Aspen C90 Owner's Manual

C90 Owners Manual
Shore Power Disconnect
Switch Off Breaker First
Disconnect at Boat
Never leave hot (breaker on ) a
Battery Switches Normally On
In Engine Room
The C90 has three main battery switches , House On/Off ,Engine On /Off, and Emergency Parallel. The normal operation
position is to leave both Engine and House switches in the On Position, Emergency Parallel is Off. Emergency parallel is rarely used, the boat
has a Blue Sea’s Voltage Sensitive relay
(black box near switches) it disconnects the House Batteries from the Start Battery. When the voltage on the Start Battery drops below 12.7 volts it disconnects, once the charging system has brought the Start
Battery back up to 12.7 volts it reconnects
to the house battery bank. The Batteries have three charge sources, First, 2 ProMariner Chargers (8A for Start Battery and 20A for House Battery) Shore Power is connected and AC Breakers at dash are switched on. Second, two 80W Solar Chargers (10A) while anchored­automatic, Third is a 125A engine driven Alternator.
Thruster Battery Switches, These are mounted below the main battery switches and are normally on. These
must be switched off when swimmers are in the water or for service. The thrusters are very
powerful and will suck objects in the water toward them. Do not operate Thruster for more that 30 seconds at one time or motor may over heat.
Fuel System – Filters -
The C90 fuel system includes two filters and a electric switching valve at the dash. In normal operation there is no owner/operator activity other than to inspect the Raycor Filters clear glass bowel for water (clear liquid) and drain in to cup through petcock at bottom if present. If the boat has set unused for several days the primer plunger on the white Cummins filter housing should be pressed 8-10 times or until it gets hard, this speeds crank/starting. This plunger will also be needed to prime should you run out of fuel. Raycore uses a 10 Micron 500ser diesel filter.
Fuel Tank Switch is located to the left
side of dash. Its is labeled Main and Aux, Main is the engine side tank, Aux is the port tank. Depress toggle for tank desired. You typically will run on one tank for 3 hrs then switch so tanks drop equally while underway. Each tank is 40 gallons approximately 36 is usable. With full fuel at 14Kts you should have approximately 16 Hrs running time.
This switch also swaps the engines fuel
return lines at the same time.
Full Time Power Breaker
Always On 12V power Fuse is just inside engine room door. Its important to leave this on except for service as it supplies
power to the boats 6 automatic bilge pumps and other devices that need power to save memory settings. It is not affected by battery
switch position. If Fuse is
Burned Out, there is no bilge pump protection from leaks.
Engine room inside wall
Engine Oil
Transmission Oil
The Cummins QSD 2.0 liter engine uses premium 15-40 oil. It’s best to check oils prior to use. Be carful not to spill or overfill. Change oil and filter when new at 50 hrs then every 100 hrs after.
The Twin Disk Transmission uses 30 wt motor oil for its gear lubrication and to
engage its clutch. Check oil engine warm/off within 2-3 minutes of shut down. If the
oil is low the clutch will drop out and the boat will stop-find leak-refill. To top off,
it’s easiest to fill through the dip stick opening with supplied funnel check frequently
while filling as overfilling can damage the transmission. Change after 50 Hrs and then every 100 hrs, clean wire mesh filter.
Voltage Sensitive Relay
This Blue Seas Systems unit separates the house batteries from the start batteries automatically when the house voltage is bellow 12.7 volts. No user activity is required.
Battery Chargers
These ProMariner automatic chargers are wired to come on when the boats shore power is connected and the A/C breakers at the dash are switched on. The chargers are 4 stage smart units that charge aggressively if the battery is low and then ramp down as it fills. They then drop out completely when full and then do a small topping charge weekly. The design greatly extends battery life and over charging and subsequent battery damage. Check battery water levels monthly ,lower water levels/ exposed plates will damage the batteries lead plates requiring replacement.
Engine Room Fwd Wall
Engine Room Inside wall
Note: Chargers will only charge if they see voltage. If batteries have been run dead flat you will need to use Emergency Parallel Switch, charge for 10-15 minutes to charge batteries enough for Charger to see voltage.
Sea Water Ball Valves
There are two raw water valves on the boat both in the Starboard
Lazarette (inside hull side fwd). The smaller one ½” is for the head and the aft deck wash down. The larger one 1.5” is for the engine
cooling water.
½ Inch raw water valve is run typically at 45 degrees to reduce its pressure
while underway and stop head overflow. These valves are typically left on
as running the boat with valves closed will damage the engine and impellers.
Raw Water Valve OFF
Raw Water Valve On, 45 degrees
Engine Cooling Water Ball Valve Off Engine Cooling Water ON
Be sure to close valve when cleaning the raw water strainer
Starboard Lazarette
House Batteries 2ea G27 Deep cycle, wet
lead acid, 4” water lift
muffler to left, drain muffler when stored for winter with drain bolt at bottom, re­silicone bolt after.
Engine start battery G27 (Center), Teliflex SeaStar hydraulic steering ram. Note: Rudder packing should be re­tightened/checked with each oil change.
Drip-Less shaft seal oil reservoir, keep ½ full with ATF type transmission fluid (automotive type). If it is using fluid it is very likely time to change the three oil seals on the prop shaft. Boat must be out of water to do this service. Oil will discolor/darken some with use.
Propane Tank Storage and
Tip out Bin on early Boats/New boats
have box in Port Cockpit storage locker. Note: Locker is plumbed with a hose to a through hull overboard so a gas leak would not inter the boat. If you ever smell gas stop-turn off valve and open boat to clear fumes. Find leak.
To use, make sure hose connection
is tight, open valve, gauge will show aprox 90 Psi. If you hear a hissing or smell gas turn valve off ,check connections. 15 pound tank will typically last 2+ weeks.
Electric shut off valve only comes on if gas controller by sink is on and sniffer smells no gas.
Re-Installing gas box lid is easier if tip out bin is part way closed. The tank must be centered in compartment to latch lid in place.
Port Lazarette Equipment
6 Gallon Seaward Hot water heater SS. Runs on 120 V while at dock. Note it draws 2000 watts so you will not be able to run large additional loads while water
heater is on. Switch its breaker on only
when hot water is needed. While
cruising the engines hot water is plumbed through the heater to heat water.
28 gallon holding tank (black water) This tank as are both water tanks are equipped with a density sensor gauge system located
to right side of dash, press right hand button
to check holding tank level. If tank is full the head will not flush. You must be 3 miles off shore and in a area with current that will flush to use the macerator switch at dash. Note :shut boat off to hear change in tone when tank is empty, running pump dry will damage its rubber impellers. The tank can also be emptied at a pump out station using the fitting near the transom door. The tank
includes two dip tubes so there is no Y-
Valve to switch.
Pressure Water Pump and Strainer: The C90 has two water
tanks (24 gallons port side and 26 gallons Starboard side) each has a dedicated pump. The fresh water pump switch is located on the dashes lower DC switch panel. Two tanks are provide so owners can use water to trim the boat port
to starboard if needed. It like fuel is
a heavy cargo, top off only if you need it. Water Tanks must be drained and system primed with RV antifreeze during winter
Getting Ready To Go
Stow fenders and dock lines in aft compartment
Fill Water tanks as needed (port
and starboard) Cockpit fwd walls.
Be sure water is good ,taste it! Ask fellow boaters. During long inactive periods ad a little chlorine to keep fresh.
Switch on Engine Blower, a cool engine is more efficient.
Switch on Refrigerator, lower left DC panel.
Note: Switch Fuses are behind cover plate.
Propane Control - Sniffer
The propane control unit is just fwd
of the sink. This units power may be
switched at the dash on early models. When stove is not in use tap the control button and turn the gas off .
Green light When Power is on but unit is off
Gas is on when the green Light is ON.
AC / DC Panels
DC Panel: This panel is fed from the house batteries . It includes both voltage (pressure gauge) and Amp gauge (volume) to manage your power during the day, reducing amps used is most important to extending battery
life. While boating turn all the breakers on
as shown. The small silver toggle switch will show battery voltage engine (left #1) and House (#2 center), #3 is not connected as we have only two battery banks. These breakers then feed both dash DC switches panels and the fuse blocks for electronics and pumps. A DC shunt is standard for the
amp meter.
AC Distribution Panel: This panel is fed from the 30 Amp shore power connection. Typically, all the breakers
but the hot water heater are left on energizing the boats outlets. If you see
the red reverse polarity light lit (2nd bulb down) see your dock master before continuing some boat systems could be damaged. Turn on hot water only when needed. Both panels are Blue seas systems premium panels.
Tank Gauges
Solar Panel Control
To read tank level: Left Gauge = Left Water Tank Right Gauge = Right Water Tank Center Gauge = Poo Tank
Solar Panel Charge Controller: The Solar Boost 2000 is a premium charge controller that helps capture all the suns peak mid day energy. The unit is automatic and requires no operator input as the battery's become fully charged it automatically ramps down its charge so batteries are not over charged. It also automatically shuts down if it sense another charge source (engine or battery chargers) The slide switch is useful to see battery banks volts and current input. Note: If it seems not to be charging while out, the batteries maybe full or the Kayaks are blocking the sun. If batteries are low and the sun is bright the unit will put out up 11 amps.
Getting Started
Thrusters: these Side Power units are
very handy while docking. Once battery switches are on depress both ON buttons
at the same time, green light will come on.
Now the joy sticks are ready press bow stick left boat goes left. Use in 20-30 second bursts never more than 3 minuets of use to keep motors cool. Be certain no
one is in water near boat the thrusters work like vacuum cleaner sucking from a large area. Unit shuts off automatically
after 3 minuets of inactivity. A wireless remote is available for solo docking.
Icom VHF Radio. To turn on rotate top
right knob, most conversations with other boaters will be on low power, use Ch 16 only for hailing ,then switch to 72 or 68, weather also available by pushing WX button. Lower Knob is squelch use it to turn down
background static.
Wiper Motor –Washer Control, These
are on left side of dash, two speed push to wash, Wash tank is in back corner of storage bin behind refrigerator under helm seat you will have to remove safety
gear for access. Rain – X works great on
front and side windows to aid in visibility
Getting Started
Engine and Safety Gear
STARTING ENGINE: Once batteries and
blower are on you can start, engine (starter
will time-out after 20 seconds), switch off-re crank. If motor does not start open engine room door and push primer plunger on white fuel filter until hard, then restart. Important
you must warm engine up slowly over 10-15 minuets at RPMs under 2,000 prior to running at cruise RPM Do not go above 2,000
Rpm until motor has reached 176 degrees. 80% of engine wear is while motor is cold.
Engine Computer: This is a very useful instrument. Toggling the propeller button shuttles you to a variety of data.
It’s fine to push the boat and horizon
button for additional information. Oil pressure while running will be about 90 Psi, water temperature will be about 176-180. If you hear a horn or beeping
while underway you must stop and determine the cause. Engine manuals
are under helm seat in blue bag.
Safety Gear Storage­manuals
DC Panel Layout
Pumps Panel: This panel controls the
boats bilge pumps and shower sump pump. Most of these are automatic but these switches allow you to turn each of
the 6 pumps for each water tight
compartment on manually. Other than fresh water these switches are normally in the off position . This panel is fed from the pumps breaker on the DC main panel. The
automatic portion of the bilge pumps is not affected by this panel. Note: The
engine room has a 7th pump (1100GPH emergency pump) this pump is wired to a very loud horn behind the dash. Should you loose an engine hose and begin to fill the engine room this pump and horn will come on automatically.
Ships Systems Panel: This
panel includes navigation lights, blower and many other ship systems. It is also fed from the main DC panel breaker. At dash center. These panels have separate automotive blade fuses under the plastic snap cover ranging from 5­20 amps. If a fuse has blown determine cause possibly debris in pump ,shorted wire . Fix then
replace fuse. To access fuses
careful ly pop grey cover off with tape wrapped dinner knife or flat blade screw driver-pull rubber gasket over fuses and replace fuse.
Trim Tabs
Lenco Electronic
The C90 is equipped with large trim tabs. This tabs are primarily used to trim the boat for maximum efficiency and comfort while cruising. Due to their size and positioning, they can lift a great deal while creating very limited drag. Typically after setting for
a given throttle RPM you will level and trim down to find the
maximum speed for that RPM. If the seas are choppy you may
find that less trim is a softer ride and dryer. Use your discretion.
I find in 0-12” seas full tabs is often most efficient and a good ride. In 12-24” seas you will need to reduce tabs to 2/3 or less and let the bow float through the seas. In larger seas you may
find no tab is best. Please note your best ride in heavy seas will often be at 14-17Kts. If the boats bouncing or thumping try
something different.
Zero Tabs: Used for large seas 14-20 Kts
½ Tabs used in 2-3ft
seas 14-20 Kts
Full Tabs used in 0-1 ft Seas 14-17 Kts
Note: Retract tabs when not in use to protect actuator shaft from marine growth – barnacles.
½ Tabs used in 2-3ft seas 14-20 Kts
Shower Sprayer - Curtain
First mixer is set to temp, The sink wand lifts to hanger near door, curtain from shelf behind door is snapped into ceiling buttons, auto sump pump under head evacuates water. Dry door and shower area when done. Door can be left open or closed when showering. Note: Boat showers are recommended to conserve water. IE get wet, turn off, soap up, rinse off.
Sprayer has three positions, Off, On with button, On full time.
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