Atec 1531-AB User Manual

1531-AB and 1538-A Strobotac
p. 2
Applic. pp. 4-8
pp. 9-11
pp. 12-87
GenRad prod ucts pp. 50-87
p. 89
Electronic Stroboscopes
1531-AB and 1538-A Strobotac
Strobotac provides two high quality models to chose from to fulfi ll your electronic strobo- scopic needs. The 1531-AB for most applica­tions and the 1538-A for situations requiring very high fl ash rates. Both instruments offer proven reliability.
For machine maintenance
Real time inspection of moving parts
Printing press applications
Motor troubleshooting
For stopping motion
MODEL 1531-AB:
Flash rates up to 25,000 fpm with accuracy of +1.0%
Unique, rugged carrying case for portability
Flash duration ranging from 0.8 μs to 3.0 μs for
clear, crisp images
Model 1531-AB and
1538-A Strobes
p. 1
MODEL 1538-A:
High speed, adjustable  ash rates up to 150,000
fpm provide direct reading in four ranges with ±1.0%
Flash duration from 0.5 μs to 3.0 μs for clear, crisp
Unique, rugged carrying case for portability
Can be battery operated
Compact and accurate. These strobes are small portable  ash- ing-light sources used to measure the speed of fast-moving devices or to produce the optical e ect of stopping or slowing high-speed motion for observation. A build-in system uses the power-line frequency for quick and easy checks and adjustment of the  ash­rate calibration. Each  ash lamp/re ector assembly is hinged at the panel and the re ector swivels 360 degrees, for complete  exibility. The cases have standard sockets (0.25 x 20 threads/inch) for tripod mounting.
* 1538-P2 Extension Lamp; accessory for the 1538-A
Versatile synchronization: A variety of trigger inputs can be used for  ash synchronization. Contact closures, pulses, or sinewave signals will trigger the  ash, and an output trigger is provided so the stroboscope, in turn, can trigger another device. Single- ash photo­graphs of high-speed motion are a snap with any still camera.
The di erence: The 1531 is more economical to buy. On the other hand, the 1538 gives you six times the maximum  ash rate of the former, and enable portable operation with a rechargeable battery. The 1538-A can also be used with an optical extension lamp.
IET LABS, INC. in the GenRad Tradition
534 Main Street, Westbury, NY 11590
TEL: (516) 334-5959 • (800) 899-8438 • FAX: (516) 334-5988
IET cat/1531-1538/05-01-06
Con tents
1531-AB and 1538-A Strobotac
p. 2
Applic. pp. 4-8
pp. 9-11
pp. 12-87
GenRad prod ucts pp. 50-87
p. 89
Electronic Stroboscopes
1531-AB and 1538-A Strobotac
Flash Rate: 110 to 25,000fpm in 3 ranges; speeds up to 250,000rpm can be measured. Accuracy: ±1% of reading after calibration on one range against 50-to-60Hz line frequency. External Trigger: Input and output connections are phone jacks. Input: Contact opening, pulse ≥ +6V pk-pk, or sinewave ≥ 2V rms for f>5Hz. Output: Negative pulse 500 to1000V. Light Output: Beam width 10º degrees at ½-intensity points.
Flashes per
at 690 3 0.5 11 x 10
at 4170 12 0.09 3.5 x 10
at 25,000 0.8 0.014 0.6 x 10
* Measured at 1/3 peak intensity.
** Electrical input to lamp.
*** Measured with silicon photo detector 1 meter from lamp; single- ash beam intensity is 18 x 106 candela
Beam intensity***
SERIES 1538-A:
Flash Rate: 110 to 150,000fpm in 4 ranges; speeds up
to 1,000,000 rpm can be measured. Accuracy: 1% of reading after calibration on 670-to­ 4170fpm range against 50-to-60Hz line frequency. External Trigger: Input and output connections are phone jacks. Input: Contact closure, pulse ≥ +1V pk-pk, or sinewave ≥ 0.35V rms for f>5Hz (3.5V at 10Hz) Output: ≥ +6V behind 400 Ω. Light Output: Beam width 10º at ½-intensity points.
Flashes per
at 690 3 0.5 15 x 10
at 4170 1.2 0.09 5 x 10
at 25,000 0.8 0.014 1 x 10
at 150,000 0.5 0.0023 0.16 x 10
* Measured at 1/3 peak intensity. ** Electrical input to lamp.
*** Measured with silicon photo detec tor 1 meter from lamp; single-  ash beam intensity with - P4 is 44 x 10
p. 2 of 2
Beam intensity***
Power: 100 to 125 V, or 200 to 250 V, 50 to 400 Hz, 25 W max for 1531, 15 W max for 1538; 1538 can also be powered from 20 to 30 V DC, 12 W max.
Mechanical: Flip-Tilt Case.
Catalog Number Item Voltage Model (V)
1531-9430 1531-AB 115
1531-9440 1531-AB 230
1538-9701 1538-A 115
1538-9702 1538-A 230
OPTIONS Calibration Data 1538-9601 1538-P1 Replacement Strobotron Flash Lamp, for 1531/1538
Dimensions: 16.8 cm H x 27.0 cm W x 15.6 cm D (6.63" x 10.63" x 13")
Weight: 3.5 kg (7.5 lb.) net, 4.6 kg (10 lb.) shipping
INCLUDES: Calibration Certi cate Traceable to NIST Adjustable Neck Strap Phone plug for input and output jacks Power Cord
Accessories for 1538-A only:
1538-9602 1538-P2 Extension Lamp
1538-9603 1538-P3 Battery and Charger
1538-9604 High Intensity -Flash Capacitor; increases output
IET LABS, INC. in the GenRad Tradition
534 Main Street, Westbury, NY 11590
TEL: (516) 334-5959 • (800) 899-8438 • FAX: (516) 334-5988