ATAS BWS390, BWS392 User Manual

BWS390, BWS392
Basic Uses:
The InSpire solar collector is a metal wall system used to collect and distribute solar-heated, outside air for ventilation or processes, such as drying. The concept is simple:
Integrated with HVAC
Stand Alone Destratication
· Perforated collector panels are installed several inches from an appropriate wall, creating an air cavity.
· Sunlight heats the solar collector surface.
· Fans create a negative pressure and draw warmed air through the perforations into the plenum.
· Heated air is distributed into the building through the existing HVAC system or separate, perforated ducts. The wall system should be considered whenever outside air is being heated. Energy savings depend on several project-specic factors and can be predicted by computer modeling. Factors that inuence system eectiveness include the ventilation requirement of building, length of heating season, utility rates for heating and the available wall area facing south, southeast or southwest. There are six ways to save energy:
· Solar energy is captured by the collector.
· When the fan is running, building heat loss through the main wall is recaptured in the plenum.
· The air space creates an insulating eect on the building inner wall.
· In industrial buildings, solar heated air distributed through perforated ducts destraties and utilizes hot air trapped at the ceiling.
· With lower ceiling temperatures in industrial buildings, less energy is lost through ceiling exhaust systems.
· Solar collector panels shield the inner wall from direct sunlight during the summer season. Typically, each square foot of solar collector contributes 1.0 to 2.0 therms of energy per year. Annual heating costs are usually reduced by $1.50 to $5.50 per square foot of collector, depending on the type of fuel replaced. Ideal applications include:
· Industrial buildings
· Hospitals and other institutional buildings
· Schools and gymnasiums
· Arenas
· Laboratories
· Maintenance facilities
· Government and military buildings
· Warehouses
· Theaters and conference centers
· Restaurants
· Other commercial buildings Major system components may include:
· Wall panels
· Standos and canopy components
· Fans, controls, dampers and ducting
· Trim and closures
Composition and Materials:
InSpire cladding is available in .032” aluminum and .027” pre-weathered zinc.
Sizes and Proles:
InSpire cladding incorporates 1 ¼” high ribs. Aluminum panels are 41 ¼” wide with 39 ⁄” coverage, and zinc panels are 33 ⁄” wide with 31 ½” coverage. The panels can be specied in two orientations as illustrated. Panel lengths are cut to customer specications up to 40’ maximum. Proles contain proprietary lanced perforations for air intake. The airow rate through each square foot of collector panel is tailored to meet specic project objectives:
· 1 to 3 cfm/ sq ft for high temperature gain
· 3 to 6 cfm/ sq ft for standard operation
· 6 to 10 cfm/ sq ft for high eciency
Color and Finish:
A choice of 30 stock colors is available in
based nishes for collector panels and accent components. (Request color chart or chips). Four darker colors, which absorb solar energy more eciently, are recommended for collector panels. A Dark Bronze anodized nish is also available. Zinc panels have a dark, pre­weathered nish.
InSpire solar collector panels heat fresh air during the day time and are not designed to replace conventional space heating system. InSpire must be installed over non­combustible wall material. Consult re codes for use in multi-story applications.
Applicable Standards
Solar Collector System
The technology for perforated solar air heating systems was developed through extensive testing at The National Renewable Energy Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, and in Canada at the CANMET Energy Diversication Research Laboratory, an agency of Natural Resources Canada. Detailed project performance monitoring has been conducted under the auspices of CANMET to validate computer feasibility software.
Collector Cladding
KYNAR 500® PVDF or HYLAR® 5000 PVDF based
nishes tested by paint supplier for: Dry Film Thickness: ASTM D 1005, ASTM D 1400, ASTM D 4138 or ASTM D 5796 Specular Gloss: ASTM D 523
Pencil Hardness: ASTM D 3363
7 ⁄”
39 ⁄” Coverage
41¼” Overall
7 ⁄”
39 ⁄” Coverage
41¼” Overall
Exposed Side
Exposed Side
T-Bend Flexibility: ASTM D 4145 Mandrel Bend Flexibility: ASTM D 522 Impact Resistance: ASTM D 2794 Adhesion: ASTM D 3359 Water Immersion Resistance: ASTM D870 Abrasion Resistance: ASTM D 968 Acid Resistance: ASTM D 1308 Acid Rain Resistance (Kesternich): ASTM G 87 or DIN 50018 Salt Spray: ASTM B 117 Cyclic Salt Spray: ASTM D 5894 and ASTM D 5487 Humidity Resistance: ASTM D 2247 Accelerated Weathering: ASTM D 822 and ASTM G 23, ASTM G 151 or ASTM G 153 Color Retention, Florida Exposure: ASTM D 2244 Chalking Resistance: ASTM D 4214 Cleveland Condensing Cabinet: ASTM D 4585 Cure test, MEK resistance: ASTMD 5402 Alkali resistance, sodium hydroxide: ASTM D 1308 Procedure 7.2 Flame Spread Rating: ASTM E 84 Organic coatings meet requirements of AAMA 2605 when applied to aluminum Panel testing/ratings: Aluminum: ASTM B 209 Zinc: EN988 Coil Coating: ASTM A 755 Field Tested and Approved Load Tables available upon request.
Environmental Considerations
The InSpire solar collector is a renewable energy system that benets the environment by:
- Supplying 1 to 2 therms of energy per square foot of collector per year
- Collecting solar energy at a typical eciency of over 60%
- Reducing annual CO2 production by 40 to 60 pounds per square foot of collector
- Utilizing metal components that contain recycled material and are recyclable at the end of their life cycle. Projects with InSpire technology may qualify for LEED® credits in renewable energy, optimizing energy performance and other areas.
5. Installation
InSpire cladding is generally installed 4 to 8 inches from the main wall and can be installed over or around existing wall openings. Installation manuals and project specic installation drawings are available. Contact ATAS technical service advisors for more information. If required, additional air distribution equipment is installed using standard practices.
6. Availability & Cost
The InSpire system is available through product distributors. A complete line of related components and trim accessories is available to complete the wall system. In addition, a complete line of rainware and perimeter roof edge trims can be supplied by ATAS to complement the wall system. Flat sheet and/or coil stock is available in matching color for fabrication of related components by the installing contractor.
Cladding cost is comparable to a brick wall. Contact product distributors for current pricing on system components. Many state and federal incentives are available. The typical payback is 3 to 8 years, sometimes 1 year or less.
7. Warranty
Products coated with a uoropolymer, KYNAR 500® PVDF or HYLAR® 5000 PVDF nish carry a limited warranty against chalking and fading.
8. Maintenance
InSpire collector panels are virtually maintenance free. Surface residue may be easily removed by conventional cleaning methods. For painted products, minor scratches should be touched up with a matching paint, available from the manufacturer. The balance of system components contain no liquids or moving parts, except for intake fans and dampers, which require normal maintenance.
9. Technical Services
Complete technical information and literature are available from ATAS International. System design specications depend on individual project requirements, such as the amount of ventilation air required and the available wall area. The ATAS technical sta may assist by performing feasibility studies to determine potential energy savings and dene air collection and distribution requirements for specic projects. ATAS will assist with design ideas and shop drawings.
10. Filing Systems
- Additional product information is available from the manufacturer upon request.
is a trademark of ATAS International, Inc. KYNAR 500® is a registered trademark of Arkema. HYLAR 5000® is a registered trademark of Solvay Solexis, Inc. © 2011 ATAS International, Inc. LRD0611 LAT746