Messaging, personal security and
cordless telephony all-in-one
The Ascom concept for cordless communication is comprised of the Ascom 9d telephony
system, the teleCOURIER 900 paging system,
the telePROTECT 900 personal security system and the teleCARE M nursecall system.
The concept has been developed to
increase the accessibility and security of
people on the move in their workplace. Each
system can be fully integrated with any of
the others, as well as with a number of other
For optimal solutions, all Ascom systems can be supplemented, extended and
updated with new applications and features.
They are also fully compatible with earlier
versions and to other open systems.
Process Automation
Smart Integration with your
existing systems
We integrate seamlessly with systems such
as ERP, MES, BMS and also with medical systems such as HIS, LIS, PACS, RIS, Technical
systems, Administrative systems and with
existing IT infrastructure, LAN, PBX etc
The infrastructure we build for you is
open to the future. You can upgrade and
introduce new systems without excessive
costs for adapting the wireless system.
Ascom 9d
Get the message accross.
Remote service
Hospital Systems
Ascom Wireless Solutions
P.O. Box 8783 SE-402 76 Göteborg, Sweden
T +46 31 55 93 00 F +46 31 55 20 31
Administrative Systems
Security & Property Systems
IT Systems
Enterprise Resource
Planning Systems
M0224401 Rev F Sept 2005 Ascom Wireless Solutions
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Efficiency, productivity and security are some of the key demands associated with
the times in which we live. The need for instantaneous and reliable information is
becoming increasingly important and business-critical in a wider number of areas.
Many workplaces have realised that the advanced messaging and telephony technology of the
Ascom systems is the tool that can support and
complement their need to adapt to the required
standards. The Ascom 9d cordless telephone
system provides the optimal communication
Naturally, the goal when creating a communications system is to establish a flexible, economical, and compatible infrastructure that can keep
pace with the evolving communications environment. The modular Ascom 9d system approach
is one that propels you to the very forefront of
services such as advanced messaging, personal
security and cordless telephony, in a range of
combinations featuring seamless integration.
This path, moreover, assures cost efficient onsite communication anywhere and anytime.
A proven, flexible solution…
Focused on satisfying the highest communication demands from industry, hospital, elderly
care, service and security sectors, Ascom can
draw on many years of continuous research and
development experience in cordless telephone
The flexibility of the Ascom 9d system and our
industry knowledge enable us to provide custommade and future-proof solutions. The system can
be implemented as a stand-alone communication
system or can easily be integrated with different
types of existing telephone exchanges through
analogue or digital connections.
…that gives fast results
The 9d system is a basic investment that ensures
good returns. Almost immediately after installing
Ascom 9d, you can expect increased accessibility
and improved efficiency results. Rapid information transfer and response times increase both
productivity and service levels that, in turn, help
to control costs. Moreover, the system can always
be supplemented, expanded and updated with
new applications and solutions to keep up with
new requirements.
The Ascom 9d system is the
optimal combination of alarms,
messaging and telephony for
professional use
Simultaneous capacity
Depending on the chosen version, Ascom 9d
offers every communication alternative from
ordinary telephony to advanced messaging
technology and alarm functions.
Ascom 9d always keeps you posted when you
are on the move. Messages appear immediately
on the display, you do not even have to press a
button to read them – even if you are already
talking on the telephone.
The 9d system includes functionality to determine the location of a handset user in case of an
alarm or in case other actions are needed for the
user in specific areas. There are also a number
of applications to support e-mail, web-browsers and standard serial protocols, as well as
open interfaces and toolboxes for custom-made
applications. A special series of EX-classified
telephones and base stations, the only ones of
their kind, are available for environments where
there is risk of explosion.
The low emission of a DECT system guarantees minimum exposure to radiation for the
user (SAR) and less interference with sensitive
electronic equipment in all environments. This
is a standard requirement for cordless telephony in areas such as hospitals and elderly care
homes. Furthermore, all calls and messages are
encrypted. This guarantees the confidentiality of
your communication.
Easy to replace
Your entire user identity is stored on a SIM card.
As such, all your personal profiles and settings
can easily be moved, together with the SIM card,
to another handset, with no reprogramming
needed. If, by accident, the handset is damaged, the transfer of the SIM card to another
telephone enables immediate use.
Business efficiency
– getting the message across
The Ascom 9d system can be connected to internal or external networks via TCP/IP. Messages
can be sent directly to any handset in the system
from any PC connected to the local intranet.
With the Ascom 9d Interactive Messaging
functionality, a completely new and efficient way
of using your cordless infrastructure is enabled.
Users can have full access and control of applications on the Local Area Network. Moreover,
the Ascom 9d system can be set up to control
and obtain status reports from logical or physical switches (e.g. machines, door openers, alarm
systems) and to interface with existing customer
systems (e.g. SCADA, production, building management, and hospital information systems);
thus making information mobile.
Not only does Ascom 9d notify you
immediately when there is an alarm, it
also tells you where it is coming from
Applications that make life easier
In addition, the cordless user can also have
full interactive control to view, insert, remove
and update records in databases. For example,
the Centralised Phonebook Service where the
Ascom 9d system connects to the central corporate phonebook file to retrieve the most up-todate number information.
E-mail notification, web-page messages and
meeting reminders directly from the user’s MS
Outlook or Lotus Notes are among the wide
range of other applications that the Ascom 9d
system can offer. This guarantees full accessibility wherever you are.
Ascom 9d