ATARI Gauntlet - Dark Legacy User Guide

• Use of non -Midway parts or circuit modifications may cause serious injury or equipment damage!
• Federal copyright, trademark and patent laws protect this game. Unauthorized modifications may be illegal under Federal law. The modification ban also applies to Midway Games Incorporated and game logos, designs, publica­tions and assemblies. Moreover, facsimiles of Midway equipment (or any feature thereof) may be illegal under fed­eral law, regardless of whether or not such facsimiles are manufactured with Midway components.
tary loss of consciousness when viewing certain kinds of flashing lights or patterns that are present in our daily envi­ronment. These persons may experience seizures while watching some kinds of television pictures or playing certain video games. People who h ave not had any prev ious seizures may non etheles s have an un detected ep ileptic conditio n.
If you or anyone in your family has experienced symptoms linked to an epileptic condition (e.g. seizures or loss of
awareness), immediately consult your physician before using any video games.
We recommend that parents observe their ch ild ren while they p l ay v ideo g ames . If you or your child experience the following symptoms: dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitching, involuntary movements, loss of awareness, disorientation, or convulsions, DISCONTINUE USE IMME DIATELY and consult your physician.
improvements in equipment function, design, or components as progress in engineering or manufacturing methods warrants.
mechanical, photographic, or electronic means. You may not produce phonograph recordings of this document. You may not transmit this publication or otherwise copy it for public or p rivate u se, with out permission from the pub­lisher.
For Service: Call your Authorized Midway Games West Inc. Distributor.
©1998, 1999 Midway Games West Inc. All rights reserved. MIDWAY Games, LLC. Used by permission. GAUNTLET
Prevent shock hazard and assure proper game operation. Plug this game into a properly grounded
A very small portion of the population has a condition which may cause epileptic seizures or momen-
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Midway reserves the right to make
You may not reproduce any part of this publication by
is a trademark of Midway Amusement
DARK LEGACY™ is a trademark of Midway Games West Inc.
midway games west inc.
675 sycamore drive
milpitas, california 95035
Operations Manua
Setup • Service • Sy
The manufacturer intends that any federal, state or local law o operators of this game are resp turer's factory settings for this g specific jurisdiction. It is the op to make the appropriate adjust
675 syca
the right to make improvements in equipment function, design, or components as progress in engi­neering or manufacturing methods may warrant.
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy 3
Information in this manual may c hange without no tice. Midway Games West In c. reserves
Chapter 1 Setup
Safety Notices
The following safety instructions apply to all operators and service personnel. Specific warnings and cau­tions appear throughout this manual. Read this page before preparing your game for play.
container (P/N 08-8068) in order to be sent in for repair or replacement. Do not stack or drop hard disk drives during installation or removal.
rough handling and never move cabinet while power is on.
voltage. Verify fluorescent lamp is correct for local voltage.
properly grounded. Use only a fixed-location grounded 3-wire outlet. Do not use a "cheater" plug or cut off ground pin on line cord
internal cabinet AC system and the external AC line.
before removing or repairing any component. After servicing, ensure all ground wires are secure before restoring power.
Reversed connectors may damage your machine and void the warranty. Connectors are keyed to fit specific pins on each board.
The hard disk drive must be packed in an anti-static bag and in an approved shipping
Transport machine securely, as it contains glass and fragile electronic devices. Avoid
Verify switch on the power supply is set for 110VAC or 220VAC according to local line
Avoid electrical shocks. Do not plug in line cord until machine has been inspected and
This video game machine has no isol ation trans former. There is no is olation bet ween the
To avoid electrical shock, turn off power switch and disconnect from AC power source
Ensure proper mating of all connectors. If a connector does not slip on easily , do not force.
current rating of the original fuse.
more from the point of impact. Handle all glass parts carefully.
T o avoid electrical shock, all replacement fus es must match the type, vo ltage rating, and
A dropped fluorescent tube or CRT can break and explode, shattering glass eight feet or
A very small portion of the popula tion has a conditi on which may c ause them to expe rience epilep tic seizures or hav e momentary loss of consciousness when viewing certain kinds of flashing lights or patterns that are present in our daily environment. These persons may experience seizures while wa tching some kinds of television pictures or playing certain video games. People who have not had any previous seizures may nonetheless have an undetected epileptic condition.
If you or anyone in your family has experienced symptoms linked to an epileptic condition (e.g., seizures or loss of awareness), immediately consult your physician before using an y video games.
Parents should observe their children while they play vi de o g ames. If you or yo u r child e xpe rienc e the follo win g sympt oms: diz ­ziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitching, involuntary moveme nts, loss of awareness, disorientation, or convulsio ns, DISCONTINUE USE IMMEDIA TE LY and consult your physician.
4 Midway Games West Inc.
Product specifications
Operating Requirements
Chapter 1 Setup
Electrical Power
Domestic 120VAC @ 60Hz 3.0 Amps
Foreign 230VAC @ 50Hz 2.0 Amps
Japan 100VAC @ 50Hz 3.0 Amps
Cabinet Statistics
Shipping Dimensions Main Cabinet Control Section
Width 58 in (147 cm) 49 in (124 cm)
Depth 36 in (91 cm) 30 in (76 cm)
Height 79 in (201 cm) 45 in (114 cm)
Equipment Characteristics
Video Display Monitor
Medium resolution RGB
39 in (96.5 cm) CRT
Game Characteristics
Player Variables
1 to 4 players per game
High score recognition
32ºF to 100ºF (0ºC to 38ºC)
Shipping Weight
Main Cab Cntrl Section 580 lbs 140 lbs 264 kg 64 kg
Audio System
Digital Stereo 2 4.5 in (8 cm) full range speakers
Operator Variables
Coinage, game options, difficulty, volume, demo mode, audits, statistics
Not to exceed 95% rela­tive
Design Type
Dedicated video game machine with 49-way optodetector joysti cks
Currency Acceptors
Standard coin door 2 coin mechanisms 1 coin counter
Automatic power-up test Manual multi-level Menu System
Viewing Glass
You need not switch off AC power to clean the glass. Apply a mild glass cleaner to a clean cloth or sponge, then use this to wipe the viewi ng glass . Do not appl y cleane r dire ctly on to glas s. Liquid could dr ip down into video game machine circuits or onto detectors and cause erratic operation.
Use plastic-safe non-a br asi ve cl ea ners to avoid damage. Apply cleaner to cle an cl ot h or sp onge , then u se this to wipe the controls or cabinet. Do not apply cleaner directly on controls or cabinet.
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy 5
Chapter 1 Setup
1. Remove all components and packaging from shipping containers and set aside.
2. Inspect main cabinet and control section exteriors for damage.
3. Main cabinet is mounted on four swivel casters. Roll cabinet to intended location, maintaining clear-
ance from walls, drapes, other games or obstructions.
4. Lower each leg leveler unt il cabi net is st able and le vel. Adjust le veler s to rais e wheels up off floor and
distribute weight equally on each corner.
5. Move control section near main cabinet, leaving space to attach wiring harness. Mate each control
cable with its cabinet cable. Press firmly to seat connectors.
6. Lift and move control section against main cabinet, guiding harness into main cabinet.
7. Install and adju st eac h leg l evele r un til c ontro l sect io n is st able a nd leve l. Ad just level ers unt il bot tom s
of both pieces are flush and parallel with each other. Inspect for binding or pinched wires.
8. Locate coin door keys on one of the joysticks. Unlock and open coin door.
9. Locate access panel an d monitor panel keys on rea r fan gri ll. Unl ock and open cash box door. Remove
spare parts stored in cash box.
10. Unl ock and op en fron t door. Let i t rest on su ppor t chai ns. Insp ect cab inet i nteri or for signs o f damage.
Ensure all major assemblies are mounted securely.
Cabinet is top heavy. Do not push against plastic parts during movement
6 Midway Games West Inc.
Chapter 1 Setup
11. Refer to Cabinet Wiring Diagram (Wiring Chapter), and ensure all cable connectors are correctly
secured. Do not force connectors, which are keyed to fit in only one location. Bent pins and reversed connections may damage your game and void the warranty.
12. Pl ace one loc kwasher and one flat wash er onto eac h bolt in spa re part s bag. Align contr ol se ction hol es
with main cabinet holes. Install one bolt with its washers through control section and into each threaded cabinet hole. Tighten all bolts securely.
13. Place one cover cap washer onto each screw in spare parts bag.
14. Locate wood filler panel inside control section. Reach inside coin door to retrieve.
15. Pl ac e wood fi ller panel over bolt access openi ng in cont rol sec ti on. Ali gn wood filler panel holes with
control section h o le s. Ins ta ll one screw with its wa sher t h r ough wood filler panel and i nto each control section hole. Repeat installation for remaining wood filler panel, then tighten screws firmly. Snap dec­orative cover caps over screws.
16. Locate line cord in spare parts. Match holes on IEC plug with prongs in receptacle and push firmly to
seat line cord. Route cord away from cabinet wheels and heavy foot-traffic areas.
17. Plug game into a grounded (3-terminal) AC wall outlet. Switch AC power on at ON/OFF switch on
center left rear of cabinet. Gauntlet: Dark Legacy powers up and begins self-diagnostics. If no errors are found, Attract Mode begins.
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy 7
Chapter 1 Setup
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8 Midway Games West Inc.
the right to make improvements in equipment function, design, or components as progress in engi­neering or manufacturing methods may warrant.
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy 9
Information in this manual may c hange without no tice. Midway Games West In c. reserves
Chapter 2 Service
Only qualified service personnel should perform maintenance and repairs. The following product guide­lines apply to all game operators and service personnel. Specific notes, cautions and warnings appear throughout this manual. Read safety information in Setup Chapter thoroughly before beginning service.
Control Panel
Switch off AC power. Remove screws along curved front edge of control panel. Protect speaker grilles where joysticks will touch. Grip joysticks and carefully tilt control panel back on its hinge.
T o r et urn c ontro l pane l to n ormal posi tion, sl owly lean it f orwa rd unt il it r ests on c abinet . Do not let pan el slam down onto control bas e. Fi x boun d or pi nched wires before re-install ing screws. Rotate each joysti ck and verify motion is smooth and does not bind.
Coin Mechanism
Switch off AC power. Unlock and open coin door. Unlatch and remove each coin mechanism separately to clean or replace with a different type. Ensure mechanism seats properly in holder upon reinstallation. Close and lock release latch, then close door. Turn on AC power and change mechanism setup, then test known good and bad coins to verify operation.
Dollar Bill Validator
(Use MARS AE2411-U3 or other U.L. Recognized currency changer)
Install dollar bill validators or other currency acceptors in games manufactured with additional wiring connector. Turn AC power off and unplug line cord. Unlock and open coin door. Read door label for addi­tional information . Remov e nuts , spac ers , and c over p late from do or. Change s witch sett ing or other ad just ­ments before mounting unit. If manufacturer has supplied an adapter plate, place it over door cutout.
Install spacers on threaded studs, then align validator mounting holes with studs and seat unit in door opening. Install nuts and tighten firmly. Attach ground wire (green with yellow stripe) lug to door ground stud next to hinge. Mate wiring harnesses and press to fully seat connectors. Route wires away from door edges and hinge. Check for proper bill chute alignment. Plug in line cord and turn on AC power. Change mechanism setup and pricing, then test known good and bad bills to verify proper operation. Close and lock coin door when correct.
Front Housing/Marquee Assembly
Switch off AC power. Unlock and open front cabinet door until it rests on chains. Unlatch front housing and gently pull out on bottom, swinging it up towards the control section. Remove free end of prop rod from retainer at left side of monitor shelf and swing up until it rests in rod bracket on lower right side of front housing. Disconnect fluorescent light harness. Remove prop rod and snap into retainer before lower­ing housing to its previous position. Have someone hold housing from control panel side while removing three screws holding hinge to top of cabinet. Place housing face down on a workbench for service. Do not overtighten hinge screws during reinstallation.
Viewing Glass
Switch off AC power. Remove front housing and marquee assembly. Set assembly on a workbench. Remove metal bracket between viewing window and marquee. Remove metal bracket under window. Lift
10 Midway Games West Inc.
Chapter 2 Service
viewing glass out of front housing. Clean glass before reinstalling. Install bracket and tighten screws. Do not use excessive force.
Switch off AC power. Open front cabinet door and prop up front housing. Disconnect fluorescent light harness. Remove Front Housing/Marquee Assembly and place on a workbench. Remove metal bracket between viewing window and marquee. Remove metal bracket at top of marquee opening. Lift glass and artwork out from front housing. Clean glass before reinstalling. Tighten screws.
Fluorescent Light Assembly
Switch off AC power. To change starter or b ulb, open front cabinet door and prop up front hous ing. Grasp bulb at each end and give it a quarter turn. Gently pull bulb straight out to remove from sockets. Starter
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy 11
If a dropped fluorescent tube or a CRT breaks, it will implode. Use care in handling.
Chapter 2 Service
also requires quarter turn for removal. Do not force bulb or starter during reinstallation. Clean bulb to remove fingerprints a nd dust. Cl ose hous ing and t urn on AC powe r. Verify lamp lights before locking door.
To remove entire light fixture, open door and prop up housing. Disconnect fluorescent light assembly connector from power cable. Close and remove housing from cabinet, setting it on a workbench. Remove bulb. Remove screws that hold assembly to light cover, then lift out assembly. Ballast is in the base.
Instruction Overlay and Mini Marquee
Remove eight screws from speaker panel. Lift cover up and off to expose instruction overlay and mini marquee. Bulbs may be removed from strip light assembly with a fuse puller when necessary.
Coin Counter
Switch off AC power. Unlock and open coin and cash doors. Meter is in a lower corner of the door open­ing. Record meter count before testing or replacing.
Disconnect wiring harnesses and ground wires to coin mechanisms. Reach through coin door and locate meter wires. Disconnect wires. Remove coin door mounting screws. Remove coin door and set on a work­bench. Remove meter mounting screws from front. Ensure replacement unit has a diode across the termi­nals. Remember to reconnect wiring harnesses and ground wire upon reinstallation.
Switch off AC power. Protect speaker gr illes an d open contro l panel. Mark an d discon nect wiring har ness at joystick. Remove fasteners and separate joystick from panel. Remove E-ring and stop spacer from end of joystick shaft, then grasp knob and extract stick from the assembly. Remove corner screws to free slide carriage and stop piece from joystick top. This exposes centering grommet. Do not cross-thread screws during reassembly.
Switch off AC power. Two full range speakers are mounted behind grille at top of the control section. Grill and speakers come out th e front. Remove sc rews and set gr ille asi de. Always remove upper mounting screws first and replace them last to avoid damaging speaker.
Remove speakers from enclosure and disconnect wires. Refer to Cabinet Wiring Diagram for speaker wiring information. Do not use excess force when removing or tightening mounting screws threaded into plastic.
Switch off AC power. Open front cabinet door . Move moni tor r emote b oard an d wiri ng harn ess an d place it in monitor assembly. (Monitor remote adjustment board is behind front door.) Disconnect fluorescent light assembly connector and all monitor cables. Remove front housing hinge screws and set housing aside. Remove monitor bezel and all barrier panels. Remove four flange nuts securing monitor mounting
12 Midway Games West Inc.
Chapter 2 Service
brackets to mounting panel. Pull monitor carefully from cabinet and set in safe place. Clean CRT face before rein stalling barrier panels and monitor bezel.
itor when you remove it from cabinet.
when operating outside the cabinet or servicing the monitor on a test bench, you must isolate monitor from line voltage with an isolation transformer
Vid eo moni tor is heavy , with most we ight t oward front of assembly. Firmly support mon-
Monitor does not require isolation from AC line voltage in normal operation. However,
Open control panel. Mark and disconnect wiring harness at the switches. Bend large prong away from each switch just enough to slide switch off housing. Separate each switch from its button. Mark switches and harnesses with player numbers and lay them inside control panel box. Unscrew mounting nut from housing. Remove button housing through switch hole from front of control panel.
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy 13
Chapter 2 Service
CPU Board Assembly
Switch off AC power . Open fr ont door . Remove gr oundplane cover to expose Electroni cs Assembly. Note orientation of JAMMA connector and other cables. Extract harness and hard disk drive ribbon cable from board connectors. Remove gr ound pla ne moun ting s crews. Sl ide ent ire e lectroni cs ass embly out of cabi net and set in static-free place. Disconnect VGA connector. Remove mounting screws from circuit boards. Carefully remove Sound I/O Boa rd, pull ing gentl y to discon nect P CI e dge con nector from CPU Board. Set Sound I/O board in static-free place. Carefully remove CPU Board, pulling gently to disconnect from Video Card. Use anti-static bags and protective containers from new parts to store board, if not reinstalled.
Sound I/O Assembly
Switch off AC power. Open front door. If used, remove metal cover top to expose Electronics Assembly. Carefully note orientation of JAMMA connector and other cables. Extract harness and hard disk drive rib­bon cable from board connectors. Remove groundplane mounting screws. Slide entire electronics assem­bly from cabinet and set in a static-free place. Remove mounting screws from circuit board. Carefully remove Sound I/O Board, pulling gently to disconnect PCI edge connector from CPU Board. Use anti-
static bags and protective containers from new parts to store board if not reinstalled.
14 Midway Games West Inc.
Chapter 2 Service
Hard Disk Drive
Switch off AC power. Unlock and open front cabinet door until it rests on chains. Remove metal cover from electronics assembly. Disconnect power cable from hard disk drive. Unplug ribbon cable from hard drive and leave attac hed to CPU board. Remove screws and lif t d ri ve a sse mbly f r om c abi ne t. Do no t stack or drop drives. Store drives in anti-static bags or approved shipping containers.
drop hard disk drives. Store unused hard disk drives in anti-static bags.
Hard disk drives are fragile. Never move cabinet while AC power is on. Never stack or
Video Card
Switch off AC power. Open front door. If used, remove metal cover top to expose Electronics Assembly. Disconnect VGA connector. Remove screws holding Video Card to groundplane. Carefully slide Video Card away from CPU Board, disconnecting PCI edge connector. Use anti-static bags and protective con­tainers fro m new parts to store board i f not reinstalled.
ROM (Read Only Memor y) circuits contain computer operating instructions. Switch off AC power. Care­fully note position, then remove using chip extraction tool.
To reinstall memory circuits, orient chip over its socket and press firmly to seat pins. Do not force.
Power Supply
Switch off AC power and disconnec t li ne cor d. Unlo ck and ope n fron t door. Unplug IEC connector from top of supply and wiring har nes ses from back. Disconnect DC. power cabl e f ro m har d di sk dr ive. Remove two rear screws from supply, then slide from cabinet. Verify line voltage switch setting before reinstalling power supply.
Do this before touching or handling electronic assemblies.
Discharge any static electricity built up in your body by touching power supply chassis.
Switch off AC power. Unlock and remove rear door. Remove perforated metal cover. Battery is mounted on top of integrated circuit at Sound I/O Board Assembly location U28. Use chip extraction tool to grasp battery edges and pull up firmly to remove device. Set aside with pins facing up. When installing new bat­tery, align key with slot in integrated circuit.
composition. These batteries are designed for very long life. Do not attempt to recharge. Avoid direct shorts across terminals or from terminals to ground. Remove from their holders and store in a safe place until repairs are complete. Dispose of used batteries according to manufacturer's instructions
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy 15
To avoid explosion, replacement batteries must match original in size, voltage rating, and
Chapter 2 Service
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16 Midway Games West Inc.
the right to make impro vements in equip ment funct ion, des ign, or componen ts as progr ess in engineer­ing or manufacturing methods may warrant.
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy 17
Information in this manual may change without notice. Midway Games West Inc. reserves
Chapter 3 System
Each time the game is f ir st tu rned on or power is restor ed, it beg ins executing code out of the boo t ROM. These self-diagnostic tests automatically verify and report condition of the hardware and the disk drive. The screen is blank durin g these tests. If any of the individual tests fails, the n an error message will be di s­played for each test. The message will be displayed for 30 seconds or until any button is pressed.
• If no buttons are pressed, the system will quickly complete all tests then load and run the game.
• Press and hold the TEST button inside the coin door to skip the boot ROM tests and activate the Menu System.
Once all Power-up tests have been passed, the game goes into Attract Mode. Scenes and sounds from a typical game are alternated with previous high scores in an endless pattern until game play starts.
Insert currency to start game. Play begins after a mission is chosen. The game progresses until time runs out. If no more play is requ ired, the game automatica lly returns to the "attract mode".
Play instructions are on information panel between speakers. Up to four players at a time can explore a world, facing hordes of monsters, searching for treasure, avoiding traps, finding and using magic, and adventuring their way to the exits.
Players choose from eight charact ers (a nd, lat er, eight alternat e chara cter s) to fa ce the hor des o f monsters that have overrun the land of Gauntle t. With more than 100 uni que monst ers a nd 10 int imidat ing bos s char ­acters, players have their hands full, defeating each of the eight world bosses and collecting keys before meeting the demon Skorne. Fol lowing Skor ne’s defeat, player s must defea t him yet ag ain in an un derworld level, after which they face the evil overlord Garm. Numerous power-up enhan cements are scattered throughout the land to help players get to the finish.
Players can save their character with player IDs. One password saves all eight different characters. Dur­ing game variable selection, players simply enter their initials and their own 3-letter player ID that they choose. The charact er s, wi th the ir exp eri ence levels and current ra ti ngs for strength, speed, t ough nes s, and magic are automatically saved along with any Rune Stones players find.
To access the alternate characters, players first build characters to level 10. Depending upon which char­acter they have played, they then can choose to play as the Minotaur (Warrior), Falconess (Valkyrie), Jackal (Wizard), Tigress (Archer), Hyena (Jester), Ogre (Dwarf), Medussa (Sorceress), and Unicorn (Knight).
To defeat Garm, players must find all 13 Rune Stones and defeat Skorne twice. Three Stones are hidden in each world. Upon finding a Stone, a character is saved permanently with a password.
There are over 35 unique spec ial weap ons found through out the game th at will hel p players i n their ques t. These power-ups are found in chests and barrel s, in nooks and crannies, an d even in plain view and can b e bought with gold in the Shop.
18 Midway Games West Inc.
Chapter 3 System
Insert currency to start game. Select a joystick/button co mbination a nd press START. Select a password , character, and journey. In multi-player games the first to select a journey determines everyone’s path. On­screen life counters decrease as characters are wounded until they reach zero, at which point the player must deposit more coins to continue. You can continue playing after others drop out. When coins are inserted, the character joins in the mi ddle of the ac tion.
START buttons let players begin or continue play and also select items from the service menu.
FIGHT/MAGIC/TURBO Buttons attach enemies. Players access special turbo movies by pressing TURBO and FIGHT at the same time when their "fight bar" has been charged up.
Magic is used by pressing TURBO + MAGIC and FIGHT + MAGIC during game play.
Between levels, players redeem accumulated gold for valuable power-ups and things that will enhance their characters like str eng th, tou ghness, speed, and magic.
JOYSTICKS advance a character along a journey and select items from service menu.
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy 19
Chapter 3 System
Operators have lock-and-key access to the menu system for statistics, adjustments, and testing to prevent tampering. On-screen messages guide the operator through menu options.
Cabinet Switches
The Power Switch (located on the power supply at the rear of the cabinet) turns off the game during ser­vice. It does not reset the game variables.
Monitor Remote Adjustments
The Monitor Remote Adj ustment Board (locat ed just behin d the coin do or) set s the video displ ay for opti ­mum viewing.
Control Switches
Volume Down and Volume Up But to ns ( m ount ed on a bracket behind the c oin door) increase or de cre ase game sound levels.
NOTE Attract Mode volume is set as a percentage of Game Mode volume. When volume up/down but­tons are pressed during Attract mode the volume is temporary set to game volume.
For greater profits, adjust volume levels to a loud setting to draw attention to this game.
T est Mode Button The Test Mode push-button switch enters the menu syst em. Press the Test Mode button briefly to run automatic tests. To make changes, press and hold Test until the system menu is displayed.
Service Credit Button: this button allots credits without changing the game's bookkeeping total.
These buttons may also be used instead of the control panel buttons and joystick when operating the menu system.
20 Midway Games West Inc.
+ 42 hidden pages