Atec 12061 User Manual

MODEL 12061
Solution for General Instrument Measurement
6½ Digital Multimeter is the most frequent used
measurement instrument in Electronic industry.
Ch r oma 12061 pr o vid es a com b ina tion o f
speed, ac c u r a c y an d hi g h pe r f o r m a n ce
me a sur e men t funct ions t hat ca n b e used
ei ther s ole ly or wit h syste m to meet y our
Chr o m a 12061 of f ers th e r e s o l u tion an d
specication of the same class in the industry
plus e nhanced speed and a ccuracy it turns
into the best solution for various kind of basic
measurements. A brand new designing was
mad e for the operating inte rface of Chrom a
12061. The common ly use d functio ns can
be sele ct ed with a single button press that
increases the panel accessibility greatly.
Fast & High Performance
The 12061 6½ Digital Multimeter has assorted
settin gs of r es ol ution, integrati on time a nd
ranges th a t allow us e r s to opti m i z e th e
conguration of measurement speed, resolution
and accuracy when in individual measurement
test mode.
Th e 12061 has bu ilt-in a hig h spee d, low
interference A/D c on ve rt er w ith a maximum
speed of 2000 rdgs/s it is the best solution for
high speed measurement.
Individual Application
Ch r oma 12061 equip p ed wit h 11 type s o f
measurement functions containing DC voltage/
current, AC voltage/current, resistance 2/4-wire
ohms, period, frequency, diode, continuity and
temperature as well as diverse math functions
of NULL, Max/Min/Avg, High/Low limit, High/
Low lim it, Percentage/Ra tio/MX+B, dB/dBm
and et c. A l o n g with tr i g ger an d memory
function, Chroma 12061 is the right tool for you
to perform the basic measurement.
Test System Application
Fo r user's c onv enie nce C h rom a suppo rts
various software for different control platforms.
6½ Digital Multimeter
MODEL 12061
6½ digits resolution
11 types of measurement characteristics
- DC voltage/current (1000V/3A max)
- AC voltage/current (750V/3A max)
- Resistance 2 or 4-wire ohms
- Period & frequency
- Diode & continuity
- Temperature
(Thermocouple & RTD)
Various math functions
- Max/Min/Avg
- High/Low limit
- Percentage/Ratio/ MX+B
- dB/dBm
DC voltage accuracy : 0.0015%
AC voltage accuracy : 0.04%
Key Features:
Built-in USB (USBTMC supported)
PASS/FAIL signal output
Optional Multi-point Scanner Card (10ch)
Measurement and data transmission up to
2000 readings/sec (4½)
Up to 2000 readings memory storage
Standard SCPI control
Optional GPIB interface
Software control support
6 ½ D i g i t a l M u l t i m e t e r
Channel 1
Scanner Card Configuration
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4
Channel 5
4-Pole 2-Pole
Channel 6
Channel 7
Channel 8
Channel 9
Channel 10
B u i lt-i n us B ( u s Bt m c s u p po r t e d)
Different from the traditional interface, Chroma 12061 uses USB as its standard feature that not only improves the transmission speed but
also makes the connection more easier with the plug and play function.
The USB interface fully supports USBTMC (USB Test & Measurement Class). As long as the instrument is equipped with USB interface that
supports USBTMC, it can communicate with PC in real time via VISA driver without the restrictions of platform and environment. USBTMC is a communication protocol built on top of the USB and uses GPIB-like methodology to communicate with USB. Therefore, from users point
of view using USB should be as simple as using GPIB.
pa s s/ fai l si g na l ou t p ut
Chro ma 12061 can pro vi de PASS/FA IL si gn al
Pin 2 (pass)
Pin 1 (floating)
to system by USB port (either communication or
PASS/FAIL signal) with hi gh/low limit set. USB
type B female connect to system with signal (1
floating/ 2 PSS/ 3 FAIL/ 4 GND) in 2ms low and
please disable USB interface. If result over the
high/low limit, the beeper will alarm and signal
output. (Beeper can be off)
Pin 3 (fail)
Pin 4 (GND)
t e m pe r at ur e m e a su r e me n t
Chroma 12061 has temperature measurement function that supports 7 kinds of Thermocouples:E, J, K, N, R, S, and T type. It also
supports RTDs 4-wire measurement. The built-in ITS-90, IEC751 and Callendar-Van Dusen temperature conversion can satisfy the diverse
measurement requirements of yours.
m u lt i- p o in t s c a nn e r c a r d
Chroma 6½ Digital Multimeter supports Multi-point Scanner Card
which is a scanning measurement tool not supported by most of the
6½ Digital Multimeters in the field.
Multi-point Scanner Card offers multiplexing ten two poles (ACV,
ACI, DCV, DCI, Resistance, Period, Frequency) that can be installed
to the extension card option directly on the rear panel.
A120000 Multi-point Scanner Card
Maximum AC Voltage
Maximum DC Voltage 110V, 1A switched, 30VA (resistive load)
Contact Life
Contact Resistance <1ohm at end of contact life Actuation Time 5ms maximum on/off
Contact Potential
Connector Type Screw terminal, #22 AWG wire size Isolation btw Any
Two terminals Isolation btw Any
Terminal and Earth Common Mode Voltage 350V peak btw any terminal and earth Max. Voltage btw Any
Two Terminals Max. Voltage btw Any
Terminal and M3500A Input LO
Environmental Meets all 12061 Environmental Spec.
125V rms or 175V peak, 100kHz, 1A switched, 62.5VA (resistive load)
>100000 operations at maximum signal level; >100000000 operations cold switching.
<±500nV typical per contact, 1μV max <±500nV typical per contact pair, 1μV max
>10 Gohm, < 75pF
>10 Gohm, < 150pF
200V peak
200V peak
A120000 Scanner Card Configuration
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