ASUS RX-3042H User Manual

User's Manual
Revision 0.8
May 12, 2005
Table of Contents
1.1 Features ....................................................................1
1.2 System Requirements ...............................................1
1.3 Using this Document .................................................2
1.3.1 Notational conventions ............................................... 2
1.3.2 Typographical conventions .........................................
1.3.3 Special messages ...................................................... 2
2.1 Parts List ...................................................................3
2.2 Hardware Features ....................................................3
2.3 Software Features .....................................................3
2.3.1 NAT Features ............................................................. 3
2.3.2 Firewall Features ........................................................ 4 Stateful Packet Inspection .................................. 4 Packet Filtering – ACL (Access Control List) ......
4 Defense against DoS Attacks .............................
5 Application Level Gateway (ALG) .......................
6 Log ...................................................................... 6
2.4 Finding Your Way Around ..........................................7
2.4.1 Front Panel ................................................................. 7
2.4.2 Rear Panel ................................................................. 8
2.4.3 Bottom View ...............................................................
2.5 Placement Options ....................................................9
2.5.1 Desktop Placement .................................................... 9
2.5.2 Wall Mount Instructions: .............................................
3 Quick Start Guide ................................................ 11
3.1 Part 1 — Connecting the Hardware ........................11
3.1.1 Step 1. Connect an ADSL or a cable modem ............11
3.1.2 Step 2. Connect computers or a Network ................ 12
3.1.3 Step 3. Attach the AC adapter ..................................
3.1.4 Step 4. Power on RX3042H, the ADSL or cable
modem and power up your computers .................... 12
3.2 Part 2 — Configuring Your Computers ....................13
3.2.1 Before you begin ...................................................... 13
3.2.2 Windows® XP PCs: ..................................................
3.2.3 Windows® 2000 PCs: ............................................. 14
3.2.4 Windows® 95, 98, and ME PCs ............................... 15
3.2.5 Windows® NT 4.0 workstations: ..............................
3.2.6 Assigning static IP addresses to your PCs ...............
3.3 Part 3 — Quick Configuration of the RX3042H .......19
3.3.1 Setting Up the RX3042H .......................................... 19
3.3.2 Testing Your Setup ...................................................
3.3.3 Default Router Settings ............................................ 21
4 Using the Configuration Manager ...................... 23
4.1 Log into the Configuration Manager ........................23
4.2 Functional Layout ....................................................24
4.2.1 Menu Navigation ...................................................... 25
4.2.2 Commonly Used Buttons and Icons ......................... 25
4.3 Overview of System Configuration ..........................26
5 Router Setup ........................................................27
5.1 LAN Configuration ...................................................27
5.1.1 LAN IP Address ........................................................ 27
5.1.2 LAN Configuration Parameters ................................
5.1.3 Configuring the LAN IP Address ...............................
5.2 WAN/DMZ Configuration .........................................29
5.2.1 WAN Connection Mode ............................................ 29
5.2.2 PPPoE ...................................................................... 30 WAN PPPoE Configuration Parameters ...........
31 Configuring PPPoE for WAN ............................
5.2.3 PPPoE Unnumbered ................................................ 33 WAN PPPoE Unnumbered Configuration
Parameters ....................................................... 34 Configuring PPPoE Unnumbered for WAN ......
5.2.4 Dynamic IP ............................................................... 36 Configuring Dynamic IP for WAN ......................
5.2.5 Static IP .................................................................... 37 WAN or DMZ Static IP Configuration Parameters 37 Configuring Static IP for WAN or DMZ ..............
5.2.6 PPTP ........................................................................ 39 WAN PPTP Configuration Parameters .............
39 Configuring PPTP for WAN ...............................
5.3 WAN Load Balancing and Line Back Up ..................41
5.3.1 WAN Load Balancing and Line Back Up Configuration
Parameters .............................................................. 42
5.3.2 Setting Up WAN Load Balancing ............................
5.3.3 Setting Up WAN Line Back Up .................................
6 DHCP Server Configuration ................................45
6.1 DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) ..................45
6.1.1 What is DHCP? ........................................................ 45
6.1.2 Why use DHCP? ...................................................... 45
6.1.3 Configuring DHCP Server ........................................
6.1.4 Viewing Current DHCP Address Assignments .........
6.1.5 Fixed DHCP Lease ...................................................
48 Access Fixed DHCP Configuration Page – (Advanced ->DHCP Server
) ............................. 48
iv Add a Fixed DHCP Lease ................................. 49 Delete a Fixed DHCP Lease .............................
49 Viewing Fixed DHCP Lease Table ....................
6.2 DNS .........................................................................50
6.2.1 About DNS .............................................................. 50
6.2.2 Assigning DNS Addresses .......................................
6.2.3 Configuring DNS Relay ............................................
7 Routing .................................................................53
7.1 Overview of IP Routes .............................................53
7.1.1 Do I need to define static routes? ............................ 53
7.2 Dynamic Routing using RIP (Routing Information
Protocol) ..................................................................54
7.2.1 RIP Configuration Parameters ................................. 54
7.2.2 Configuring RIP ........................................................
7.3 Static Route .............................................................56
7.3.1 Static Route Configuration Parameters .................... 56
7.3.2 Adding Static Routes ................................................
7.3.3 Deleting Static Routes .............................................. 58
7.3.4 Viewing the Static Routing Table ..............................
8 Configuring DDNS ...............................................59
8.1 DDNS Configuration Parameters ............................60
8.2 Configuring HTTP DDNS Client ..............................
9 Configuring Firewall and NAT ............................63
9.1 Firewall Overview ....................................................63
9.1.1 Stateful Packet Inspection ........................................ 63
9.1.2 DoS (Denial of Service) Protection .......................... 64
9.1.3 Firewall and Access Control List (ACL) ....................
64 Priority Order of ACL Rule ................................
64 Tracking Connection State ................................
9.1.4 Default ACL Rules .................................................... 64
9.2 NAT Overview ..........................................................65
9.2.1 NAPT (Network Address and Port Translation) or PAT (Port Address Translation)
......................................... 65
9.2.2 Reverse NAPT / Virtual Server .................................
9.3 Firewall Settings – (Firewall/NAT ->Settings) ..........67
9.3.1 Firewall Options ....................................................... 67
9.3.2 DoS Configuration ....................................................
67 DoS Protection Configuration Parameters ........
68 Configuring DoS Settings .................................
9.4 ACL Rule Configuration Parameters .......................70
9.4.1 ACL Rule Configuration Parameters ........................ 70
9.5 Configuring ACL Rules – (Firewall ->ACL) ..............74
9.5.1 Add an ACL Rule ...................................................... 75
9.5.2 Modify an ACL Rule ..................................................
9.5.3 Delete an ACL Rule ..................................................
9.5.4 Display ACL Rules ....................................................
9.6 Configuring Self-Access ACL Rules –(Firewall/NAT
->Self-Access ACL) .................................................77
9.6.1 Add a Self-Access Rule ............................................ 78
9.6.2 Modify a Self-Access Rule ....................................... 79
9.6.3 Delete a Self-Access Rule ....................................... 79
9.6.4 View Configured Self-Access Rules .........................
9.7 Configure Virtual Server ..........................................80
9.7.1 Virtual Server Configuration Parameters .................. 80
9.7.2 Virtual Server Example 1 – Web Server ...................
9.7.3 Virtual Server Example 2 – FTP Server ...................
9.8 Configure Special Application ..................................85
9.8.1 Special Application Configuration Parameters ......... 86
9.8.2 Special Application Example .................................... 87
10 System Management ......................................... 89
10.1 Configure System Services ...................................89
10.2 Login Password and System Settings ...................90
10.2.1 Changing Password ............................................... 90
10.2.2 Configure System Settings .....................................
10.3 Viewing System Information ..................................91
10.4 Setup Date and Time .............................................
10.4.1 View the System Date and Time ............................ 93
10.5 SNMP Setup ..........................................................94
10.5.1 SNMP Configuration Parameters ........................... 94
10.5.2 Configuring SNMP ..................................................
10.6 Log Setup ...............................................................95
10.6.1 Setting Up Remote Logging Using a Syslog Server .. 95
10.6.2 View the System Log ..............................................
10.7 System Configuration Management ......................95
10.7.1 Restore System Configuration to Factory Default
Settings .................................................................. 96
10.7.2 Backup System Configuration ................................
10.7.3 Restore System Configuration ...............................
10.8 Firmware Upgrade ...............................................101
10.9 Restart System ....................................................103
10.10 Logout Configuration Manager ...........................
11 IP Addresses, Network Masks, and Subnets 105
11.1 IP Addresses ........................................................105
11.1.1 Structure of an IP address .................................... 105
11.2 Network classes ..................................................106
11.3 Subnet masks ......................................................
12 Troubleshooting ..............................................109
12.1 Diagnosing Problem using IP Utilities ................. 111
12.1.1 ping .......................................................................111
12.1.2 nslookup ................................................................112
13 Index ................................................................. 115
List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Front Panel LEDs .......................................................... 7
Figure 2.2 Rear Panel Connectors ................................................. 8
Figure 3.1 Overview of Hardware Connections ............................ 12
Figure 3.2 Login Screen ............................................................... 19
Figure 3.3 System Status Page .................................................... 20
Figure 4.1 Configuration Manager Login Screen .........................
Figure 4.2 Typical Configuration Manager Page ..........................
Figure 4.3 System Status Page .................................................... 26
Figure 5.1 Network Setup Configuration – LAN Configuration .....
Figure 5.2 Network Setup Configuration Page – WAN Configura-
tion .............................................................................. 30
Figure 5.3 WAN – PPPoE Configuration ......................................
Figure 5.4 WAN – PPPoE Unnumbered Configuration ................
Figure 5.5 WAN – Dynamic IP (DHCP client) Configuration ........
Figure 5.6 WAN – Static IP Configuration ....................................
Figure 5.7 WAN – PPTP Configuration ........................................
Figure 5.8 Load Balancing Configuration .....................................
Figure 6.1 DHCP Server Configuration Page ...............................
Figure 6.2 DHCP Lease Table ......................................................
Figure 6.3 Fixed DHCP Lease Configuration Page ......................
Figure 7.1 RIP Configuration Page .............................................. 54
Figure 7.2 Static Route Configuration Page ................................
Figure 7.3 Static Route Configuration .........................................
Figure 7.4 Sample Routing Table ................................................
Figure 8.1 Network Diagram for HTTP DDNS ..............................
Figure 8.2 HTTP DDNS Configuration Page ................................
Figure 9.1 NAPT – Map Any Internal PCs to a Single Global IP
Address .......................................................................
Figure 9.2 Reverse NAPT – Relayed Incoming Packets to the Internal Host Base on the Protocol, Port Number or
IP Address ...................................................................
Figure 9.3 Firewall General Configuration Page ..........................
Figure 9.4 ACL Configuration Page ..............................................
Figure 9.5 ACL Configuration Example ........................................
Figure 9.6 Sample ACL List Table ................................................
Figure 9.7 Self-Access ACL Configuration Page ..........................
Figure 9.8 Self-Access ACL Configuration Example ....................
Figure 9.9 Virtual Server Configuration Page ...............................
Figure 9.10 Virtual Server Deployment Topology .........................
Figure 9.11 Virtual Server Example 1 – Web Server ....................
Figure 9.12 Adding a New Service ...............................................
Figure 9.13 Virtual Server Example 2 – FTP Server ....................
Figure 9.14 Special Application Configuration Page ....................
Figure 10.1 System Services Configuration Page ........................
Figure 10.2 System Administration Configuration Page ...............
Figure 10.3 System Information Page .......................................... 92
Figure 10.4 Time Zone Configuration Page .................................
Figure 10.5 SNMP Configuration Page ........................................
Figure 10.6 Syslog Server Configuration .....................................
Figure 10.7 Sample Log ............................................................... 96
RX3042H User's Manual
Figure 10.8 Factory Reset Page .................................................. 97
Figure 10.9 Factory Reset Confirmation ......................................
Figure 10.10 Factory Reset Count Down Timer ...........................
Figure 10.11 Backup System Configuration Page ........................
Figure 10.12 Restore System Configuration Page .......................
Figure 10.13 Selecting System Configuration from the File Manager
Figure 10.14 System Configuration Restoration Confirmation ...
Figure 10.15 System Reboot Counter Timer ..............................
Figure 10.16 Firmware Upgrade Page ....................................... 101
Figure 10.17 Selecting Firmware from the File Manager ........... 102
Figure 10.18 Firmware Upgrade Confirmation ...........................
Figure 10.19 Firmware Upgrade Progress ................................. 102
Figure 10.20 System Reboot Count Down Timer for Firmware
Upgrade ................................................................. 103
Figure 10.21 Restart System Page ............................................ 104
Figure 10.22 Configuration Manager Logout Page ....................
Figure 10.23 Confirmation for Closing Browser (IE) ...................
Figure 12.1 Using the ping Utility ................................................111
Figure 12.2 Using the nslookup Utility .........................................113
List of Tables
Table 2.1 DoS Attacks .................................................................... 5
Table 2.2 Front Panel Label and LEDs ...........................................
Table 2.3 Rear Panel Labels and LEDs .........................................
Table 3.1 LED Indicators ..............................................................
Table 3.2 Default Settings Summary ............................................
Table 4.1 Description of Commonly Used Buttons and Icons ......
RX3042H User's Manual
Table 5.1 LAN Configuration Parameters ..................................... 28
Table 5.2 WAN PPPoE Configuration Parameters .......................
Table 5.3 WAN PPPoE Unnumbered Configuration Parameters .
Table 5.4 WAN Static IP Configuration Parameters .....................
Table 5.5 WAN PPTP Configuration Parameters .........................
Table 5.6 WAN Load Balancing and Line Back Up Configuration
Parameters ................................................................... 42
Table 6.1 DHCP Configuration Parameters ..................................
Table 6.2 Fixed DHCP Lease Configuration Parameters .............
Table 7.1 Static Route Configuration Parameters ........................
Table 7.2 Static Route Configuration Parameters ........................
Table 8.1 DDNS Configuration Parameters ..................................
Table 9.1 Firewall Options Parameters ........................................
Table 9.2 DoS Attack Definition ....................................................
Table 9.3 ACL Rule Configuration Parameters .............................
Table 9.4 Service Configuration Parameters ................................
Table 9.5 Virtual Server Configuration Parameters ......................
Table 9.6 Port Numbers for Popular Applications .........................
Table 9.7 Special Application Configuration Parameters ..............
Table 9.8 Port Numbers for Popular Applications .........................
Table 10.1 SNMP Configuration Parameters ................................
Table 11.1 IP Address Structure .................................................
RX3042H User's Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction
Congratulations on becoming the owner of RX3042H. Your LAN (local area network) will now be able to access the Internet using your high-speed broadband connection such as those with ADSL or cable modem.
This User's Manual will show you how to set up the RX3042H, and how to customize its configuration to get the most out of this product.
1.1 Features
• LAN: 4-port Fast Ethernet switch
• WAN: Dual 10/100Base-T Ethernet ports to provide Internet acc
ess for all computers on your LAN
• Firewall, and NAT (Network Address Translation) functions to provide secure Internet access for you
• Automatic network address assignment through DHCP Server Services including IP route, DNS and DDNS configuration
• Configuration program accessible via a web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or newer.
• User configuration dual-WAN or WAN plus DMZ support
• USB storage support (to be supported with firmware upgrade)
1.2 System Requirements
In order to use the RX3042H for Internet access, you must have the following:
ADSL or cable modem and the corresponding service up and running, with at least one public Internet address assigned to your WAN
• One or more computers each containing an Ethernet 10Base-T or 100Base-T or 1000Base-T network interface card (NIC)
(Optional) An Ethernet hub/switch, if you want to connect the router to more than four computers on an Ethernet network.
RX3042H User's Manual
• For system configuration using the web-based GUI: a web browser such as Internet Explorer 6.0 or newer.
1.3 Using this Document
1.3.1 Notational conventions
• Acronyms are defined the first time they appear in the text.
• For brevity, RX3042H is sometimes referred to as the “router” or the ”gateway”.
• The terms LAN and network are used interchangeably to refer to a group of Ethernet-connected computers at one site.
• Sequence of mouse actions is denoted by the “->” character. For instance,
System -> Network Setup
means click the
System menu
and then click the
Network Setup
1.3.2 Typographical conventions
type text is used for items you select from menus and drop-down lists, and text strings you type when prompted by the program.
1.3.3 Special messages
This document uses the following icons to call your attention to specific instructions or explanations.
Note: Provides clarification or non-essential information on the current topic.
Definition: Explains terms or acronyms that may be unfamiliar to many readers. These terms are also included in the Glossary.
Warning: Provides messages of high importance, including messages relating to personal safety or system integrity.
RX3042H User's Manual
Getting to Know RX3042H
Chapter 2 Getting to Know RX3042H
2.1 Parts List
In addition to this document, RX3042H should come with the following:
• The system unit
• AC adapter
• Ethernet cable (“straight-through” type)
2.2 Hardware Features
• 4-port Fast Ethernet switch
• Auto speed negotiation
• Dual 10/100M Ethernet ports
2.3 Software Features
2.3.1 NAT Features
RX3042H provides NAT to share a single high-speed Internet connection and to save the cost of multiple connections required for the hosts on the LAN segments connected to it. This feature conceals network address and prevents them from becoming public. It maps unregistered IP address of hosts connected to the LAN with valid ones for Internet access. RX3042H also provides reverse NAT capability, which enables users to host vario us services such as e-mail servers, web servers, etc. The NAT rules drive the translation mechanism. The following types of NAT are supported by RX3042H.
• NAPT (Network Address and Port Translation)– Also called IP Masqueradi ng or ENAT (Enhanced NAT). Maps many internal hosts to only one globally valid IP address. The mapping usually
Getting to Know RX3042H
RX3042H User's Manual
contains a pool of network ports to be used for translation. Every packet is translated with the globally valid IP address; the port number is translated with a free pool from the pool of network ports.
• Reverse NAPT – Also called inbound mapping, port mapping,or virtual server. Any packet coming to the router can be relayed to an internal host based on the protocol, port number and/or IP Address specified in the rule. This is useful when multiple services are hosted on different internal hosts.
2.3.2 Firewall Features
The firewall as implemented in RX3042H provides the following features to protect your network from being attacked and to prevent your network from being used as the springboard for attacks.
• Stateful Packet Inspection
• Packet Filtering (ACL)
• Defense against Denial of Service Attacks
• Log Stateful Packet Inspection
The RX3042H Firewall uses “stateful packet inspection” that extracts state-related information required for the security decision from the packet and maintains this information for evaluating subsequent connection attempts. It has awareness of application and creates dynamic sessions that allow dynamic connections so that no ports need to be opened other than the required ones. This provides a solution which is highly secure and that offers scalability and extensibility. Packet Filtering – ACL (Access Control List)
ACL rule is one of the basic building blocks for network security. Firewall monitors each individual packet, decodes the header information of inbound and outbound traffic and then either blocks the packet from passing or allows it to pass based on the contents of the source address, destination address, source port, destination port, and protocol defined in the ACL rules.
RX3042H User's Manual
Getting to Know RX3042H
ACL is a very appropriate measure for providing isolation of one subnet from another. It can be used as the first line of defense in the network to block inbound packets of specific types from ever reaching the protected network.
The RX3042H Firewallʼs ACL methodology supports:
• Filtering based on destination and source IP address, port number and protocol
• Use of the wild card for composing filter rules
• Filter Rule priorities Defense against DoS Attacks
The RX3042H Firewall has an Attack Defense Engine that protects internal networks from known types of Internet attacks. It provides automatic protection from Denial of Service (DoS) attacks such as SYN flooding, IP smurfing, LAND, Ping of Death and all re­assembly attacks. For example, the RX3042H Firewall provides protection from “WinNuke”, a widely used program to remotely crash unprotected Windows systems in the Internet. The RX3042H Firewall also provides protection from a variety of common Internet attacks such as IP Spoofing, Ping of Death, Land Attack, and Reassembly attacks.
The type of attack protections provided by the RX3042H is listed in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1. DoS Attacks
Type of Attack Name of Attacks
Re-assembly Attacks Bonk, Boink, Teardrop ( New Tear),
Overdrop, Opntear, Syndrop, Jolt, IP fragmentation overlap.
ICMP Attacks Ping of Death, Smurf, Twinge
Flooders Logging only for ICMP Flooder, UDP
Flooder, SYN Flooder
Port Scans Logging only for TCP SYN Scan,
At ta cking packe ts d ropped: TCP XMAS Scan, TCP Null Scan, TCP Stealth Scan
Protection with PF Rules Echo-Chargen, Ascend Kill
Miscellaneous Attacks IP Spoofing, LAND, Targa, Winnuke
Getting to Know RX3042H
RX3042H User's Manual
6 Application Level Gateway (ALG)
Applications such as FTP open connections dynamically based on the respective application parameter. To go through the firewall on the RX3042H, packets pertaining to an application, require a corresponding allow rule. In the absence of such rules, the packets will be dropped by the RX3042H Firewall. As it is not feasible to create policies for numerous applications dynamically (at the same time without compromising security), intelligence in the form of Application Level Gateways (ALG), is built to parse packets for applications and open dynamic associations. The RX3042H NAT provides a number of ALGs for popular applications such as FTP, and Netmeeting. Log
Events in the network, that could be attempts to affect its security, are recorded in the RX3042H system log file. The log maintains a minimum log details such as, time of packet arrival, description of action taken by Firewall and reason for action.
RX3042H User's Manual
Getting to Know RX3042H
Table 2.2 Front Panel Label and LEDs
LED Label Color Status
1 Power Green
ON RX3042H is powered on.
OFF RX3042H is powered off.
2 Status Green
USB Identifies the USB port.
1-2 Green
OFF USB device is not detected.
ON USB device is detected.
WAN Identifies the WAN port.
OFF No link is detected.
ON 100Mbps link is detected.
Blinking 100Mbps activity is detected.
ON 10Mbps link is detected.
Blinking 10Mbps activity is detected.
LAN Identifies the LAN port.
OFF No link is detected.
ON 100Mbps link is detected.
Blinking 100Mbps activity is detected.
ON 10Mbps link is detected.
Blinking 10Mbps activity is detected.
2.4 Finding Your Way Around
2.4.1 Front Panel
The front panel contains LED indicators that show the status of the unit.
Figure 2.1 Front Panel Label and LEDs
Getting to Know RX3042H
RX3042H User's Manual
Table 2.3 Rear Panel Labels and LEDs
Label Indication
6 1--4
LAN Ports: connect to your PC's Ethernet port, or to the uplink port on your LAN's hub/switch, using the Ethernet cable.
Dual WAN or
WAN ports:Connect to your WAN device, such as ADSL or cable modem.
USB Ports: connect to USB 1.1 OR 2.0 devices
9 Console
Reset Button:
1. Reboot the device
2. Reset the system configuration to factory defaults if pressed for more than 5 seconds.
Power Input Jack: Connect to the supplied AC adapter.
2.4.2 Rear Panel
The rear panel contains the ports for the unitʼs data and power connections.
Figure 2.2 Rear Panel Labels and Connectors
6 7 8 9 10 11
RX3042H User's Manual
Getting to Know RX3042H
2.4.3 Bottom View
12.Wall Mount Slots: You may use these slots to hang RX3042H on the wall to save space. Depend in g on your particular requirement by taking into account the location of the power outlet, power cord length, Ethernet cable length and etc., you can hang RX3042H in 4 different orientations: front panel up, rear panel up, left side up or right side up.
2.5 Placement Options
Depending on your environment, you may choose one of the three supported placement options for RX3042H – desktop placement, magnet mount and wall mount.
2.5.1 Desktop Placement
You may place RX3042H on any flat surface. The space-saving design of RX3042H occupies only a small area on your desk.
2.5.2 Wall Mount Instructions:
1. Attach two screws on the wall, separated by 150mm, and make sure that the two screws are leveled.
12 12
Getting to Know RX3042H
RX3042H User's Manual
2. Line up the wall mount slots with the screws and maneuver RX3042H so that both screws are inserted into the wall mount slots as indicated in the following figures. The wall mount design supports 4 different orientations: rear side up, rear side down, rear side to the left and rear side to the right.
Wall mount slot
Line up the wall amount slot with both screws.
Mane uv er t he rou te r so that b o t h sc r e w s a r e in se r t e d into the wall mount slots and th en slow ly pu sh the router dow n ward as s h own in the above figure.
Wall mount slot
RX3042H User's Manual
Quick Start Guide
3 Quick Start Guide
This Quick Start Guide provides basic instructions for connecting the RX3042H to a computer or a network and to the Internet.
• Part 1 provides instructions to set up the hardware.
• Part 2 describes how to configure Internet properties on your computer(s).
• Pa rt 3 shows you how to configure basic settings on the RX3042H to get your LAN connected to the Internet.
After setting up and configuring the device, you can follow the instructions on page 15 to verify that it is working properly.
This Quick Start Guide assumes that you have already established ADSL or cable modem service with your Internet service provider (ISP). These instructions provide a basic configuration that should be compatible with your home or small office network setup. Refer to the subsequent chapters for additional configuration instructions.
3.1 Part 1 — Connecting the Hardware
In Part 1, you connect the device to an ADSL or a cable modem (which in turn is connected to a phone jack or a cable outlet), the power outlet, and your computer or network.
Warning: Before you begin, turn the power off for all devices. These include your computer(s), your LAN hub/ switch (if applicable), and the RX3042H.
Figure 3.1 illustrates the hardware connections. Please follow the steps that follow for specific instructions.
3.1.1 Step 1. Connect an ADSL or a cable modem
For the RX3042H: Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the port labeled WAN on the rear panel of the device. Connect the other end to the Ethernet port on the ADSL or cable modem.
Quick Start Guide
RX3042H User's Manual
3.1.2 Step 2. Connect computers or a Network.
If your LAN h as no more than 4 computers, you can use an Ethernet cable to connect computers directly to the built-in switch on the device. Note that you should attach one end of the Ethernet cable to any of the port labeled 1 – 4 on the rear panel of the router and connect the other end to the Ethernet port of a computer.
If your LAN has more than 4 computers, you can attach one end of an Ethernet cable to a hub or a switch (probably an uplink port; please refer to the hub or switch documentations for instructions) and the other to the Ethernet switch port (labeled 1 – 4) on the RX3042H.
Note that either the crossover or straight-through Ethernet cable can be used to connect the built-in switch and computers, hubs or switches as the built-in switch is smart enough to make connections with either type of cables.
3.1.3 Step 3. Attach the AC adapter.
Attach the AC adapter to the POWER input jack on the back of the device and plug in the adapter to a wall outlet or a power strip.
3.1.4 Step 4. Power on RX3042H, the ADSL or cable modem and power up your computers
Plug the AC adapter to the power input jack of RX3042H. Turn on your ADSL or cable modem. Turn on and boot up your computer(s) and/or any LAN devices such as wireless AP, hubs or switches.
Figure 3.1 Overview of Hardware Connections
RX3042H User's Manual
Quick Start Guide
You should verify that the LEDs are illuminated as indicated in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 LED Indicators
This LED: ...should be:
POWER Solid green to indicate that the device is turned
on. If this light is not on, check if the AC adapter is attached to the RX3042H and if it is plugged into a power source.
LAN LEDs Soli d gre en t o i n dica t e t hat th e dev ice ca n
communicate with your LAN or flashing when the device is sending or receiving data to/from your LAN computer(s).
WAN Sol i d g r een to ind icat e tha t the devic e ha s
successfully established a connection with your ISP or flashing when the device is sending or receiving data to/from the Internet.
If the LEDs illuminate as expected, the RX3042H is working properly.
3.2 Part 2 — Configuring Your Computers
Part 2 of the Quick Start Guide provides instructions for configuring the network settings on your computers to work with the RX3042H.
3.2.1 Before you begin
By default, the RX3042H automatically assigns all required network settings (e.g. IP address, DNS server IP address, default gateway IP address) to your PCs. You need only to configure your PCs to accept the network settings provided by the RX3042H.
Note: In some cases, you may want to configure network settings manually to some or all of your computers rather than allow the RX3042H to do so. See “Assigning static IP addresses to your PCs” in page 13 for instructions.
• If you have connected your PC via Ethernet to the RX3042H, follow the instructions that correspond to the operating system installed on your PC.
3.2.2 Windows® XP PCs:
Quick Start Guide
RX3042H User's Manual
1. In the Windows task bar, click the <
> button, and then click
Control Panel.
2. Double-click the
Connections icon.
3. In the LAN or High-Speed Internet window, right-click on icon corresponding to your network interface card (NIC) and select
. (Often this icon is labeled Local Area Connection).
The Local Area Connection dialog box displays with a list of currently installed network items.
4. Ensure that the check box to the left of the item labeled Internet Protocol TCP/IP is checked, and click <
> button.
5. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, click the radio button labeled
Obtain an IP address automatically
Also click the radio button labeled
Obtain DNS server address
6. Click <
> button twice to confirm your changes, and close the
Control Panel.
3.2.3 Windows® 2000 PCs:
First, check for the IP protocol and, if necessary, install it:
1.In the Windows task bar, click the <
> button, point to
Settings, and then click
Control Panel
2. Double-click the
Network and Dial-up Connections
3. In the Network and Dial-up Connections window, right-click the
Local Area Connection
icon, and then select
The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box displays a list of currently installed network components. If the list includes Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then the protocol has already been enabled. Skip to step 10.
4. If Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) does not display as an installed component, click <
> button.
5. In the Select Network Component Type dialog box, select Protocol, and then click <
> button.
6. Select
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
in the Network Protocols list,
RX3042H User's Manual
Quick Start Guide
and then click <OK> button.
You may be prompted to install files from your Windows 2000 installation CD or other media. Follow the instructions to install the files.
7. If prompted, click <
> button to restart your computer with the
new settings.
Next, configure the PCs to accept IP addresses assigned by the RX3042H:
8. In the Control Panel, double-click the
Network and Dial-up
9. In Network and Dial-up Connections window, right-click the
Local Area Connection
icon, and then select
10.In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, select
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
, and then click <
11.In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, click the radio button labeled
Obtain an IP address automatically
. Also
click the radio button labeled
Obtain DNS server address
12.Click <OK> button twice to confirm and save your changes, and then close the Control Panel.
3.2.4 Windows® 95, 98, and ME PCs
1. In the Windows task bar, click the <
> button, point to
, and then click
Control Panel
2. Double-click the Network icon.
In the Network dialog box, look for an entry started with “
IP ->
” and the name of your network adapter, and then click
> button. You may have to scroll down the list to find this entry. If the list includes such an entry, then the TCP/ IP protocol has already been enabled. Skip to step 8.
3. If Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) does not display as an installed component, click <
> button.
4. In the Select Network Component Type dialog box, select
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RX3042H User's Manual
Protocol, and then click <
> button.
5. Select Microsoft in the Manufacturers list box, and then click TCP/IP in the Network Protocols list, box and then click <
You may be prompted to install files from your Windows 95, 98 or Me installation CD or other media. Follow the instructions to install the files.
6. If prompted, click <OK> button to restart your computer with the new settings.
Next, configure the PCs to accept IP information assigned by the RX3042H:
7. In the Control Panel, double-click the Network icon.
8. In the Network dialog box, select an entry started with “
IP ->
” and the name of your network adapter, and then click
> button.
9. In the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, click the radio button
Obtain an IP address automatically
10 .In the TCP/I P Properti es di alog box , click the “
De fault
” tab. Enter
(the default LAN port IP
address of the RX3042H) in the “
New gateway
” address field
and click <
> button to add the default gateway entry.
11. Click <OK> button twice to confirm and save your changes,
and then close the Control Panel.
12. If prompted to restart your computer, click <OK> button to do
so with the new settings.
3.2.5 Windows® NT 4.0 workstations:
First, check for the IP protocol and, if necessary, install it:
1. In the Windows NT task bar, click the <
> button, point to
, and then click
Control Panel
2. In the Control Panel window, double click the
3. In the Network dialog box, click the
The Protocols tab displays a list of currently installed network
RX3042H User's Manual
Quick Start Guide
protocols. If the list includes TCP/IP Protocol, then the protocol has already been enabled. Skip to step 9.
4. If TCP/IP does not display as an installed component, click <
> button.
5. In the Select Network Protocol dialog box, select TCP/IP, and then click <OK> button.
You may be prompted to install files from your Windows NT installation CD or other media. Follow the instructions to install the files.
After all files are installed, a window displays to inform you that a TCP/IP service called DHCP can be set up to dynamically assign IP information.
6. Click <
> button to continue, and then click <OK> button if
prompted to restart your computer.
Next, configure the PCs to accept IP addresses assigned by the RX3042H:
7. Open the
Control Panel
window, and then double-click the
8. In the Network dialog box, click the
9. In the Protocols tab, select
, and then click <
10.In the Microsoft TCP/IP Properties dialog box, click the radio
button labeled
Obtain an IP address from a DHCP server
11. Click <OK> button twice to confirm and save your changes,
and then close the Control Panel.
3.2.6 Assigning static IP addresses to your PCs
In some cases, you may want to assign IP addresses to some or all of your PCs directly (often called “statically”), rather than allowing the RX3042H to assign them. This option may be desirable (but not required) if:
• You have obtained one or more public IP addresses that you want to always associate with specific computers (for example, if you are using a computer as a public web
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• You maintain different subnets on your LAN.
However, during the first time configuration of your RX3042H, you must assign an IP address in the network for your PC, say, in order to establish connection between the RX3042H and your PC as the default LAN IP on RX3042H is pre­configured as Enter for the subnet mask and for the default gateway. These settings may be changed later to reflect your true network environment.
On each PC to which you want to assign static information, follow the instructions on pages 11 through 12 relating only to checking for and/or installing the IP protocol. Once it is installed, continue to follow the instructions for displaying each of the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) properties. Instead of enabling dynamic assignment of the IP addresses for the computer, DNS server, and default gateway, click the radio buttons that enable you to enter the information manually.
Note: Your PCs must have IP addresses that place them in the same subnet as the RX3042Hʼs LAN port. If you manually assign IP information to all your LAN PCs, you can follow the instructions in Chapter 5 to change the LAN port IP address accordingly.
3.3 Part 3 — Quick Configuration of the RX3042H
In Part 3, you log into the Configuration Manager on the RX3042H and configure basic settings for your router. Your ISP should provide you with the necessary information to complete this step. Note the intent here is to quickly get the RX3042H up and running, instructions are concise. You may refer to corresponding chapters for more details.
3.3.1 Setting Up the RX3042H
Follow these instructions to setup the RX3042H:
12.Before accessing the Configuration Manager in RX3042H, make sure that the HTTP proxy setting is disabled in your browser. In IE, click “Tools” -> “Internet Options...” -> “Connections” tab -> “LAN settings...” and then uncheck “Use proxy server for your LAN ...”
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