Artemis Labs PH-1 Owners manual

Artemis Labs PH-1
A New Purist Tube Phono Preamplifier
The Artemis Labs PH-1 Phono Preamplier is the result of several years of perfecting a simple yet extremely high quality tube-type preamp. High quality parts are used throughout and the design is rugged and reliable. The sonic qualities: tonality, detail, smoothness, and presence are outstanding. The PH-1 is optimized for medium- to high-output cartridges, either moving coil or moving magnet.
Key Features:
50dB of gain with low hum and noise
Allows the use medium- to high-output cartridges.
TexTool ZIF socket connected to phono inputs
Allows any shunt loading resistor or capacitor to be effectively attached.
Three stage design with passive RIAA equalization
Equalization is at within +/- 0.2dB from 20Hz to 20KHz and is at to +/- 0.5dB to 40KHz. Last two stages have gentle feedback and can drive as low as 8K loads without the use of cathode followers.
All key audio circuits wired point-to-point using military-style terminal boards
Sonic degradation due to ber-glass PC boards is minimized.
One 6N1P tube, two 12AX7/ECC83 tubes and two 5687 tubes. All but 6N1P are run in Cool-Swap Conguration
An idle spare in each tube, plus tubes run cooler.
Lundahl choke loads for each triode
Allows tubes to run in their most linear mode and permits lower plate supply voltage
Low-Gain MOSFET high voltage regulation
One regulator per channel minimizes cross-talk and gives a rm, stable sound without sounding “solid-state”.
Designed and built in the United States using the best parts from around the world.
Artemis Labs products are distributed by:
AYDN Vacuum Tube Audio 679 Easy Street, Unit E Simi Valley, California 93065 USA Tel: +1 818 216-7882 email: