Only apply to same SKU update, Ex: WW->WW, CN->CN, TW->TW.*
Software update cannot transfer the software SKU and downgrade the software version.
Wrong SKU may cause update failure, please update the same SKU version only.
1. Download OTA ZIP file from ASUS official Web Site. http://www.asus.com/support/
Ex: UL-ASUS_T00G-WW-2014.2.20.838687-user.zip
2. Connect the phone on PC by USB cable, please unzip file or you can check the file format should the
same like below and put the OTA zip file into your phone’s root directory of internal storage. (The
current software version doesn’t support SD card update.)
3. Remove USB cable from phone, you will see a notification and press it.
4. Please connect power adapter or ensure that the battery life is at least 15% when you see the “System
upgrade available” message, and then press OK button.
5. And then the system will run the updating process automatically. If you see the below message pops
out, it means system update successfully.