Document Nr.: QSI-040902-OM-1-a-UserManual Dual ISO Module, V2.0
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
Edition One - October 2006
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With the edition of this document, all previous editions become void. Indications
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completeness of the details given in this manual and may not be held liable for
damages ensuing from incorrect or incomplete information. Since, despite all our
efforts, errors may not be completely avoided, we are always grateful for your useful
The installation instructions given in this manual are based on advantageous
boundary conditions. ASSA ABLOY ITG does not give any guarantee promise for
perfect function in cross environments.
The ACG logo is a registered trademark of ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies
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ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 1
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
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ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
Safety Instructions / Warning - Read before start-up!
• The device may only be used for the intended purpose designed by for the
manufacturer. The operation manual should be conveniently kept available at
all times for each user.
• Unauthorized changes and the use of spare parts and additional devices that
have not been sold or recommended by the manufacturer may cause fire,
electric shocks or injuries. Such unauthorized measures shall exclude any
liability by the manufacturer.
• The liability-prescriptions of the manufacturer in the issue valid at the time of
purchase are valid for the device. The manufacturer shall not be held legally
responsible for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in the manual or
automatically set parameters for a device or for an incorrect application of a
• Repairs may be executed by the manufacturer only.
• Only qualified personnel should carry out installation, operation, and
maintenance procedures.
• Use of the device and its installation must be in accordance with national legal
requirements and local electrical codes.
• When working on devices the valid safety regulations must be observed.
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 3
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
Read This First
About This Guide
This manual describes the ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader. Its goal is to describe the
reader, how it works, how to integrate it and how to use it.
If You Need Assistance
Our application center is located in Europe to provide direct support. For more
information, please contact your nearest ASSA ABLOY ITG Sales Center. The
contact addresses can be found on our home page:
The ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader supports a broad range of tags compliant with
ISO 14443 type A and B standards, including SR176 tags and tags which belong to
the Philips mifare® family. An open command structure allows the device to
communicate with tags that use an operating system. The read/write unit supports
automatic chaining, 256 byte buffer and frame length, extended time framing and up
to 848kBaud transmission rates over the air interface.
Additionally this unit implements a DES cipher which enables to use mifare® DESFire
tags. These tags are designed for use in high security algorithms.
An internal SAM socket is also available.
Major applications are:
• e-Passport
• e-National ID Cards
• e-Drivers Licenses
• e-Government
• e-Health Cards
• e-Document Authentication
• e-Document Issuing
2 Extended Documentation
Please note that all confidential material is excluded from this documentation in order
to comply with NDA requirements of our suppliers as well as prevention from
unauthorized copies of the reader modules for increasing the security in the
You can obtain the extended documentation containing the confidential information
after signing a NDA.
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 12
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
3 Definitions and Abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
3.1.1 Anti-collision loop
An algorithm used to identify and handle a dialogue between a reader and one or
more tags in its antenna field.
3.1.2 Hex notation
A hexadecimal value is marked with the suffix ‘h’, i.e. A1h has the value A1
3.1.3 ASCII notation
ASCII characters are listed within apostrophes, i.e. ‘x’ means a single x.
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 13
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
3.2 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
AID Application ID
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ATR Answer to Reset
ATS Answer to Select
Block For the mifare® Standard one block contains 16 bytes
CID Card Identifier (logical card address, ISO 14443-4)
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
DES Data Encryption Standard, for more details about DES
refer to [3].
EDC Error Detection Code
EOF End of Frame
Hex / xxh Value in Hexadecimal notation
I-block Information block
LSB Least Significant Bit or Byte
MSB Most Significant Bit or Byte
NAD Node Address (ISO 14443-4)
OSI Open System Interconnection
OTP One time programmable
PCB Protocol Control Byte (ISO 14443-4)
PCON Protocol Configuration byte of the reader
PPS Protocol and Parameter Selection
RATS Request for Answer to Select
R-block Receive ready block
REQA Request ISO Type A
REQB Request ISO Type B
RFU Reserved for Future Use
S-block Supervisory block
Sector For the mifare® Standard one sector contains 4 blocks
SID Station ID
SFGT Guard time after RATS
SN Serial Number of a tag (a 32 bit number)
SOF Start of frame
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 14
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
Abbreviation Description
Value block 32 bit data block format. Used in ticketing application
<CR> Carriage return (0Dh)
<LF> Line feed (0Ah)
Figure 3-1: Abbreviations
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 15
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
4 Supported tags
Encryption included
Encryption not included
Encryption not included
Extended setup needed
Works only with ‘t’ command
ISO 14443 A
SLE 55R04/ 08
Smart MX
Jewel Tag
ISO 14443 B
Sharp B
Dual Interface
TOSMART P032/064
ISO 14443 B
ISO 14443 A compliant
Figure 4-1: Supported labels
Performance varies
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 16
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
5 The mifare® Transponder Family
The mifare® transponder family consists of various 13.56 MHz transponder ICs, all
compliant to the ISO 14443 standard.
5.1 mifare® Standard
The mifare® Standard card consists of 16 sectors. A sector includes four blocks of 16
bytes each.
mifare® Standard Sector 2
Sector 0 (Block: 0...3) Block 8: Data or value (16 bytes)
Sector 1 (Block: 4...7) Block 9: Data or value (16 bytes)
Sector 2 (Block 8...11) Block 10: Data or value (16 bytes)
Sector 15 (Block 60...63)
Figure 5-1: mifare® Standard: sector diagram
Block 11: Access Conditions (4
bytes), Key A, Key B (16 bytes)
5.1.1 Sector 0 / Block 0
Block 0 is read only.
Serial Number (4 bytes) Check byte (1 byte) Manufacturer data (11 bytes)
Figure 5-2: mifare® Standard: sector 0 / block 0
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 17
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
5.1.2 Blocks 3, 7, 11, 15, …
Transport keys are set on delivery:
Key A (6 bytes) Access Conditions (4 bytes) Key B (6 bytes)
Key A
A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 (Infineon) or FF FF FF FF FF FF (new Philips cards)
Key B
B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 (Infineon) or FF FF FF FF FF FF (new Philips cards)
Access Conditions
FF 07 80 xx (key A is used to read or write; key A itself is not readable; key B is data
only). For further information refer to the mifare® card manual.
Enabled keys are always read as 00 00 00 00 00 00
Using key B as a data area will cause a security gap, due to the fact that it is
necessary to rewrite key A and the access conditions at each write process. It is not
recommended to use key B as a data storage area.
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 18
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
5.2 State Diagram
All mifare® cards use the following state diagram.
Power Off
Reader Instruction Set
Log InSelect
Wake Up
Anticollision Loop
ISO 14443 Com m ands
Tag interfacing
comm ands
Figure 5-4: State diagram
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 19
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
5.3 mifare® Ultralight
mifare® Ultralight cards have no encryption included. They only support plain text
data transmission.
mifare® Ultralight only supports 4 bytes per sector, but the command set uses 16
bytes per sector. Only the 4 least significant bytes are valid when using mifare®
Ensure that the other bytes match with the tag content when using the write
command; otherwise the read back will fail.
5.4 mifare® 4k
mifare® 4k cards have an increased memory. Beginning from sector 32 (20h), sectors
have 16 blocks. Due to compatibility reasons, the sector indices have changed
according to the following table. The login sector has to be used to access the
corresponding sector on the card.
mifare® ProX tags have an operating system onboard. Data organization depends on
the operating system installed on the card. These cards can include additional
functionalities such as DES or a proprietary encipher algorithm.
Before accessing the operating system, the card must be selected. Customized
commands are issued using the transfer command.
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 20
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
5.6 mifare® DESFire
This tag supports additional security algorithms (DES, Triple-DES, MAC) for security
sensitive applications.
DESFire tags are addressed using a specific command set (see DESFire command
5.6.1 Memory organization
The memory of a DESFire card can be personalized to specific requirements. The
card can be seen as data storage device like a hard disk in a PC. The memory is
divided into a maximum of 28 different applications (directories) with 16 files each. An
application has up to 14 keys. Depending on keys and access conditions a file can
be accessed in four different ways. Plain data is never secured. Data is secured
using a MAC, single DES or triple DES enciphers.
The following figure describes the memory organization of a DESFire card.
DESFire card (Application 0)
Application 1
ID 1
ID 2
ID n
Application 2
ID 1
ID 2
ID n
Application n
ID 1
Figure 5-6: DESFire memory organization
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 21
ID 2
ID n
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
5.6.2 State diagram of mifare® DESFire
Activate DESFire card
Select Application
Login to Application
Se le c t F ile with ID
Change File
Comm it / Abort Transaction
Figure 5-7: mifare
DESFire state diagram
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 22
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3 Activate PICC
Before accessing a DESFire card, the card must be selected. A mifare® DESFire
card has a 7 byte UID. After activation, the card is powered up and ready to accept a
mifare® DESFire command. Application 0 is selected automatically. Select application
To jump into another application, the application has to be selected. An application
can be seen as a directory, which contains up to 16 files. The size of the application
depends on the stored files. Login to application
Specific access rights can be set for each application. Login to an application allows
to change the organization of the application. Login to a file opens a secured file for
access. A file can be accessed in four different ways: without any security or secured
with MAC, single DES or triple DES. Select file
Before accessing a file, the file must be selected Change file
A selected file can be changed according its access rights. If a file is secured, a login
is required before changes can be made. Commit / Abort transaction
Value files, backup files, linear record files and cyclic record files only adapt their
values after the commit transaction command is given. Several files can be changed
within an application at the same time. The abort transactions command annuls all
changes within an application. Power loss will cancel all modifications too.
For more details about application settings and access rights refer to [2].
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 23
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
6 ISO 14443 Type B
ISO 14443 type B cards are supported.
6.1 SR176
The SR176 label contains only 30 bytes of data organized in two bytes per page.
6.1.1 Memory organization
0Fh Lock byte RFU Chip ID
0Eh User data
… …
04h User data
03h Serial number
02h Serial number
01h Serial number
00h Serial number
Byte 1 Byte 0
Figure 6-1: SR176 memory organization
6.1.2 Serial number UID
The UID is stored in the first 4 pages. Page 00h contains the LSB of the UID.
The lock byte defines the write access condition of a pair of pages. Each bit can only
be set once. This procedure is irreversible. This byte is implemented as an OTP.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Page 08h
Page 0Fh
Page 0Eh
Page 0Ch
Page 0Dh
Page 0Ah
Page 0Bh
Figure 6-3: Lock byte
Page 09h
Page 06h
Page 07h
Page 04h
Page 05h
Page 02h
Page 03h
Page 00h
Page 01h
6.1.4 Chip ID
The Chip ID is defined in the low nibble of page 0Fh. It is manufacturer set and is
used internally to select and separate single tags.
6.2 SRIX4K
The SRIX4K label contains 512 bytes of data organized into four-byte pages.
6.2.1 Memory organization
FFh OTP Lock Reg ST Reserved ST Reserved Fixed Chip ID
7Fh User data
… …
07h User data
06h 32 bits binary counter
05h 32 bits binary counter
04h 32 bits Boolean Area
Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
03h 32 bits Boolean Area
02h 32 bits Boolean Area
01h 32 bits Boolean Area
00h 32 bits Boolean Area
Figure 6-4: SRIX4K memory organization
6.2.2 Lock block
Locking of blocks is not supported with this tag.
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 25
ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
7 Hardware
Figure 7-1: Picture of the complete reader
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ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
7.1 Mechanical dimensions
All Dimensions are in mm
Figure 7-2: Mechanical drawing with dimensions
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ACGPass e-ID Desktop Reader, Ver. Dual ISO 2.3
7.1.1 Features
• Interface type: USB 2.0
• Dimensions: 205x130x93 (LxWxH), all in mm
• Reading Distance: up to 90mm, depending on tag type
• SAM: supported2
• Boot loader: supported3
• Drivers: virtual COM port driver, DLL driver available
• Antenna: on board
• Signaling: RFID activity indicator LED
Power LED
Contact Interface activity indicator LED
USB Online indicator LED
• Power Supply: via USB
The integrated SAM socket is accessible by opening the housing
The boot loader makes it easy to download a firmware to the unit without replacing/dismantling the
The USB connector is located on the bottom side of the housing. Depending on the
users preferences the cable can be put and easily fixed within one of three cable
guides. Each cable guide leads the cable to one of three possible sides of the
Figure 7-3: mechanical drawing, bottom view Power Supply
The power supply is automatically provided via the USB connection. Therefore the
unit can only be connected to a powered USB hub.
Non-powered USB hubs like often used in USB splitter units are not able to supply
the reader with enough power. Depending on the internal protection of these units,
they even may be damaged.
ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies GmbH 29
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