Atag Blauwe Engel Installation And Servicing Instructions

These instructions to be retained by user.
CE PIN 0063AS3538
8G.51.28.01/04.03 We reserve the right to make changes
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 4
2 Regulations................................................................................................................................................. 4
4 Scope of the supply .................................................................................................................................... 5
5 Mounting of the boiler.................................................................................................................................. 5
5.1 Dimensions....................................................................................................................................... 6
6 Connecting the boiler .................................................................................................................................. 7
6.1 Central heating system ..................................................................................................................... 8
6.2 Expansion vessel .............................................................................................................................. 9
6.3 Underfloor heating systems (plastic pipes).......................................................................................10
6.4 Gas connection................................................................................................................................10
6.5 Hot water supply (S-HR-T)................................................................................................................11
6.6 Hot water supply S-HR 15, 24 and 35 ..............................................................................................11
6.7 Condensation drain pipe...................................................................................................................11
6.8 Flue gas exhaust system and air supply system .............................................................................12
7 External hot water cylinders.......................................................................................................................14
8 Electrical connection..................................................................................................................................14
9 Boiler controls ............................................................................................................................................16
9.1 Explanation of the function keys ......................................................................................................16
1 0 Filling and venting the boiler and installation...............................................................................................17
10.1 Central heating system ....................................................................................................................17
10.2 Hot water supply ..............................................................................................................................17
1 1 Commissioning the boiler..........................................................................................................................18
11.1 Central Heating system....................................................................................................................18
11.2 Hot water supply ..............................................................................................................................18
11.3 Adjustments ....................................................................................................................................18
1 2 Isolating the boiler ......................................................................................................................................21
13 Commissioning ..........................................................................................................................................22
13.1 Checking for contamination ..............................................................................................................22
13.2 Checking of the zero pressure control ..............................................................................................22
13.3 Checking the CO2............................................................................................................................23
14 Maintenance ..............................................................................................................................................24
14.1 The frequency of maintenance..........................................................................................................24
14.2 Maintenance activities......................................................................................................................24
14.3 Further checks.................................................................................................................................24
15 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................................25
1 6 Diagram showing various parts of the boiler ................................................................................................26
1 7 Example diagrams for connecting the boiler ...............................................................................................28
17.1 Radiator installation without thermostat valves..................................................................................28
17.2 radiator installation with thermostat valves only ................................................................................29
18 Error indication...........................................................................................................................................30
19 CE-Certificate United Kingdom ...................................................................................................................31
20 CE-Certificate Ireland .................................................................................................................................32
The appliance should only be installed by a Competent Gas Installer.
Installation instructions S-HR series page 3
1 Introduction
These instructions describe the functioning, installation, use and primary maintenance of ATAG central heating units for United Kingdom and Ireland. Where necessary different regulations of each country are separately described.
- Irish standard 813
- Domestic gas installations The current, Electricity at Work Regulation must be
complied with and also be in accordance with the relevant and current editions of the British Standards.
These instructions are intended for the use of Corgi registerd installers or registered Bord Gais installers in connection with the installation and putting into operation of ATAG units. It is advisable to read these instructions thoroughly, well in advance of installation. Separate instructions for use are supplied with the unit for users of ATAG central heating units. ATAG is not liable for the consequences of mistakes or shortcomings which have found their way into the installation instructions or user’s manual. Further, ATAG reserves the right to alter its products without prior notification.
When delivering the unit, give the customer clear instructions concerning its use; present the customer with the user’s manual and card.
Each unit is fitted with an identification plate. Consult the details on this plate to verify whether the unit is compliant with its intended location, e.g.: gas type, power source and exhaust classification.
On completion of the installation the installer or commissioning engineer must fill out and complete the Benchmark commission section of the boiler log book and hand to customer or end user for future record keeping. The Benchmark log book must also be filled out and completed by the service agent following each service call, and returned to the customer. A copy of the Benchmark commissioning certificate must be returned to ATAG Heating UK Ltd along with the warranty registration card to register the appliance for the standard warranty benefits.
2 Regulations
The ATAG Blauwe Engel boiler is a certified appliance and must not be modified or installed in any way contrary to this Installation Manual. Manufactures instructions must not be taken in any way as overriding statutory obligations.
The ATAG Blauwe Engel is a central heating unit with an optional integrated hot water function. These units must be connected according to these instructions and all installation norms in respect of the part of the unit to be connected.
Observe the following rules of safety:
- All work on the unit must take place in a dry environment.
- ATAG units may never be in operation without their housing, except in connection with maintenance or adjustments (see Chapter 13 and 14).
- Never allow electrical or electronic components to come into contact with water.
Carry out the following tasks in connection with maintenance, etc. to an already-installed unit:
- Shut down all programmes
- Close the gas tap
- Remove the plug from the wall socket
- Close the stop cock of the unit’s intake connection
Take note of the following when maintenance or adjustments are needed:
- The unit must be able to function during these activities; for this reason, the unit’s supply voltage, gas pressure and water pressure must be maintained. Ensure that these are not a source of potential danger during these activities.
The following regulations apply to installation of ATAG central heating units:
Legislation and Regulations. Gas Safety (Installation and Use). All gas appliances must by law, be installed by a competent person, eg. Members of CORGI and in accordance with the current Gas Safety Regulation. Failure to install appliance correctly could lead to prosecution.
In addition to the above regulations this appliance must be installed in compliance with the current IEE Regulations, the Building Standards (Scotland Consolidation) Regulations. Regulations and bye laws of the Local Water Authority and the Current Health and Safety Regulation.
Installation instructions S-HR series page 4
Following maintenance or other activities; always check the installation of all parts through which gas flows (using leak-search spray).
Following maintenance or other activities, always replace the housing and secure it with the screw behind the door at the front of the casing.
The following (safety) symbols may be encountered in these installation instructions and on the unit:
will only have to switch on once an hour. In this case the aim is to obtain maximum comfort and efficiency.
This symbol indicates that the unit must be stored away from frost.
This symbol indicates that the packaging and/or contents can be damaged as a result of insufficient care taken during transport.
This symbol indicates that, whilst still in its packaging, the unit must be protected from weather conditions during transport and storage.
KEY-symbol. This symbol indicates that assembly or dismantling, must be carried out.
ATTENTION symbol. This symbol indicates that extra attention must be paid in connection with a particular operation.
Danger: High Voltage!
3 Description of the appliance
The ATAG Blauwe Engel S-HR boiler is a room sealed, condensing and modulating central heating boiler, with or without an integrated hot water facility. The built-in fan sucks the combustion air from outside and provides full premixing of the gas and air. The gas mixture is guided through the ceramic burner which is fitted above the heat exchanger. As a result of the small flame height a compact construction is possible. The combustion gasses are exhausted after passing through the stainless steel heat exchanger. The formed condensate water is discharged through the waste trap.
The boiler has been tested according to valid CE* standards and has a CE* certificate and SEDBUK A­rating. The operating efficiency of the boiler is higher than 98% (on upper value Hs). As a result of its compact construction the radiation, convection and stand by losses are very low. The emission of damaging substances is far below the standard set for equipment with the gas quality-control label for clean combustion.
The boiler is provided with an automatic venting program. In case of a recently topped up or filled up installation this program takes care of the removal of any present air in the boiler. In this case the control will check the water pressure and if it is to low, will report this on the display.
In order to be able to anticipate installation heat emissions the boiler has been fitted with a proportional gradient control system. After the boiler goes into operation this control provides a uniform increase of power, instead of immediately burning at full power. When the installation does require full power the control will adjust as required. By this means a uniform increase of the water temperature is effected. If an outside sensor is connected, the control will operate weather-dependent. This means that the control measures the outside temperature and the flow water temperature. On the basis of this data the control calculates the optimal flow water temperature in the installation.
The S-HR-T combination boiler provides a hot water supply by means of a high output cylinder fitted on the right hand side of the boiler. An adjustable thermostatic mixing valve is fitted which provides a constant hot water temperature (60°C factory setting).
4 Scope of the supply
The boiler is supplied ready for use. The supply kit is composed as follows:
- Boiler with casing;
- Automatic vent (inside the boiler);
- Safety valve (inside the boiler);
- Suspension bracket
- Filling and draining valve with T-piece;
- Fixing material consisting of plugs and screws;
- Template on the package wrapper;
- Installation instructions
- Operating manual;
- Warranty card;
- Benchmark logbook.
5 Mounting of the boiler
The boiler can be mounted practically to any wall with the suspension bracket and the enclosed fixing equipment. The wall must be flat and of sufficient strength in order to be able to carry the boiler weight. Above the boiler there must be at least 250 mm working space in order to be able to fit a coaxial flue system or a twin supply. On the left side of the boiler at least 50 mm and on the right side 10 mm must be reserved in connection with fitting or removing of the casing. The location of the boiler can be determined by using the template located inside the boiler packaging.
The boiler anticipates the heat requirement of the central heating installation or the hot water supply. As a result the boiler will adjust its capacity to the installation and will switch on less often, which means that the boiler will operate longer and at a low level. It is possible that the boiler
Installation instructions S-HR series page 5
5.1 Dimensions
A thgieh
B htdiw
C htped
D cirtnecnocsageulf/edistfel
F tsuahxesageulf/kcab
G epipsag/edistfel
H epipwolf/edistfel
J epipnruter/edistfel
K epipnoitasnednoc/edistfel
L epipknatnoisnapxe/edistfel
M epipretawdloc/edistfel
N epipretawtoh/edistfel
P WHDepipnruter/edistfel
Q *gfothgnelepip
R *kdnacfothgnelepip
S *wdnae;r;ffothgnelepip
T *cepipfoertnec/kcab
U *gepipfoertnec/kcab
V *w;k;e;r;fepipfoertnec/kcab
Dimensions (* see figure 2) table 1
250 mm
Dimensions (in mm) figure 1
Installation instructions S-HR series page 6
connection diameters table 2
6 Connecting the boiler
The boiler has the following connection pipes;
- The central heating pipes.
These can be connected to the installation by means of compression fittings;
- The gas pipe.
It is provided with a female thread into which the tail piece of the gas valve can be screwed;
- The condensation drain pipe.
It consists of an oval 24 mm plastic pipe. The drain pipe can be connected to this by means of an open
g f r c e k w
connection. If the open connection is fitted in a different location, then the pipe can be lengthened by means of a 32 mm PVC sleeve;
- The flue gas exhaust system and air supply system.
It consists of a concentric connection 80/125 mm.
- Cold and hot water pipes. These consist of 15 mm copper pipe and can be connected to the installation by means of
compression fittings.
g f r c e d
boiler pipes bottom figure 2
When removing the plastic sealing caps from the pipes, contaminated testing water can be released.
It is advisable to spray-clean all of the unit’s connecting pipes and/or to spray-clean/blow­clean the installation before connecting it to the unit.
Installation instructions S-HR series page 7
6.1 Central heating system
The boiler pipes can be connected to the installation by means of compression fittings. Reducers should be used for connecting to thick-walled pipe (welded or threaded).
The boiler has a self-adjusting and self-protecting control system for the load and the pump capacity. By this means the temperature difference between the flow and return water is checked. The circulation pump will be able to supply the given water displacement with an installation resistance of up to 20 kPa, for this see table 3.
If the installation resistance is higher than the stated value
available water flow at full load table 3
07-021,23429152052 07-028,73762202002
D C°02T
If an unacceptable temperature is detected, then the control will repeatedly try to achieve water flow, and if this does not work then the boiler will switch off.
The S-HR 60 boiler has a circulation pump which has a residual suction head for the installation of 20 kPa. This means that the boiler can function normally in installations which have an installation resistance of up to 20 kPa and in cascade installations. If the installation resistance is higher than 20 kPa, the boiler will automatically reduce in power.
If the capacity of the boiler pump is insufficient, an extra external pump can be installed in series with the boiler. The electrical side of this external circulation pump can be connected in the Control Tower, by which means this pump switches at the same times as the boiler pump. The maximum absorbed current consumption of the external circulation pump may be 230 W (1 Amp). Use with a low velocity header can also be selected. In this case a larger secondary sided water output has to be taken into account, in order to affect the maximum water temperature.
the pump will rotate at maximum pump capacity and the load will be adjusted until an acceptable temperature difference between flow and return water has been obtained. If, after this, the temperature difference remains to much then the boiler will switch itself off and wait until an acceptable temperature has arisen.
100% UPER 20-70
100% UPER 20-60
25% UPER 20-70
25% UPER 20-60
S-HR 15, 24, 35
S-HR 24Ti, 35Ti
S-HR 51Ti
S-HR 51, 60
external installation pump in series figure 3
pump index lines graph 1
Installation instructions S-HR series page 8
6.2 Expansion vessel
All ATAG Blauwe Engel S-HR-24T and 35T boilers are provided with an expansion vessel on top of the cylinder. This expansion vessel is connected to the three-way valve and the circulation pump. By this means the expansion water, when functioning for the hot water supply, is prevented from being shut off from the expansion vessel when the radiator thermostat valves are fully closed. The ATAG Blauwe Engel S-HR 51T is provided with a expansion vessel connection. The expansion vessel of correct size must be connected to this pipe. A second expansion vessel in the installation is not a problem.
The ATAG Blauwe Engel S-HR boilers are not equipped with an expansion vessel connection. If a S-HR boiler is combined with an Comfort cylinder, the expansion vessel connection is included in the internal piping of the Comfort cylinder, to which the expansion vessel can be connected. If a different cylinder is used then one has to take into account that the expansion vessel should be connected between the three-way valve and the boiler circulation pump.
external installation pump with low velocity header figure 4
As standard the boiler is provided with a water filter in the return pipe of the boiler. With this, possible contamination of the central heating water is prevented from ending up in the boiler. The boiler is also provided with an internal safety valve set at 3 bar. This is connected to the waste discharge together with the condensation discharge.
If all, or a large part of the radiators are provided with thermostatic radiator valves it is advisable to use a pressure difference control (bypass) in order to prevent flow problems in the installation.
The boiler is designed to be used on sealed system only.
Additives in the installation water are only permitted in consultation with the country distributor.
When using more than one boiler in an installation please refer to the cascade installation instructions.
In connection with correct functioning of the boiler it is necessary for the expansion vessel to be connected to the expansion vessel pipe of the boiler.
The expansion vessel which is used should be geared to the water content of the installation. The pre-charge pressure depends on the installation height above the mounted expansion vessel.
choice of expansion vessel table 4
The ATAG S-HR24 and S-HR35 boilers can be provided with an expansion vessel module. By this means the external expansion vessel is cancelled. This expansion vessel module is placed behind the S-HR boiler, by which means the expansion vessel is not noticeable. If the S-HR boiler is provided with a ATAG Comfort cylinder the overall depth will be equal. The content of the two expansion vessels is 20 litres. The pre-charge pressure is 1 bar.
The expansion vessel module can be supplied with the necessary pipes to connect with the S-HR boiler. The connecting pipes for the installation correspond with those of the boiler and have the same centre-to-centre distance to the wall. When checking the expansion vessels these are accessible via the left, right and upper sides. From these sides the tanks are also removable and the boiler does not have to be dismantled.
Installation instructions S-HR series page 9
expansion vessel module figure 5
The space which is required for mounting the expansion vessel module corresponds with the required space for mounting an S-HR boiler. They included template and mounting strip for the S-HR boiler which can be used for the expansion vessel module. The S-HR boiler is fitted on to this after the expansion vessel module has been mounted. The necessary mounting strip for the boiler is present on the module. Article numbers:
- the expansion vessel module without pipe connections AA1EM09U
- pipe connections for expansion vessel module
side view of the module with S-HR boiler figure 7 (dimensions in mm)
6.3 Underfloor heating system (plastic pipes)
When connecting or using an underfloor heating system, designed with plastic pipes, or plastic pipes are used elsewhere in the installation,one should ensure that the plastic pipes used comply with the DIN 4726/4729 standard. It is set out in this standard that the pipes may not have oxygen permeability higher than 0.1 g/m³.d at 40°C. If the system does not comply with this DIN standard, the underfloor heating component will have to be separated from the central heating appliance by means of a plate exchanger.
No recourse can be made to the terms of the warranty in the event of failure to observe the regulations pertaining to plastic underfloor heating pipes.
front view of the expansion vessel module figure 6 (dimensions in mm)
Installation instructions S-HR series page 10
6.4 Gas connection
6.6 Hot water supply S-HR 15, 24 and 35
The appliance pipe is fitted with an internal thread, into which the tail piece of the gas tap can be screwed.
United Kingdom:
The gas supply must comply to the current Gas Safety Regulations.
- Irish standard 813
- Domestic gas installations
The connection to the appliance must include a suitable method of disconnection and a gas control cock must be installed adjacent to the appliance for isolation purposes. The nominal inlet working gas pressure measured at the appliance should be 20 mbar for Nat gas (G20).
Make sure that the gas pipe work does not contain dirt, particularly with new pipes.
6.5 Hot water supply (S-HR-T)
The sanitary water pipes can be connected to the installation by means of compression fittings. The cold water inlet on the S-HR-T boilers must be provided with the following (counted in the water flow direction):
- Dosing valve (supplied);
- Safety group;
- Expansion vessel 6bar (potable water, blue).
A dosing valve must be fitted in the cold water pipe. The dosing valve provides that a quantity of water is supplied which has a guaranteed outlet temperature of 60°C (assuming a cold water temperature of 10°C). The quantity of water is virtually unaffected by the water pressure. With a water pressure lower than 1.5 bar it is advisable to remove the inside mechanism of the dosing valve. Connecting of the drinking water installation should be done according to the national water laws.
Depending of the comfort preferences different external hot water cylinders can be connected to the boiler. The choice of the cylinder depends on the coil output. The coil output must comply with the boiler output. The S-HR 15, 24 and 35 are provided with an internal 3 way valve. The return pipe of the cylinder is simply connected to the connection under the boiler. The flow pipe of the cylinder must be connected to a T-piece in the flow pipe of the boiler. The electrical connection are already made on the connection terminal in the Control Tower. Only the wire of the cylinder sensor should be connected to the terminal. See the wiring diagram on page 14 and 15.
By the SH-R 51 and 60 with larger cylinder pipes (coil resistance) we recommend the use of a cylinder pump.
6.7 Condensation drain pipe
The collective condensation drain pipe should be connected to the drain by means of an open connection. By this means the possibility of drain gases ending up in the boiler is prevented. The drain connection should have a minimum diameter of 25 mm.
The following components are connected to the collective condensation drain pipe:
- Condensation discharge;
- Safety valve;
Draining of the condensation water to the external rain guttering is not permitted in view of the danger of freezing.
Before putting the boiler into operation fill the siphon with 300 ml of water.
Installation instructions S-HR series page 11
6.7 Flue gas exhaust system and air supply
The appliance connection diameter is 80 mm, to which the flue gas outlet and air supply system can be fitted, with or without elbow pieces. It is also possible to use a concentric connection. The maximum permissible pipe length is set out in Table 5. It is also possible to use a parallel pipe connection of 2x 80mm. In this case a seperate cover 125mm schould be ordered.
We recommend that you use a stainless steel flue gas outlet material. Using the ATAG icicle-free roof outlet prevents ice from building up on the roof outlet.
Flue systems must comply with the current regulations. It is essential that in practice, products of combustion discharging from the terminal cannot re- enter the buil­ding or any other adjacent building through ventilators, windows, doors, other sources of natural or mechanical air infiltration from forced ventilation or air conditioning systems.
United Kingdom:
The flue gas outlet and air supply installation must comply with the current regulation requirements. IG UP 10 and BS 715.
- Irish standard is 813 section 9.10.1
51RH-S 71
T42/42RH-S 71
T53/53RH-S 5,11
T15/15RH-S 5
06RH-S 5,2
°09dneb 2,1
°54dneb 0,1
length supply and exhaust system table 5
Horizontal sections of flue sections of the flue system should always be installed sloping towards the boiler, in order to avoid condensate lying in the flue system. The minimum gradient is 30mm/Mtr. With the condensate running back to the boiler the risk of ice forming at the terminal is reduced.
The terminal should be located where dispersal of combustion products is not impeded and with due regard for the damage or discolouration that might occur to building products in the vicinity (see fig 9). In certain weather conditions condensation may also accumulate on the outside of the air inlet pipe. Such conditions must be considered and where necessary insulation of the inlet pipe may be required.
figure 9
supply and exhaust system figure 8
Installation instructions S-HR series page 12
B sepipniardrosepiplios,srettugwoleb
C sevaewoleb
D foortropracroseinoclabwoleb
E sepipliosdnasepipniardlacitrevmorf
F srenroclanretxerolanretnimorf
G levelynoclabwolebrodnuorgevoba
H lanimretagnicafecafrusamorf
I lanimretagnicaflanimretamorf
K llawemasehtnolanimretamorfyllacitrev
L llawemasehtnolanimretamorfyllatnoziroh
M llawaotlanimretlacitrevamorfyllatnoziroh
Dimensions table 6
+ 25 hidden pages