Atari Asteroids Service manual

3rd printing
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and Service Manual
Complete with Illustrated Parts Lists
Your games serial number is located on the outside rear of the game. The same number is also stamped on the chassis of the TV monitor, Game PCB and Regulator/Audio PCB. Please mention this number whenever calling your distributor for service.
Published by:
1265 Borregas Avenue P. O. Box 427 Sunnyvale, California 94086
Operation, Maintenance
and Service Manual
Complete with Illustrated Parts Lists
Copyright © 1979 by Atar i, Inc. All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced by any mechanical,
photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic re cording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or other wise copied for public or private use, without permission from the publisher.
Lithogra phe d in the U.S.A.
A W a r n e r C om m unica t i ons Comp a ny
Ast e roid s
Table of Contents
1 Location Setup
A. New Parts................................................................................................... 1
B. Game Inspection....................................................................................... 3
C. Game Installation....................................................................................... 3
1. Voltage Selection...............................................................................
2. Interlock and Power On/Off Switches
3. Game Fuses.........................................................................................5
D. Self-Test Procedure.....................................................................................5
E. Game P lay...................................................................................................8
1. Attract Mode.........................................................................................8
2. Ready-to-Play M od e.............................................................................8
3. Play Mode.............................................................................................8
4. High Score Initial M od e.......................................................................9
. .
. .
2 Maintenance and Repair
A. Cleaning................................................................................................... 12
B . Fuse Replacement.....................................................................................12
C. Opening the Control Panel .......................................................................12
1. Leaf Switch Replacement...................................................................12
2. LED Switch Replacement...................................................................12
D. TV Monitor Replacement...........................................................................14
E. Printed Circuit Board Replacement F. Fluorescent Tube Replacement
G. Game Operation.........................................................................................16
.............................................................. 1 6
3 Illustrated Parts Lists
Lis t of Illustrations
Figure 1 Overview of G am e.................................................................................. 2
Figure 2 Installation Requirements...................................................................... 3
Figure 3 Power Supply.......................................................................................... 4
Figure 4 Interlock and Power On/Off Switches.................................................... 4
Figure 5 Location of Self-Test Switch, Volume Control and Option Switches . 5
Figure 6 Self-Test Procedure................................................................................ 6
Figure 7 Option Switch Settings.......................................................................... 7
Figure 8 Opening the Control Panel ....................................................................13
Figure 9 TV Monitor Removal................................................................................14
Figure 10 Game and Regulator/Audio PCB Replacement
Figure 11 Fluorescent Tube Replacement............................................................16
Figure 12 Power Distribution..................................................................................17
Figure 1 3 Signal Distribution..................................................................................18
Illustr a t ed Parts Lists:
Figure 1 4 Final Assembly........................................................................................20
Figure 1 5 Control Panel Assem bly........................................................................22
Figure 16 Asteroids Game PCB Assem bly
Figure 17 Regulator/Audio PCB Assembly............................................................28
Figure 18 Power Supply Assembly for X-Y Gam es................................................30
Figure 19 Main Harness and Component Assembly............................................32
Figure 20 Fluorescent Light Assem bly..................................................................33
Figure 2 1 Coin Door Assem bly..............................................................................34
Figure 22 Front Bezel Assembly............................................................................36
Figure 23 New Coin Door........................................................................................38
........................................................... 24
Ast er o id s
Ast er o id s
---------------------------------------- NOTE----------------------------------
If reading through this manual does not lead to solving a certain maintenance problem, call Tele-Help at the Atari Customer Service office in your geographical area, as shown in one of the two maps below. Order all parts from the California office.
Parts for all Atari Customers. Sales and Service.
Atari Coin-Ορ Customer Service 1344 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Telex 17-1103
(Monday - Friday, 7:30 - 4:00 pm Pacific Time)
From California, Alaska or Hawaii
** (408) 745-2900
From anywhere else in this area
** toll-free (800) 538-1 611
Sales and Service Only
Atari Inc. New Jersey Customer Service Office Cottontail Lane, Somerset, NJ 08873
Telex 37-9347 (Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 5:00 pm Eastern time)
From New Jersey
** (201) 469-5993
From anywhere else in this area
* * toll-free (800) 526-3849
A. New Parts
The Asteroids game has three new parts. If you have worked on Atari games in the past, then you should be aware of these important differences. The new parts are:
Power Supply Assembly. It covers a wider
voltage range than before, has higher reliability, a smaller overall size, and all fuse numbers and fuse amperages are marked directly on the metal chassis.
Game PCB Circuitry and TV Monitor. Most video
games to date have used the raster scan method of display. This game uses vector generation with X and Y axes to allow greater contrast, a greater number of moving objects on the screen, and lines at any angle to be drawn on the screen.
Throughout this manual, wherever one of these three new parts is mentioned, you will see this sym bol in the page margin:
Ast e roid s
Figure 1 Overview of Game
Ast e roid s
B . Game Inspection
This new game is ready to play upon removal from the shipping carton. However, your careful inspec tion is needed to supply the final touch of quality control. Please follow these steps to help us insure that your new game was delivered to you in good condition.
Do not plug the game in yet!
1. Examine the exterior of the game cabinet for
dents, chips, or broken parts.
2. Unlock and open the access panel of the cabinet and inspect the interior of the game as follows: a. Check that all plug-in connectors (on the
game harness) are firmly seated. Replug
any connectors found unplugged. DONT
FORCE CONNECTORS TOGETHER. The connectors are keyed so they only go on in the proper orientation. A reversed edge connector will damage a PCB.
b. Check that all plug-in integrated circuits
on the game PCB are firmly seated in their sockets.
To avoid possible unpleasant electrical shock, do not touch internal parts of the TV monitor with your hands or metal ob jects held in your hands!
C. Game Installation
Figure 2 Installation Requirements
Humidity Space Required Game Height
1 . Voltage Selection
Before plugging in your game, make sure that the voltage selection plug on the power supply (see Figure 3) is correct for your locations line voltage. Check the wire color on the plug and see if it is cor rect per the list below.
Line Voltage Range Voltage Selection Plug Color
90-110 VAC (100) Violet 105-135 VAC (120) Yellow 200 - 240 VAC (22 0) Blue 220 - 260 VAC (240) Brown
2. Interlock and Power On/Off
17 5 watts
Oto 38° C (32 to 10F)
Not over 95% relative
65 x 79 cm (251/2 x 31 in.)
184 cm (721/2 in.)
c. Note the location of the games serial
number it is on the metallic label on the
back of the game cabinet. Verify that the serial numbers also stamped on the Game PCB , Regulator/Audio PCB and TV Monitor are all identical. A drawing of the serial number locations is on the inside front cover of this manual. Please mention this number whenever you call your distributor for service.
d. Check all major subassemblies such as the
power supply, control panel and TV monitor for secure mounting.
To minimize the haz ar d of electrical shock while working on the inside of the game cabinet, two inter lock switches have been installed (see Figure 4) . One is located behind the access panel and one is behind the coin door. These switches remove all AC line power from the game circuitry when a door is opened.
Check for proper operation of the interlock
switches by performing the following steps:
1. Unlock and open the access panel and the coin
2. Plug the AC line power cord into an AC outlet.
3. Close the access panel and coin door.
Figure 3 Power Supply
Figure 4 Interlock and Power On/Off Switches
Ast er o id s
4 . Set the power on/off switch to the on position.
Within 30 seconds the TV monitor should display a picture.
5 . Slowly open the rear access panel. The TV
monitor picture should disappear when the
panel is opened approximately 2.5cm ( 1 inch). Close and lock the access panel and repeat this step with the coin door.
6 . If the results of step 5 are satisfactory, the inter
lock switches are operating properly. If the TV monitor doesnt go off as described, check to see if the corresponding interlock switch is broken from its mounting or stuck in the on position.
3. Game Fuses
For continued protection of your game, as well as for the safety of the players, fuses must be replaced only with fuses with identical ratings. These ratings are shown in Figure 18. See the Schematic Drawing Package for fuse functions.
Information on the TV monitor fuses is contained in the TV monitor manual that is supplied with this game.
D. Self-Test Procedure
This game will test itself and provide data to demonstrate that the games circuitry and controls are operating properly. The data is provided on the
TV monitor and the game speaker; no additional equipment is necessary.
Part of the self-test procedure includes a display of the operator-selectable game options. Therefore, we suggest you run the self-test procedure anytime you need to change the games options.
To run the self-test, follow the instructions out
lined in Figure 6.
Figure 5 Location of Self-Test Switch, Volume Control and Option Switch
Ast e roid s
Figure 6 Self-Test Procedure
1. Set self-test switch to on posi tion (see Figure 5) .
TV monitor displays
picture as shown in Figure 7.
RAM F A I L U R E is indicated by a sequence of from 1 to 6 tones. A low-frequency
tone is heard for each good RAM chip. A much lower frequency is heard for a failing RAM chip. The sequence stops with the last failing RAM chip. To restart the sequence, press the Reset pushbutton on the game PCB or set the self-test switch to off, then again to the on position. Identify the bad RAM chip with table below. Example: Three tones, then a tone of much lower frequency indicates failure of RAM chip R4.
TO N E #
RO M/P RO M FA I LURE is indicated by two columns or lines of numbers in the
upper left-hand corner of the display. The number in the left column or first line indicates the failing ROM/PROM chip(s). Identify the bad ROM/PROM with table below. The number in the right column or second line indicates the failing data bit of the failing ROM/PROM. Identify the bad bit with the second table below. If more than one bit is failing, the displayed number(s) are hexadecimal combinations of the numbers shown below. Examples:
1) If bits D2 and D3 fail, C is displayed.
2) If bits D2, D3 and D7 fail, 8C is displayed.
3) If bits D4 and D5 fail, 30 is displayed.
4) If bits D1, D3, D5 and D6 fail, 6A is displayed
D2 E2 M4 R4 N4 P4
2. Activate all control panel and coin door switches. When satisfied with test, set self-test switch to off posi tion.
1 PLAYER START and 2 PLAYER START LEDs are lighted. High- pitched click for each activated switch.
0 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
1 2 D1 4 8 D3
10 20 D5 40 D6 80 D7
ERROR message at lower middle of display.
1 PLAYER START and/or 2 PLAYER START LEDs not lighted. High-pitched click sound is not heard for any particular switch.
N/ P3
K4, L4
F2, L1
H2, J1
K1, J2
DO D2 D4
F2, H1
L2, L1
H2, J1
M2, M1
J2, K1
N2, N1
Figure 7 Option Switch Settings
To change toggle positions of the switch assembly, you need not remove the game PCB. The switch, usually col ored blue, is easily accessible when the game PCB is mounted in place.
Ast e ro i d s
When changing the options, verify proper results on the
TV monitor display during self-test. A switch toggle in the on position is indicated by a 0 for that switch on the TV
monitor display. A switch in the off position is indicated by
the number 1.
Toggle Settings of 8-Toggle Switch
7 6 5 4 3 2
On On
Off On 1 Coin* for 1 Play
Off Off Off
on Game PCB
Off Off
On Off
On On Right Coin Mech x 1
On Off Right Coin Mech x 4 Off On Right Coin Mech x 5 Off Off
Sugg ested settings ar e shown in i llust rat i on at r i g ht.
* Note: In the U.S. and Germany only, a coin is defined as 25® or 1 DM. If your game also has $1, 2 DM or 5 DM mechanisms, you must set the center and right coin mechanism factors as per your choice.
English German French Spanish
4-Ship Game 3-Ship Game
Center Coin Mech x 1 Center Coin Mech x 2
(B oth settin gs are for left mech , if a 2-mech doo r )
Right Coin Mech x 6 Free Play
1 Coin* for 2 Plays 2 Coins* for 1 Play
Photog raph above shows toggles 1, 2,
4-7 on, and to ggles 3 and β off.
Toggle Settings of 4-Toggle
Switch on Game PCB
4 3 2 1
On On Thai 1 Baht/1 Baht, German 1 DM/1 DM, U.S. 25Φ/25Φ,
Off On German 2 DM/1 DM, German 1 DM/5 DM, U.S.
On Off No coin d oor is c ur re nt ly d esign ed for t hi s confi gura
Off Off German 1 DM/2 DM/5 DM
For Games Having These Coin Doors:
Belgian or French 5 Fr/5 Fr, Swiss or French 5 Fr/5 Fr, U.S. 25Φ/25Φ/25Φ, Japanese Y100/Y100, Swedish 1 Kr/1 Kr, U.K. 10 P/10 P, Australian 20 1/20®, or Italian 100
L/100 L
25<t/25< t/$1, or U.S. 25<t/$1
tion .
All 3 coin mechanisms are same denomination; all register on one coin counter.
Left and center mechanisms are same denomination; right mech is another denomination. Requires two coin counters.
Left mech is one denomina tion; center and right mech are another denomination. Requires two coin counters.
Left, center and right mechs are 3 different denomina tions. Requires three coin counters.
Ast e ro i d s
E. Game Play
the center of the display. Four large asteroids ap pear and drift in from the outer edges of the display.
Ataris Asteroids game has five possible modes of operation: Attract, Ready-to-Play, Play, High Score Initial, and Self-Test. Self-test is a special
mode for checking the game switches and com puter functions. You may enter this mode at any
time. When entered, all game credits are cancelled.
1 . Attract Mode
The attract mode begins when power is applied to the game, after a play or high score initial mode, or after self-test. This mode is continuous and is only
interrupted when a coin is inserted and accepted or when in self-test. In this mode, the TV monitor displays two possible pictures. Both pictures have three score values across the top of the screen and a message that states the number of coins for a game. The middle score represents the high score to date. The left score is for player 1. The right score
is for player 2.
One picture displays asteroids and an occasional
enemy spaceship floating across the screen. The
second picture displays up to 10 of the highest scores since the game was last powered up or since the last self-test. These two displays alternate every
16 seconds.
2. R e a d y- to - P la y Mode
This mode begins when sufficient coins hav e been accepted for a one- or two-player game. It ends when the 1 PLAYER START or 2 PLAYER START pushbutton is pressed. When this mode begins, the message the center score at the top of the screen. The displayed pictures are otherwise the same as those shown in the attract mode.
PUSH START flashes immediately below
3. Play Mode
If the 2 PLAYER START pushbutton is pressed, the following picture is displayed: the PLAYER 1 and PLAYER 2 scores become 00, and the number of ships for the game appears below each score.
The player 1 score also flashes as the message
PLAYER 1 appears below the high score to date. Two seconds after the 2 PLAYER START pushbut ton is pressed, the PLAYER 1 message disappears. The game ship for player 1 appears at the center of the display as four large asteroids appear and drift in from the outer edges of the display.
By pressing the LEFT ROTATE and RIGHT ROTATE pushbuttons on the control panel, the player may aim a spaceship toward any of the
asteroids. By pressing the FIRE pushbutton, the
player may shoot at the asteroids.
When shot, each large asteroid divides into two
medium-sized asteroids and the game adds twenty points to the players score. Medium-sized asteroids, when shot, divide into two small-sized asteroids, and the player receives fifty points. Small sized asteroids, when shot, will completely disap pear, and the game awards 100 points to the player.
When players have shot all asteroids, a new set of
large asteroids again appear and drift in from the outer edges of the TV monitor display. At the begin ning of the game, four large asteroids appear. At the beginning of the next cycle when large asteroids reappear, there are six, the next time eight, and
thereafter ten to increase player challenge.
At any time during game play, a flying saucer may appear from either side of the display. The game awards players 200 points for shooting a large saucer and 1000 points for a small saucer. (The latter is a smaller target for players, though not any faster moving than the large one. It also shoots more ac curately.)
The play mode begins when either start push button is pressed. The mode ends when the player's last ship of the game is lost.
If the 1 PLAYER START pushbutton is pressed, the following picture is displayed: the PLAYER 2’s score disappears; the PLAYER 1s score becomes 00 , and the number of ships (3 or 4, depending on the operators setting) for the game appears below that score. The message PLAYER 1 also appears below the high score to date. Two seconds after pressing the 1 PLAYER START button the PLAYER 1 message disappears, and the game ship appears at
The players objective in the game is to shoot and destroy as many asteroids as possible before all his or her spaceships are destroyed. A ship is destroyed if an asteroid or saucer smashes into it, or if a flying saucer shoots it. To prevent losing a ship, the player may press the THRUST pushbutton to move out of
the path of an asteroid or saucer. As an emergency
maneuver, players can press the HYPERSP ACE pushbutton: the ship disappears and reappears at a random location on the display however, possibly right on top of, or in the path of, an asteroid. The ship may also explode on reentry.
A st eroi ds
The game awards an extra ship each time a player’s score reaches multiples of 10,000; i.e., one ship is awarded at 10,000 points, another ship at
20,000 points, etc.
When the last ship of the game is destroyed, the message GAME OVER appears below the high score. This message remains for 3 seconds before
the high score initial mode begins.
4. High Score Initial Mode
At the beginning of the high score initial mode,
the player instructions appear at the top of the
screen, and A
the display. Players enter initials one character at a
appears at the lower center of
time. By pressing the LEFT ROTATE pushbutton, the displayed character steps through the alphabet from A to Z. By pressing the RIGHT RO TATE
pushbutton, the character steps backwards through
the alphabet from A to a blank, then from Z to A.
Once the game displays the desired letter, players should press the HYPERSPACE pushbutton to record the letter; then an A appears in the next space.
If players need only two letters for their initials, they should use the blank between Z and A in one of
the three locations. Pressing the HYPER S PACE
pushbutton a third time will cause the initials and game score to b e transferred to the 10 highest scores listing that appears during the attract mode.
+ 33 hidden pages