Miniature Circuit Breakers - QMiniature Circuit Breakers - QY Series
Automation Systems Interconnect, Inc.
Ordering Information
Catalog Number Pcs/Pkg
1A QY113D M U 2 01 12
2A QY113D M U 2 02 12
5A QY113D M U 2 05 12
10A QY113D M U 2 10 12
15A QY113D M U 2 15 12
20A QY113D M U 2 20 12
25A QY113D M U 2 25 12
30A QY113D M U 2 30 12
35A QY113D M U 2 35 12
Single Pole
40A QY113D M U 2 40 12
45A QY113D M U 2 45 12
50A QY113D M U 2 50 12
Inn o v a tive Interconne c t and Inte r f a ce S o l utions
QY Series
These circuit breakers are specifically intended to
provide protection for DC circuit and devices.
UL 489A File E192487
Convenient DIN Rail Mounting
Compact Housing Design Only 13 mm
Single Pole
Shock-Proof Connections
Easy To Wire, Clamp Connections
Other Configurations Available Upon Request
10 Year Warranty
QY Time Delay
Curv e Lim its
U2 Min. (sec) 10 9 4 0.6 0.1 0.007 0.006
U2 Max.(sec) 300 120 28 4 1.3 0.5 0.3
Trip time listed in seconds.
Pe rcen tage o f Rate d C u rrent
135 150 200 400 600 800 1000
Technical Data
Number of Poles 1
Number of Poles 1
Max. Voltage: V DC
Max. Voltage 80V DC
Min. Amp Rating: 0.1 Amp
Min. Amp Rating 1 Amp
Max Amp Rating: 63 Amp
Max Amp Rating 50 Amp
Interrupting Capacity: 10,000A
Interrupting Capacity 10,000A
Dielectric Strength: 2000V AC for 1 minute.
Dielectric Strength 1500V, 50/60 Hz
Insulation Resistance 100 Megaohm at 500V DC min.
Insulation Resistance 100 Megaohm
Operating Temp. Range -40 C to +65 C
Operating Temp. Range -40 C to +60 C
Ordering Information
Single Pole
1A QY113D M U 2 01 12
2A QY113D M U 2 02 12
5A QY113D M U 2 05 12
10A QY113D M U 2 10 12
15A QY113D M U 2 15 12
20A QY113D M U 2 20 12
25A QY113D M U 2 25 12
30A QY113D M U 2 30 12
35A QY113D M U 2 35 12
40A QY113D M U 2 40 12
45A QY113D M U 2 45 12
50A QY113D M U 2 50 12
Note: Other current ratings and trip curves available upon request.
Note: Other current ratings and trip curves available upon request.
60A QY11D M U 2 60 12
Catalog Number Pcs/Pkg