the display of either Channel A or Channel B Input or both inputs. Synchronization can be either internal or external, with the further choices of using remote sync or 90 or 100 Hz synchronization, from a VTR, where the application warrants.
The 1730-Series offers a choice of three basic sweep rates: 2 Field, 2 Line, and 1 Line, each of which can be magnified to provide three additional sweep rates: 1 ms (2 Line), 0.2 ms (1 Line), and X25 (2 Field) which provides for viewing the complete vertical interval. In addition, there is full frame line selection that can be displayed as 1 line, 2 lines, or 15 lines. A bright-up pulse, for picture monitors, that corresponds to the intensified region on the CRT display, is available through a rear-panel bnc connector.
The vertical signal processing provides a choice of fast or slow dc restoration, or an unclamped display. The input signal can be unfiltered (Flat) or either Low Pass or Chrominance filtered. There is also a combination of Flat and Low Pass filtering available when a 2 Line or 2 Field sweep rate is employed; the display consists of one line or field low pass filtered while the second is unfiltered. Vertical amplitudes can be displayed in a calibrated gain mode, which corre­sponds directly with the graticule vertical scales, magnified 5 times, or can be set to a specific amplitude by using the Variable GAIN control.
1730–Series Introduction
An RGB or YRGB Parade display, for camera setup, is accommodated with a shortened sweep. The input of the camera signal and an enable are through the rear-panel REMOTE jack. The choice of 3-step (RGB) or 4-step (YRGB) is made by changing the position of an internal jumper.
The 1730-Series has a unique Store and Recall function built in that allows for the storing of up to four front-panel setups that can be recalled by pressing the appropriate recall button, or a ground closure through the rear-panel REMOTE connector. In addition, four factory-programmed measurement setups can be accessed, by external ground closures input through the REMOTE connector.
An auxiliary output, to control a companion 1720-Series Vectorscope, is provided through a rear-panel connector. The auxiliary output contains a bus for two-way communications between the waveform monitor and vectorscope microprocessors and a strobe to provide line select unblanking for the Vector­scope.
Typical Configurations
The 1730-Series Waveform Monitor is designed for operation either alone or with a 1720-Series Vectorscope. Line select and measurement recall for this waveform monitor are also used by the vectorscope. Because of these capabili­ties, and the available 90 or 100 Hz triggering, the 1730-Series Waveform Monitor is ideally suited to operate in a VCR bridge. With its factory-preset measurement routines, that can be accessed through the rear-panel REMOTE connector and the Store/Recall functions, it is possible to have one-button measurements of key parameters, including various vectorscope measurements.
In addition to the VCR bridge and the typical Master Control monitoring applications, this monitor can be used in camera chains. It has a choice of RGB or YRGB Parade display that can easily be selected by changing one internal jumper setting. The Parade signal and enable are input through the rear-panel REMOTE connector.
A number of operating conditions can be altered by changing internal jumpers, using some of the factory-preset combinations, or setting up and saving the front panel with the Store/Recall function. Using these methods most of the current 528A operational modes can be accommodated. There is a difference in how the remote control operates — the 1730-Series uses ground closures, not positive voltage as the 528A did.
1730–Series Introduction
CRT Options
Power Cord Options
Standard Accessories
The standard instrument is shipped with a P31 (green) phosphor CRT installed. Option 74 instruments are shipped with a P4 (white) phosphor CRT installed.
Any of the power cord options described in Section 7 can be ordered for the 1730-Series. If no power cord option is ordered, instruments are shipped with a North American 125 V power cord and one replacement fuse.
The following accessories are shipped with the 1730-Series. Part numbers for these accessories are located at the end of the Replaceable Mechanical Parts list.
1 1730-Series Instruction Manual 1 Power Cord, with selected power plug option 1 Replacement Cartridge Fuse (correct rating for the power
plug option)
3 Replacement Scale Illumination Bulbs (Tektronix Part
No. 150-0168-00 or ANSI #73)
Optional Accessories
There are a number of accessories that can be used with a 1730-Series Waveform Monitor. The following is a list of the most common accessory items for this series of waveform monitors. 1700F items are Field Upgrade Kits that are installed by the customer; instructions are included in all Field Upgrade Kits.
Viewing Hood (016-0475-00) Front Panel Cover (200-3897-01) 1700F00, Plain Cabinet (painted silver-grey) 1700F02, Portable Cabinet (painted silver-grey) 1700F05, Side-by-Side Rack Adapter 1700F06, Blank Half-Rack Width Panel 1700F10, DC Power Converter
1730–Series Introduction
Safety Information
The 1730-Series is intended to operate from an ac power source that will not apply more than 250 V rms between the supply conductors or between either supply conductor and ground. A protective ground connection by way of the grounding conductor is essential for safe operation (except for those instruments that are operated from a battery supply).
The 1730-Series was tested for compliance in a cabinet. To ensure continued compliance, the instrument will need to be enclosed in a cabinet that is equiva­lent to the Factory Upgrade Kits that are listed as Optional Accessories for the 1730-Series. A drawing of the 1700F00 plain cabinet is contained in the Installation Instructions (Section 3).
In the specification tables that follow, some items are identified as performance requirements. These can be verified by performing the Performance Check Procedure in Section 5. Not all performance requirements have a measureable tolerance, and therefore do not have a performance check step; however, they are either verified by indirect means, through other portions of the procedure, or are design criteria that do not need to be tested for individual instruments.
Whenever there is a verifiable performance requirement, in the specification table, there will also be a reference to identify the location, in the Performance Check Procedure, of the appropriate performance verification procedure.
The supplemental Information designation in the tables indicates that this is information that either amplifies a performance requirement or is special information that is of importance. Unlike performance requirements, there is no need, and often no way to check these items to any specific tolerance.
1730–Series Introduction
T able 1–1: Vertical Deflection System
Characteristic Requirement Supplemental Information
Frequency response Flat
Flat: 50 kHz to 6 MHz within 2% of response at 50 kHz. Flat (X5): 50 kHz to 6 MHz within 5% of response at 50 kHz.
Specifications apply for full screen height video input signal, with variable GAIN off.
Step Number
Low-pass filter
Chroma filter
Transient response Preshoot: ≤1%
Field rate tilt ≤1% Field rate square wave or vertical
Line rate tilt ≤1% 25 ms bar 15 Overscan Less than 2% variation in baseline of
Differential gain Displayed differential gain is 1% with
Deflection factor 140 IRE (1.0 V) within 1% with 1 V
1730: At least 30 dB attenuation at
3.58 MHz 1735: 4.00 MHz 1731: 4.43 MHz
NTSC and PAL-M: Nominal bandwidth 1 MHz. Attenuation at 7.2 MHz 20 dB or greater. Response at 3.58 MHz does not vary between FLAT and CHROMA by more than 1%.
PAL: Nominal bandwidth 1 MHz. Attenuation at 8.9 MHz 20 dB or greater. Response at 4.43 MHz does not vary between FLAT and CHROMA by more than 1%.
Pulse-to-Bar Ratio: X1: 0.99:1 to
1.01:1X5: 0.98:1 to 1.02:1 Overshoot: X1: 2% or less X5: 4%
or less Ringing: X1: 2% or less X5: 4% or
100 IRE (700 mV) 12.5T (20T) modulated pulse as it is positioned over the middle 80% of the screen.
10% to 90% APL changes.
Response at 15 kHz does not vary between FLA T and LPASS by more than 1%
Upper and lower –3 dB points are approximately ±350 kHz from
3.579545 MHz. 15 to 35 C operating temperature.
Upper and lower –3 dB points are approximately ±350 kHz from
4.433619 MHz. 15 to 35 C operating temperature.
Specifications apply for full screen height video input signal, with variable GAIN off.
Chroma filter must be selected. Baseline at 50 IRE and displayed subcarrier adjusted to 100 IRE with VAR gain.
1 V full scale. 20-30 °C, Flat response selected. Vertical gain temperature coefficient is –0.3%/10 °C.
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