Ashcroft 2265 Specifications

Ashcroft® Accessories ­2265 Electric Contacts
The Ashcroft® 2265 electric contact is an ideal accessory to turn on a signal light, sound an alarm, or operate a pump or valve. The contacts can easily be set so that a circuit can be closed or opened at a desired pressure or temperature. Settings can be easily made in the field without removing the instrument from service. Contact adjustment is made externally with a removable key to make the instrument virtually tamper proof. The contact is designed for easy installation on Types 1279, 1377 and 1379 Duragauge pressure gauges (either stem or flush mounted), Type 1125 differential pressure gauges, or Type 600A Duratemp dial thermometers. Contacts are equipped with adjustable magnets to eliminate chatter caused by vibration. A plug-in connector with five feet of electrical cable is standard.
Availability Use with Code Ashcroft Description 45 60 Model No. 4 Dial
1279 Duragauge X X X 1377 pressure X X — X 1379 gauge X X X X 1125 D/P gauge X X X X
600A-02 Duratemp X X — X 600A-03 remote X X X X 600A-04 thermometer X X X X
Flush mounting requires type 1278 flush mounting ring.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Model Code Contact arrangements
XED High and low contact
XEE Double high contact
XEF Double low contact
XEG “OFF” at low and high, and “ON” in between
2˝ 6˝
Indicating accuracy of Ashcroft Duragauge, above 300 psi with contact: Pointer not carrying contact – 1.0%. Pointer carrying contact – 1.5%. For ranges below 30 psi, add an additional 1⁄2% to indicating accuracies.
All specifications are subject to change without notice. All sales subject to standard terms and conditions. © Ashcroft Inc. 2014 Rev. 11/14
Ashcroft Inc., 250 East Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614 USA Tel: 203-378-8281 • Fax: 203-385-0408 email: •